note description: "[ Widget which is a combination of an EV_TREE and an EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST. Item Insertion: The grid is an item holder for objects of type EV_GRID_ITEM and its descendents. Each grid item may be inserted in to the grid at a specific column and row. An item itself may be added to the grid via `set_item', which takes a column and row index. Items be also added via the `set_item' routine of the row (EV_GRID_ROW) and column (EV_GRID_COLUMN) objects contained within `Current'. Items inserted may be Void if necessary, this may be useful to blank out any existing items set. If a grid contains no items and therefore has no rows or columns, inserting an item will dynamically resize and automatically create the columns and rows so that it can contain and display the newly inserted item. New columns and rows may also be added to the grid via `insert_new_column' and `insert_new_row' respectively. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dynamic Mode: There may be times where you have very large numbers of items you wish to display into the grid. Unfortunately, the overhead of building thousands and thousands of grid items and inserting them can take a considerable amount of which shows up as a delay to users of the system. To prevent this, the grid supports the use of a dynamic mode which permit you to specify how many items are contained and then as and when the grid requires access to one of these items for display purposes, an event is triggered requesting the item to be displayed. dynamic content is enabled via `enable_partial_dynamic_content'. In this mode whenever the grid attempts to draw an item that is `Void', it queries you for the item and then inserts it into the grid. The grid requests an item in the dynamic mode through the calling of the `dynamic_content_function' which may be set via a call to `set_dynamic_content_function'. This function has two integer arguments corresponding to the column and row index of the desired item and a return type of EV_GRID_ITEM. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Size and Position: The grid is comprised of the following graphical elements: 1. A header displayed at the top of `Current' which may be hidden/shown via `show_header' and hide_header'. 2. A viewable area in which the contents of `Current' are displayed, displayed immediately below the header. The size of this area is given by `viewable_width' and `viewable_height' with its position relative to the top left corner of `Current' given by `viewable_x_offset', `viewable_y_offset'. Note that `viewable_y_offset' changes based on the visible state of the header. 3. A horizontal scroll bar displayed below the viewable area, only shown if the virtual width of `Current' is greater than `viewable_width'. 4. A vertical scroll bar displayed to the right of viewable area and header, only shown if the virtual height of `Current' is greater than `viewable_height'. You may supress the displaying of the scroll bars if required via calls to `hide_vertical_scroll_bar' and `hide_horizontal_scroll_bar' which ensure that the scroll bars are never displayed. This is useful for situations where you wish to control the virtual position of the grid via your own custom interface. The virtual size of the grid represents the complete screen area in pixels required to display the contents of `Current' and may be queried via `virtual_width' and `virtual_height'. If the contents of the grid are smaller than the viewable area, then the virtual size is equal to the viewable area, otherwise an area of the virtual size is displayed within viewable area, with the coordinates of this area (relative to the top left corner) within the virtual size given by `virtual_x' and `virtual_y'. As the scroll bars are moved, `virtual_x' and `virtual_y' are directly manipulated, although you may set the virtual position explicitly via calls to `set_virtual_x' and `set_virtual_y'. The maximum permitted virtual position of the grid is given by `maximum_virtual_x_position', `maximum_virtual_y_position' which is dependent on the following factors: The viewable area of the grid. The `virtual_width' and `virtual_height'. The `is_*_scrolling_per_item' properties. The `is_*_overscroll_enabled' properties. Changing one or more of these properties may immediately change the virtual width, height or maximum virtual positions, and possibly scroll the grid to ensure that the current virtual position is within the new bounds. The properties `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled' and `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled' permit you to ensure the grid permits scrolling past the final item, ensuring that there is trailing space matching the viewable dimension of the grid less the dimension of the final item. You may query the virtual position of an item within the virtual area of `Current' via `virtual_x_position' and `virtual_y_position' directly on the item. You may also query the dimensions of an item via `width' and `height'. It is important to note that for an item that is part of a tree structure, the `width' may not be equal to `column.width' and the `virtual_x_position' may not be equal to `column.virtual_x_position'. This is because items in tree structures are indented to provide space for the expand/collapse icons as necessary. The number of pixels that the item is indented for this purpose may be queried directly from the item via a call to `horizontal_indent'. You may query the virtual y position of a row within `Current' via `virtual_y_position' directly on the row. You may query the virtual x position of a column within `Current' via `virtual_x_position' directly on the column. As items, columns or rows are added and removed from `Current', the virtual size may change. The virtual position may only change if in this situation, you are removing rows or columns that cause the virtual size to reduce and the virtual position is no longer valid. The grid will automatically adjust the virtua position so that the contents of the viewable area are completely contained within the new virtual position. The `height' of the rows displayed in `Current' is dependent on `is_row_height_fixed'. If `True', then all rows are displayed at the same height, goverened by `row_height'. If `False', then the height of the row is goverened by its `height' property which may differ on an individual row basis. The width of columns is always unique and based on their `width' property. To determine if a particular item is located at a virtual position, use `item_at_virtual_position'. You may determine the first and last visible rows via `first_visible_row' and `last_visible_row', while `first_visible_column' and `last_visible_column' give the first and last columns visible in `Current'. For more precise information regarding exactly which rows and columns are displayed, you may query `visible_row_indexes' and `visible_column_indexes'. Note that if a tree is enabled via `enable_tree', then the contents of `visible_row_indexes' and `visible_column_indexes' may not be contiguous. To optimize performance, `Current' only performs recomputation of the virtual positions of items as strictly necessary, which is normally once just before a redraw. As you may query virtual position information whenever you wish, `Current' may be forced to perform its recomputation of virtual positions as a result of your query. Each time that you modify something in the grid that may affect a virtual position of an item, the grid must recompute the virtual positions again as required. Therefore, for your code to be optimal, it may be necessary to take this into account. The worst possible case scenario is if you are to iterate from the start of the grid to the end of the grid and modify the state of each item or row during the iteration before querying a virtual position of an object in the grid past the current iteration position. In this situation, it is recommended that you perform a two-pass operation. First perform all of the modifications to the items and then perform all of the queries to virtual positions. The grid is optimized for additions in order so if you are repeatedly adding items and querying their virtual positions, then the performance is far better than if you are continuously inserting items at the start of the grid and querying their virtual positions. Although it is important to be aware of this behavior, you will find that in almost all cases, you have do perform no special optimizations to get good performance within `Current'. This also aplies to removal of rows. If you have many rows to remove, start with the final rows and iterate towards the first for increased performance. The re-drawing of `Current' is performed on idle, so if you are performing heavy computation and the grid is not updating, call `process_events' from EV_APPLICATION in order to force a re-draw. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appearance: Each of the items contained within the grid are sized based on the column and row that they occupy. If `is_row_height_fixed' is `True' then the height of the rows is dependent on `row_height' of `Current', otherwise it is dependent on `height' of the row and each row may occupy a different height. For the first non-`Void' item of each row, the position of the item is `item.horizontal_indent' pixels greater than the column in which it is contained. The appearance of each item is dependent on the actual type of the item, but there are a number of ways in which you may modify this at the grid level. `post_draw_overlay_function' is available, which permits you to draw directly on top of items immediately after they are dwan by the implementation. This is useful for adding custom borders to your items. `pre_draw_overlay_function' is available, which permits you to draw on top of the background of items, but before any features of that item have been drawn. For example, for grid label items, the background is cleared, then the function is called and then the `text' and `pixmap' are drawn. Note that for drawable items, which do not re-draw their background automatically, nothing is drawn before the `pre_draw_overlay_function' is called. When items are selected in a focused grid, they become highlighted in `focused_selection_color' and if the grid does not have the focus, `non_focused_selection_color' is used instead. It is recommended that you use these colors for your own drawable items to maintain consistency within the grid. The selection colors may be modified via `set_focused_selection_color' and `set_non_focused_selection_color'. Separators between items may be enabled on the grid via `enable_column_separators' and `enable_row_separators' which ensure a single line is drawn between each row and column in `separator_color'. Use `set_separator_color' to modify this color. The tree structure of `Current' is drawn using `expand_node_pixmap' and `collapse_node_pixmap' to illustrate the expanded state of rows with subrows. You may use your own pixmaps by calling `set_expand_node_pixmap' and `set_collapse_node_pixmap'. The