note description: "EiffelVision push button. Mswindows implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_BUTTON_IMP inherit EV_BUTTON_I redefine interface end EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP undefine set_default_minimum_size redefine on_key_down, make, interface, update_current_push_button, on_mouse_enter, on_mouse_leave, fire_select_actions_on_enter end EV_TEXT_ALIGNABLE_IMP redefine set_default_minimum_size, align_text_center, align_text_left, align_text_right, interface end EV_PIXMAPABLE_IMP redefine set_pixmap, remove_pixmap, interface end EV_FONTABLE_IMP redefine interface, set_font end WEL_BS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_BM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_DRAWING_ROUTINES WEL_BITMAP_BUTTON rename make as wel_make, parent as wel_parent, set_parent as wel_set_parent, shown as is_displayed, destroy as wel_destroy, item as wel_item, enabled as is_sensitive, width as wel_width, height as wel_height, x as x_position, y as y_position, move as wel_move, resize as wel_resize, move_and_resize as wel_move_and_resize, text as wel_text, set_text as wel_set_text, font as wel_font, set_font as wel_set_font, background_color as wel_background_color, foreground_color as wel_foreground_color, has_capture as wel_has_capture undefine set_width, set_height, on_left_button_down, on_middle_button_down, on_right_button_down, on_left_button_up, on_middle_button_up, on_right_button_up, on_left_button_double_click, on_middle_button_double_click, on_right_button_double_click, on_mouse_move, on_mouse_wheel, on_set_focus, on_desactivate, on_kill_focus, on_key_down, on_key_up, on_char, on_set_cursor, on_size, show, hide, x_position, y_position, wel_background_color, wel_foreground_color, on_sys_key_down, on_sys_key_up, default_process_message, on_getdlgcode, on_wm_dropfiles redefine default_style, on_bn_clicked, wel_set_text, on_erase_background, on_wm_theme_changed end WEL_THEME_PBS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_THEME_PART_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_ODS_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_SHARED_METRICS export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create `Current' with interface `an_interface'. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Initialize `Current'. do wel_make (default_parent, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) extra_width := 20 text_alignment := default_alignment -- Retrieve the theme for the button. open_theme := application_imp.theme_drawer.open_theme_data (wel_item, "Button") Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} set_default_font end feature -- Access extra_width: INTEGER -- Extra width on the size. is_default_push_button: BOOLEAN -- Is this button currently a default push button -- for a particular container? feature -- Status setting set_default_minimum_size -- Reset `Current' to its default minimum size. local font_imp: detachable EV_FONT_IMP w,h: INTEGER l_text: like wel_text do l_text := wel_text if not l_text.is_empty then if private_font /= Void then font_imp ?= private_font.implementation check font_not_void: font_imp /= Void then end w := extra_width + font_imp.string_width (l_text) h := h.max (19 * font_imp.height // 9) elseif attached private_wel_font as l_private_wel_font then w := extra_width + l_private_wel_font.string_width (l_text) h := h.max (19 * l_private_wel_font.height // 9) else check False end end end if pixmap_imp /= Void and then attached private_pixmap as l_private_pixmap then if l_text.is_empty then w := l_private_pixmap.width + pixmap_border * 2 else w := w + l_private_pixmap.width + pixmap_border end h := h.max (l_private_pixmap.height + pixmap_border * 2) end if l_text.is_empty and pixmap_imp = Void then w := w + extra_width h := h + internal_default_height end -- Finally, we set the minimum values. ev_set_minimum_size (w, h, False) end align_text_left -- Display `text' with alignment to left of `Current'. local new_style: INTEGER do new_style := clear_flag (style, Bs_center) new_style := clear_flag (new_style, Bs_right) new_style := set_flag (new_style, Bs_left) set_style (new_style) text_alignment := {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.Ev_Text_alignment_left invalidate end align_text_right -- Display `text' with alignment to right of `Current'. local new_style: INTEGER do new_style := clear_flag (style, Bs_center) new_style := clear_flag (new_style, Bs_left) new_style := set_flag (new_style, Bs_right) set_style (new_style) text_alignment := {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.Ev_Text_alignment_right invalidate end align_text_center -- -- Display `text' with alignment in center of `Current'. local new_style: INTEGER do new_style := clear_flag (style, Bs_right) new_style := clear_flag (new_style, Bs_left) new_style := set_flag (new_style, Bs_center) set_style (new_style) text_alignment := {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.Ev_Text_alignment_center invalidate end enable_default_push_button -- Set the style "default_push_button" of `Current'. do is_default_push_button := True if internal_bitmap /= Void then invalidate else {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, bm_setstyle, to_wparam (style | bs_defpushbutton), cwin_make_long (1, 0)) end end disable_default_push_button -- Remove the style "default_push_button" of `Current'. do is_default_push_button := False if flag_set (style, bs_ownerdraw) then invalidate else {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, bm_setstyle, to_wparam (style & bs_defpushbutton.bit_not), cwin_make_long (1, 0)) end end enable_can_default --| Implementation only needed for GTK do --| Do nothing as this is the default on Win32. end feature -- Element change set_pixmap (pix: EV_PIXMAP) -- Make `pix' the pixmap of `Current'. local internal_pixmap_state: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP_STATE l_internal_bitmap: detachable WEL_BITMAP font_imp: detachable EV_FONT_IMP size_difference: INTEGER l_private_pixmap: like private_pixmap do l_private_pixmap := pix.twin private_pixmap := l_private_pixmap if not text.is_empty then if attached private_font as l_private_font then font_imp ?= l_private_font.implementation check font_not_void: font_imp /= Void then end size_difference := font_imp.string_width (wel_text) elseif attached private_wel_font as l_private_wel_font then size_difference := l_private_wel_font.string_width (wel_text) else check False end end end internal_pixmap_state ?= l_private_pixmap.implementation check internal_pixmap_state /= Void then end l_internal_bitmap := internal_pixmap_state.get_bitmap internal_bitmap := l_internal_bitmap l_internal_bitmap.decrement_reference set_default_minimum_size invalidate end set_font (ft: EV_FONT) -- Make `ft' new font of `Current'. do Precursor {EV_FONTABLE_IMP} (ft) set_default_minimum_size end remove_pixmap -- Remove `pixmap' from `Current'. do Precursor {EV_PIXMAPABLE_IMP} set_default_minimum_size invalidate end wel_set_text (txt: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign `txt' to `text' of `Current'. do Precursor {WEL_BITMAP_BUTTON} (txt) set_default_minimum_size end feature {NONE} -- Implementation, focus event internal_default_height: INTEGER -- The default minimum height of `Current' with no text. do Result := 7 end update_current_push_button -- Update the current push button -- -- Current is a push button, so we set it to be -- the current push button. local top_level_dialog_imp: detachable EV_DIALOG_I do top_level_dialog_imp ?= application_imp.window_with_focus if top_level_dialog_imp /= Void then top_level_dialog_imp.set_current_push_button (interface) else -- Current is not in a dialog so Current should not -- have the `is_default_push_button' flag. disable_default_push_button end end fire_select_actions_on_enter -- Call select_actions to respond to Enter key press if -- Current supports it. do if is_sensitive then if select_actions_internal /= Void and then not select_actions_internal.is_empty then (Void) end end end feature {NONE} -- WEL Implementation default_style: INTEGER -- Default style used to create `Current'. do Result := ws_visible | ws_child | ws_group | ws_tabstop | Ws_clipchildren | Ws_clipsiblings | Bs_ownerdraw end on_bn_clicked -- `Current' has been pressed. do if select_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end end on_key_down (virtual_key, key_data: INTEGER) -- A key has been pressed. do process_navigation_key (virtual_key) Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} (virtual_key, key_data) end on_wm_theme_changed -- WM_THEMECHANGED message received so update current theme object. do application_imp.theme_drawer.close_theme_data (open_theme) application_imp.update_theme_drawer open_theme := application_imp.theme_drawer.open_theme_data (wel_item, "Button") end open_theme: POINTER -- Theme currently open for `Current'. May be Void while running on Windows