note description: "C++ code writer" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_CLASS inherit WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_EXPORT_STATUS WIZARD_WRITER_C rename header_file_name as definition_header_file_name, set_header_file_name as set_definition_header_file_name end WIZARD_SHARED_MAPPER_HELPERS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize data. do create members.make (10) create functions.make (10) create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER]} global_variables.make (20) create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_PARENT_CPP_CLASS]} parents.make (20) create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} import_files.make (20) import_files.compare_objects create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} import_files_after.make (20) import_files_after.compare_objects create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} others.make (20) others.compare_objects create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} others_forward.make (20) others_forward.compare_objects create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} others_source.make (20) create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_CONSTRUCTOR]} constructors.make (20) create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER]} ordered_elements.make (20) create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION]} extern_functions.make (20) standard_include end feature -- Access generated_code: STRING_32 -- Generated code local l_writers: LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION] do create Result.make (4096) Result.append ("/*-----------------------------------------------------------") Result.append ("%N") Result.append (header) Result.append ("%N-----------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N#include %"") if not abstract then Result.append (Ecom_generated_rt_globals_header_file_name) Result.append ("%"%N#include %"") end Result.append (definition_header_file_name) Result.append ("%"%N") from others_source.start until others_source.after loop Result.append (others_source.item) others_source.forth Result.append ("%N%N") end from extern_functions.start until extern_functions.after loop Result.append ("extern %"C%" ") Result.append (extern_functions.item.generated_code) Result.append ("%N%N") extern_functions.forth end from ordered_elements.start until ordered_elements.after loop Result.append (ordered_elements.item.generated_code) ordered_elements.forth Result.append ("%N%N") end from constructors.start until constructors.after loop if namespace /= Void and then not namespace.is_empty then Result.append (namespace) Result.append ("::") end Result.append (name) Result.append ("::") Result.append (name) Result.append (constructors.item.generated_code) Result.append ("%N/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N") constructors.forth end if destructor_body /= Void and then not destructor_body.is_empty then if namespace /= Void and then not namespace.is_empty then Result.append (namespace) Result.append ("::") end Result.append (name) Result.append ("::~") Result.append (name) Result.append ("()%N{%N") Result.append (destructor_body) Result.append ("%N};%N/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N") end from functions.start until functions.after loop from l_writers := functions.item_for_iteration l_writers.start until l_writers.after loop Result.append (generated_function_code (l_writers.item)) Result.append ("%N/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N") l_writers.forth end functions.forth end end declaration_header_file_name: STRING_32 -- Declaration header file name generated_declaration_header_file: STRING -- Generated code for corresponding declaration header file require ready: can_generate local l_declaration: WIZARD_WRITER_FORWARD_CLASS_DECLARATION l_name: STRING do if declaration_header_file_name /= Void then create Result.make (4096) Result.append ("/*-----------------------------------------------------------%N") Result.append ("Forward declaration of ") Result.append (name) Result.append ("%N-----------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N#ifndef ") l_name := header_protector (declaration_header_file_name) Result.append (l_name) Result.append ("%N#define ") Result.append (l_name) Result.append ("%N%N") create l_declaration.make (name, namespace, abstract) Result.append (l_declaration.generated_code) Result.append ("%N#endif") end end generated_definition_header_file: STRING -- Generated code for corresponding definition header file require ready: can_generate local l_protector: STRING do create Result.make (4096) Result.append ("/*-----------------------------------------------------------%N") Result.append (header) Result.append ("%N-----------------------------------------------------------*/%N%N#ifndef ") l_protector := header_protector (definition_header_file_name) Result.append (l_protector) Result.append ("%N#define ") Result.append (l_protector) if declaration_header_file_name /= Void then Result.append ("%N%N#include %"") Result.append (declaration_header_file_name) Result.append ("%"") end Result.append ("%N%N") from import_files.start until import_files.after loop Result.append ("#include %"") Result.append (import_files.item) Result.append ("%"%N%N") import_files.forth end from global_variables.start until global_variables.after loop Result.append (global_variables.item.generated_header_file) Result.append ("%N") global_variables.forth end from others.start until others.after loop Result.append (others.item) others.forth Result.append ("%N%N") end from extern_functions.start until extern_functions.after loop Result.append ("extern %"C%" ") Result.append (extern_functions.item.generated_header_file) Result.append ("%N%N") extern_functions.forth end if abstract then create l_protector.make (50) l_protector.append ("__") l_protector.append (namespace) l_protector.append ("_") l_protector.append (name) l_protector.append ("_INTERFACE_DEFINED__") Result.append ("#ifndef ") Result.append (l_protector) Result.append ("%N#define ") Result.append (l_protector) Result.append ("%N") end if namespace /= Void and then not namespace.is_empty then Result.append ("namespace ") Result.append (namespace) Result.append ("%N{%N") end Result.append ("class ") Result.append (name) if not parents.is_empty then Result.append (" : ") from parents.start Result.append (cpp_status_keywords.item (parents.item.export_status)) Result.append (" ") if parents.item.namespace /= Void and then not parents.item.namespace.is_empty then Result.append (parents.item.namespace) Result.append ("::") end Result.append ( parents.forth until parents.after loop Result.append (", ") Result.append (cpp_status_keywords.item (parents.item.export_status)) Result.append (" ") Result.append ( parents.forth end end Result.append ("%N{%N") Result.append (cpp_status_keywords.item (Public)) Result.append (":%N") from constructors.start until constructors.after loop Result.append ("%T") Result.append (name) Result.append (" (") if constructors.item.signature /= Void then Result.append (constructors.item.signature) end Result.append (");%N") constructors.forth end if constructors.is_empty then Result.append ("%T") Result.append (name) Result.append (" () {};%N") end Result.append ("%T") if not abstract then Result.append ("virtual ") end Result.append ("~") Result.append (name) Result.append (" ()") if destructor_body = Void or else destructor_body.is_empty then Result.append (" {}") end Result.append (";%N") Result.append (generate_members (members, Public)) Result.append (generate_members (functions, Public)) Result.append (cpp_status_keywords.item (Protected)) Result.append (":%N") Result.append (generate_members (members, Protected)) Result.append (generate_members (functions, Protected)) Result.append (cpp_status_keywords.item (Private)) Result.append (":%N") Result.append (generate_members (members, Private)) Result.append (generate_members (functions, Private)) Result.append ("};%N") if namespace /= Void and then not namespace.is_empty then Result.append ("}%N") end if abstract then Result.append ("#endif%N") end from import_files_after.start until import_files_after.after loop Result.append ("#include %"") Result.append (import_files_after.item) Result.append ("%"%N%N") import_files_after.forth end Result.append ("%N#endif") end can_generate: BOOLEAN -- Can code be generated? do Result := name /= Void and header /= Void and definition_header_file_name /= Void and then not definition_header_file_name.is_empty and (not abstract implies not constructors.is_empty) end name: STRING -- C++ class name namespace: STRING -- Namespace. members: HASH_TABLE [LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER], INTEGER] -- C++ class members functions: HASH_TABLE [LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION], INTEGER] -- C++ class functions extern_functions: LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION] -- C extern functions header: STRING -- C++ class header comment parents: LIST [WIZARD_PARENT_CPP_CLASS] -- Parent classes constructors: LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_CONSTRUCTOR] -- List of constructors destructor_body: STRING -- Destructor code abstract: BOOLEAN -- Is class abstruct? ordered_elements: LIST [WIZARD_WRITER] -- Ordered elements (appears in code with same order -- as added) feature -- Element Change set_name (a_name: like name) -- Set `name' with `a_name'. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_name: not a_name.is_empty valid_syntax: a_name.item (1) /= '%R' and a_name.item (a_name.count) /= '%N' do name := a_name ensure name_set: name.is_equal (a_name) end set_namespace (a_name: like name) -- Set `namespace' with `a_name'. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void valid_syntax: not a_name.is_empty implies (a_name.item (1) /= '%R' and a_name.item (a_name.count) /= '%N') do if not a_name.is_empty then namespace := a_name end ensure namespace_set: not a_name.is_empty implies namespace.is_equal (a_name) void_if_empty: a_name.is_empty implies namespace = Void end set_declaration_header_file_name (a_name: like declaration_header_file_name) -- Set `declaration_header_file_name' with `a_name'. require non_void_name: a_name /= Void do declaration_header_file_name := a_name ensure declaration_header_file_name_set: declaration_header_file_name = a_name end add_constructor (a_constructor: WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_CONSTRUCTOR) -- Add `a_constructor' to class constructors. require non_void_constructor: a_constructor /= Void do constructors.extend (a_constructor) ensure added: constructors.last = a_constructor end set_destructor (a_destructor_body: STRING) -- Set `a_destructor_body' as destructor. require non_void_destructor: a_destructor_body /= Void