indent applied to each subrow is based on the current width of the node pixmaps + `subrow_indent'. You may increase this indent by calling `set_subrow_indent'. The nodes in the tree are connected via lines drawn in the color `tree_node_connector_color' which may be modified via `set_tree_node_connector_color'. These connecting lines may also be hidden via a call to `hide_tree_node_connectors'. During a column resize in `Current', the contents of the grid are immediately refreshed. This behavior may be disabled via a call to `disable_column_resize_immedite' and may be necessary if running the grid on older systems as it is less processor intensive. When not `is_column_resize_immediate', the column resizing is only performed when the user completes the resize, but a divider may be shown in `Current' which indicates its new width during the resizing, by calling `enable_resizing_divider'. This divider may be solid or dashed, based on the state of `is_resizing_divider_solid', settable via `enable_resizing_divider_solid' or `disable_resizing_divider_solid'. If you wish to perform multiple updates to the grid, in most cases the graphical update is buffered until the system becomes idle, thereby reducing flicker. However, in some situations, it is possible that the system may become idle during the updates, which may lead to flicker. In situations such as these, you may use `lock_update' to prevent graphical updates from occurring in the grid until `unlock_update' is called. While the grid `is_locked', no graphical updates of any form are performed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selection: The grid allows both single and multiple selection handling on an item or row level. When enable_single_item_selection is called, only an single item may be selected by the user when `Current' is on-screen. Selection may occur either programmatically via the `enable_select' routine of either the item/column or row or on-screen via mouse or keyboard. This is accompanied with the query `is_selected'. When a user attempts to select an item or row on-screen the grid attempts to make that item or row more visible to the user so that the text of the item may be read, this will not occur however if the item is currently activated. There are two main selection modes, item selection and row selection. In item selection, single or multiple items may be selected depending on the current selection mode. This can be set with `enable_single_item_selection' and `enable_multiple_item_selection' respectively. For each type of selection there are events. Examples of such events are `item_select_actions', `row_select_actions' and `column_select_actions', these are fired in `Current', with the appropriate object being passed to the action sequence that is selected. `item_select_actions' will only get executed whilst in either single or multiple item selection mode. For handling selection events during single or multiple row selection modes, `row_select_actions' should be used. To keep track of deselected items, rows or columns, there is `item_deselect_actions', `row_deselect_actions' and `column_deselect_actions' respectively. Along with selecting items, they may also be deselected. This can be done programatically via the `disable_select' routine of either the item/column or row. To query what objects are selected, the following queries are available in `Current', `selected_items', `selected_rows' and `selected_columns'. To turn off any default behavior the following queries are available, `disable_selection_key_handling' and `disable_selection_click_handling', this turns off the ability for the user of the grid to select items via the keyboard or mouse. The routine `enable_always_selected' makes sure that at least one item or row is selected depending on the mode after the initial selection. This can be handy for implementing widgets that require an item be selected at all times. The selection of the grid may be removed with `remove_selection'. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Activation: Activation allows for interactive editing of the contents of an item. By calling `activate' on an activatable item in response to a user event such as double clicking, the item allows for in-place user editing, for changing things such as text. After changing the item, the user may complete the activation by pressing Enter on the keyboard or by causing the item itself to loose focus. To programmatically cancel any activation, each grid item has a `deactivate' routine that may be called during the activation. If an activation occurs during a user selection then the grid itself will not attempt to reposition the item so that it is more visible. When an item is activated, the `item_activate_actions' are fired, this can be used to customize the activation process of a certain item, `item_deactivate_actions' are fired when the item is deactivated. When an item is deactivated, if the user hasn't cancelled the deactivation then the item's contents are updated. See EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM and EV_GRID_COMBO_ITEM for examples of activatable items that allow for in place editing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Event Handling: The standard set of widget events are inherited from EV_CELL with an additional set of events that are applicable to both `Current' and the items contained are inherited from EV_GRID_ACTION_SEQUENCES. For example, `pointer_button_press_actions' is inherited from EV_CELL, while `pointer_button_press_item_actions' is inherited from EV_GRID_ACTION_SEQUENCES and has an EV_GRID_ITEM as event data specifying the applicable item (if any). The coordinates of the item specific versions use virtual coordinates of `Current' as their coordinate information, wheras those inherited from EV_CELL use client coordinates as for any other EV_WIDGET. The order of event execution for multiple action sequences that may be triggered by a single event are as follows: 1. The standard inherited widget events are fired. i.e. "grid.pointer_button_press_actions" The x and y coordinate event data is relative to the upper left corner of `Current'. 2. The grid item specific versions of these events are fired. i.e. "grid.pointer_button_press_item_actions" The x and y coordinate event data is relative to the upper left corner of the "item" area of `Current', in virtual grid coordinates. These events are only fired while the mouse pointer is above the "item" area (does not include header and scroll bars). 3. The events are fired on the item themselves. i.e. "item.pointer_button_press_actions" The x and y coordinate event data is relative to the upper left corner of the item. The grid specific versions of particular events permit you to perform handling for all of your items in a common place and are always fired before the specific item versions. For example, if you connect to both EV_GRID.row_expand_actions and EV_GRID_ROW.expand_actions, the grid version is fired first, immediately by the row version. The action sequences are fired one immediately after the other and both are always fired even if you change states of the target object within the first action sequence. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Color Handling: Colors applied to items within `Current' are determined on a three level basis. The base level is `Current' whose `foreground_color' and `background_color' may never be Void. The second level are the columns and rows of `Current' whose `foreground_color' and `background_color' are `Void' by default. The final level is comprised of the items of `Current' themselves whose `foreground_color' and `background_color' are `Void' by default. As `Current' performs a re-draw of an item "cell" contained within, the following rules are applied in order to determine the displayed colors: 1. If there is an item in the "cell" which has a non-Void `foreground_color' or `background_color' then these colors are applied to the contents of that "cell", otherwise, step 2 is applied. 2. If the column or row at that position has non-Void `foreground_color' or `background_color' then these colors are applied to the contents of that "cell", otherwise step 3 is applied. 3. As the colors of the item, row and column were all `Void', the `foreground' and `background_color' of `Current' is applied to the contents of that "cell". Note that for areas of an items "cell" that are not filled by item item itself, such as the area of a tree structure, step 1 is ignored and the color calculations begin at step 2. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EV_GRID inherit EV_CELL rename item as cell_item, wipe_out as cell_wipe_out, count as cell_count, full as cell_full, has as cell_has, prune as cell_prune, prune_all as cell_prune_all, extendible as cell_extendible, put as cell_put, replace as cell_replace, linear_representation as cell_linear_representation, is_empty as cell_is_empty, extend as cell_extend, fill as cell_fill, is_inserted as cell_is_inserted, empty as cell_empty, has_recursive as cell_has_recursive, may_contain as cell_may_contain, merge_radio_button_groups as cell_merge_radio_button_groups, unmerge_radio_button_groups as cell_unmerge_radio_button_groups, merged_radio_button_groups as cell_merged_radio_button_groups, items_unique as cell_items_unique, parent_of_items_is_current as cell_parent_of_items_is_current, background_color_propagated as cell_background_color_propagated, foreground_color_propagated as cell_foreground_color_propagated, all_radio_buttons_connected as cell_all_radio_buttons_connected, first_radio_button_selected as cell_first_radio_button_selected, is_parent_recursive as cell_is_parent_recursive, has_radio_button as cell_has_radio_button, has_selected_radio_button as cell_has_selected_radio_button, propagate_background_color as cell_propagate_background_color, propagate_foreground_color as cell_propagate_foreground_color, client_height as cell_client_height, client_width as cell_client_width, background_pixmap as cell_background_pixmap redefine implementation, create_implementation, prunable, readable, writable, is_in_default_state end EV_TOOLTIPABLE undefine copy, is_equal redefine implementation, is_in_default_state end EV_GRID_TYPES undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end EV_GRID_ACTION_SEQUENCES REFACTORING_HELPER undefine copy, is_equal, default_create end feature -- Access row (a_row: INTEGER): EV_GRID_ROW -- Row at index `a_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_not_greater_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count do Result := implementation.row (a_row) ensure row_not_void: Result /= Void end displayed_column (i: INTEGER): EV_GRID_COLUMN -- `i'-th displayed column. May not correspond -- to `column' if one or more columns have been --- hidden via `hide'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_positive: i > 0 i_not_greater_than_displayed_column_count: i <= displayed_column_count do Result := implementation.displayed_column (i) ensure column_not_void: Result /= Void end column (a_column: INTEGER): EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Column at index `a_column'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_not_greater_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count do Result := implementation.column (a_column) ensure column_not_void: Result /= Void end item (a_column: INTEGER; a_row: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Cell at `a_row' and `a_column' position, Void if none. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_less_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_less_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count do Result := implementation.item (a_column, a_row) end activated_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Item that has currently been activated, if any. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.currently_active_item end item_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x, a_virtual_y: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Cell at virtual position `a_virtual_x', `a_virtual_y' or -- `Void' if none. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x, a_virtual_y) end row_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_y: INTEGER; ignore_locked_rows: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Row at virtual y position `a_virtual_y'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.row_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_y, ignore_locked_rows) end column_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Column at virtual x position `a_virtual_x'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.column_at_virtual_position (a_virtual_x) end selected_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_COLUMN] -- All columns selected in `Current'. -- Returned list is unsorted so no particular ordering is guaranteed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.selected_columns ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end selected_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- All rows selected in `Current'. -- Returned list is unsorted so no particular ordering is guaranteed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.selected_rows ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end selected_items: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ITEM] -- All items selected in `Current'. -- Returned list is unsorted so no particular ordering is guaranteed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.selected_items ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end remove_selection -- Ensure that `selected_items', `selected_rows' and `selected_columns' are empty. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.remove_selection ensure selected_items_empty: selected_items.is_empty selected_rows_empty: selected_rows.is_empty selected_columns_empty: selected_columns.is_empty end header: EV_GRID_HEADER -- Header control used for resizing columns of `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.header ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end horizontal_scroll_bar: EV_HORIZONTAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Horizontal scrollbar used for scrolling `Current'. -- Use `is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested' to find out if scrollbar will be shown if -- needed (i.e. when `virtual_width' is greater than `viewable_width'). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.horizontal_scroll_bar ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end vertical_scroll_bar: EV_VERTICAL_SCROLL_BAR -- Vertical scrollbar used for scrolling `Current'. -- Use `is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested' to find out if scrollbar will be shown if -- needed (i.e. when `virtual_height' is greater than `viewable_height'). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.vertical_scroll_bar ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end is_header_displayed: BOOLEAN -- Is the header displayed in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_header_displayed end is_resizing_divider_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a vertical divider displayed during column resizing? -- Note that if `is_column_resize_immediate' is `True', `Result' -- is ignored by `Current' and no resizing divider is displayed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_resizing_divider_enabled end is_resizing_divider_solid: BOOLEAN -- Is resizing divider displayed during column resizing drawn as a solid line? -- If `False', a dashed line style is used. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_resizing_divider_solid end is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item: BOOLEAN -- Is horizontal scrolling performed on a per-item basis? -- If `True', each change of the horizontal scroll bar increments the horizontal -- offset by the current column width. -- If `False', the scrolling is smooth on a per-pixel basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item end is_vertical_scrolling_per_item: BOOLEAN -- Is vertical scrolling performed on a per-item basis? -- If `True', each change of the vertical scroll bar increments the vertical -- offset by the current row height. -- If `False', the scrolling is smooth on a per-pixel basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_vertical_scrolling_per_item end is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does the virtual height of `Current' include the -- position of the final row plus the `viewable_height'. -- If `True', this enables vertical scrolling until the last row -- is at the very top of the viewable area. If `False', scrolling -- may be performed until the last row is at the bottom of the viewable -- area. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_vertical_overscroll_enabled end is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does the virtual width of `Current' include the -- position of the final column plus the `viewable_width'. -- If `True', this enables horizontal scrolling until the last column -- is at the very left of the viewable area. If `False', scrolling -- may be performed until the last column is at the left of the viewable -- area. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled end dynamic_content_function: detachable FUNCTION [TUPLE [col: INTEGER; row: INTEGER], EV_GRID_ITEM] -- Function which computes the item that resides in a particular position of the -- grid while `is_content_partially_dynamic'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.dynamic_content_function end is_content_partially_dynamic: BOOLEAN -- Is the content of `Current' partially dynamic? If `True' then -- whenever an item must be re-drawn and it is not already set within `Current', -- then it is queried via execution of `dynamic_content_function'. The returned item is added -- to `Current' so the query only occurs once. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_content_partially_dynamic end is_row_height_fixed: BOOLEAN -- Must all rows in `Current' have the same height? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_row_height_fixed end is_column_resize_immediate: BOOLEAN -- Is the user resizing of a column reflected immediately in `Current'? -- If `True', the column width is updated continuosly and the state of `is_resizing_divider_enabled' -- is ignored with no divider displayed. -- If `False', the column width is only updated upon completion of the resize. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_column_resize_immediate end row_height: INTEGER -- Height of all rows within `Current'. Only has an effect on `Current' -- while `is_row_height_fixed', otherwise the individual height of each -- row is used directly. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.row_height ensure result_non_negative: result >= 0 end subrow_indent: INTEGER -- Number of pixels horizontally by which each subrow is indented -- from its `parent_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.subrow_indent ensure result_non_negative: result >= 0 end expand_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap displayed within tree structures when a row with one or more -- subrows is collapsed. Clicking the area occupied by this pixmap in `Current' -- expands the row. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.expand_node_pixmap ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end collapse_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP -- Pixmap displayed within tree structures when a row with one or more -- subrows is expanded. Clicking the area occupied by this pixmap in `Current' -- collapses the row. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.collapse_node_pixmap ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end are_tree_node_connectors_shown: BOOLEAN -- Are connectors between tree nodes shown in `Current'? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.are_tree_node_connectors_shown end virtual_x_position: INTEGER -- Horizontal offset of viewable area in relation to the left edge of -- the virtual area in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.virtual_x_position ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and Result <= maximum_virtual_x_position end virtual_y_position: INTEGER -- Vertical offset of viewable area in relation to the top edge of -- the virtual area in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.virtual_y_position ensure valid_result: Result >= 0 and Result <= maximum_virtual_y_position end maximum_virtual_x_position: INTEGER -- Maximum permitted virtual x position based on current dimensions and properties. -- Properties that affect this value are `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item' and -- `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.maximum_virtual_x_position ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end maximum_virtual_y_position: INTEGER -- Maximum permitted virtual y position based on current dimensions and properties. -- Properties that affect this value are `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item' and -- `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.maximum_virtual_y_position ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end virtual_width: INTEGER -- Width of virtual area in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.virtual_width ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end virtual_height: INTEGER -- Height of virtual area in pixels. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.virtual_height ensure result_non_negative: Result >= 0 end viewable_width: INTEGER -- Width of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.viewable_width ensure viewable_width_valid: is_displayed implies viewable_width >= 0 and viewable_width <= width end viewable_height: INTEGER -- Height of `Current' available to view displayed items. Does -- not include width of any displayed scroll bars and/or header if shown. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.viewable_height ensure viewable_height_valid: is_displayed implies viewable_height >= 0 and viewable_height <= height end viewable_x_offset: INTEGER -- Horizontal distance in pixels from the left edge of `Current' to -- the left edge of the viewable area (defined by `viewable_width', `viewable_height') -- in which all content is displayed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.viewable_x_offset ensure viewable_x_offset_valid: Result >=0 and Result <= width end viewable_y_offset: INTEGER -- Vertical distance in pixels from the top edge of `Current' to -- the top edge of the viewable area (defined by `viewable_width', `viewable_height') -- in which all content is displayed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.viewable_y_offset ensure viewable_y_offset_valid: Result >=0 and Result <= height end item_pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM, detachable ANY] -- Returns data to be transported by pick and drop mechanism. -- It will be called once each time a pick on the item area of the grid occurs, the result -- will be assigned to `pebble' for the duration of transport. -- When a pick occurs on an item, the item itself is passed. -- If a pick occurs and no item is present, then Void is passed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_pebble_function end item_veto_pebble_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, ANY, BOOLEAN] -- Function used to determine whether dropping is allowed on a particular item. -- When called during PND transport, the grid item currently under the pebble -- and the pebble itself are passed to the function. A return value of True means -- that the pebble is allowed to be dropped onto the item, a return value of False -- disallows any PND transport. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_veto_pebble_function end item_accept_cursor_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE] -- Function used to retrieve the PND accept cursor for a particular item. -- Called directly after `item_pebble_function' has executed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_accept_cursor_function end item_deny_cursor_function: detachable FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE] -- Function used to retrieve the PND deny cursor for a particular item. -- Called directly after `item_pebble_function' has executed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.item_deny_cursor_function end are_column_separators_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a vertical separator displayed in color `separator_color' between each column? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.are_column_separators_enabled end are_row_separators_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is a horizontal separator displayed in color `separator_color' between each row? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.are_row_separators_enabled end separator_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to display column and row separators. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.separator_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end focused_selection_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to show selection within items while focused. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.focused_selection_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end non_focused_selection_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to show selection within items while not focused. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.non_focused_selection_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end focused_selection_text_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used to for text of selected items while focused. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.focused_selection_text_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end non_focused_selection_text_color: EV_COLOR -- Color used for text of selected items while not focused. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.non_focused_selection_text_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is complete client area invalidated as a result of virtual position changing? -- Note that enabling this causes a large performance penalty in redrawing during -- scrolling, but may be used to achieve effects not otherwise possible unless the -- entire client area is invalidated. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled end is_locked: BOOLEAN -- Are all graphical updates to `Current' suppressed until -- `unlock_update' is called. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_locked end locked_rows: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_ROW] -- All rows locked within `Current' in order of locking. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.locked_rows ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end locked_columns: ARRAYED_LIST [EV_GRID_COLUMN] -- All columns locked within `Current' in order of locking. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.locked_columns ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Status setting set_item_veto_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, ANY, BOOLEAN]) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_veto_pebble_function'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.set_item_veto_pebble_function (a_function) ensure item_veto_pebble_function_set: item_veto_pebble_function = a_function end set_item_pebble_function (a_function: FUNCTION [detachable EV_GRID_ITEM, detachable ANY]) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_pebble_function'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.set_item_pebble_function (a_function) ensure item_pebble_function_set: item_pebble_function = a_function end set_item_accept_cursor_function (a_function: FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE]) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_accept_cursor_function'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.set_item_accept_cursor_function (a_function) ensure item_accept_cursor_function_set: item_accept_cursor_function = a_function end set_item_deny_cursor_function (a_function: FUNCTION [EV_GRID_ITEM, EV_POINTER_STYLE]) -- Assign `a_function' to `item_deny_cursor_function'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.set_item_deny_cursor_function (a_function) ensure item_deny_cursor_function_set: item_deny_cursor_function = a_function end enable_tree -- Enable tree functionality for `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_tree ensure tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled end disable_tree -- Disable tree functionality for `Current'. -- All subrows of rows contained are unparented, -- which flattens the tree structure. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_tree ensure tree_disabled: not is_tree_enabled end show_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure column `a_column' is visible in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count do implementation.show_column (a_column) ensure column_displayed: column_displayed (a_column) end hide_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure column `a_column' is not visible in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count do implementation.hide_column (a_column) ensure column_not_displayed: not column_displayed (a_column) end select_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Ensure all items in `a_column' are selected. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count column_displayed: column_displayed (a_column) do implementation.select_column (a_column) ensure column_selected: column (a_column).is_selected end select_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Ensure all items in `a_row' are selected. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_within_bounds: a_row > 0 and a_row <= row_count do implementation.select_row (a_row) ensure row_selected: row (a_row).is_selected end enable_selection_on_single_button_click -- Enable selection handling of items when clicked upon via mouse button `1'. -- This is useful when implementing Contextual Menus where the selection may need -- to remain unchanged when using mouse button `3' to handle the menu. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_selection_on_single_button_click ensure selection_on_single_click_enabled: is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled and then is_selection_on_click_enabled end enable_selection_on_click -- Enable selection handling of items when clicked upon via mouse button. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_selection_on_click ensure selection_on_click_enabled:is_selection_on_click_enabled selection_on_single_click_disabled: not is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled end disable_selection_on_click -- Disable selection handling when items are clicked upon. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_selection_on_click ensure selection_on_click_disabled: not is_selection_on_click_enabled and then not is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled end enable_selection_key_handling -- Enable selection handling of items via the keyboard. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_selection_keyboard_handling ensure selection_key_handling_enabled: is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled end disable_selection_key_handling -- Disable selection handling of items via the keyboard. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_selection_keyboard_handling ensure selection_key_handling_disabled: not is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled end enable_single_row_selection -- Allow the user to select a single row via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_single_row_selection ensure single_row_selection_enabled: is_single_row_selection_enabled end enable_multiple_row_selection -- Allow the user to select more than one row via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. -- Multiple rows may be selected via Ctrl and Shift keys. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_multiple_row_selection ensure multiple_row_selection_enabled: is_multiple_row_selection_enabled end enable_single_item_selection -- Allow the user to select a single item via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_single_item_selection ensure single_item_selection_enabled: is_single_item_selection_enabled end enable_multiple_item_selection -- Allow the user to select more than one item via clicking or navigating using the keyboard arrow keys. -- Multiple items may be selected via Ctrl and Shift keys. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_multiple_item_selection ensure multiple_item_selection_enabled: is_multiple_item_selection_enabled end enable_always_selected -- Ensure that the user may not completely remove the selection from `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_always_selected ensure item_is_always_selected_enabled: is_always_selected end disable_always_selected -- Allow the user to completely remove the selection from `Current' via clicking on an item, -- clicking on a Void area or by Ctrl clicking the selected item itself. