note description: "Eiffel Vision WEL key conversion. Provides a function%N% %for WEL to vision2 conversion and for vision2 to WEL conversion." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "generated" revision: "generated" class EV_WEL_KEY_CONVERSION inherit WEL_VK_CONSTANTS EV_KEY_CONSTANTS feature -- Conversion key_code_to_wel (a_key_code: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Corresponding WEL code for `a_key_code'. require a_key_code_valid: valid_key_code (a_key_code) do Result := v2_to_wel_table @ a_key_code end key_code_from_wel (a_wel_code: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Corresponding key code for `a_wel_code'. require a_wel_code_valid: valid_wel_code (a_wel_code) do Result := wel_to_v2_table.item (a_wel_code) end feature -- Contract support valid_wel_code (a_wel_code: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_wel_code' valid? do Result := wel_to_v2_table.has (a_wel_code) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation v2_to_wel_table: ARRAY [INTEGER] -- WEL keycodes indexed by Vision2 key code. once create Result.make_filled (0, Key_0, Key_menu) Result.put (48, Key_0) Result.put (49, Key_1) Result.put (50, Key_2) Result.put (51, Key_3) Result.put (52, Key_4) Result.put (53, Key_5) Result.put (54, Key_6) Result.put (55, Key_7) Result.put (56, Key_8) Result.put (57, Key_9) Result.put (Vk_numpad0, Key_numpad_0) Result.put (Vk_numpad1, Key_numpad_1) Result.put (Vk_numpad2, Key_numpad_2) Result.put (Vk_numpad3, Key_numpad_3) Result.put (Vk_numpad4, Key_numpad_4) Result.put (Vk_numpad5, Key_numpad_5) Result.put (Vk_numpad6, Key_numpad_6) Result.put (Vk_numpad7, Key_numpad_7) Result.put (Vk_numpad8, Key_numpad_8) Result.put (Vk_numpad9, Key_numpad_9) Result.put (Vk_add, Key_numpad_add) Result.put (Vk_divide, Key_numpad_divide) Result.put (Vk_multiply, Key_numpad_multiply) Result.put (Vk_numlock, Key_num_lock) Result.put (Vk_subtract, Key_numpad_subtract) Result.put (Vk_decimal, Key_numpad_decimal) Result.put (Vk_f1, Key_f1) Result.put (Vk_f2, Key_f2) Result.put (Vk_f3, Key_f3) Result.put (Vk_f4, Key_f4) Result.put (Vk_f5, Key_f5) Result.put (Vk_f6, Key_f6) Result.put (Vk_f7, Key_f7) Result.put (Vk_f8, Key_f8) Result.put (Vk_f9, Key_f9) Result.put (Vk_f10, Key_f10) Result.put (Vk_f11, Key_f11) Result.put (Vk_f12, Key_f12) Result.put (Vk_space, Key_space) Result.put (Vk_back, Key_back_space) Result.put (Vk_return, Key_enter) Result.put (Vk_escape, Key_escape) Result.put (Vk_tab, Key_tab) Result.put (Vk_pause, Key_pause) Result.put (Vk_capital, Key_caps_lock) Result.put (Vk_scroll, Key_scroll_lock) Result.put (188, Key_comma) Result.put (187, Key_equal) Result.put (190, Key_period) Result.put (186, Key_semicolon) Result.put (219, Key_open_bracket) Result.put (221, Key_close_bracket) Result.put (191, Key_slash) Result.put (220, Key_backslash) Result.put (222, Key_quote) Result.put (192, Key_backquote) Result.put (189, Key_dash) Result.put (Vk_up, Key_up) Result.put (Vk_down, Key_down) Result.put (Vk_left, Key_left) Result.put (Vk_right, Key_right) Result.put (Vk_prior, Key_page_up) Result.put (Vk_next, Key_page_down) Result.put (Vk_home, Key_home) Result.put (Vk_end, Key_end) Result.put (Vk_insert, Key_insert) Result.put (Vk_delete, Key_delete) Result.put (65, Key_a) Result.put (66, Key_b) Result.put (67, Key_c) Result.put (68, Key_d) Result.put (69, Key_e) Result.put (70, Key_f) Result.put (71, Key_g) Result.put (72, Key_h) Result.put (73, Key_i) Result.put (74, Key_j) Result.put (75, Key_k) Result.put (76, Key_l) Result.put (77, Key_m) Result.put (78, Key_n) Result.put (79, Key_o) Result.put (80, Key_p) Result.put (81, Key_q) Result.put (82, Key_r) Result.put (83, Key_s) Result.put (84, Key_t) Result.put (85, Key_u) Result.put (86, Key_v) Result.put (87, Key_w) Result.put (88, Key_x) Result.put (89, Key_y) Result.put (90, Key_z) Result.put (16, Key_shift) Result.put (17, Key_ctrl) Result.put (Vk_menu, Key_alt) Result.put (91, Key_left_meta) Result.put (92, Key_right_meta) Result.put (Vk_apps, Key_menu) end