note description: "Objects that ..." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CLASS_STRUCTURE_EDITOR_WINDOW inherit EV_TITLED_WINDOW redefine initialize end feature {NONE} -- Initialize initialize local vb: EV_VERTICAL_BOX hb: EV_HORIZONTAL_BOX but, show_but, rescan_but: EV_BUTTON nbk: EV_NOTEBOOK b_grid, b_text: EV_VERTICAL_BOX grill_cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON do Precursor create vb vb.set_padding_width (0) vb.set_border_width (0) extend (vb) create hb hb.set_padding_width (2) hb.set_border_width (2) vb.extend (hb); vb.disable_item_expand (hb) create b_grid create b_text create nbk vb.extend (nbk) nbk.set_tab_position ({EV_NOTEBOOK}.tab_bottom) nbk.extend (b_grid) nbk.extend (b_text) nbk.item_tab (b_grid).set_text ("Structure") nbk.item_tab (b_text).set_text ("Code") create but.make_with_text ("Show code") hb.extend (but); hb.disable_item_expand (but) show_but := but create but.make_with_text ("Clean code") hb.extend (but); hb.disable_item_expand (but) but.select_actions.extend (agent do clean_text end) create grill_cb.make_with_text ("grid?") hb.extend (grill_cb); hb.disable_item_expand (grill_cb) grill_cb.select_actions.extend (agent (a_cb: EV_CHECK_BUTTON) do if attached grid as g then if a_cb.is_selected then g.enable_row_separators g.enable_column_separators else g.disable_row_separators g.disable_column_separators end end end(grill_cb)) hb.extend (create {EV_CELL}) create but.make_with_text ("Reset") hb.extend (but); hb.disable_item_expand (but) rescan_but := but create but.make_with_text ("Save") but.select_actions.extend (agent do save_text end) hb.extend (but); hb.disable_item_expand (but) create grid initialize_grid grid.file_drop_actions.extend (agent files_dropped) b_grid.extend (grid) create text b_text.extend (text) rescan_but.select_actions.extend (agent (atab: EV_NOTEBOOK_TAB) do if attached filename as f then scan_file (f) atab.enable_select end end(nbk.item_tab (b_grid))) show_but.select_actions.extend (agent (atab: EV_NOTEBOOK_TAB) do show_text (class_text) atab.enable_select end(nbk.item_tab (b_text))) close_request_actions.extend (agent destroy_and_exit_if_last) grill_cb.enable_select set_title (default_title) set_icon_pixmap (pixmap_logo) set_size (600, 700) end initialize_grid local g: like grid do g := grid g.set_column_count_to (4) g.column (cst_name).set_title ("Name") g.column (cst_signature).set_title ("Signature/Export") g.column (cst_type).set_title ("Type") g.hide_column (cst_positions) g.enable_tree g.disable_row_height_fixed g.set_separator_color (create {EV_COLOR}.make_with_8_bit_rgb (190,190,190)) g.hide_tree_node_connectors g.enable_column_separators g.enable_row_separators g.enable_single_row_selection g.enable_selection_key_handling g.resize_actions.force_extend (agent resize_columns) g.key_press_actions.extend (agent (a_key: EV_KEY) local l_row: like selected_row i: INTEGER do l_row := selected_row if l_row /= Void and then l_row.parent /= Void and ev_application.ctrl_pressed then inspect a_key.code when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_c then copied_row := l_row when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_v then if copied_row /= Void then dropped_on (l_row, copied_row) copied_row := Void end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_left then from i := 1 until i > grid.row_count loop if attached {EV_GRID_ROW} grid.row (i) as r and then r.parent_row = Void and then r.is_expanded then r.collapse end i := i + 1 end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_right then from i := 1 until i > grid.row_count loop if attached {EV_GRID_ROW} grid.row (i) as r2 and then r2.parent_row = Void and then r2.is_expandable and then not r2.is_expanded then r2.expand end i := i + 1 end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_numpad_subtract then if l_row.parent_row = Void then remove_feature_clause (l_row) end when {EV_KEY_CONSTANTS}.key_numpad_add then if l_row.parent_row = Void then insert_feature_clause (l_row) end else end end end) g.row_deselect_actions.extend (agent (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) do selected_row := Void end) g.row_select_actions.extend (agent (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) do if a_row /= Void and then a_row.parent /= Void then selected_row := a_row show_portion_from_row (selected_row, eiffel_class_structure, 0,0,0) else selected_row := Void end end) g.set_item_pebble_function (agent (gi: EV_GRID_ITEM): ANY do Result := gi.row end) end feature -- Basic operations populate_grid require