note description: "[ Objects that ... ]" author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CLOUD_CHECKER_APP inherit ARGUMENTS_32 EIFFEL_LAYOUT SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize `Current'. local cloud_factory: ES_CLOUD_FACTORY cl: ES_CLOUD_S u,p: STRING_32 tok: STRING_8 i,n: INTEGER l_conn_timeout, l_timeout: INTEGER l_verbose: INTEGER l_check_connection: BOOLEAN v: READABLE_STRING_32 l_custom_server_url: READABLE_STRING_8 acc: ES_ACCOUNT is_cloud_sign_in: BOOLEAN sign_in_retry_count: INTEGER l_tmp_location: PATH do l_tmp_location := execution_environment.temporary_directory_path.extended ("es_cloud_checker") execution_environment.put (, {EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.ise_app_data_env) set_eiffel_layout (create {CLOUD_CHECKER_EIFFEL_LAYOUT}) from i := 1 n := argument_count until i > n loop if attached argument (i) as arg then if arg.same_string ("--token") and i < n then i := i + 1 v := argument (i) if v /= Void then tok := {UTF_CONVERTER}.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (v) tok.left_adjust; tok.right_adjust if tok.is_empty then tok := Void end end elseif arg.same_string ("--username") and i < n then i := i + 1 u := argument (i) if u /= Void then u.left_adjust; u.right_adjust if u.is_empty then u := Void end end elseif arg.same_string ("--sign-in") then is_cloud_sign_in := True elseif arg.same_string ("--password") and i < n then i := i + 1 p := argument (i) if p /= Void then p.left_adjust; p.right_adjust if p.is_empty then p := Void end end elseif arg.same_string ("--connection_timeout") and i < n then i := i + 1 v := argument (i) if v /= Void and then v.is_integer then l_conn_timeout := v.to_integer end elseif arg.same_string ("--server") and i < n then i := i + 1 v := argument (i) if v /= Void and then not v.is_whitespace and then v.is_valid_as_string_8 then l_custom_server_url := v.to_string_8 end elseif arg.same_string ("--timeout") and i < n then i := i + 1 v := argument (i) if v /= Void and then v.is_integer then l_timeout := v.to_integer end elseif arg.same_string ("--check_http_clients") then l_check_connection := True elseif arg.same_string ("--verbose") or arg.same_string ("-v") then l_verbose := l_verbose + 1 elseif arg.same_string ("--help") or arg.same_string ("-h") then print ("Usage:%N") print (" --sign-in %N") print (" --username a_username %N") print (" --password pwd %N") print (" --token access_token %N") print (" --connection_timeout nb_secs %N") print (" --timeout nb_secs %N") print (" --server custom_url %N") print (" default:") print (" --check_http_clients : check the http clients first%N") print (" --verbose|-v : verbose output%N") print (" --help|-h : show this help%N") (create {EXCEPTIONS}).die (0) end end i := i + 1 end if l_check_connection then check_http_connection end create cloud_factory if l_custom_server_url /= Void then cl := cloud_factory.new_es_cloud_at (l_custom_server_url) else cl := cloud_factory.new_es_cloud end if l_conn_timeout > 0 then cl.set_connection_timeout (l_conn_timeout) end if l_timeout > 0 then cl.set_timeout (l_timeout) end if l_verbose > 0 then cl.set_verbose_level (l_verbose) end print ("Checking cloud service at " + cl.server_url + " ...%N") if cl.is_available then print ("- cloud service: available %N") if is_cloud_sign_in then if attached cl.new_cloud_sign_in_request ("CloudChecker v" + eiffel_layout.version_name) as rqst then print ("Sign in from your browser to continue ... %N") print ("Visit " + rqst.sign_in_url) print (" or copy the URL in a browser.%N") print ("Waiting for the approval ...") from sign_in_retry_count := 10 -- 10 * 6 seconds = 60 seconds until rqst.is_approved or rqst.has_error loop if not cl.is_available then cl.check_cloud_availability end cl.check_cloud_sign_in_request (rqst) if rqst.is_approved or rqst.has_error then -- Exit else -- print ("%NCheck now if sign-in was approved") -- io.read_line print (".") {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.sleep (5_000_000_000) end end if rqst.is_approved and cl.is_signed_in then acc := cl.active_account print ("%NYou are now connected as %"") print (acc.username) print ("%".