---------------------------------------------------------- :Status: in progress :Description: quick help to use the build.eant script :Date: 2006-Oct-27 :Categories: ec,compilation,build,scripts ---------------------------------------------------------- The geant's script $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant can be used to compile "ec" and other product from EiffelSoftware open source project. 1) First you need to checkout the source. for instance svn checkout https://svn.eiffel.com/eiffelstudio/trunk Eiffel_dev Note: the whole trunk or branches is checkouted into a single folder 2) go to your compilation directory for instance cd $HOME/compile 3) You must be sure to have valid environment variables: $ISE_EIFFEL, EIFFEL_SRC, and ISE_C_COMPILER (on windows only) 4) using geant geant -b $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant Will display the usage of this script If you want to compile a finalized "ec" You must do --| Compile the ISE runtime geant -b $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant compile_runtime --| Compile the various clib (c code) of various ISE libraries --| And also third party c libraries (zip, png ...) --| Install ISE´s patched gobo library geant -b $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant compile_library And then geant -b $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant finalize_ec geant -b $EIFFEL_SRC/scripts/geant/build.eant finalize_estudio Those scripts are in progress for now. Please report any issue to jfiat@eiffel.com ------------------------------------------- Web: http://svn.eiffel.com/eiffelstudio -------------------------------------------