note description: "Object font which can be selected into a DC." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WEL_FONT inherit WEL_GDI_ANY WEL_UNIT_CONVERSION export {NONE} all end WEL_DT_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_BIT_OPERATIONS export {NONE} all end WEL_TMPF_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_SHARED_TEMPORARY_OBJECTS export {NONE} all end create make, make_indirect, make_by_pointer feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_height, a_width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strike_out, charset, output_precision, clip_precision, quality, pitch_and_family: INTEGER; a_face_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Make font named `a_face_name'. require a_face_name_not_void: a_face_name /= Void local a_wel_string: WEL_STRING do create a_wel_string.make (a_face_name) item := cwin_create_font (a_height, a_width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strike_out, charset, output_precision, clip_precision, quality, pitch_and_family, a_wel_string.item) gdi_make end make_indirect (a_log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT) -- Make a font using `a_log_font'. require a_log_font_not_void: a_log_font /= Void a_log_font_exists: a_log_font.exists do item := cwin_create_font_indirect (a_log_font.item) gdi_make end feature -- Setting set_height (a_height: INTEGER) -- Set `height' with `a_height'. require exists: exists a_height_bigger_than_zero: a_height > 0 local l: like log_font screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC do create screen_dc screen_dc.get l := log_font l.set_height (-pixel_to_logical (screen_dc, a_height)) screen_dc.release set_indirect (l) end set_height_in_points (a_height_in_points: INTEGER) -- Set `height' based on `a_height_in_points'. require exists: exists local l: like log_font screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC do create screen_dc screen_dc.get l := log_font l.set_height (- point_to_logical (screen_dc, a_height_in_points, 1)) screen_dc.release set_indirect (l) end feature -- Re-initialisation set_indirect (a_log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT) -- Reset the current font the 'a_log_font' without -- creating new object require exists: exists a_log_font_not_void: a_log_font /= Void local object_destroyed: BOOLEAN a_default_pointer: POINTER do -- we delete the current C item debug ("WEL_GDI_COUNT") decrease_gdi_objects_count end object_destroyed := cwin_delete_object (item) check c_object_destroyed: object_destroyed end item := a_default_pointer check c_object_destroyed: not exists end -- Then we retrieve an new C item. item := cwin_create_font_indirect (a_log_font.item) debug ("WEL_GDI_COUNT") increase_gdi_objects_count end end feature -- Access log_font: WEL_LOG_FONT -- Log font structure associated to `Current' require exists do create Result.make_by_font (Current) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end width: INTEGER -- Character width of current fixed-width font. require exists: exists do Result := string_width ("x") end height: INTEGER -- Size of font measured in pixels. require exists: exists local screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC do create screen_dc screen_dc.get Result := logical_to_pixel (screen_dc, -log_font.height) screen_dc.release ensure Result_bigger_than_zero: Result > 0 end point: INTEGER -- Size of font in points (1 point = 1/72 of an inch) require exists: exists local screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC do create screen_dc screen_dc.get Result := pixel_to_point (screen_dc, -log_font.height) screen_dc.release end string_width (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Width of `a_string'. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void do Result := string_size (a_string).width end string_height (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): INTEGER -- Height of `a_string'. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void do Result := string_size (a_string).height end string_size_extended (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER; leading_overhang: INTEGER; trailing_overhang: INTEGER] -- [width, height, leading overhang, trailing overhang] of `a_string'. -- Not all fonts have characters that fit completely within the bounds of -- the standard `string_size'. See `char_abc_widths' from WEL_DC which -- retrives information regarding Windows ABC structures for truetype -- fonts. If a character has a negative "a" or "c" value which causes it -- to extended past the boundaries of the rectange specified by the first two -- INTEGER values, use the final two INTEGER values to determine the number -- of pixels the characters extend in either direction past the bounds. This -- is necessary to completely encompass the string in a rectangle. -- The third INTEGER value of `Result' corresponds to the maximum character extent -- to the left hand side (before the string), with a negative value specifying a protuding point. -- The fourth integer value of `Result' corresponds to the maximum character extent -- to the right hand side (after the string), with a negative value indicating that it protudes) require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local cur_width, cur_height: INTEGER screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC counter: INTEGER count: INTEGER greatest_a, greatest_c: INTEGER current_c: INTEGER screen_dc_pointer: POINTER abc_struct: WEL_ABC_STRUCT abc_struct_size: INTEGER l_wel_rect: like wel_rect managed_pointer: MANAGED_POINTER char_pointer: POINTER character_code: NATURAL_32 a, b, c: INTEGER current_width: INTEGER advance_width: INTEGER text_metric: WEL_TEXT_METRIC metric_height: INTEGER last_newline_index: INTEGER optimize_for_short_strings: BOOLEAN do if a_string.count = 0 then cur_width := 0 cur_height := 0 else screen_dc := reusable_screen_dc screen_dc.get screen_dc.select_font (Current) count := a_string.count -- Initialize a text metric structure from `screen_dc' providing information -- regarding selected font. text_metric := reusable_text_metric text_metric.set_from_dc (screen_dc) -- We only need to perform the accurate calculations