versions that -- do no support theming. feature {EV_ANY_I} -- Drawing implementation has_pushed_appearence (state: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Should `Current' have the appearence of being -- pressed? do Result := flag_set (state, Ods_selected) end pixmap_border: INTEGER = 4 -- spacing between image and edge of `Current'. focus_rect_border: INTEGER = 3 -- Distance of focus rectangle from edge of button. internal_background_brush: WEL_BRUSH -- `Result' is background brush to be used for `Current'. local color_imp: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP color: EV_COLOR do color_imp := background_color_imp if color_imp = Void then create color color_imp ?= color.implementation check color_imp /= Void then end color_imp.set_with_system_id ({WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS}.Color_btnface) end create Result.make_solid (color_imp) end on_draw_item (draw_item: WEL_DRAW_ITEM_STRUCT) -- Wm_drawitem message received. We must now draw `Current' -- ourselves with the information in `draw_item'. local dc: WEL_CLIENT_DC -- Temporary dc for quicker access to that of `draw_item'. text_rect: WEL_RECT -- Rect used to draw the text of `Current'. internal_pixmap_state: detachable EV_PIXMAP_IMP_STATE -- Pixmap state used to retrieve information about the pixmap of `Current', Void -- if there is no pixmap. wel_bitmap: detachable WEL_BITMAP -- Bitmap used to draw `internal_pixmap_state' on `Current' if it is not Void. l_rect: WEL_RECT -- Rect of `Current' retrieved from `draw_item'. focus_rect: WEL_RECT -- Rect used to draw focus rect. Is `l_rect' inflated negatively, using `focus_rect_border'. state: INTEGER -- State of `Current' as retrieved from `draw_item'. memory_dc: WEL_DC -- Dc used to perform all drawing on. This cuts out the flicker that would be present if -- we did not buffer the drawing. font_imp: detachable EV_FONT_IMP -- Temporary font implementation used when retrieving font of `Current'. height_offset: INTEGER -- If `internal_pixmap_state' is not Void, this is used to find the number of pixels vertically from -- the top of `Current' to where the pixmap should be drawn. color_imp: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP -- Temporary color implementation. image_width, image_height: INTEGER -- Width/height of current image, or 0 when `internal_pixmap_state' is Void. text_width: INTEGER -- Width of text on `Current', or 0 if there is no text. image_pixmap_space: INTEGER -- Space between image and text. combined_width: INTEGER -- Width of image + image_pixmap_space + text. left_position: INTEGER -- Horizontal position to begin drawing either the image, or text. Note that if both are set, -- this will be the start of the image, as the text is always to the right. right_spacing: INTEGER -- spacing required on right had side of image and text. -- Equal to `image_pixmap_space' when there is a text, or -- `pixmap_border' // 2 when there is no text. left_spacing: INTEGER -- spacing required on left had side of image and text. -- Equal to `image_pixmap_space' when there is a text, or -- `pixmap_border' // 2 when there is no text. mask_bitmap: detachable WEL_BITMAP -- Mask bitmap of current image. l_background_brush: detachable WEL_BRUSH color_ref: WEL_COLOR_REF coordinate: EV_COORDINATE drawstate: INTEGER -- Drawstate of the button. theme_drawer: EV_THEME_DRAWER_IMP -- Theme drawer currently in use. l_internal_brush: WEL_BRUSH l_is_remote: BOOLEAN l_icon: WEL_ICON do theme_drawer := application_imp.theme_drawer l_is_remote := metrics.is_remote_session -- Local access to information in `draw_item'. dc := draw_item.dc l_rect := draw_item.rect_item state := draw_item.item_state if l_is_remote then memory_dc := dc else -- Create `memory_dc' for double buffering, and select -- a bitmap compatible with `dc' ready for drawing. create {WEL_MEMORY_DC} memory_dc.make_by_dc (dc) create wel_bitmap.make_compatible (dc, l_rect.width, l_rect.height) memory_dc.select_bitmap (wel_bitmap) wel_bitmap.dispose end -- Now set both the font and background colors of `memory_dc'. color_imp ?= background_color.implementation check color_imp_not_void: color_imp /= Void then end memory_dc.set_background_color (color_imp) -- We are unable to query the font directly from `dc', so we set it ourselves. if private_font /= Void then font_imp ?