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_always_selected ensure not_is_item_always_selected_enabled: not is_always_selected end is_always_selected: BOOLEAN -- May the user completely remove the selection from the grid. -- If `True' then the user of the grid may only deselect items by selecting other items. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_always_selected end enable_item_tab_navigation -- Allow keyboard tab navigation to occur within current for items that return True for 'has_default_activation'. -- Tabbing in to the grid from a previous widget will select the first item. -- Shift/Tabbing in to the grid will select the most bottom/right default activable grid item. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_item_tab_navigation ensure tabbed_item_navigation_enabled: is_item_tab_navigation_enabled end disable_item_tab_navigation -- Disable tabbed item navigation so that tabbing loses focus from the grid by default. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_item_tab_navigation ensure tabbed_item_navigation_disabled: not is_item_tab_navigation_enabled end show_header -- Ensure header displayed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.show_header ensure header_displayed: is_header_displayed end hide_header -- Ensure header is hidden. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.hide_header ensure header_not_displayed: not is_header_displayed end set_first_visible_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Set `a_row' as the first row visible in `Current' as long -- as there are enough rows after `a_row' to fill the remainder of `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed valid_row_index: a_row >= 1 and a_row <= row_count do implementation.set_first_visible_row (a_row) ensure to_implement_assertion ("EV_GRID.set_first_visible_row - Enough following rows implies `first_visible_row' = a_row, Can be calculated from `height' of `Current' and row heights.") end enable_resizing_divider -- Ensure a vertical divider is displayed during column resizing. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_resizing_divider ensure resizing_divider_enabled: is_resizing_divider_enabled end disable_resizing_divider -- Ensure no vertical divider is displayed during column resizing. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_resizing_divider ensure resizing_divider_disabled: not is_resizing_divider_enabled end enable_solid_resizing_divider -- Ensure resizing divider displayed during column resizing -- is displayed as a solid line. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_solid_resizing_divider ensure solid_resizing_divider: is_resizing_divider_solid end disable_solid_resizing_divider -- Ensure resizing divider displayed during column resizing -- is displayed as a dashed line. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_solid_resizing_divider ensure dashed_resizing_divider: not is_resizing_divider_solid end enable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure horizontal scrolling is performed on a per-item basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item ensure horizontal_scrolling_performed_per_item: is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item end disable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure horizontal scrolling is performed on a per-pixel basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_horizontal_scrolling_per_item ensure horizontal_scrolling_performed_per_pixel: not is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item end enable_vertical_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure vertical scrolling is performed on a per-item basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_vertical_scrolling_per_item ensure vertical_scrolling_performed_per_item: is_vertical_scrolling_per_item end disable_vertical_scrolling_per_item -- Ensure vertical scrolling is performed on a per-pixel basis. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed not_dynamic_content_enabled_with_row_height_variable: not (is_content_partially_dynamic and is_row_height_fixed = False) do implementation.disable_vertical_scrolling_per_item ensure vertical_scrolling_performed_per_pixel: not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item end enable_vertical_overscroll -- Ensure `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_vertical_overscroll ensure is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: is_vertical_overscroll_enabled end disable_vertical_overscroll -- Ensure `is_vertical_overscroll_enabled' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed dynamic_content_not_enabled_with_variable_row_heights: not (is_content_partially_dynamic and not is_row_height_fixed) do implementation.disable_vertical_overscroll ensure not_is_vertical_overscroll_enabled: not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled end enable_horizontal_overscroll -- Ensure `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_horizontal_overscroll ensure is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled end disable_horizontal_overscroll -- Ensure `is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_horizontal_overscroll ensure not_is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled: not is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled end set_row_height (a_row_height: INTEGER) -- Set height of all rows within `Current' to `a_row_height -- If not `is_row_height_fixed' then use the height individually per row instead. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_height_positive: a_row_height >= 1 do implementation.set_row_height (a_row_height) ensure row_height_set: row_height = a_row_height end enable_partial_dynamic_content -- Ensure contents of `Current' must be retrieved when required via execution of -- `dynamic_content_function' only if the item is not already set -- in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed not_row_height_variable_and_vertical_overscroll_enabled: not (not is_row_height_fixed and is_vertical_overscroll_enabled) not_row_height_variable_and_vertical_scrolling_per_pixel: not (not is_row_height_fixed and not is_vertical_scrolling_per_item) do implementation.enable_partial_dynamic_content ensure content_partially_dynamic: is_content_partially_dynamic end disable_dynamic_content -- Ensure contents of `Current' are not dynamic and are no longer retrieved as such. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_dynamic_content ensure content_not_dynamic: not is_content_partially_dynamic end enable_row_height_fixed -- Ensure all rows have the same height. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_row_height_fixed ensure row_height_fixed: is_row_height_fixed end disable_row_height_fixed -- Permit rows to have varying heights. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed not_dynamic_content_enabled_with_height_not_bounded: not (is_content_partially_dynamic and is_vertical_overscroll_enabled = False) do implementation.disable_row_height_fixed ensure row_height_variable: not is_row_height_fixed end set_column_count_to (a_column_count: INTEGER) -- Resize `Current' to have `a_column_count' columns. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_count_positive: a_column_count >= 0 do implementation.set_column_count_to (a_column_count) ensure column_count_set: column_count = a_column_count end set_row_count_to (a_row_count: INTEGER) -- Resize `Current' to have `a_row_count' rows. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_count_non_negative: a_row_count >= 0 do implementation.set_row_count_to (a_row_count) ensure row_count_set: row_count = a_row_count end set_dynamic_content_function (a_function: FUNCTION [TUPLE [col: INTEGER; row: INTEGER], EV_GRID_ITEM]) -- Function which computes the item that resides in a particular position of the -- grid while `is_content_partially_dynamic'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_function_not_void: a_function /= Void do implementation.set_dynamic_content_function (a_function) ensure dynamic_content_function_set: dynamic_content_function = a_function end set_subrow_indent (a_subrow_indent: INTEGER) -- Set `subrow_indent' to `a_subrow_indent'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_subrow_indent_non_negtive: a_subrow_indent >= 0 do implementation.set_subrow_indent (a_subrow_indent) ensure subrow_indent_set: subrow_indent = a_subrow_indent end set_node_pixmaps (an_expand_node_pixmap, a_collapse_node_pixmap: EV_PIXMAP) -- Assign `an_expand_node_pixmap' to `expand_node_pixmap' and `a_collapse_node_pixmap' -- to `collapse_node_pixmap'. These pixmaps are used in rows containing subrows for -- expanding/collapsing the row. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed pixmaps_not_void: an_expand_node_pixmap /= Void and a_collapse_node_pixmap /= Void pixmaps_dimensions_identical: an_expand_node_pixmap.width = a_collapse_node_pixmap.width and an_expand_node_pixmap.height = a_collapse_node_pixmap.height do implementation.set_node_pixmaps (an_expand_node_pixmap, a_collapse_node_pixmap) ensure pixmaps_set: expand_node_pixmap = an_expand_node_pixmap and collapse_node_pixmap = a_collapse_node_pixmap end show_tree_node_connectors -- Ensure connectors are displayed between nodes of tree structure in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.show_tree_node_connectors ensure tree_node_connectors_shown: are_tree_node_connectors_shown end hide_tree_node_connectors -- Ensure no connectors are displayed between nodes of tree structure in `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.hide_tree_node_connectors ensure tree_node_connectors_hidden: not are_tree_node_connectors_shown end set_virtual_position (virtual_x, virtual_y: INTEGER) -- Move viewable area of `Current' to virtual position `virtual_x', `virtual_y'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed virtual_x_valid: virtual_x >= 0 and virtual_x <= maximum_virtual_x_position virtual_y_valid: virtual_y >= 0 and virtual_y <= maximum_virtual_y_position do implementation.set_virtual_position (virtual_x, virtual_y) ensure virtual_position_set: virtual_x_position = virtual_x and virtual_y_position = virtual_y end set_tree_node_connector_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set `a_color' as `tree_node_connector_color'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_tree_node_connector_color (a_color) ensure tree_node_connector_color_set: tree_node_connector_color = a_color end enable_columns_drawn_above_rows -- Ensure `are_columns_drawn_above_rows' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_columns_drawn_above_rows ensure columns_drawn_above_rows: are_columns_drawn_above_rows end disable_columns_drawn_above_rows -- Ensure `are_columns_drawn_above_rows' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_columns_drawn_above_rows ensure columns_drawn_below_rows: not are_columns_drawn_above_rows end enable_column_resize_immediate -- Ensure `is_column_resize_immediate' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_column_resize_immediate ensure is_column_resize_immediate: is_column_resize_immediate end disable_column_resize_immediate -- Ensure `is_column_resize_immediate' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_column_resize_immediate