note description: "EiffelVision text area. Mswindows implementation." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_TEXT_IMP inherit EV_TEXT_I undefine text_length redefine interface, selected_text end EV_FONTABLE_IMP redefine interface end EV_TEXT_COMPONENT_IMP redefine append_text, interface, make, insert_text, on_key_down, selected_text, ignore_character_code, is_multiline, is_replacing_nl_by_crnl, text_length end WEL_MULTIPLE_LINE_EDIT rename make as wel_make, parent as wel_parent, set_parent as wel_set_parent, background_color as wel_background_color, foreground_color as wel_foreground_color, font as wel_font, set_font as wel_set_font, destroy as wel_destroy, shown as is_displayed, clip_cut as cut_selection, clip_copy as copy_selection, unselect as deselect_all, selection_start as wel_selection_start, selection_end as wel_selection_end, set_selection as wel_set_selection, line as wel_line, line_index as wel_line_index, current_line_number as wel_current_line_number, width as wel_width, height as wel_height, item as wel_item, caret_position as wel_caret_position, set_caret_position as wel_set_caret_position, enabled as is_sensitive, x as x_position, y as y_position, move as wel_move, move_and_resize as wel_move_and_resize, resize as wel_resize, set_text as wel_set_text, text as wel_text, text_substring as wel_text_substring, has_capture as wel_has_capture, text_length as wel_text_length, line_count as wel_line_count, first_visible_line as wel_first_visible_line undefine set_width, set_height, on_left_button_down, on_middle_button_down, on_right_button_down, on_left_button_up, on_middle_button_up, on_right_button_up, on_left_button_double_click, on_middle_button_double_click, on_right_button_double_click, on_mouse_move, on_mouse_wheel, on_set_focus, on_desactivate, on_kill_focus, on_key_down, on_key_up, on_char, on_set_cursor, wel_background_color, wel_foreground_color, show, hide, on_size, x_position, y_position, select_all, on_sys_key_down, on_sys_key_up, default_process_message, on_getdlgcode, on_wm_dropfiles redefine default_style, default_ex_style, on_en_change, enable, disable, background_brush end WEL_EM_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_COLOR_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_LOCK export {NONE} all end create make feature -- Initialization old_make (an_interface: attached like interface) -- Create `Current' empty. do assign_interface (an_interface) end make -- Initialize `Current'. do initialize_text_widget Precursor {EV_TEXT_COMPONENT_IMP} enable_scroll_caret_at_selection end initialize_text_widget -- Initialize text widget. do wel_make (default_parent, "", 0, 0, 0, 0,0) show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Remove the standard upper limit on characters in -- `Current'. Default is 32,767. {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, Em_limittext, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) set_default_font end feature -- Access has_word_wrapping: BOOLEAN -- Is word wrapping enabled? -- If enabled, lines that are too long to be displayed -- in `Current' will be wrapped onto new lines. -- If disabled, a horizontal scroll bar will be displayed -- and lines will not be wrapped. do Result := not flag_set (style, Ws_hscroll) end is_replacing_nl_by_crnl: BOOLEAN do Result := True end line (i: INTEGER): STRING_32 -- `Result' is content of the `i'th line. do Result := wel_line (i - 1) -- `wel_line' does not include the new line characters, so must add a -- new line character if necessary. As word wrapping may be enabled, we must -- only add the new line character if enabled, and the line really should -- have a new character, for example, if the line was wrapped, then we must not append. -- This is calculated by comparing the length of the line with the start offset and -- the start offset of the next line, to determine if the new line character is missing. if has_word_wrapping then if i < line_count and then wel_line_index (i) > Result.count + wel_line_index (i - 1) then Result.append_character ('%N') end elseif i < line_count then Result.append_character ('%N') end end text: STRING_32 -- Text of `Current'. local length: INTEGER l_wel_string: WEL_STRING nb: INTEGER do length := wel_text_length if length > 0 then length := length + 1 --| FIXME IEK Replace with reusable buffer. -- l_wel_string := wel_string_restricted (length) create l_wel_string.make_empty (length) nb := cwin_get_window_text (wel_item, l_wel_string.item, length) Result := l_wel_string.string_discarding_carriage_return else create Result.make (0) end end set_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Assign `a_text' to `text'. local l_wel_string: WEL_STRING do -- l_wel_string := wel_string_from_string_with_newline_conversion (a_text) create l_wel_string.make_with_newline_conversion (a_text) {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, {WEL_WM_CONSTANTS}.wm_settext, {WEL_API}.lparam (0), l_wel_string.item) -- Explicitly fire En_change action to emulate single line behavior. {WEL_API}.send_message (default_parent.item, Wm_command, to_wparam (En_change |<< 16) , wel_item) end line_count: INTEGER -- Number of lines of text in `Current'. do Result := wel_line_count end first_visible_line: INTEGER -- do Result := wel_first_visible_line + 1 end insert_text (txt: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Insert `txt' at `caret_position'. local previous_caret_position: INTEGER sel_start, sel_end: INTEGER l_wel_string: WEL_STRING do previous_caret_position := internal_wel_caret_position if has_selection then sel_start := wel_selection_start sel_end := wel_selection_end wel_set_selection (previous_caret_position, previous_caret_position) end create l_wel_string.make_with_newline_conversion (txt) {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, Em_replacesel, to_wparam (0), l_wel_string.item) if has_selection then wel_set_selection (sel_start, sel_end) end wel_set_caret_position (previous_caret_position) end feature -- Status Report current_line_number: INTEGER -- Returns the number of the line the cursor currently -- is on. do Result := wel_current_line_number + 1 end first_position_from_line_number (a_line: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of the first character on the `i'-th line. local new_lines_to_first_position: INTEGER do new_lines_to_first_position := wel_text.substring (1, wel_line_index (a_line - 1)).occurrences ('%R') -- We must not include the %R as the Vision2 interface does not include them. Result := wel_line_index (a_line - 1) + 1 - new_lines_to_first_position end last_position_from_line_number (a_line: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of the last character on the `i'-th line. local new_lines_to_first_position: INTEGER do if valid_line_index (a_line + 1) then Result := first_position_from_line_number (a_line + 1) - 1 else new_lines_to_first_position := wel_text.substring (1, wel_line_index (a_line - 1)).occurrences ('%R') Result := wel_text_length - new_lines_to_first_position end end line_number_from_position (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Line containing caret position `i'. local l_actual_caret_position: INTEGER do l_actual_caret_position := actual_position_from_caret_position (i) Result := {WEL_API}.send_message_result_integer (wel_item, em_linefromchar, to_wparam (l_actual_caret_position + 1), to_lparam (0)) + 1 end selected_text: STRING_32 -- Text currently selected in `Current'. local start_pos, end_pos, nb: INTEGER l_wel_string: WEL_STRING do -- Selection is given in code units not in visible characters. {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, Em_getsel, $start_pos, $end_pos) check end_greater_than_start: start_pos <= end_pos end -- Create a WEL_STRING big enough to contain up to the end of the selection. create l_wel_string.make_empty (end_pos + 1) nb := cwin_get_window_text (wel_item, l_wel_string.item, end_pos + 1) check valid_count: nb = end_pos end Result := l_wel_string.substring (start_pos + 1, end_pos) Result.prune_all ('%R') end text_length: INTEGER -- Number of characters comprising `text'. This is an optimized -- version, which only recomputes the length if not `text_up_to_date'. local l_length: INTEGER do if not text_up_to_date then Result := Precursor {EV_TEXT_COMPONENT_IMP} internal_text_length := Result text_up_to_date := True else l_length := cwin_get_window_text_length (wel_item) if l_length /= internal_wel_text_length then Result := Precursor {EV_TEXT_COMPONENT_IMP} internal_text_length := Result internal_wel_text_length := l_length else Result := internal_text_length end end end feature -- Status Settings enable_word_wrapping -- Ensure `has_word_wrap' is True. do recreate_current (0) end disable_word_wrapping -- Ensure `has_word_wrap' is False. do recreate_current (ws_hscroll) end append_text (txt: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Append `txt' to end of `text'. local previous_caret_position: INTEGER l_wel_string: WEL_STRING do previous_caret_position := internal_wel_caret_position wel_set_caret_position (wel_text_length) create l_wel_string.make_with_newline_conversion (txt) {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, Em_replacesel, to_wparam (0), l_wel_string.item) wel_set_caret_position (previous_caret_position) end feature -- Basic operation scroll_to_line (i: INTEGER) -- Ensure that line `i' is visible in `Current'. do scroll (0, i - wel_first_visible_line - 1) end scroll_to_end -- Ensure that the last