valid_destructor: not a_destructor_body.is_empty do destructor_body := a_destructor_body ensure destructor_set: destructor_body.is_equal (a_destructor_body) end add_member (a_member: WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER; a_export_status: INTEGER) -- Add `a_member' to `members' with `export_status' export status. -- See class WIZARD_WRITER_CPP_EXPORT_STATUS for possible `export_status' value. require non_void_member: a_member /= Void valid_export_status: is_valid_export_status (a_export_status) do if not members.has (a_export_status) then members.put (create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER]}.make (20), a_export_status) end check members.has (a_export_status) end members.item (a_export_status).extend (a_member) ensure added: members.has (a_export_status) and then members.item (a_export_status).last = a_member end add_function (a_function: WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION; a_export_status: INTEGER) -- Add `a_function' to functions. require non_void_function: a_function /= Void do if not functions.has (a_export_status) then functions.put (create {ARRAYED_LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION]}.make (20), a_export_status) end check functions.has (a_export_status) end functions.item (a_export_status).extend (a_function) ensure added: functions.has (a_export_status) and then functions.item (a_export_status).last = a_function end set_header (a_header: like header) -- Set `header' with `a_header'. require non_void_header: a_header /= Void valid_syntax: not a_header.is_empty implies a_header.item (1) /= '%R' and a_header.item (a_header.count) /= '%N' do header := a_header ensure header_set: header.is_equal (a_header) end add_parent (a_name: STRING; a_namespace: STRING; a_export_status: INTEGER) -- Add `a_parent' to `parents'. require non_void_parent: a_name /= Void valid_parent: not a_name.is_empty valid_syntax: a_name.item (1) /= '%R' and a_name.item (a_name.count) /= '%N' local a_parent: WIZARD_PARENT_CPP_CLASS do create a_parent.make (a_name, a_namespace, a_export_status) parents.extend (a_parent) ensure added: (a_name) end set_abstract -- Set `abstract' to `True'. do abstract := True ensure valid_abstract: abstract = True end add_directive (a_directive: WIZARD_WRITER_C_DIRECTIVE) -- Add directive `a_directive' to CPP class. do ordered_elements.extend (a_directive) ensure added: ordered_elements.last = a_directive end add_static_function (a_static_function: WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION) -- Add static function `a_static_function' to CPP class. do ordered_elements.extend (a_static_function) ensure added: ordered_elements.last = a_static_function end add_extern_function (an_extern_function: WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION) -- Add C extern function `an_extern_function' to CPP class. do extern_functions.extend (an_extern_function) ensure added: extern_functions.last = an_extern_function end feature -- Basic Operations save_declaration_header_file (a_header_file: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Save declaration header file into `a_header_file'. require can_generate: can_generate do if declaration_header_file_name /= Void then save_content (a_header_file, generated_declaration_header_file) end end save_definition_header_file (a_header_file: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Save definition header file into `a_header_file'. require can_generate: can_generate do save_content (a_header_file, generated_definition_header_file) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation generate_members (a_members: HASH_TABLE [LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER], INTEGER]; a_export_status: INTEGER): STRING -- Generate code for `a_members' functions with export status `a_export_status'. require non_void_members: a_members /= Void valid_export_status: is_valid_export_status (a_export_status) local l_writers: LIST [WIZARD_WRITER_C_MEMBER] do create Result.make (1000) (a_export_status) if a_members.found then l_writers := a_members.found_item from l_writers.start until l_writers.after loop Result.append (l_writers.item.generated_header_file) Result.append ("%N%N") l_writers.forth end end Result.append ("%N") end generated_function_code (a_function: WIZARD_WRITER_C_FUNCTION): STRING -- Generated code require non_void_function: a_function /= Void do create Result.make (10000) Result.append (a_function.result_type) Result.append (" ") if namespace /= Void and then not namespace.is_empty then Result.append (namespace) Result.append ("::") end Result.append (name) Result.append ("::") Result.append ( Result.append ("(") if a_function.signature /= Void then Result.append (" ") Result.append (a_function.signature) Result.append (" ") end Result.append (")") Result.append ("%N%N/*-----------------------------------------------------------%N%T") Result.append (a_function.comment) Result.append ("%N-----------------------------------------------------------*/%N{%N") Result.append (a_function.body) Result.append ("%N};") ensure non_void_body: Result /= Void valid_body: not Result.is_empty end invariant non_void_members: members /= Void non_void_functions: functions /= Void non_void_global_variables: global_variables /= Void non_void_parents: parents /= Void non_void_import_files: import_files /= Void non_void_constructors: constructors /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end