has_valid_eiffel_class_structure: has_valid_eiffel_class_structure local ecs: like eiffel_class_structure feat_clauses: LIST [FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS] glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM gelab: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM l_row, l_subrow: EV_GRID_ROW t: STRING_32 r,sr: INTEGER g: like grid l_as: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS feats: EIFFEL_LIST [FEATURE_AS] f: FEATURE_AS feature_clause_bg: EV_COLOR do ecs := eiffel_class_structure g := grid g.set_row_count_to (0) if ecs.has_structure then create feature_clause_bg.make_with_8_bit_rgb (235,235,250) from feat_clauses := ecs.structure feat_clauses.start until feat_clauses.after loop r := g.row_count + 1 g.insert_new_row (r) l_row := g.row (r) l_row.set_background_color (feature_clause_bg) l_as := feat_clauses.item --| Name t := "-- " t.append ("%"") t.append (ecs.feature_clause_comment (l_as)) t.append ("%"") create gelab.make_with_text (t) gelab.set_font (feature_clause_font) l_row.set_item (cst_name, gelab) gelab.drop_actions.extend (agent dropped_on (l_row,?)) gelab.pointer_double_press_actions.force_extend (agent gelab.activate) gelab.activate_actions.extend (agent (a_fcas: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS; ag: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM; w: EV_POPUP_WINDOW) do ag.text_field.set_text (eiffel_class_structure.feature_clause_comment (a_fcas)) end(l_as, gelab, ?)) gelab.deactivate_actions.extend (agent (a_fcas: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS; ag: EV_GRID_EDITABLE_ITEM) local nt: STRING do nt := ag.text_field.text eiffel_class_structure.update_feature_clause_comment (a_fcas, nt) ag.set_text ("-- %"" + nt + "%"") refresh end(l_as, gelab)) --| Export create glab.make_with_text (feature_clause_exports_text (l_as)) l_row.set_item (cst_export, glab) --| Position t := "" t.append (" (") t.append_integer (l_as.feature_keyword.start_position) t.append (",") t.append_integer (l_as.feature_clause_end_position) t.append (")") l_row.set_data ([l_as, [l_as.feature_keyword.start_position, l_as.feature_clause_end_position]]) create glab.make_with_text (t) l_row.set_item (cst_positions, glab) feats := l_as.features if feats /= Void and then not feats.is_empty then from feats.start until feats.after loop sr := l_row.subrow_count + 1 l_row.insert_subrow (sr) l_subrow := l_row.subrow (sr) f := feats.item add_feature_to_row (f, l_subrow) feats.forth end end feat_clauses.forth if l_row.is_expandable then l_row.expand end end else create glab.make_with_text ("No structure") g.set_item (1, 1, glab) end resize_columns end add_feature_to_row (f: FEATURE_AS; a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) local ecs: like eiffel_class_structure t: STRING glab: EV_GRID_LABEL_ITEM l_subrow: EV_GRID_ROW l_name,l_sign,l_type: STRING p: EV_PIXMAP err: STRING do ecs := eiffel_class_structure err := "" if f.body.content /= Void and then f.is_deferred then err.append ("+Deferred ") end l_name := "" if attached {LIST [STRING]} ecs.feature_names (f) as fns and then not fns.is_empty then from fns.start until fns.after loop l_name.append_string (fns.item) if not fns.islast then l_name.append_string (", ") end fns.forth end end l_sign := "" l_type := "" t := "" if f.is_attribute then -- t := once "attribute" p := pixmap_attribute elseif f.is_constant then -- t := once "constant" p := pixmap_constant else if f.body.arguments /= Void then l_sign := eiffel_class_structure.ast_text (f.body.arguments) end if f.is_function then p := pixmap_function -- t := once "function" check f.body.type /= Void end else p := pixmap_method -- t := once "method" end end if f.body.type /= Void then l_type := eiffel_class_structure.ast_text (f.body.type) end -- --| Name -- create glab.make_with_text (l_name) -- glab.set_background_color (name_bg) -- a_row.set_item (cst_name, glab) -- glab.drop_actions.extend (agent dropped_on (a_row,?)) -- if p /= Void then -- glab.set_pixmap (p) -- end -- -- --| Sign+type -- t := "" ---- t.append_string (l_name) -- if l_sign /= Void and then not l_sign.is_empty then -- t.append_string ("(") -- t.append_string (l_sign) -- t.append_string (")") -- end -- if l_type /= Void and then not l_type.is_empty then -- if not t.is_empty then -- t.append_string (": ") -- end -- t.append_string (l_type) -- end -- --| Sign+type -- create glab.make_with_text (t) -- a_row.set_item (cst_signature, glab) --| Name create glab.make_with_text (l_name) glab.set_background_color (name_bg) a_row.set_item (cst_name, glab) glab.drop_actions.extend (agent dropped_on (a_row,?)) if p /= Void then glab.set_pixmap (p) end --| Sign create glab.make_with_text (l_sign) a_row.set_item (cst_signature, glab) --| Type create glab.make_with_text (l_type) a_row.set_item (cst_type, glab) --| Position t := "" t.append (" (") t.append_integer (f.start_position) t.append (",") t.append_integer (f.end_position) t.append (")") a_row.set_data ([f, [f.start_position, f.end_position]]) create glab.make_with_text (t) a_row.set_item (cst_positions, glab) t := ecs.feature_comments_to_string (f) if t /= Void and then t.count > 0 then a_row.insert_subrow (1) l_subrow := a_row.subrow (1) create glab.make_with_text (t) glab.set_foreground_color (comments_fg) l_subrow.set_item (cst_comments, glab) l_subrow.set_height (glab.text_height + 4) else err.append_string ("+NoComment ") end create glab.make_with_text (err) glab.set_foreground_color ( a_row.set_item (cst_error, glab) end show_text (t: STRING) local tt: STRING do if t = Void then text.remove_text else tt := t.twin tt.prune_all ('%R') text.set_text (tt) end end show_portion (t: TUPLE [s,e: INTEGER]; a_ecs: EIFFEL_CLASS_STRUCTURE) local ut: TUPLE [s,e: INTEGER; s_offset, e_offset: INTEGER; t: STRING_32] do ut ?= t if ut = Void and t /= Void then create ut ut.s := t.s ut.e := t.e end if ut /= Void then a_ecs.update_text_information (ut) show_text (ut.t) ut.t := Void end end feature -- Element change insert_feature_clause (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) local fc: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS do fc ?= ast_for_row (a_row) if fc /= Void then eiffel_class_structure.insert_feature_clause ("New Feature Clause", Void,fc) refresh end end remove_feature_clause (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW) local fc: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS do fc ?= ast_for_row (a_row) if fc /= Void then eiffel_class_structure.remove_feature_clause (fc) refresh end end resize_columns local g: like grid w, n, i: INTEGER do g := grid if g.row_count > 0 then n := g.column_count from i := 1 until i = n loop if g.column_displayed (i) then w := g.column (i).required_width_of_item_span (1, g.row_count) g.column (i).set_width (w + 5) end i := i + 1 end end end feature -- Callback files_dropped (lst: LIST [STRING_32]) do if lst.count = 1 then if attached lst.first as s then set_filename_from_string (s) end end end dropped_on (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_pebble: EV_GRID_ROW) local l_target: EV_GRID_ROW g: EV_GRID i,j,n: INTEGER pebble_is_feature: BOOLEAN src_as: AST_EIFFEL do if a_row /= a_pebble then src_as := ast_for_row (a_pebble) if src_as /= Void then pebble_is_feature := a_pebble.parent_row /= Void i := a_pebble.index n := 1 + a_pebble.subrow_count_recursive if a_row.parent_row = Void then -- Features clause if pebble_is_feature then l_target := a_row j := l_target.index + l_target.subrow_count_recursive + 1 eiffel_class_structure.move_feature (src_as, ast_for_row (a_row), Void) else j := a_row.index eiffel_class_structure.move_feature_clause (src_as, ast_for_row (a_row)) end else -- Feature item if pebble_is_feature then l_target := a_row.parent_row j := a_row.index eiffel_class_structure.move_feature (src_as, ast_for_row (l_target), ast_for_row(a_row)) else j := a_row.parent_row.index eiffel_class_structure.move_feature_clause (src_as, ast_for_row (a_row.parent_row)) end end g := a_row.parent if l_target /= Void then g.move_rows_to_parent (i,j, n, l_target) else g.move_rows (i,j, n) end refresh end end end feature -- Implementation ast_for_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): AST_EIFFEL local t: TUPLE [ast: AST_EIFFEL] do t ?= if t /= Void then Result ?= t.ast end end text_position_for_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW): TUPLE [s,e: INTEGER] local t: TUPLE [ast: AST_EIFFEL; pos: TUPLE [s,e: INTEGER]] do t ?