%N") elseif rqst.has_error then print ("%NERROR occurred") if attached rqst.error_message as err then print (": ") print (err) end print ("%N") end else print ("%NError: could not request a new sign-in operation!%N") end elseif u = Void then from until u /= Void and then not u.is_whitespace loop io.put_string ("> Enter your username: ") io.read_line u := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (io.last_string) u.left_adjust; u.right_adjust if u.is_whitespace then u := Void end end if u /= Void then print ("- checking account [") print (u) if tok /= Void and then not tok.is_whitespace then print ("] , signing with given access token [" + tok + "] %N") cl.sign_in_with_access_token (u, tok) elseif is_cloud_sign_in then print ("] , Sign in from your browser to continue ... %N") if attached cl.new_cloud_sign_in_request ("CloudChecker v" + eiffel_layout.version_name) as rqst then print ("Visit " + rqst.sign_in_url) print (" or copy the URL in a browser.%N") print ("Waiting for the approuval ...%N") from sign_in_retry_count := 10 -- 10 * 6 seconds = 60 seconds until cl.is_signed_in loop {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.sleep (6_000_000_000) cl.check_cloud_sign_in_request (rqst) end else print ("%N") end else print ("] , signing with credential ... %N") if p = Void then p := get_password_from_input ("> Enter your password: ") p.left_adjust; p.right_adjust end cl.sign_in_with_credential_as_client (u, p) end end acc := cl.active_account if cl.has_error then print ({STRING_32} " ! ERROR occurred while trying to sign with username ["+ u +"]%N") print_error (cl) elseif acc /= Void then print ({STRING_32} " : SUCCESS: signed in with username ["+ u +"]%N") tok := acc.access_token.token.to_string_8 print (" > - access token: ["+ tok +"]%N") else print ({STRING_32} " ! ERROR: no account for username ["+ u +"] or wrong password !%N") end end if acc /= Void then if attached cl.installation as l_curr_installation then print ("- Local installation:%N") print (" id=") print_installation (l_curr_installation, False, " ") end print ("- checking licenses ... %N") if attached cl.account_licenses (acc) as lst then print (" : SUCCESS: " + lst.count.out + " license(s):%N") across lst as lic loop print (" | ") print_license (lic) print ("%N") end -- print (" > SUCCESS: active license: "+ lic.key +"%N") else print (" ! ERROR: no license found.%N") if cl.has_error then print_error (cl) end end print ("- checking installations ... %N") if attached cl.account_installations (acc) as lst then across lst as inst loop print (" | ") if attached cl.account_installation (acc, as l_installation then print_installation (l_installation, False, " | ") else print_installation (inst, True, " ") print ("%N") end end elseif cl.has_error then print_error (cl) end end else print ("- cloud service: NOT available %N") print_error (cl) check_http_connection end safe_delete (l_tmp_location) end check_http_connection local client: HTTP_CLIENT cl_err: CELL [BOOLEAN] b: BOOLEAN l_dft_is_libcurl: BOOLEAN do l_dft_is_libcurl := (create {DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT}).new_session ("").generating_type = {LIBCURL_HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION} if not l_dft_is_libcurl then print ("WARNING: this app may not be compiled with SSL support, so any https:// will return bad request or not available!%N") end create {DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT} client create cl_err.put (False) check_http_client (client, "", "/api", cl_err); b := b or cl_err.item if l_dft_is_libcurl then print ("WARNING: this app may not be compiled with SSL support, so any https:// will return bad request or not available!