line is visible in `Current'. do scroll_to_line (line_count) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation ignore_character_code (a_character_code: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Should default processing for `a_character_code' be ignored? do -- All characters need to be default processed. end internal_text_length: INTEGER -- Internal length of `text' in `Current'. This is only recomputed when -- `text_length' is called and `text_up_to_date' is False. -- It is the length in number of characters. text_up_to_date: BOOLEAN -- Is `text' of `Current' up to date? Used to buffer calls to `text' and `text_length'. internal_wel_text_length: INTEGER -- The last value that windows returned as being the text length. -- We cannot use this directly as it includes %R%N but we can use -- it as a final check in `wel_text_length' to see if we must recomupte -- the length. -- It is the length in number of code units, not characters. feature {NONE} -- WEL Implementation background_brush: detachable WEL_BRUSH -- Current window background color used to refresh the window when -- requested by the WM_ERASEBKGND windows message. do -- We always use `background_color', unless `Current' has been made -- non editable, and the user has not set a background color. Otherwise, -- we let Window erase the content itself. if is_editable or background_color_imp /= Void then if attached {EV_COLOR_IMP} background_color.implementation as l_color then create Result.make_solid (l_color) end end end default_style: INTEGER -- Default windows style used to create `Current'. do Result := Ws_child + Ws_visible + Ws_group + Ws_tabstop + Ws_border + Es_left + Es_multiline + Es_wantreturn + Es_autovscroll + Ws_clipchildren + Ws_clipsiblings + es_nohidesel end default_ex_style: INTEGER -- Extended windows style used to create `Current'. do Result := Ws_ex_clientedge end is_multiline: BOOLEAN -- do Result := True end on_en_change -- `Text' has been modified. --| We call the change_actions. do if change_actions_internal /= Void then (Void) end -- Force recomputation of the length for performance. text_up_to_date := False end enable -- Enable mouse and keyboard input. do cwin_enable_window (wel_item, True) end disable -- Disable mouse and keyboard input do cwin_enable_window (wel_item, False) end on_key_down (virtual_key, key_data: INTEGER) -- Executed when a key is pressed. do if virtual_key = vk_escape and then attached {EV_DIALOG} top_level_window then -- There is a bug in Windows where if you hit ESC in a multiline -- edit parented at some level within a dialog, it posts a WM_CLOSE -- to its parent in the mistaken belief that it is part of a dialog box. -- By redefining `on_key_down' here, we can prevent this behaviour. Julian. -- Search for "hit ESC in a multiline edit". -- We only perform the disable if `Current' is actually parented in a dialog. disable_default_processing end if read_only then process_navigation_key (virtual_key) end Precursor {EV_TEXT_COMPONENT_IMP} (virtual_key, key_data) end recreate_current (a_additional_style: INTEGER) -- Destroy the existing widget and recreate current using the new style added with `a_additional_style'. local par_imp: detachable WEL_WINDOW cur_x: INTEGER cur_y: INTEGER cur_width: INTEGER cur_height: INTEGER l_sensitive: like is_sensitive l_tooltip: like tooltip l_text: like text l_caret: like caret_position l_is_read_only: like read_only do l_sensitive := is_sensitive l_tooltip := tooltip l_text := text l_caret := caret_position l_is_read_only := read_only set_tooltip ("") -- We keep some useful informations that will be -- destroyed when calling `wel_destroy' par_imp ?= parent_imp -- `Current' may not have been actually physically parented -- within windows yet. if par_imp = Void then par_imp ?= default_parent end cur_x := x_position cur_y := y_position cur_width := ev_width cur_height := ev_height -- We destroy the widget wel_destroy -- We create the new combo. internal_window_make (par_imp, "", default_style + a_additional_style, cur_x, cur_y, cur_width, cur_height, 0, default_pointer) {WEL_API}.send_message (wel_item, Em_limittext, to_wparam (0), to_lparam (0)) show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Restore the previous settings. if private_font /= Void then set_font (private_font) else set_default_font end if not l_sensitive then disable_sensitive end if foreground_color_imp /= Void then set_foreground_color (foreground_color) end set_tooltip (l_tooltip) set_text (l_text) set_caret_position (l_caret) if l_is_read_only then set_read_only end end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation interface: detachable EV_TEXT note option: stable attribute end; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end