= private_font.implementation check font_not_void: font_imp /= Void then end memory_dc.select_font (font_imp.wel_font) elseif attached private_wel_font as l_private_wel_font then memory_dc.select_font (l_private_wel_font) else check False end end -- Calculate the draw state flags and then draw the background if has_pushed_appearence (state) then drawstate := pbs_pressed else if not is_sensitive then drawstate := pbs_disabled elseif flag_set (state, ods_hotlight) or mouse_on_button then --| FIXME This is a big hack as `mouse_on_button' is used as we do not seem to --| get the ODS_HOTLIGHT notification? drawstate := pbs_hot elseif flag_set (state, Ods_focus) or else (is_default_push_button and then attached top_level_window_imp as l_top_level_window_imp and then l_top_level_window_imp.has_focus) then drawstate := pbs_defaulted else drawstate := pbs_normal end end -- Need to first clear the area to the background color of `parent_imp' if attached {EV_WEL_CONTROL_CONTAINER_IMP} parent_imp as l_parent then l_parent.set_is_theme_background_requested (True) theme_drawer.draw_theme_parent_background (wel_item, memory_dc, l_rect, Void) l_parent.set_is_theme_background_requested (False) end -- We set the text color of `memory_dc' to white, so that if we are -- a toggle button, and must draw the checked background, it uses white combined with -- the current background color. We then restore the original `text_color' back into `memory_dc'. color_ref := memory_dc.text_color memory_dc.set_text_color (white) l_internal_brush := internal_background_brush theme_drawer.draw_theme_background (open_theme, memory_dc, bp_pushbutton, drawstate, l_rect, Void, l_internal_brush) l_internal_brush.delete memory_dc.set_text_color (color_ref) create focus_rect.make (l_rect.left,, l_rect.right, l_rect.bottom) create text_rect.make (l_rect.left,, l_rect.right, l_rect.bottom) focus_rect.inflate (-focus_rect_border, -focus_rect_border) if has_pushed_appearence (state) then drawstate := ods_selected else if is_default_push_button then drawstate := ods_default else drawstate := ods_grayed end end -- Draw the edge of the button. theme_drawer.draw_button_edge (memory_dc, drawstate, text_rect) -- If there is a pixmap on `Current', then assign its implementation to --`internal_pixmap_state' and store its width in `image_width'. if attached private_pixmap as l_private_pixmap then internal_pixmap_state ?= l_private_pixmap.implementation check internal_pixmap_state /= Void then end -- Compute values for re-sizing image_width := internal_pixmap_state.width image_height := internal_pixmap_state.height end -- Compute width required to display `text' of `Current', and -- aassign it to `text_width'. text_width := memory_dc.tabbed_text_size (text).width -- Compute number of pixels space between an image and a text. This is also -- used as the extra spacing on each side of the text of `Current'. image_pixmap_space := extra_width // 2 -- Calculate `combined_space', `right_space', and `left_space' for -- all three cases :- text only, pixmap only or both. if text.is_empty then combined_width := image_width right_spacing := pixmap_border left_spacing := pixmap_border elseif private_pixmap = Void then combined_width := text_width right_spacing := image_pixmap_space left_spacing := image_pixmap_space else image_pixmap_space := pixmap_border combined_width := image_width + text_width + image_pixmap_space left_spacing := (width - combined_width) // 2 right_spacing := left_spacing end -- Calculate `left_position' which is the offset in pixels from the left of the button -- to draw the first graphical element. If a pixmap is set in `Current', then it will always be the first, -- as the text is always aligned to the right of the pixmap. if text_alignment = {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.ev_text_alignment_left then left_position := left_spacing elseif text_alignment = {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.ev_text_alignment_center then left_position := (width - combined_width) // 2 - ((right_spacing - left_spacing) // 2) elseif text_alignment = {EV_TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CONSTANTS}.ev_text_alignment_right then left_position := width - combined_width - right_spacing end -- Now assign the left edge of the text rectangle. -- Note that if there is no image, `image_width' is 0, and we do not -- add on `image_pixmap_space'. text_rect.set_left (left_position + image_width + ((private_pixmap /= Void).to_integer * image_pixmap_space)) theme_drawer.update_button_text_rect_for_state (open_theme, state, text_rect) if foreground_color_imp /= Void then color_imp := foreground_color_imp else color_imp ?