= if t /= Void then Result := t.pos end end show_portion_from_row (a_row: EV_GRID_ROW; a_ecs: EIFFEL_CLASS_STRUCTURE; ax,ay,ab: INTEGER) do show_portion (text_position_for_row (a_row), a_ecs) end feature_clause_exports_text (l_as: FEATURE_CLAUSE_AS): STRING require has_valid_eiffel_class_structure: has_valid_eiffel_class_structure local s: STRING do Result := "" if attached {LIST [STRING]} eiffel_class_structure.feature_class_exports (l_as) as cls and then not cls.is_empty then from cls.start until cls.after loop s := cls.item if s /= Void then Result.append (s) end if not cls.islast then Result.append (", ") end cls.forth end end end feature -- Access is_modified: BOOLEAN text: EV_TEXT grid: EV_GRID selected_row: EV_GRID_ROW copied_row: EV_GRID_ROW filename: detachable PATH note option: stable attribute end has_valid_eiffel_class_structure: BOOLEAN do Result := attached eiffel_class_structure as s and then s.has_structure end eiffel_class_structure: detachable EIFFEL_CLASS_STRUCTURE class_text: detachable STRING do if attached eiffel_class_structure as s and then s.has_structure then Result := s.class_text end end feature -- Basic operation set_modified (b: BOOLEAN) local t,m: STRING_32 do if b then t := title m := "-- Modified --" if t.substring_index (m, 1) = 0 then set_title (m + title) end else if attached filename as fn then set_title (default_title + {STRING_32} " (" + + ")" ) else set_title (default_title) end end is_modified := b end set_filename_from_string (fn: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require fn_attached: fn /= Void local p: PATH do create p.make_from_string (fn) filename := p scan_file (p) end clean_text -- Pretty/clean code local t: STRING s: STRING do if has_valid_eiffel_class_structure then t := class_text s := t.string s.prune_all ('%R') s := clean_class_code (s) scan_string (s) set_modified (True) end end save_text local t: detachable STRING f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING do t := class_text if t /= Void then s := t.string s.prune_all ('%R') -- s := clean_class_code (s) create f.make_with_path (filename) f.create_read_write f.put_string (s) f.flush f.close set_modified (False) end end clean_class_code (t: STRING): STRING local a_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION do --| regexp (vim) :%s/\(\n\)\s*\n[\s\n]*\s*(\n)/\1\2/gc create a_regexp.make a_regexp.compile ("(\n)\s*\n[\s\n]*\s*(\n)") a_regexp.optimize a_regexp.match (t) Result := a_regexp.replace_all ("%N%N") end refresh local i: INTEGER do if has_valid_eiffel_class_structure then if attached {EV_GRID_ROW} selected_row as r then i := r.index end scan_string (eiffel_class_structure.class_text) if i > 0 then grid.select_row (i) grid.row (i).ensure_visible end set_modified (True) end end scan_file (fn: PATH) require fn_attached: fn /= Void local ecs: EIFFEL_CLASS_STRUCTURE do set_modified (False) copied_row := Void selected_row := Void eiffel_class_structure := Void show_text ("Scanning %"" + fn.utf_8_name + "%" ...") create ecs.make_with_path (fn) if ecs.has_structure and then attached {STRING} ecs.structure_to_string as t then show_text (t) end eiffel_class_structure := ecs if has_valid_eiffel_class_structure then populate_grid end end scan_string (txt: STRING) local ecs: EIFFEL_CLASS_STRUCTURE do copied_row := Void selected_row := Void eiffel_class_structure := Void show_text ("Scanning string ...") create ecs.make_with_string (txt) show_text (ecs.structure_to_string) eiffel_class_structure := ecs if has_valid_eiffel_class_structure then populate_grid end end feature -- Pixmaps comments_fg: EV_COLOR once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255,90,90) end name_bg: EV_COLOR once create Result.make_with_8_bit_rgb (255,255,230) end stock_colors: EV_STOCK_COLORS once create Result end feature_clause_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_bold) end pixmap_font: EV_FONT once create Result Result.set_height_in_points (7) Result.set_weight ({EV_FONT_CONSTANTS}.weight_regular) end pixmap_logo: EV_PIXMAP local c1: EV_COLOR once create Result.make_with_size (18, 18) Result.set_background_color (stock_colors.white) create c1.make_with_8_bit_rgb (110,110,210) Result.set_foreground_color (c1) Result.clear Result.draw_rectangle (0,0, 18,18) Result.draw_rectangle (2,2, 14,14) Result.fill_rectangle (5,5, 8,8) Result.set_foreground_color (stock_colors.white) Result.draw_segment (5, 8, 12,8) end pixmap_for (t: STRING; c: EV_COLOR): EV_PIXMAP do create Result.make_with_size (12, 12) Result.set_foreground_color (stock_colors.white) Result.set_background_color (c) Result.clear Result.set_font (pixmap_font) Result.draw_text_top_left (1, 0, t) end pixmap_method: EV_PIXMAP once Result := pixmap_for("M", end pixmap_function: EV_PIXMAP once Result := pixmap_for("F", stock_colors.dark_red) end pixmap_attribute: EV_PIXMAP once Result := pixmap_for("A", end pixmap_constant: EV_PIXMAP once Result := pixmap_for("C", stock_colors.magenta) end feature -- Constants cst_name: INTEGER = 1 cst_export: INTEGER = 2 cst_comments: INTEGER = 2 cst_signature: INTEGER = 2 cst_type: INTEGER = 3 cst_positions: INTEGER = 4 cst_error: INTEGER = 5 default_title: STRING_32 once Result := "Eiffel Class Structure Editor" end end