note description: "[ Image functions in GDI+. For more information, please see: MSDN Image Functions: ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_GDIP_IMAGE inherit WEL_GDIP_ANY redefine destroy_item end create default_create create {WEL_GDIP_IMAGE} make_with_item feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_item (a_item: POINTER) -- Creation method require not_void: a_item /= default_pointer do default_create item := a_item ensure set: item = a_item end feature -- Command frozen load_image_from_file (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Redefine obsolete "Use `load_image_from_path' instead [2017-05-31]." do load_image_from_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_file_name)) end load_image_from_path (a_file_name: PATH) -- Redefine do load_image_from_file_original (a_file_name) end load_image_from_stream (a_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM) -- Load image from `a_stream' require not_void: a_stream /= Void local l_result: INTEGER_32 do destroy_item item := c_gdip_load_image_from_stream (gdi_plus_handle, a_stream.item, $l_result) end load_image_from_raw_file (a_file: RAW_FILE) -- Load image from `a_file' require not_void: a_file /= Void ready_for_read: a_file.is_open_read local l_pointer: MANAGED_POINTER do create l_pointer.make (a_file.count) a_file.read_to_managed_pointer (l_pointer, 0, a_file.count) load_image_from_memory (l_pointer.item, l_pointer.count.as_natural_32) end load_image_from_memory (a_pointer: POINTER; a_byte_counts: NATURAL_32) -- Load image from `a_pointer' require valid: a_pointer /= default_pointer local l_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM do create l_stream.create_istream_from_memory (a_pointer, a_byte_counts) load_image_from_stream (l_stream) -- Do not wait for the GC to release memory. l_stream.destroy end frozen save_image_to_file (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Save data to a file. obsolete "Use `save_image_to_path' instead [2017-05-31]." require not_void: a_file_name /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_file_name)) end frozen save_image_to_file_with_parameters (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save data to a file with `a_parameters' options obsolete "Use `save_image_to_path_with_parameters' instead [2017-05-31]." require not_void: a_file_name /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_path_with_parameters (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_file_name), a_parameters) end frozen save_image_to_file_with_encoder (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER) -- Save data to a file with image encoder parameter obsolete "Use `save_image_to_path_with_encoder' instead [2017-05-31]." require not_void: a_file_name /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_path_with_encoder (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_file_name), a_format) end frozen save_image_to_file_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save data to a file with image encoder and parameters obsolete "Use `save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters' instead [2017-05-31]." require not_void: a_file_name /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_file_name), a_format, a_parameters) end save_image_to_path (a_file_name: PATH) -- Save data to a file `a_file_name'. require not_void: a_file_name /= Void exists: exists local l_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER do l_format := format_for_save_file save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name, l_format, Void) end save_image_to_path_with_parameters (a_file_name: PATH; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save data to a file `a_file_name' with `a_parameters' options require not_void: a_file_name /= Void exists: exists local l_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER do l_format := format_for_save_file save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name, l_format, a_parameters) end save_image_to_path_with_encoder (a_file_name: PATH; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER) -- Save data to a file `a_file_name' with image encoder parameter require not_void: a_file_name /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name, a_format, Void) end save_image_to_path_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name: PATH; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save data to a file `a_file_name' with image encoder and parameters require not_void: a_file_name /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists local l_result: INTEGER l_wel_string: WEL_STRING l_parameters: POINTER l_encoder_info: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFO do create l_wel_string.make_from_path (a_file_name) if a_parameters /= Void then l_parameters := a_parameters.item.item end l_encoder_info := a_format.find_encoder check not_void: l_encoder_info /= Void then end c_gdip_save_image_to_file (gdi_plus_handle, item, l_wel_string.item, l_encoder_info.cls_id.item, l_parameters, $l_result) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end save_image_to_stream (a_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM) -- Save data to a file. require not_void: a_stream /= Void exists: exists local l_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER do l_format := format_for_save_file save_image_to_stream_with_encoder (a_stream, l_format) end save_image_to_stream_with_parameters (a_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save data to a stream with `a_parameters' options require not_void: a_stream /= Void exists: exists local l_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER do l_format := format_for_save_file save_image_to_stream_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_stream, l_format, a_parameters) end save_image_to_stream_with_encoder (a_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER) -- Save data to a stream with image encoder parameter require not_void: a_stream /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists do save_image_to_stream_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_stream, a_format, Void) end save_image_to_stream_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER; a_parameters: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_PARAMETERS) -- Save image to `a_stream' require not_void: a_stream /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void exists: exists local l_result: INTEGER l_parameters: POINTER l_encoder_info: detachable WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFO do if a_parameters /= Void then l_parameters := a_parameters.item.item end l_encoder_info := a_format.find_encoder check not_void: l_encoder_info /= Void then end c_gdip_save_image_to_stream (gdi_plus_handle, item, a_stream.item, l_encoder_info.cls_id.item, l_parameters, $l_result) check l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end save_image_to_memory: MANAGED_POINTER -- Save image data to result pointer local l_stream: WEL_COM_ISTREAM l_pointer: POINTER l_size: NATURAL_64 do -- IStream will alloc memory itself when passing default_pointer create l_stream.create_istream_from_memory (l_pointer, 0) save_image_to_stream (l_stream) l_size := l_stream.stat.cb_size if l_size > 0 then Result := l_stream.read_all else check nothing_in_stream: False end create Result.make (0) end end save_image_to_raw_file (a_file: RAW_FILE) -- Write image data to `a_file' require not_void: a_file /= Void valid: a_file.is_open_write exists: exists local l_memory: MANAGED_POINTER do l_memory := save_image_to_memory a_file.start a_file.put_managed_pointer (l_memory, 0, l_memory.count) end clone_rectangle_pixel_format (a_rectangle: WEL_GDIP_RECT; a_format: INTEGER): WEL_GDIP_BITMAP -- Close Current with option `a_rectangle' and `a_format' require valid: a_rectangle /= Void and then (a_rectangle.width > 0 and a_rectangle.height > 0) valid: (create {WEL_GDIP_PIXEL_FORMAT}).is_valid_format (a_format) exists: exists local l_graphics: WEL_GDIP_GRAPHICS l_src_rect, l_dest_rect: WEL_RECT do create Result.make_formatted (a_rectangle.width, a_rectangle.height, a_format) create l_graphics.make_from_image (Result) create l_src_rect.make (a_rectangle.x, a_rectangle.y, a_rectangle.width, a_rectangle.height) create l_dest_rect.make (0, 0, a_rectangle.width, a_rectangle.height) l_graphics.draw_image_with_dest_rect_src_rect (Current, l_dest_rect ,l_src_rect) ensure not_void: Result /= Void size_correct: Result.width = a_rectangle.width and Result.height = a_rectangle.height end feature -- Query width: INTEGER -- Width require exists: exists local l_result_status: INTEGER do Result := c_gdip_get_image_width (gdi_plus_handle, item, $l_result_status).to_integer_32 check ok: l_result_status = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end height: INTEGER -- Height require exists: exists local l_result_status: INTEGER do Result := c_gdip_get_image_height (gdi_plus_handle, item, $l_result_status).to_integer_32 check ok: l_result_status = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end raw_format: detachable WEL_GUID -- Image format guid. require exists: exists do Result := raw_format_orignal end pixel_format: INTEGER -- Pixel format in memory require exists: exists local l_result_status: INTEGER do Result := c_gdip_get_image_pixel_format (gdi_plus_handle, item, $l_result_status) check ok: l_result_status = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end ensure valid: (create {WEL_GDIP_PIXEL_FORMAT}).is_valid_format (Result) end get_thumbnail_image (a_width, a_height: INTEGER): WEL_GDIP_IMAGE -- Gets a thumbnail image from this Image object require exists: exists local l_result_pointer: POINTER l_result_status: INTEGER do l_result_pointer := c_gdip_get_thumbnail_image (gdi_plus_handle, item, a_width, a_height, default_pointer, default_pointer, $l_result_status) check ok: l_result_status = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end create Result.make_with_item (l_result_pointer) end all_image_encoders: ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFO] -- All image encoders. local l_size, l_num_encoders: NATURAL_32 l_result: INTEGER l_all_encoders: POINTER l_counter: INTEGER l_item: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFO do c_gdip_get_image_encoders_size (gdi_plus_handle, $l_num_encoders, $l_size, $l_result) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end from create l_all_encoders l_all_encoders := l_all_encoders.memory_alloc (l_size.to_integer_16) c_gdip_get_image_encoders (gdi_plus_handle, l_num_encoders, l_size, l_all_encoders, $l_result) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end create Result.make (l_num_encoders.to_integer_16) until l_counter >= l_num_encoders.to_integer_16 loop -- We don't need to free `l_all_encoders''s content, because they will be freed by WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFOs. create l_item.share_from_pointer (l_all_encoders + {WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_CODEC_INFO}.c_size_of_image_codec_info * l_counter) Result.extend (l_item) l_counter := l_counter + 1 end ensure not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Destory destroy_item -- Redefine local l_result: INTEGER do if item /= default_pointer then c_gdip_dispose_image (gdi_plus_handle, item, $l_result) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end item := default_pointer end end feature {WEL_GDIP_IMAGE} -- Implementation raw_format_orignal: WEL_GUID -- Image raw format. Orignal Gdi+ implmentation local l_result: INTEGER do create Result.make_empty c_gdip_get_image_raw_format (gdi_plus_handle, item, Result.item, $l_result) check ok: l_result = {WEL_GDIP_STATUS}.ok end end load_image_from_file_original (a_file_name: PATH) -- Load datas from a file. Orignal Gdi+ implementation. require not_void: a_file_name /= Void local l_wel_string: WEL_STRING l_result: INTEGER do destroy_item create l_wel_string.make_from_path (a_file_name) item := c_gdip_load_image_from_file (gdi_plus_handle, l_wel_string.item, $l_result) end find_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER -- Find image encoder. require format_recorded: raw_format /= Void local l_all_format: ARRAYED_LIST [WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER] l_constants: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_CONSTANTS l_result: detachable like find_format do from create l_constants l_all_format := l_constants.all_formats l_all_format.start until l_result /= Void or l_all_format.after loop if l_all_format.item.guid ~ raw_format then l_result := l_all_format.item end l_all_format.forth end check l_result /= Void then end Result := l_result ensure not_void: Result /= Void end format_for_save_file: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER -- Find proper image encoder for saving the image to file local l_constants: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER_CONSTANTS do if raw_format /= Void then Result := find_format else -- Is memoryBMP, we use PNG for saving as defualt. create l_constants Result := l_constants.png end ensure not_void: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- C externals c_gdip_load_image_from_file (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_wchar_file_name: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): POINTER -- Create a Gdi+ bitmap object name from file `a_wchar_file_name'. -- Pixmap format include BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and EMF. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_wchar_file_name_not_null: a_wchar_file_name /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipLoadImageFromFile = NULL; GpImage *l_result = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipLoadImageFromFile) { GdipLoadImageFromFile = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipLoadImageFromFile"); } if (GdipLoadImageFromFile) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GDIPCONST WCHAR*, GpImage **)) GdipLoadImageFromFile) ((GDIPCONST WCHAR *) $a_wchar_file_name, (GpBitmap **) &l_result); } return (EIF_POINTER) l_result; } ]" end c_gdip_load_image_from_stream (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_stream: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): POINTER -- Create a Gdi+ bitmap object name from `a_stream'. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_stream_not_null: a_stream /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipLoadImageFromStream = NULL; GpImage *l_result = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipLoadImageFromStream) { GdipLoadImageFromStream = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipLoadImageFromStream"); } if (GdipLoadImageFromStream) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (IStream *, GpImage **)) GdipLoadImageFromStream) ((IStream *) $a_stream, (GpBitmap **) &l_result); } return (EIF_POINTER) l_result; } ]" end c_gdip_save_image_to_file (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_gdip_image: POINTER; a_wchar_file_name, a_clsid_encoder, a_encoder_params: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Save `a_gdip_image' to `a_wchar_file_name' -- Pixmap format include BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and EMF. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_wchar_file_name_not_null: a_wchar_file_name /= default_pointer a_clsid_encoder_not_null: a_clsid_encoder /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipSaveImageToFile = NULL; GpImage *l_result = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 100; if (!GdipSaveImageToFile) { GdipSaveImageToFile = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipSaveImageToFile"); } if (GdipSaveImageToFile) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, GDIPCONST WCHAR *, GDIPCONST CLSID *, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters *)) GdipSaveImageToFile) ((GpImage *) $a_gdip_image, (GDIPCONST WCHAR *) $a_wchar_file_name, (GDIPCONST CLSID*) $a_clsid_encoder, (GDIPCONST EncoderParameters *) $a_encoder_params); } } ]" end c_gdip_save_image_to_stream (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_gdip_image: POINTER; a_stream, a_clsid_encoder, a_encoder_params: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Save `a_gdip_image' to `a_wchar_file_name' -- Pixmap format include BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and EMF. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_stream_not_null: a_stream /= default_pointer a_clsid_encoder_not_null: a_clsid_encoder /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipSaveImageToStream = NULL; GpImage *l_result = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 100; if (!GdipSaveImageToStream) { GdipSaveImageToStream = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipSaveImageToStream"); } if (GdipSaveImageToStream) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, IStream *, GDIPCONST CLSID *, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters *)) GdipSaveImageToStream) ((GpImage *) $a_gdip_image, (IStream *) $a_stream, (GDIPCONST CLSID*) $a_clsid_encoder, (GDIPCONST EncoderParameters *) $a_encoder_params); } } ]" end c_gdip_get_image_width (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_item: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): NATURAL_32 -- Width require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_item_not_null: a_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ static FARPROC GdipGetImageWidth = NULL; EIF_NATURAL_32 l_result; *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageWidth) { GdipGetImageWidth = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageWidth"); } if (GdipGetImageWidth) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, UINT *)) GdipGetImageWidth) ((GpImage *) $a_item, (UINT *) &l_result); } return l_result; ]" end c_gdip_get_image_height (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_item: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): NATURAL_32 -- Height require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_item_not_null: a_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImageHeight = NULL; EIF_NATURAL_32 l_result; *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageHeight) { GdipGetImageHeight = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageHeight"); } if (GdipGetImageHeight) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, UINT *)) GdipGetImageHeight) ((GpImage *) $a_item, (UINT *) &l_result); } return l_result; } ]" end c_gdip_get_image_pixel_format (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_item: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): INTEGER -- Get pixel format information require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_item_not_null: a_item /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImagePixelFormat = NULL; EIF_NATURAL_32 l_result; *(EIF_NATURAL_32 *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImagePixelFormat) { GdipGetImagePixelFormat = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImagePixelFormat"); } if (GdipGetImagePixelFormat) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, UINT *)) GdipGetImagePixelFormat) ((GpImage *) $a_item, (UINT *) &l_result); } return l_result; } ]" end c_gdip_dispose_image (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_image: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Dispose `a_image' require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer a_iamge_not_null: a_image /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipDisposeImage = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipDisposeImage) { GdipDisposeImage = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipDisposeImage"); } if (GdipDisposeImage) { *(EIF_INTEGER *)$a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *)) GdipDisposeImage) ((GpImage *) $a_image); } } ]" end c_gdip_get_image_encoders_size (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_num_encoders, a_size: TYPED_POINTER [NATURAL_32]; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Get image encoders size. -- `a_num_encoders' and `a_size' is out paramter. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImageEncodersSize = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageEncodersSize) { GdipGetImageEncodersSize = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageEncodersSize"); } if (GdipGetImageEncodersSize) { *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (UINT *, UINT *)) GdipGetImageEncodersSize) ((UINT *) $a_num_encoders, (UINT *) $a_size); } } ]" end c_gdip_get_image_encoders (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_num_encoders, a_size: NATURAL_32; a_result_pointer: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Get image encoders. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImageEncoders = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageEncoders) { GdipGetImageEncoders = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageEncoders"); } if (GdipGetImageEncoders) { *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (UINT, UINT, ImageCodecInfo *)) GdipGetImageEncoders) ((UINT) $a_num_encoders, (UINT) $a_size, (ImageCodecInfo *) $a_result_pointer); } } ]" end c_gdip_get_image_raw_format (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_image: POINTER; a_result_guid: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Get image encoders. require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImageRawFormat = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageRawFormat) { GdipGetImageRawFormat = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageRawFormat"); } if (GdipGetImageRawFormat) { *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, GUID *)) GdipGetImageRawFormat) ((GpImage *) $a_image, (GUID *) $a_result_guid); } } ]" end c_gdip_get_thumbnail_image (a_gdiplus_handle: POINTER; a_image: POINTER; a_width, a_height: INTEGER; a_get_thumbnail_image_abort: POINTER; a_callback_data: POINTER; a_result_status: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]): POINTER -- Get thumbnail_image require a_gdiplus_handle_not_null: a_gdiplus_handle /= default_pointer external "C inline use %"wel_gdi_plus.h%"" alias "[ { static FARPROC GdipGetImageThumbnail = NULL; GpImage *l_result = NULL; *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = 1; if (!GdipGetImageThumbnail) { GdipGetImageThumbnail = GetProcAddress ((HMODULE) $a_gdiplus_handle, "GdipGetImageThumbnail"); } if (GdipGetImageThumbnail) { *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result_status = (FUNCTION_CAST_TYPE (GpStatus, WINGDIPAPI, (GpImage *, UINT, UINT, GpImage **, GetThumbnailImageAbort, VOID *)) GdipGetImageThumbnail) ((GpImage *) $a_image, (UINT) $a_width, (UINT) $a_height, (GpBitmap **) &l_result, (GetThumbnailImageAbort) $a_get_thumbnail_image_abort, (VOID *) $a_callback_data); } return (EIF_POINTER) l_result; } ]" end feature -- Obsolete save_image_to_file_with_format (a_file_name: STRING; a_format: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_FORMAT) -- Save data to a file with image format parameter obsolete "Use save_image_to_file_with_encoder instead [2017-05-31]." require not_void: a_file_name /= Void not_void: a_format /= Void local l_encoder: WEL_GDIP_IMAGE_ENCODER do create l_encoder.make (a_format.guid) save_image_to_file_with_encoder_and_parameters (a_file_name, l_encoder, Void) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2023, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end