= default_foreground_color_imp end check color_imp /= Void then end theme_drawer.draw_text (open_theme, memory_dc, bp_pushbutton, pbs_normal, wel_text, dt_left | dt_vcenter | dt_singleline, is_sensitive, text_rect, color_imp) -- If we have a pixmap set on `Current', then we must draw it. if internal_pixmap_state /= Void then -- Compute distance from top of button to display image. height_offset := (height - internal_pixmap_state.height - pixmap_border * 2) // 2 -- Retrieve the image of `Current'. wel_bitmap := internal_bitmap check wel_bitmap /= Void then end -- Perform the drawing. if internal_pixmap_state.has_mask then mask_bitmap := internal_pixmap_state.get_mask_bitmap end -- Modify the coordinates of the image one pixel to right -- and one pixel down if the button is currently depressed. create coordinate.make (left_position, pixmap_border + height_offset) theme_drawer.update_button_pixmap_coordinates_for_state (open_theme, state, coordinate) if attached disabled_image as l_disabled_image then -- GDI+ is installed, convert image to WEL_ICON and use icon rendering as this handles alpha data. l_icon := internal_pixmap_state.build_icon color_imp ?= background_color.implementation check color_imp_not_void: color_imp /= Void then end if not is_sensitive then l_disabled_image.draw_grayscale_bitmap_or_icon_with_memory_buffer (wel_bitmap, l_icon, memory_dc, coordinate.x, coordinate.y, color_imp, internal_pixmap_state.has_mask) else -- In this way it creating the icon resource on each draw. -- This could be done with GDI+ features, however it will create {WEL_GDIP_IMAGE} on each draw memory_dc.draw_icon_ex (l_icon, coordinate.x, coordinate.y, image_width, image_height, 0, Void, 0x3) -- 0x3 = DI_NORMAL (DI_IMAGE | DI_MASK) end l_icon.dispose else theme_drawer.draw_bitmap_on_dc (memory_dc, wel_bitmap, mask_bitmap, coordinate.x, coordinate.y, is_sensitive) end end -- If `Current' has the focus, then we must draw the focus rectangle. if flag_set (state, ods_focus) then -- If `is_default_push_button' then `Current' is being -- drawn as the focused button in a dialog. We must move -- `focus_rect' away from the extra thick border. if is_default_push_button then focus_rect.inflate (-1, -1) end draw_focus_rect (memory_dc, focus_rect) end if not l_is_remote then -- Copy the image from `memory_dc' to `dc' which is the dc originally provided -- in `draw_item_state'. dc.bit_blt (l_rect.left,, l_rect.width, l_rect.height, memory_dc, 0, 0, {WEL_RASTER_OPERATIONS_CONSTANTS}.Srccopy) end -- Clean up GDI objects created. memory_dc.unselect_all memory_dc.delete if l_background_brush /= Void then l_background_brush.delete end if mask_bitmap /= Void then mask_bitmap.decrement_reference end end disabled_image: detachable WEL_GDIP_GRAYSCALE_IMAGE_DRAWER -- Grayscale image drawer. -- Void if Gdi+ not installed. local l_gdip_starter: WEL_GDIP_STARTER once create l_gdip_starter if l_gdip_starter.is_gdi_plus_installed then create Result end end on_erase_background (paint_dc: WEL_PAINT_DC; invalid_rect: WEL_RECT) -- Wm_erase_background message has been received by Windows. -- We must override the default processing, as if we do not, then -- Windows will draw the background for us, even though it is not needed. -- This causes flicker. do disable_default_processing set_message_return_value (to_lresult (1)) end white: WEL_COLOR_REF -- `Result' is color corresponding to white once Create Result.make_rgb (255, 255, 255) end default_foreground_color_imp: EV_COLOR_IMP -- Default foreground color for widgets. local l_result: detachable EV_COLOR_IMP once l_result ?= (create {EV_STOCK_COLORS}).default_foreground_color.implementation check l_result /= Void then end Result := l_result ensure result_not_void: result /= Void end mouse_on_button: BOOLEAN -- Is the mouse pointer currently held above `Current'? Used as -- a temporary hack until it can be found why Ods_hottrack does not seem to -- be sent when it should. on_mouse_enter -- Called when the mouse enters `Current'. do Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} mouse_on_button := True invalidate end on_mouse_leave -- Called when the mouse leaves `Current'. do Precursor {EV_PRIMITIVE_IMP} mouse_on_button := False invalidate end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_BUTTON note option: stable attribute end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2017, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EV_BUTTON_IMP