for true type fonts. -- If a font is not truetype, we can simply use `string_size'. if flag_set (text_metric.pitch_and_family, tmpf_truetype) then -- Store height returned by metrics for quick access. metric_height := text_metric.height -- It is quicker to perform different implementations -- based on the string length. The value of 48 is an approximate -- value where in testing, the relative merits of each approach becomes -- apparent. This value should not be changed without proper testing. Julian optimize_for_short_strings := count < 48 abc_struct := reusable_abc_struct abc_struct_size := abc_struct.structure_size if not optimize_for_short_strings then -- If we are dealing with a large string, we retrieve -- all characters from 0-255, for subsequent look up -- as it is quicker. create managed_pointer.make (256 * abc_struct_size) screen_dc.cwel_get_char_abc_widths (screen_dc.item, 0, 255, managed_pointer.item) char_pointer := managed_pointer.item end -- Store pointers to structures for quicker access. screen_dc_pointer := screen_dc.item greatest_a := 1000 greatest_c := -1000 from counter := 1 current_c := 0 until counter > count loop character_code := a_string.code (counter) check character_code_not_too_big: character_code <= {INTEGER}.max_value.to_natural_32 end if character_code = ('%N').code.to_natural_32 then cur_width := cur_width.max (current_width) greatest_c := greatest_c.max (current_width - current_c) current_c := 0 current_width := 0 cur_height := cur_height + metric_height last_newline_index := counter else if optimize_for_short_strings or else character_code > 255 then -- It is quicker to retrieve the item multiple times, rather than -- retrieve all 255 character indexes for short strings. -- The size should also be calculated one-by-one for characters -- above those for which the size has been retrieved. screen_dc.cwel_get_char_abc_widths (screen_dc.item, character_code, character_code, abc_struct.item) else -- As we are not optimizing for short strings, look up the character -- in the prefetched table. create abc_struct.make_by_pointer (char_pointer + character_code.to_integer_32 * abc_struct_size) end a := abc_struct.a b := abc_struct.b c := abc_struct.c advance_width := a + b + c current_c := (current_c + advance_width).min (1000) current_c := current_c.min (c) current_width := current_width + advance_width if last_newline_index = counter - 1 or counter = 1 then greatest_a := greatest_a.min (a) end end counter := counter + 1 end cur_height := cur_height + metric_height cur_width := cur_width.max (current_width) greatest_c := greatest_c.max (current_width - current_c) greatest_c := cur_width - greatest_c else -- We are not dealing with a true type font, so -- use the same implementation as `string_size' to return the best approximation. -- The third and fourth values of the result will be 0. l_wel_rect := wel_rect l_wel_rect.set_rect (0, 0, 32767, 32767) screen_dc.draw_text (a_string, l_wel_rect, dt_calcrect | dt_expandtabs | dt_noprefix) cur_width := l_wel_rect.width cur_height := l_wel_rect.height end screen_dc.unselect_font screen_dc.quick_release end Result := reusable_string_size_extended_tuple Result.width := cur_width Result.height := cur_height Result.leading_overhang := greatest_a Result.trailing_overhang := greatest_c ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end string_size (a_string: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER] -- [width, height] of `a_string'. require exists: exists a_string_not_void: a_string /= Void local cur_width, cur_height: INTEGER screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC l_wel_rect: like wel_rect do if a_string.count = 0 then cur_width := 0 cur_height := 0 else l_wel_rect := wel_rect l_wel_rect.set_rect (0, 0, 32767, 32767) screen_dc := reusable_screen_dc screen_dc.get screen_dc.select_font (Current) screen_dc.draw_text (a_string, l_wel_rect, Dt_calcrect | Dt_expandtabs | Dt_noprefix) cur_width := l_wel_rect.width cur_height := l_wel_rect.height screen_dc.unselect_font screen_dc.quick_release end Result := reusable_string_size_tuple Result.width := cur_width Result.height := cur_height end feature {NONE} -- Implementation (String Size Optimization) reusable_screen_dc: WEL_SCREEN_DC -- Reusable screen dc object for string size optimization. once create Result end reusable_text_metric: WEL_TEXT_METRIC -- Reusable text metric object for string size optimization. once create Result.make_empty end reusable_abc_struct: WEL_ABC_STRUCT -- Reusable abc struct for string size optimization. once create Result.make end reusable_string_size_extended_tuple: TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER; leading_overhang: INTEGER; trailing_overhang: INTEGER] -- Reusable tuple for string size extended optimization. once Result := [0, 0, 0, 0] end reusable_string_size_tuple: TUPLE [width: INTEGER; height: INTEGER] -- Reusable tuple for string size optimization. once Result := [0, 0] end feature {NONE} -- Implementation get_char_a_width (dc: WEL_DC; character_code: NATURAL_32): INTEGER -- `Result' is "a" width from truetype font character `character_code'. require dc_not_void: dc /= Void character_code_positive: character_code > 0 do Result := dc.char_abc_widths (character_code, character_code).i_th (1).a end get_char_c_width (dc: WEL_DC; character_code: NATURAL_32): INTEGER -- `Result' is "c" width from truetype font character `character_code'. require dc_not_void: dc /= Void character_code_positive: character_code > 0 do Result := dc.char_abc_widths (character_code, character_code).i_th (1).c end cwin_create_font (a_height, a_width, escapement, orientation, weight, italic, underline, strike_out, charset, output_precision, clip_precision, quality, pitch_and_family: INTEGER; face: POINTER): POINTER -- SDK CreateFont external "C [macro ] (int, int, int, int, int, DWORD, % %DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD, % %DWORD, LPCTSTR): EIF_POINTER" alias "CreateFont" end cwin_create_font_indirect (ptr: POINTER): POINTER -- SDK CreateFontIndirect external "C [macro ] (LOGFONT *): EIF_POINTER" alias "CreateFontIndirect" end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WEL_FONT