note description: "Constants for generator" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WIZARD_GENERATOR_CONSTANTS feature -- Access Class_footer: STRING = "" Class_header: STRING = "" Description_keyword: STRING = "description" None_keyword: STRING = "NONE" Wizard_note: STRING = "%"Automatically generated by the EiffelCOM Wizard.%"" Initialization_title: STRING = "Initialization" Access_title: STRING = "Access" Measurement_title: STRING = "Measurement" Status_report_title: STRING = "Status Report" Element_change_title: STRING = "Element Change" Basic_operations_title: STRING = "Basic Operations" Implementation_title: STRING = "Implementation" External_title: STRING = "External" Added:STRING = "Added" Dynamic_type_function_name: STRING = "dynamic_type" Processed: STRING = "Processed" Processing: STRING = "Processing" Record: STRING = "Record" Elements_string: STRING = "Elements" Inherit_from_string: STRING = "inherit from" Dispinterface_string: STRING = "Dispinterface" Interface: STRING = "Interface" Coclass: STRING = "Coclass" Enumerator: STRING = "Enumerator" Functions_string: STRING = "Functions" Properties_string: STRING = "Properties" Precondition_function_comment: STRING = "User-defined preconditions for " Should_redefine: STRING = "Redefine in descendants if needed." Implemented_word: STRING = "implemented" implemented_coclass_extension: STRING = "_IMP" Register_dll_server_function_name: STRING = "dll_register_server" Unregister_dll_server_function_name: STRING = "dll_unregister_server" Can_unload_dll_now_function_name: STRING = "dll_can_unload_now" Get_class_object_function_name: STRING = "dll_get_class_object" Ccom_get_class_object_function_name: STRING = "ccom_class_object" Ccom_register_dll_server_function_name: STRING = "ccom_register_dll_server" Ccom_unregister_dll_server_function_name: STRING = "ccom_unregister_dll_server" Ccom_can_unload_dll_now_function_name: STRING = "ccom_dll_can_unload_now" Excepinfo_access: STRING = "excepinfo->" Excepinfo_variable_name: STRING = "excepinfo" Wcode_field: STRING = "wCode" Default_iunknown_variable_comment: STRING = "Default IUnknown interface pointer" Excepinfo_variable_comment: STRING = "Exception information" Bstr_source_field: STRING = "bstrSource" Server_registration_header_file_name: STRING = "server_registration.h" Ccom_embedding_feature_name: STRING = "ccom_embedding" Ccom_regserver_feature_name: STRING = "ccom_register_server" Ccom_unregserver_feature_name: STRING = "ccom_unregister_server" Embedding_feature_name: STRING = "embedding" Regserver_feature_name: STRING = "regserver" Unregserver_feature_name: STRING = "unregserver" Bstr_description_field: STRING = "bstrDescription" Bstr_help_file_field: STRING = "bstrHelpFile" Class_object_registration_token: STRING = "dwRegister" Class_object_variable_name: STRING = "cls_object" Tmp_eif_object: STRING = "tmp_eif_object" Option_variable_name: STRING = "an_option" Locks_variable_name: STRING = "lock_count" Delete_on_unregister: STRING = "pDelOnUnregister" Key_name: STRING = "pKeyName" Struct_value: STRING = "pValue" Value_name: STRING = "pValueName" Reg_data: STRING = "REG_DATA" Registry_entries_variable_name: STRING = "reg_entries" Component_entries_count: STRING = "com_entries_count" Extern_lock_module: STRING = "extern void LockModule (void);" Extern_unlock_module: STRING = "extern void UnlockModule (void);" Eiffel_object: STRING = "eiffel_object" Set_type_id_function_name: STRING = "set_type_id" Ecatch: STRING = "%TECATCH;%N" Eif_initialize_aux_thread: STRING = "%TEIF_INITIALIZE_AUX_THREAD;%N" ecom_enter_stub: STRING = "%TECOM_ENTER_STUB;%N" ecom_enter_proc_stub: STRING = "%TECOM_ENTER_PROC_STUB;%N" Ecatch_auto: STRING = "ECATCH_AUTO" End_ecatch: STRING = "END_ECATCH;%N%T" ecom_exit_stub: STRING = "ECOM_EXIT_STUB;%N%T" ecom_exit_proc_stub: STRING = "ECOM_EXIT_PROC_STUB;%N%T" Lock_module_function: STRING = "LockModule ();" Unlock_module_function: STRING = "UnlockModule ();" Riid: STRING = "riid" Factory: STRING = "factory" Tmp_object_pointer: STRING = "pUnknown" Star_ppv: STRING = "*ppv" Query_interface_signature: STRING = "REFIID riid, void ** ppv" Ref_count: STRING = "ref_count" Tmp_variable_name: STRING = "tmp_value" Eiffel_procedure_variable_name: STRING = "eiffel_procedure" Eiffel_function_variable_name: STRING = "eiffel_function" Argument_name: STRING = "a_value" Dispparam_parameter: STRING = "pDispParams" Variant_parameter: STRING = "lcl_rgvarg" Return_value_name: STRING = "ret_value" Struct_selection_operator: STRING = "->" Ce_boolean: STRING = "ccom_ce_boolean" Index_of_word_option_function_name: STRING = "index_of_word_option" Interface_pointer_comment: STRING = "Interface pointer" Release_function: STRING = "->Release ();" Release: STRING = "Release" Load_type_lib: STRING = "LoadTypeLib" Return_s_ok: STRING = "return S_OK;" Get_type_info_of_guid: STRING = "GetTypeInfoOfGuid" Get_ids_of_names: STRING = "GetIDsOfNames" Get_type_info: STRING = "GetTypeInfo" Get_type_info_count: STRING = "GetTypeInfoCount" Add_reference: STRING = "AddRef" Add_reference_function: STRING = "->AddRef ();" Query_interface: STRING = "QueryInterface" Co_uninitialize_function: STRING = "CoUninitialize ();" Interface_variable_prepend: STRING = "p_" Initialize_function_name: STRING = "initialize" Zero: STRING = "0" Type_info_variable_name: STRING = "pTypeInfo" Arguments_name: STRING = "arguments" One: STRING = "1" Multi_qi: STRING = "MULTI_QI" Ccom_item_function_name: STRING = "ccom_item" Current_object_variable_name: STRING = "current_object" Server_info_access: STRING = "server_info->" Server_info_variable: STRING = "server_info" Iunknown_variable_name: STRING = "p_unknown" Idispatch_variable_name: STRING = "p_dispatch" Invoke: STRING = "Invoke" Iunknown_clsid: STRING = "IID_IUnknown" Hresult_variable: STRING = "HRESULT hr = 0;%N" Routine_clause: STRING = "_routine" Append_tid_clause: STRING = "_tid" Feature_clause: STRING = "_feature" Set_item_procedure_name: STRING = "set_item" Put_procedure_name: STRING = "put" Module_file_name: STRING = "file_name" Wide_string_module_file_name: STRING = "ws_file_name" Max_path: STRING = "MAX_PATH" Arguments_variable_name: STRING = "arguments" Deferred_class_clause: STRING = "deferred class" Iunknown_interface: STRING = "ECOM_IUNKNOWN_INTERFACE" Empty_function_body: STRING = "%T%T%T-- Put Implementation here." Exception_body: STRING = "%T%T%Ttrigger (E_notimpl)" Result_clause: STRING = "Result := " Item_parameter_clause: STRING = "(item)" To_c_function: STRING = "to_c" Item_clause: STRING = "item" Array_item: STRING = "array_item" Make_word: STRING = "make" Make_from_other: STRING = "make_from_other" Make_from_pointer: STRING = "make_from_pointer" An_item_variable: STRING = "an_item" Current_item_variable: STRING = "current_item: POINTER" Null_coclass_test: STRING = "if (eiffel_coclass == NULL)%<%N" Type_id_variable: STRING = "EIF_TYPE_ID tid = -1;%N" Type_id_variable_name: STRING = "tid" Eif_procedure_variable: STRING = "EIF_PROCEDURE p_make;%N" Make_procedure: STRING = "p_make = eif_procedure (%"make_from_pointer%", tid)%N" Create_eiffel_object: STRING = "eiffel_object = eif_create (tid);%N" Tmp_clause: STRING = "tmp_" Get_clause: STRING = "get_" Register: STRING = "Register" Export_dll_class_name: STRING = "EXPORT_DLL_FEATURES" Unregister: STRING = "Unregister" Set_clause: STRING = "set_" Make_function: STRING = ".make " Ccom_clause: STRING = "ccom_" Item_function: STRING = ".item" Interface_function: STRING = ".interface" Ecom_date_type: STRING = "ECOM_DATE" Any_clause: STRING = "an_any: " Cpp_clause: STRING = "C++ %(" Initializer_variable: STRING = "initializer" Pointer_variable: STRING = "a_pointer: POINTER" Default_pointer_argument: STRING = "a_object: POINTER" Empty_dispparams: STRING = "DISPPARAMS args = %;" Return_variant_variable: STRING = "VARIANT pResult; %N%TVariantInit (&pResult);" Return_variant_variable_name: STRING = "pResult" Hresult_variable_name: STRING = "hr" Hresult_variable_name_2: STRING = "hr2" Type_id: STRING = "type_id" Eif_object_variable: STRING = "eif_object" A_pointer: STRING = "a_pointer" Eif_ref_variable: STRING = "eif_ref" Format_message: STRING = "c_format_message" Com_eraise: STRING = "com_eraise" Beginning_comment_paramflag: STRING = " /* %(" End_comment_paramflag: STRING = "%) */ " C_result: STRING = "result" Message_variable_name: STRING = "msg" Eif_eiffel_h: STRING = "eif_eiffel.h" Eif_com_h: STRING = "eif_com.h" Eif_setup_h: STRING = "eif_setup.h" Eif_macros_h: STRING = "eif_macros.h" Windows_h: STRING = "windows.h" Objbase_h: STRING = "objbase.h" Ecom_server_rt_globals_h: STRING = "ecom_server_rt_globals.h" An_object: STRING = "an_object" Eif_array: STRING = "eif_array" An_array: STRING = "an_array" Array_word: STRING = "array" Count_word: STRING = "count" A_count_word: STRING = "a_count" An_element: STRING = "an_element" A_ref: STRING = "a_ref" Last_error_code: STRING = "last_error_code" Last_error_description: STRING = "last_error_description" Last_error_help_file: STRING = "last_error_help_file" Last_source_of_exception: STRING = "last_source_of_exception" Ccom_last_error_code: STRING = "ccom_last_error_code" Ccom_last_error_description: STRING = "ccom_last_error_description" Ccom_last_error_help_file: STRING = "ccom_last_error_help_file" Ccom_last_source_of_exception: STRING = "ccom_last_source_of_exception" Ptr: STRING = "Pointed Type" Pure_virtual_sufix: STRING = " = 0" C_open_comment_line: STRING = "/*-----------------------------------------------------------" C_close_comment_line: STRING = "-----------------------------------------------------------*/"; note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class WIZARD_GENERATOR_CONSTANTS