%N") create {NET_HTTP_CLIENT} client else create {LIBCURL_HTTP_CLIENT} client end cl_err.replace (False) check_http_client (client, "", "/api", cl_err); b := b or cl_err.item create {CURL_HTTP_CLIENT} client cl_err.replace (False) check_http_client (client, "", "/api", cl_err); b := b or cl_err.item end check_http_client (client: HTTP_CLIENT; a_domain: READABLE_STRING_8; a_path: READABLE_STRING_8; cl_err: detachable CELL [BOOLEAN]) local sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION b: BOOLEAN do b := cl_err.item sess := client.new_session ("http://" + a_domain) if sess.is_available then check_http_url (sess, a_path, cl_err); b := b or cl_err.item else print ("- Unable to check connection to " + sess.url (a_path, Void) + " (using " + sess.generator + ") -> CLIENT NOT AVAILABLE%N") print ("%N") print ("%N") b := True end sess := client.new_session ("https://" + a_domain) if sess.is_available then check_http_url (sess, a_path, cl_err); b := b or cl_err.item else print ("- Unable to check connection to " + sess.url (a_path, Void) + " (using " + sess.generator + ") -> CLIENT NOT AVAILABLE%N") print ("%N") print ("%N") b := True end cl_err.replace (b) end check_http_url (sess: HTTP_CLIENT_SESSION; a_path: READABLE_STRING_8; cl_err: detachable CELL [BOOLEAN]) local resp: HTTP_CLIENT_RESPONSE do sess.set_connect_timeout (300) sess.set_timeout (300) print ("- check connection to " + sess.url (a_path, Void) + " (using " + sess.generator + ")%N") resp := sess.get (a_path, Void) if resp.error_occurred then cl_err.put (True) print (" ! ERROR: ") print (resp.error_message) print ("%N") else cl_err.put (False) print (" | Success: ") print (resp.status_line) print ("%N") end if attached resp.body as l_body then print_indented_text (l_body, " : ") print ("%N") end print ("%N") print ("%N") end feature -- Status feature -- Access get_password_from_input (s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): STRING_32 local do io.put_string_32 (s) io.read_line Result := {UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_string_8_to_string_32 (io.last_string) Result.left_adjust; Result.right_adjust end feature -- Change feature {NONE} -- Implementation print_installation (inst: ES_ACCOUNT_INSTALLATION; a_inline: BOOLEAN; a_sep: STRING) do print ( if a_inline then print (":") else print ("%N") end if attached inst.creation_date as l_creation_date then print (a_sep) print ("creation=" + l_creation_date.out) if not a_inline then print ("%N") end end if attached as l_info and then not l_info.is_whitespace and then not l_info.same_string ("{}") then print (a_sep) print ("info=" + l_info) if not a_inline then print ("%N") end end if attached inst.associated_plan as pl then print (a_sep) print ("plan=" + if not a_inline then print ("%N") end end if attached inst.associated_license as lic then print (a_sep) print ("license=" + lic.key) if not lic.is_active then print (" INACTIVE") end if lic.is_fallback then print (" FALLBACK") end -- print_license (lic) if not a_inline then print ("%N") end end end print_license (lic: ES_ACCOUNT_LICENSE) do print (lic.key + ": ") if attached lic.plan_name as pl then print (" plan=" + pl) end if lic.is_active then print (" ACTIVE") if attached lic.expiration_date as dt then print (" days_remaining=" + lic.days_remaining.out) print (" expiration_date=[" + (create {HTTP_DATE}.make_from_date_time (dt)).iso8601_string + "]") else print (" never-expires") end else print (" INACTIVE") end if lic.is_fallback then print (" FALLBACK") end end print_error (cl: ES_CLOUD_S) require cl.has_error do if attached cl.last_error_message as err then print ("Error message: ") print (err) print ("%N") end end print_indented_text (a_text: READABLE_STRING_8; a_indentation: READABLE_STRING_8) local s: STRING do create s.make_from_string (a_text) s.prepend (a_indentation) s.replace_substring_all ("%N", "%N" + a_indentation) print (s) end safe_delete (p: PATH) local d: DIRECTORY retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then d.recursive_delete end end rescue retried := True retry end invariant -- invariant_clause: True end