wel_to_v2_table: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER, INTEGER] -- Vision2 keycodes indexed by WEL key code. once create Result.make (128) Result.put (Key_0, 48) Result.put (Key_1, 49) Result.put (Key_2, 50) Result.put (Key_3, 51) Result.put (Key_4, 52) Result.put (Key_5, 53) Result.put (Key_6, 54) Result.put (Key_7, 55) Result.put (Key_8, 56) Result.put (Key_9, 57) Result.put (Key_numpad_0, Vk_numpad0) Result.put (Key_numpad_1, Vk_numpad1) Result.put (Key_numpad_2, Vk_numpad2) Result.put (Key_numpad_3, Vk_numpad3) Result.put (Key_numpad_4, Vk_numpad4) Result.put (Key_numpad_5, Vk_numpad5) Result.put (Key_numpad_6, Vk_numpad6) Result.put (Key_numpad_7, Vk_numpad7) Result.put (Key_numpad_8, Vk_numpad8) Result.put (Key_numpad_9, Vk_numpad9) Result.put (Key_numpad_add, Vk_add) Result.put (Key_numpad_divide, Vk_divide) Result.put (Key_numpad_multiply, Vk_multiply) Result.put (Key_num_lock, Vk_numlock) Result.put (Key_numpad_subtract, Vk_subtract) Result.put (Key_numpad_decimal, Vk_decimal) Result.put (Key_f1, Vk_f1) Result.put (Key_f2, Vk_f2) Result.put (Key_f3, Vk_f3) Result.put (Key_f4, Vk_f4) Result.put (Key_f5, Vk_f5) Result.put (Key_f6, Vk_f6) Result.put (Key_f7, Vk_f7) Result.put (Key_f8, Vk_f8) Result.put (Key_f9, Vk_f9) Result.put (Key_f10, Vk_f10) Result.put (Key_f11, Vk_f11) Result.put (Key_f12, Vk_f12) Result.put (Key_space, Vk_space) Result.put (Key_back_space, Vk_back) Result.put (Key_enter, Vk_return) Result.put (Key_escape, Vk_escape) Result.put (Key_tab, Vk_tab) Result.put (Key_tab, Vk_tab) Result.put (Key_pause, Vk_pause) Result.put (Key_caps_lock, Vk_capital) Result.put (Key_scroll_lock, Vk_scroll) Result.put (Key_comma, 188) Result.put (Key_equal, 187) Result.put (Key_period, 190) Result.put (Key_semicolon, 186) Result.put (Key_open_bracket, 219) Result.put (Key_close_bracket, 221) Result.put (Key_slash, 191) Result.put (Key_backslash, 220) Result.put (Key_quote, 222) Result.put (Key_backquote, 192) Result.put (Key_dash, 189) Result.put (Key_up, Vk_up) Result.put (Key_up, Vk_up) Result.put (Key_down, Vk_down) Result.put (Key_down, Vk_down) Result.put (Key_left, Vk_left) Result.put (Key_left, Vk_left) Result.put (Key_right, Vk_right) Result.put (Key_right, Vk_right) Result.put (Key_page_up, Vk_prior) Result.put (Key_page_up, Vk_prior) Result.put (Key_page_down, Vk_next) Result.put (Key_page_down, Vk_next) Result.put (Key_home, Vk_home) Result.put (Key_home, Vk_home) Result.put (Key_end, Vk_end) Result.put (Key_end, Vk_end) Result.put (Key_insert, Vk_insert) Result.put (Key_insert, Vk_insert) Result.put (Key_delete, Vk_delete) Result.put (Key_delete, Vk_delete) Result.put (Key_a, 65) Result.put (Key_b, 66) Result.put (Key_c, 67) Result.put (Key_d, 68) Result.put (Key_e, 69) Result.put (Key_f, 70) Result.put (Key_g, 71) Result.put (Key_h, 72) Result.put (Key_i, 73) Result.put (Key_j, 74) Result.put (Key_k, 75) Result.put (Key_l, 76) Result.put (Key_m, 77) Result.put (Key_n, 78) Result.put (Key_o, 79) Result.put (Key_p, 80) Result.put (Key_q, 81) Result.put (Key_r, 82) Result.put (Key_s, 83) Result.put (Key_t, 84) Result.put (Key_u, 85) Result.put (Key_v, 86) Result.put (Key_w, 87) Result.put (Key_x, 88) Result.put (Key_y, 89) Result.put (Key_z, 90) Result.put (Key_a, 97) Result.put (Key_b, 98) Result.put (Key_c, 99) Result.put (Key_d, 100) Result.put (Key_e, 101) Result.put (Key_f, 102) Result.put (Key_g, 103) Result.put (Key_h, 104) Result.put (Key_i, 105) Result.put (Key_j, 106) Result.put (Key_k, 107) Result.put (Key_l, 108) Result.put (Key_m, 109) Result.put (Key_n, 110) Result.put (Key_o, 111) Result.put (Key_p, 112) Result.put (Key_q, 113) Result.put (Key_r, 114) Result.put (Key_s, 115) Result.put (Key_t, 116) Result.put (Key_u, 117) Result.put (Key_v, 118) Result.put (Key_w, 119) Result.put (Key_x, 120) Result.put (Key_y, 121) Result.put (Key_z, 122) Result.put (Key_shift, 16) Result.put (Key_ctrl, 17) Result.put (Key_left_meta, 91) Result.put (Key_right_meta, 92) Result.put (Key_alt, vk_menu) Result.put (Key_menu, Vk_apps) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_WEL_KEY_CONVERSION