ensure not_is_column_resize_immediate: not is_column_resize_immediate end enable_column_separators -- Ensure `are_column_separators_enabled' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_column_separators ensure column_separators_enabled: are_column_separators_enabled end disable_column_separators -- Ensure `are_column_separators_enabled' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_column_separators ensure column_separators_disabled: not are_column_separators_enabled end enable_row_separators -- Ensure `are_row_separators_enabled' is `True'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_row_separators ensure row_separators_enabled: are_row_separators_enabled end disable_row_separators -- Ensure `are_row_separators_enabled' is `False'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_row_separators ensure row_separators_disabled: not are_row_separators_enabled end set_separator_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Set `a_color' as `separator_color'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_separator_color (a_color) ensure separator_color_set: separator_color = a_color end set_focused_selection_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `focused_selection_color'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_focused_selection_color (a_color) ensure focused_selection_color_set: focused_selection_color = a_color end set_non_focused_selection_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `non_focused_selection_color'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_non_focused_selection_color (a_color) ensure non_focused_selection_color_set: non_focused_selection_color = a_color end set_focused_selection_text_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `focused_selection_text_color'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_focused_selection_text_color (a_color) ensure focused_selection_text_color_set: focused_selection_text_color = a_color end set_non_focused_selection_text_color (a_color: EV_COLOR) -- Assign `a_color' to `non_focused_selection_text_color'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_color_not_void: a_color /= Void do implementation.set_non_focused_selection_text_color (a_color) ensure non_focused_selection_text_color_set: non_focused_selection_text_color = a_color end redraw -- Force `Current' to be re-drawn when next idle. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.redraw end enable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change -- Ensure `is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled' is `True'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.enable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change ensure is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled end disable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change -- Ensure `is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled' is `False'. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.disable_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change ensure not_is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled: not is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled end lock_update -- Ensure `is_locked' is `True', thereby preventing graphical -- updates until `unlock_update' is called. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.lock_update ensure is_locked: is_locked end unlock_update -- Ensure `is_locked' is `False', thereby ensuring graphical -- updates occur as normal. The complete client area -- is refreshed to synchronize the display with the contents. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.unlock_update ensure not_is_locked: not is_locked end hide_vertical_scroll_bar -- Ensure no vertical scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- at any time. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.hide_vertical_scroll_bar ensure not_is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: not is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end show_vertical_scroll_bar -- Ensure a vertical scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- when required. Note that this does not force the vertical -- scroll bar to be visible, simply ensures that when `virtual_height' -- is greater than `viewable_height', the scroll bar is displayed. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.show_vertical_scroll_bar ensure is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested: BOOLEAN -- Will a vertical scroll bar be displayed in `Current' when -- `virtual_height' exceeds `viewable_height'? require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end hide_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Ensure no horizontal scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- at any time. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.hide_horizontal_scroll_bar ensure not_is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: not is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested end show_horizontal_scroll_bar -- Ensure a horizontal scroll bar is displayed in `Current' -- when required. Note that this does not force the horizontal -- scroll bar to be visible, simply ensures that when `virtual_width' -- is greater than `viewable_width', the scroll bar is displayed. require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.show_horizontal_scroll_bar ensure is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested end is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested: BOOLEAN -- Will a horizontal scroll bar be displayed in `Current' when -- `virtual_width' exceeds `viewable_width'? require not_is_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested end enable_focus_on_press -- Enable focus handling when mouse button is pressed on grid excluding header and scrollbars. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.drawable.enable_focus_on_press end disable_focus_on_press -- Disable focus handling when mouse button is pressed on grid excluding header and scrollbars. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.drawable.disable_focus_on_press end feature -- Status report prunable: BOOLEAN = False -- May items be removed? writable: BOOLEAN = False -- Is there a current item that may be modified? readable: BOOLEAN = False -- Is there a current item that may be accessed? is_tree_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is tree functionality enabled? -- Must be `True' to perform any tree structure functions on `Current'. -- Use `enable_tree' and `disable_tree' to set this state. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_tree_enabled end column_displayed (a_column: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- May column `a_column' be displayed when `Current' is? -- Will return False if `hide' has been called on column `a_column'. -- A value of True does not signify that column `a_column' is visible on screen at that particular time. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_within_bounds: a_column > 0 and a_column <= column_count do Result := implementation.column_displayed (a_column) end is_single_row_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select the whole row, unselecting -- any previously rows? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_single_row_selection_enabled end is_multiple_row_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select the whole row, with multiple -- row selection permitted via the use of Ctrl and Shift keys? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_multiple_row_selection_enabled end is_single_item_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select an item, unselecting -- any previously selected items? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_single_item_selection_enabled end is_multiple_item_selection_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Does clicking or keyboard navigating via arrow keys select an item, with multiple -- item selection permitted via the use of Ctrl and Shift keys? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_multiple_item_selection_enabled end is_selection_on_click_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Will an item be selected if clicked upon? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_selection_on_click_enabled end is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Will an item be selected if clicked upon via mouse button `1' only? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_selection_on_single_button_click_enabled end is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled: BOOLEAN -- May items be selected via the keyboard? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.is_selection_keyboard_handling_enabled end is_item_tab_navigation_enabled: BOOLEAN -- Is the tabbing mode for `Current' set so that keyboard tabbing moves to/from 'has_default_activation' grid items? do Result := implementation.is_item_tab_navigation_enabled end first_visible_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- First row visible in `Current' or Void if `visible_row_count' = 0 -- If `is_vertical_scrolling_per_item', the first visible row may be only partially visible. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.first_visible_row ensure has_rows_implies_result_not_void: visible_row_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_rows_implies_result_void: visible_row_count = 0 implies result = Void end first_visible_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- First column visible in `Current' or Void if `column_count' = 0 -- If `is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item', the first visible column may be only partially visible. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.first_visible_column ensure has_columns_implies_result_not_void: column_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_columns_implies_result_void: column_count = 0 implies result = Void end last_visible_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Last row visible in `Current' or Void if `visible_row_count' = 0 -- The last visible row may be only partially visible. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.last_visible_row ensure has_rows_implies_result_not_void: visible_row_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_rows_implies_result_void: visible_row_count = 0 implies result = Void end last_visible_column: detachable EV_GRID_COLUMN -- Index of last column visible in `Current' or 0 if `column_count' = 0. -- The last visible column may be only partially visible. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.last_visible_column ensure has_columns_implies_result_not_void: column_count > 0 implies result /= Void no_columns_implies_result_void: column_count = 0 implies result = Void end visible_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Indexes of all rows that are currently visible in `Current'. -- `Result' may not be contiguous if `is_tree_enabled' and one or more of the -- visible rows have subrows and are not expanded. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.visible_row_indexes ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end viewable_row_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- Indexes of all rows that are currently viewable in the grid in its present state. -- For example, if the first node is a non expanded tree that has 10 subrows, the contents -- would be 1, 11, 12, 13, 14, ... -- This list only returns valid values if variable row heights, tree functionality or -- hidden nodes are enabled in the grid, otherwise the returned list is empty. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.viewable_row_indexes ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end visible_column_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [INTEGER] -- All columns that are currently visible in `Current'. -- `Result' may not be contiguous if one or more columns are hidden. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed is_displayed: is_displayed do Result := implementation.visible_column_indexes ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end tree_node_connector_color: EV_COLOR -- Color of connectors drawn between tree nodes within `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.tree_node_connector_color ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end are_columns_drawn_above_rows: BOOLEAN -- For drawing purposes, are columns drawn above rows? -- If `True', for all cells within `Current' whose `column' and `row' have non-Void -- foreground or background colors, the column colors are given priority. -- If `False', the colors of the row are given priority. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.are_columns_drawn_above_rows end depth_in_tree (a_row_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Depth in tree for `a_row' require valid_index: 0 < a_row_index and a_row_index <= row_count do Result := implementation.depth_in_tree (a_row_index) end find_next_item (a_row_index, a_column_index: INTEGER; look_left, a_is_tab_navigatable: BOOLEAN): detachable EV_GRID_ITEM -- Find the next item horizontally in `grid_row' starting at index `starting_index', if 'look_left' then the the item to the left/up is found, else it looks right/down. -- If `a_is_tab_navigatable' then Result must have 'is_tab_navigatable' set. -- Result is Void if no item is found. require a_row_index_valid: a_row_index > 0 and then a_row_index <= row_count a_column_index_valid: a_column_index > 0 and then a_column_index <= column_count do Result := implementation.find_next_item (a_row_index, a_column_index, look_left, a_is_tab_navigatable) end has_selected_row: BOOLEAN -- Has selected row? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.has_selected_row ensure Result_implies_selected_rows_not_empty: Result implies not selected_rows.is_empty end has_selected_column: BOOLEAN -- Has selected column? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.has_selected_column ensure Result_implies_selected_columns_not_empty: Result implies not selected_columns.is_empty end has_selected_item: BOOLEAN -- Has selected items? require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.has_selected_item ensure Result_implies_selected_items_not_empty: Result implies not selected_items.is_empty end feature -- Element change insert_new_row (i: INTEGER) -- Insert a new row immediately before row at index `i'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_within_range: i > 0 and i <= row_count + 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i <= row_count implies row (i).parent_row = Void do implementation.insert_new_rows (1, i) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + 1 end insert_new_rows (rows_to_insert, i: INTEGER) -- Insert `rows_to_insert' rows immediately before row at index `i'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_within_range: i > 0 and i <= row_count + 1 rows_to_insert_positive: rows_to_insert >= 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i <= row_count implies row (i).parent_row = Void do implementation.insert_new_rows (rows_to_insert, i) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + rows_to_insert end insert_new_row_parented (i: INTEGER; a_parent_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Insert a new row immediately before row at index `i' and make that row a subnode of `a_parent_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled i_positive: i > 0 i_less_than_row_count: i <= row_count + 1 a_parent_row_not_void: a_parent_row /= Void a_parent_row_in_current: a_parent_row.parent = Current i_valid_for_parent: i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i < a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive implies row (i).parent_row = a_parent_row do implementation.insert_new_rows_parented (1, i, a_parent_row) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + 1 subrow_count_set: a_parent_row.subrow_count = old a_parent_row.subrow_count + 1 end insert_new_rows_parented (rows_to_insert, i: INTEGER; a_parent_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Insert `rows_to_insert' new rows immediately before row at index `i'. -- Make these newly inserted rows subnodes of `a_parent_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled i_positive: i > 0 rows_to_insert_positive: rows_to_insert >= 1 i_less_than_row_count: i <= row_count + 1 a_parent_row_not_void: a_parent_row /= Void i_valid_for_parent: i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1 not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: i < a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive implies row (i).parent_row = a_parent_row do implementation.insert_new_rows_parented (rows_to_insert, i, a_parent_row) ensure row_count_set: row_count = old row_count + rows_to_insert subrow_count_set: a_parent_row.subrow_count = old a_parent_row.subrow_count + rows_to_insert end insert_new_column (a_index: INTEGER) -- Insert a new column immediately before column at index `a_index'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_index_within_range: a_index > 0 and a_index <= column_count + 1 new_column_insertable: a_index <= column_count implies column ((a_index - 1).max (1)).all_items_may_be_set do implementation.insert_new_column (a_index) ensure column_count_set: column_count = old column_count + 1 end move_row (i, j: INTEGER) -- Move row at index `i' immediately before row at index `j'. -- If `j' = `row_count + 1' then row `i' is moved to the last index in the grid. -- Row `i' will be unparented if it has a `parent_row'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= row_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= row_count + 1 row_has_no_subrows: row (i).subrow_count = 0 not_breaking_existing_subrow_structure: j = row_count + 1 or (j = i or (j = i + 1 and (i + 1 <= row_count)) and then row (i + 1).parent_row = Void) or row (j).parent_row = Void do implementation.move_rows_to_parent (i, j, 1, Void) ensure rows_moved: (j <= i implies row (j) = old row (i)) and (j > i implies row (j - 1) = old row (i)) and (j < i implies (row (i) = old row ((i - 1).max (1)))) and (j > i + 1 implies (row (i) = old row ((i + 1).min (row_count)))) row_count_unchanged: row_count = old row_count end move_rows (i, j, n: INTEGER) -- Move `n' rows starting at index `i' immediately before row at index `j'. -- If `j' = `row_count + 1' the rows are moved to the very bottom of the grid. -- If `is_tree_enabled', all rows moved that share the same tree structure depth -- as row `i' are unparented and set as root rows within the grid tree. -- All parent rows within the rows moved that have a tree structure depth -- greater than that of row `i' are left parented. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= row_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= row_count + 1 n_valid: n > 0 and then i + n <= row_count + 1 move_not_overlapping: n > 1 implies (j <= i or else j >= i + n) rows_may_be_moved: rows_may_be_moved (i, n) not_breaking_existing_subrow_structure: j = row_count + 1 or (j = i or (j = i + n and (i + n <= row_count)) and then row (i + n).parent_row = Void) or row (j).parent_row = Void do implementation.move_rows_to_parent (i, j, n, Void) ensure rows_moved: (j <= i implies row (j) = old row (i) and then row (j + n - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) and (j > i + n implies row (j - n) = old row (i) and then row (j - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) row_count_unchanged: row_count = old row_count end move_row_to_parent (i, j: INTEGER; a_parent_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Move row at index `i' immediately before row at index `j'. -- Row `i' is re-parented as a subrow of `a_parent_row'. -- If `j' = `row_count + 1' then row `i' is moved to the last index in the grid. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= row_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= row_count + 1 row_has_no_subrows: row (i).subrow_count = 0 a_parent_row_not_void: a_parent_row /= Void j_valid_for_move_to_a_parent_row: (j = i + 1 implies (i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1)) or (j > a_parent_row.index and j <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1) rows_may_be_moved: rows_may_be_moved (i, 1) not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: j < a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive implies row (j).parent_row = a_parent_row do implementation.move_rows_to_parent (i, j, 1, a_parent_row) ensure rows_moved: (j <= i implies row (j) = old row (i)) and (j > i implies row (j - 1) = old row (i)) and (j < i implies (row (i) = old row ((i - 1).max (1)))) and (j > i + 1 implies (row (i) = old row ((i + 1).min (row_count)))) row_count_unchanged: row_count = old row_count end move_rows_to_parent (i, j, n: INTEGER; a_parent_row: EV_GRID_ROW) -- Move `n' rows starting at index `i' immediately before row at index `j'. -- All rows moved that share the same tree structure depth -- as row `i' are reparented as a subrow of `a_parent_row'. -- All parent rows within the rows moved that have a tree structure depth -- greater than that of row `i' are left parented. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= row_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= row_count + 1 n_valid: n > 0 and then i + n <= row_count + 1 move_not_overlapping: n > 1 implies (j <= i or else j >= i + n) rows_may_be_moved: rows_may_be_moved (i, n) a_parent_row_not_void: a_parent_row /= Void j_valid_for_move_to_a_parent_row: (j = i + n implies (i > a_parent_row.index and i <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1)) or (j > a_parent_row.index and j <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive + 1) not_inserting_within_existing_subrow_structure: j <= a_parent_row.index + a_parent_row.subrow_count_recursive implies row (j).parent_row = a_parent_row do implementation.move_rows_to_parent (i, j, n, a_parent_row) ensure rows_moved: (j < i implies row (j) = old row (i) and then row (j + n - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) and (j > i + n implies row (j - n) = old row (i) and then row (j - 1) = old row (i + n - 1)) row_count_unchanged: row_count = old row_count end move_column (i, j: INTEGER) -- Move column at index `i' and insert immediately before column at index `j'. -- To move column `i' to the last index in the grid, use `j' = `column_count + 1'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= column_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= column_count + 1 column_i_moveable: column (i).all_items_may_be_removed column_j_settable: j <= column_count implies column (j).all_items_may_be_set do implementation.move_columns (i, j, 1) ensure columns_moved: (j <= i implies column (j) = old column (i)) and (j > i implies column (j - 1) = old column (i)) and (j < i implies (column (i) = old column ((i - 1).max (1)))) and (j > i + 1 implies (column (i) = old column ((i + 1).min (column_count)))) column_count_unchanged: column_count = old column_count end move_columns (i, j, n: INTEGER) -- Move `n' columns starting at column `i' and insert immediately before column `j'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed i_valid: i > 0 and then i <= column_count j_valid: j > 0 and then j <= column_count + 1 n_valid: n > 0 and then i + n <= column_count + 1 move_not_overlapping: n > 1 implies (j <= i or else j >= i + n) columns_removable: are_columns_removable (i, n) column_j_settable: j <= column_count implies column (j).all_items_may_be_set do implementation.move_columns (i, j, n) ensure columns_moved: (j < i implies column (j) = old column (i) and then column (j + n - 1) = old column (i + n - 1)) and (j > i + n implies column (j - n) = old column (i) and then column (j - 1) = old column (i + n - 1)) column_count_unchanged: column_count = old column_count end set_item (a_column, a_row: INTEGER; a_item: detachable EV_GRID_ITEM) -- Set grid item at position (`a_column', `a_row') to `a_item'. -- If `a_item' is `Void', the current item (if any) is removed. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_item_not_parented: a_item /= Void implies a_item.parent = Void a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_row_positive: a_row > 0 item_may_be_added_if_row_is_a_subrow: a_item /= Void and then a_row <= row_count and then row (a_row).is_part_of_tree_structure implies row (a_row).is_index_valid_for_item_setting_if_tree_node (a_column) item_may_be_removed_if_row_is_a_subrow: a_item = Void and then a_row <= row_count and then row (a_row).is_part_of_tree_structure implies row (a_row).is_index_valid_for_item_removal_if_tree_node (a_column) do implementation.set_item (a_column, a_row, a_item) ensure item_set: item (a_column, a_row) = a_item end remove_item (a_column, a_row: INTEGER) -- Remove grid item at position (`a_column', `a_row'). require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_row_positive: a_row > 0 item_may_be_removed_if_row_is_a_subrow: row (a_row).is_part_of_tree_structure implies row (a_row).is_index_valid_for_item_removal_if_tree_node (a_column) do set_item (a_column, a_row, Void) ensure item_removed: item (a_column, a_row) = Void end clear -- Remove all items from `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.clear ensure to_implement_assertion ("EV_GRID.clear - All items positions return `Void'.") end wipe_out -- Remove all columns and rows from `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.wipe_out ensure columns_removed: column_count = 0 rows_removed: row_count = 0 end feature -- Removal remove_column (a_column: INTEGER) -- Remove column `a_column'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_column_positive: a_column > 0 a_column_less_than_column_count: a_column <= column_count column_may_be_removed: column (a_column).all_items_may_be_removed do implementation.remove_column (a_column) ensure column_count_updated: column_count = old column_count - 1 old_column_removed: (old column (a_column)).parent = Void end remove_row (a_row: INTEGER) -- Remove row `a_row' and all subrows recursively. -- If `row (a_row).subrow_count_recursive' is greater than 0 then -- all subrows of the row are also removed from `Current'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed a_row_positive: a_row > 0 a_row_less_than_row_count: a_row <= row_count do implementation.remove_row (a_row) ensure row_count_updated: row_count = old row_count - (old row (a_row).subrow_count_recursive + 1) old_row_removed: (old row (a_row)).parent = Void to_implement_assertion ("EV_GRID.remove_row All old recursive subrows removed.") end remove_rows (lower_index, upper_index: INTEGER) -- Remove all rows from `lower_index' to `upper_index' inclusive. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed valid_lower_index: lower_index >= 1 and lower_index <= row_count valid_upper_index: upper_index >= lower_index and upper_index <= row_count valid_final_row_in_tree_structure: (is_tree_enabled and then attached highest_parent_row_within_bounds (lower_index, upper_index) as l_row implies upper_index = l_row.index + l_row.subrow_count_recursive) or (is_tree_enabled and then highest_parent_row_within_bounds (lower_index, upper_index) = Void implies row (upper_index).subrow_count = 0) valid_final_row_in_tree_structure: (is_tree_enabled and then attached highest_parent_row_within_bounds (lower_index, upper_index) as l_row implies upper_index = l_row.index + l_row.subrow_count_recursive) or (is_tree_enabled and then highest_parent_row_within_bounds (lower_index, upper_index) = Void implies row (upper_index).subrow_count = 0) do implementation.remove_rows (lower_index, upper_index) ensure row_count_consistent: row_count = (old row_count) - (upper_index - lower_index + 1) lower_row_removed: (old row (lower_index)).parent = Void upper_row_removed: (old row (upper_index)).parent = Void to_implement_assertion (once "middle_rows_removed from lower to upper all old rows parent = Void") end feature -- Measurements column_count: INTEGER -- Number of columns in Current. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.column_count ensure result_not_negative: Result >= 0 end displayed_column_count: INTEGER -- Number of non-hidden columns displayed in Current. -- Equal to `column_count' if no columns have been -- hidden via `hide'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.displayed_column_count ensure result_valid: Result >= 0 and Result <= column_count end row_count: INTEGER -- Number of rows in Current require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.row_count ensure result_not_negative: Result >= 0 end visible_row_count: INTEGER -- Number of visible rows in `Current'. When `is_tree_enabled', -- a number of rows may be within a collapsed parent row, so these -- are ignored. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.visible_row_count ensure result_not_negative: Result >= 0 end tree_node_spacing: INTEGER -- Spacing value used around the expand/collapse node of a -- subrow. For example, to determine the height available for the node image -- within a subrow, subtract 2 * tree_node_spacing from the `row_height'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do Result := implementation.tree_node_spacing ensure result_positive: Result >= 1 end feature -- Activation Handling propagate_key_press (a_key: EV_KEY) -- Propagate key press for `a_key' to `Current'. -- Useful for handling custom navigation during item activation. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed do implementation.key_press_received (a_key) end feature -- Contract support are_columns_removable (a_index, n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Are `n' columns starting at column index `a_index' removable from `Current'? require a_index_positive: a_index > 0 n_positive: n > 0 a_index_not_greater_than_column_count: a_index <= column_count n_valid: a_index + n <= column_count + 1 local a_counter: INTEGER do from Result := True a_counter := a_index until a_counter = a_index + n or else not Result loop Result := column (a_counter).all_items_may_be_removed a_counter := a_counter + 1 end end highest_parent_row_within_bounds (lower_index, upper_index: INTEGER): detachable EV_GRID_ROW -- Return the highest level `parent_row' recursively of row `upper_index' -- that has an index greater or equal to `lower_index'. require not_destroyed: not is_destroyed tree_enabled: is_tree_enabled valid_lower_index: lower_index >= 1 and lower_index <= row_count valid_upper_index: upper_index >= lower_index and upper_index <= row_count local l_row: EV_GRID_ROW do l_row := row (upper_index) from until l_row.parent_row = Void or l_row.index < lower_index loop if attached l_row.parent_row as l_parent_row then l_row := l_parent_row if l_row.index > lower_index then Result := l_row end end end end rows_may_be_moved (a_first_row_index, a_row_count: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Do rows from `a_first_row_index' to `a_first_row_index' + `a_row_count' - 1 represent a complete tree structure? -- and if row (`a_first_row_index') has a `parent_row', are all rows to be moved nested within that parent -- within the tree structure? If `Result' is `True', the rows may be moved without breaking an existing -- tree structure. require row_count_positive: a_row_count >= 1 first_row_index_valid: a_first_row_index >= 1 and a_first_row_index + a_row_count - 1 <= row_count local counter: INTEGER current_row: EV_GRID_ROW parent_of_first_row: detachable EV_GRID_ROW do Result := True parent_of_first_row := row (a_first_row_index).parent_row from counter := a_first_row_index until counter >= a_first_row_index + a_row_count or Result = False loop current_row := row (counter) if parent_of_first_row /= Void then -- Ensure that we have not moved up a level in the tree structure -- past the parent of row `a_first_row_index'. Result := current_row.parent_row = parent_of_first_row end if counter + 1 + current_row.subrow_count_recursive > a_first_row_index + a_row_count then -- Ensure that we are not splitting an existing structure. Result := False end counter := counter + 1 + current_row.subrow_count_recursive end end feature {NONE} -- Contract support is_in_default_state: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' in its default state? do Result := row_count = 0 and column_count = 0 and not is_horizontal_scrolling_per_item and is_vertical_scrolling_per_item and is_header_displayed and is_row_height_fixed and subrow_indent = 0 and is_single_item_selection_enabled and is_selection_on_click_enabled and are_tree_node_connectors_shown and are_columns_drawn_above_rows and not is_resizing_divider_enabled and is_column_resize_immediate and not is_full_redraw_on_virtual_position_change_enabled and not is_vertical_overscroll_enabled and not is_horizontal_overscroll_enabled and not is_locked and is_horizontal_scroll_bar_show_requested and is_vertical_scroll_bar_show_requested end feature {EV_GRID_I} -- Implementation frozen new_row: like row_type -- Create a new row. do create Result end frozen new_column: like column_type -- Create a new column. do create Result end feature {EV_ANY, EV_ANY_I} -- Implementation implementation: EV_GRID_I -- Responsible for interaction with native graphics toolkit. feature {NONE} -- Implementation create_implementation -- See `{EV_ANY}.create_implementation'. do create {EV_GRID_IMP} implementation.make end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end