note description: "ComboBox Windows Constants." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_COMBO_BOX_CONSTANTS feature -- Style Cbs_autohscroll: INTEGER = 64 -- Automatically scrolls the text in an edit control to the right -- when the user types a character at the end of the line. If -- this style is not set, only text that fits within the -- rectangular boundary is allowed. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_AUTOHSCROLL Cbs_simple: INTEGER = 1 -- Displays the list box at all times. The current selection in -- the list box is displayed in the edit control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_SIMPLE Cbs_dropdown: INTEGER = 2 -- Similar to CBS_SIMPLE, except that the list box is not -- displayed unless the user selects an icon next to the edit -- control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_DROPDOWN Cbs_dropdownlist: INTEGER = 3 -- Similar to CBS_DROPDOWN, except that the edit control is -- replaced by a static text item that displays the current -- selection in the list box. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_DROPDOWNLIST Cbs_ownerdrawfixed: INTEGER = 16 -- Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for -- drawing its contents and that the items in the list box are -- all the same height. The owner window receives a -- WM_MEASUREITEM message when the combo box is created and a -- WM_DRAWITEM message when a visual aspect of the combo box has -- changed. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Cbs_ownerdrawvariable: INTEGER = 32 -- Specifies that the owner of the list box is responsible for -- drawing its contents and that the items in the list box are -- variable in height. The owner window receives a WM_MEASUREITEM -- message for each item in the combo box when you create the -- combo box and a WM_DRAWITEM message when a visual aspect of -- the combo box has changed. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE Cbs_oemconvert: INTEGER = 128 -- Converts text entered in the combo box edit control from the -- Windows character set to the OEM character set and then back -- to the Windows set. This ensures proper character conversion -- when the application calls the CharToOem function to convert a -- Windows string in the combo box to OEM characters. This style -- is most useful for combo boxes that contain file names and -- applies only to combo boxes created with the CBS_SIMPLE or -- CBS_DROPDOWN style. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_OEMCONVERT Cbs_sort: INTEGER = 256 -- Automatically sorts strings added to the list box. -- Declared in Windows as CBS_SORT Cbs_hasstrings: INTEGER = 512 -- Specifies that an owner-drawn combo box contains items -- consisting of strings. The combo box maintains the memory and -- address for the strings so the application can use the -- CB_GETLBTEXT message to retrieve the text for a particular -- item. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_HASSTRINGS Cbs_disablenoscroll: INTEGER = 2048 -- Shows a disabled vertical scroll bar in the list box when the -- box does not contain enough items to scroll. Without this -- style, the scroll bar is hidden when the list box does not -- contain enough items. -- Declared in Windows as CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL Cbs_lowercase: INTEGER = 16384 -- Converts to lowercase all text in both the selection field -- and the list. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_LOWERCASE Cbs_nointegralheight: INTEGER = 1024 -- Specifies that the size of the combo box is exactly the size -- specified by the application when it created the combo box. -- Normally, the system sizes a combo box so that it does not -- display partial items. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT Cbs_uppercase: INTEGER = 8192 -- Converts to uppercase all text in both the selection field and -- the list. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBS_UPPERCASE feature -- Extended Style Cbes_ex_noeditimage: INTEGER = 1 -- The edit box will not display an item image. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGE Cbes_ex_noeditimageindent: INTEGER = 2 -- The edit box will not indend text to make room -- for an item image. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBES_EX_NOEDITIMAGEINDENT feature -- Messages Cb_geteditsel: INTEGER = 320 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETEDITSEL Cb_limittext: INTEGER = 321 -- Declared in Windows as CB_LIMITTEXT Cb_seteditsel: INTEGER = 322 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SETEDITSEL Cb_addstring: INTEGER = 323 -- Declared in Windows as CB_ADDSTRING Cb_deletestring: INTEGER = 324 -- Declared in Windows as CB_DELETESTRING Cb_dir: INTEGER = 325 -- Declared in Windows as CB_DIR Cb_getcount: INTEGER = 326 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETCOUNT Cb_getcursel: INTEGER = 327 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETCURSEL Cb_getlbtext: INTEGER = 328 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETLBTEXT Cb_getlbtextlen: INTEGER = 329 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETLBTEXTLEN Cb_insertstring: INTEGER = 330 -- Declared in Windows as CB_INSERTSTRING Cb_resetcontent: INTEGER = 331 -- Declared in Windows as CB_RESETCONTENT Cb_findstring: INTEGER = 332 -- Declared in Windows as CB_FINDSTRING Cb_selectstring: INTEGER = 333 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SELECTSTRING Cb_setcursel: INTEGER = 334 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SETCURSEL Cb_showdropdown: INTEGER = 335 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SHOWDROPDOWN Cb_getitemdata: INTEGER = 336 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETITEMDATA Cb_setitemdata: INTEGER = 337 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SETITEMDATA Cb_getdroppedcontrolrect: INTEGER = 338 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT Cb_setitemheight: INTEGER = 339 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SETITEMHEIGHT Cb_getitemheight: INTEGER = 340 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETITEMHEIGHT Cb_setextendedui: INTEGER = 341 -- Declared in Windows as CB_SETEXTENDEDUI Cb_getextendedui: INTEGER = 342 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETEXTENDEDUI Cb_getdroppedstate: INTEGER = 343 -- Declared in Windows as CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE Cb_findstringexact: INTEGER = 344 -- Declared in Windows as CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT Cb_okay: INTEGER = 0 -- Declared in Windows as CB_OKAY Cb_err: INTEGER = -1 -- Declared in Windows as CB_ERR Cb_errspace: INTEGER = -2 -- Declared in Windows as CB_ERRSPACE Cb_gettopindex: INTEGER = 347 -- An application sends the CB_GETTOPINDEX message to -- retrieve the zero-based index of the first visible -- item in the list box portion of a combo box. -- -- Initially, the item with index 0 is at the top of -- the list box, but if the list box contents have -- been scrolled, another item may be at the top. Cb_settopindex: INTEGER = 348; -- An application sends the CB_SETTOPINDEX message to -- ensure that a particular item is visible in the -- list box of a combo box. The system scrolls the -- list box contents so that either the specified -- item appears at the top of the list box or the -- maximum scroll range has been reached. Cb_getdroppedwidth: INTEGER = 0x015f -- An application sends the CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH message to -- retrieve the minimum allowable width, in pixels, of the -- list box of a combo box with the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style. Cb_setdroppedwidth: INTEGER = 0x0160 -- An application sends the CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH message to set -- the maximum allowable width, in pixels, of the list box of -- a combo box with the CBS_DROPDOWN or CBS_DROPDOWNLIST style. Cb_gethorizontalextent: INTEGER = 0x015d -- An application sends the CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT message to -- retrieve from a combo box the width, in pixels, by which -- the list box can be scrolled horizontally (the scrollable width). -- This is applicable only if the list box has a horizontal scroll bar. Cb_sethorizontalextent: INTEGER = 0x015e -- An application sends the CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT message to -- set the width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled -- horizontally (the scrollable width). If the width of the list -- box is smaller than this value, the horizontal scroll bar -- horizontally scrolls items in the list box. If the width -- of the list box is equal to or greater than this value, -- the horizontal scroll bar is hidden or, if the combo box has -- the CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL style, disabled. feature -- Extended Messages Cbem_insertitem: INTEGER = 1035 -- Inserts a new item in a ComboBoxEx. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_INSERTITEM Cbem_setimagelist: INTEGER = 1026 -- Sets an image list for a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_SETIMAGELIST Cbem_getimagelist: INTEGER = 1027 -- Retrieves the handle to an image list assigned -- to a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_GETIMAGELIST Cbem_getitem: INTEGER = 1037 -- Retrieves item information for a given ComboBoxEx item. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_GETITEM Cbem_setitem: INTEGER = 1036 -- Sets the attributes for an item in a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_SETITEM Cbem_deleteitem: INTEGER = 324 -- Removes an item from a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_DELETEITEM Cbem_getcombocontrol: INTEGER = 1030 -- Retrieves the handle to the child combo box control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL Cbem_geteditcontrol: INTEGER = 1031 -- Retrieves the handke to the edit control portion of -- a ComboBoxEc control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL Cbem_setexstyle: INTEGER = 1032 -- Sets extended styles within a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_SETEXSTYLE Cbem_getexstyle: INTEGER = 1033 -- Retrieves the extended styles of a ComboBoxEx control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_GETEXSTYLE Cbem_haseditchanged: INTEGER = 1034; -- Determines if the user has changed the contents of the -- ComboBoxEx edit control by typing. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEM_HASEDITCHANGED feature -- Notifications Cbn_errspace: INTEGER = -1 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_ERRSPACE Cbn_selchange: INTEGER = 1 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_SELCHANGE Cbn_dblclk: INTEGER = 2 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_DBLCLK Cbn_setfocus: INTEGER = 3 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_SETFOCUS Cbn_killfocus: INTEGER = 4 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_KILLFOCUS Cbn_editchange: INTEGER = 5 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_EDITCHANGE Cbn_editupdate: INTEGER = 6 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_EDITUPDATE Cbn_dropdown: INTEGER = 7 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_DROPDOWN Cbn_closeup: INTEGER = 8 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_CLOSEUP Cbn_selendok: INTEGER = 9 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_SELENDOK Cbn_selendcancel: INTEGER = 10 -- Declared in Windows as CBN_SELENDCANCEL feature -- Extended Notifications Cben_getdispinfo: INTEGER = -807 -- Sent to retrieve display information about a callback item. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEN_GETDISPINFO Cben_insertitem: INTEGER = -801 -- Send when a new item has been inserted in the control. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEN_INSERTITEM Cben_deleteitem: INTEGER = -802 -- Sent when an item has been deleted. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEN_DELETEITEM Cben_beginedit: INTEGER = -804 -- Sent when the user activates the drop-down list in the -- control's edit box. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEN_BEGINEDIT Cben_endedit: INTEGER = -806 -- Sent when the user has concluded an operation within -- the edit box or has selected an item from the control's -- drop-down list. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEN_ENDEDIT feature -- Access : notification flags Cbenf_dropdown: INTEGER = 4 -- The user activated the drop-down list. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBENF_DROPDOWN Cbenf_escape: INTEGER = 3 -- The user pressed the ESCAPE key. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBENF_ESCAPE Cbenf_killfocus: INTEGER = 1 -- The edit box lost the keyboard focus. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBENF_KILLFOCUS Cbenf_return: INTEGER = 2; -- The user completed the edit operation by pressing -- the ENTER key. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBENF_RETURN feature -- Structure Information Cbeif_text: INTEGER = 1 -- The `text' member is valid or must be filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_TEXT Cbeif_image: INTEGER = 2 -- The `image' member is valid or must be filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_IMAGE Cbeif_selectedimage: INTEGER = 4 -- The `selected_image' member is valid or must be -- filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE Cbeif_overlay: INTEGER = 8 -- The `overlay' member is valid or must be filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_OVERLAY Cbeif_indent: INTEGER = 16 -- The `indent' member is valid or must be filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_INDENT Cbeif_di_setitem: INTEGER = 268435456 -- The control should store the item data and not ask -- for it again. This flag is used only with the -- CBEN_GETDISPINFO notification message. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_DI_SETITEM Cbeif_lparam: INTEGER = 32; -- The `lparam' member is valid or must be filled in. -- -- Declared in Windows as CBEIF_LPARAM note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_COMBO_BOX_CONSTANTS