note description: "Makefile generator." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WIZARD_MAKEFILE_GENERATOR inherit WIZARD_SHARED_GENERATION_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end WIZARD_SHARED_MAPPER_HELPERS export {NONE} all end WIZARD_ROUTINES WIZARD_RESCUABLE export {NONE} all end OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT export {NONE} all end WIZARD_SHARED_DATA export {NONE} all end WIZARD_ERRORS export {NONE} all end feature -- Basic operations generate (a_folder_name, a_library_name: STRING_32) -- Generates `Makefile' in folder `a_folder_name'. require a_folder_name_attached: a_folder_name /= Void valid_a_folder_name: is_valid_folder_name (a_folder_name) a_library_name_attached: a_library_name /= Void not_a_library_name_is_empty: not a_library_name.is_empty local a_directory: DIRECTORY a_file_list: LIST [PATH] a_working_directory: PATH obj_list: STRING_32 wobj_list: STRING_32 files: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] do a_working_directory := Env.current_working_path create a_directory.make_open_read (a_folder_name) a_file_list := a_directory.entries Env.change_working_path (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_folder_name)) from a_file_list.start create obj_list.make (100) create wobj_list.make (100) create files.make (100) until a_file_list.after or environment.abort loop if is_c_file (a_file_list.item) then obj_list.append (c_to_obj ( + Space + "\%N") wobj_list.append ("w" + c_to_obj ( + Space + "\%N") files.extend ( end a_file_list.forth end if not obj_list.is_empty then save_file (make_file (files, a_library_name, "msc", False), "Makefile.msc") save_file (make_file (files, a_library_name, "msc", True), "Makefile-mt.msc") save_file (environment_set_string (msc_compiler) + "%Nnmake /f Makefile.msc%Nnmake /f Makefile-mt.msc", "make_msc.bat") end Env.change_working_path (a_working_directory) end feature {NONE} -- Basic operations make_file (a_file_list: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]; a_library_name, a_c_compiler: STRING; a_multi_threaded: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Makefile text. require a_file_list_attached: a_file_list /= Void not_a_file_list_is_empty: not a_file_list.is_empty a_file_list_contains_attached_items: not a_file_list.has (Void) a_library_name_attached: a_library_name /= Void not_a_library_name_is_empty: not a_library_name.is_empty a_c_compiler_attached: a_c_compiler /= Void not_a_c_compiler_is_empty: not a_c_compiler.is_empty a_c_compiler_is_valid: a_c_compiler.is_equal (msc_compiler) do create Result.make (1000) Result.append ("# ecom.lib - Makefile for EiffelCOM Generated C/C++ Object File%N%NMV = copy%N") -- Basic macros Result.append (makefile_macros_msc) -- C flags Result.append ( "CFLAGS = ") -- Note, we always compile in multithreaded mode Result.append (msc_compiler_flags) Result.append_character (' ') if a_multi_threaded then -- Add multi-threaded define Result.append ("-DEIF_THREADS ") end Result.append (c_compiler_flags) -- File macros Result.append ("%N%NOBJ = " + object_files (a_file_list, False) + "%N%NWOBJ = " + object_files (a_file_list, True)) Result.append ("%N%Nall:: ") Result.append (library_name (a_library_name, True, a_multi_threaded)) Result.append (".lib ") Result.append (library_name (a_library_name, False, a_multi_threaded)) Result.append (".lib%N%N") Result.append (lib_generation (library_name (a_library_name, True, a_multi_threaded), "WOBJ", a_c_compiler)) Result.append (lib_generation (library_name (a_library_name, False, a_multi_threaded), "OBJ", a_c_compiler)) Result.append (".cpp.obj:") if a_c_compiler.is_equal ("msc") then Result.append (":") end Result.append ("%N $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ") if a_c_compiler.is_equal (msc_compiler) then Result.append (" /nologo ") end Result.append ("$<%N%N") Result.append (wobj_generation (a_file_list)) ensure non_void_make_file: Result /= Void valid_make_file: not Result.is_empty end save_file (a_content: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; a_file_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Save file with content `content' and file name `a_file_name'. require a_content_attached: a_content /= Void not_a_content_is_empty: not a_content.is_empty a_file_name_attached: a_file_name /= Void not_a_file_name_is_empty: not a_file_name.is_empty local retried: BOOLEAN l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_path: PATH u: UTF_CONVERTER do if not retried then l_path := env.current_working_path.extended (a_file_name) create l_file.make_with_path (l_path) l_file.open_write l_file.put_string (if attached {READABLE_STRING_32} a_content as s32 then u.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (s32) elseif attached {READABLE_STRING_8} a_content as s8 then s8 else u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (a_content) end) l_file.close else environment.set_abort (Makefile_write_error) end rescue if not failed_on_rescue then retried := True retry end end feature {NONE} -- Query library_name (a_base: STRING; a_workbench, a_multi_threaded: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Generates a library name base on a base name `a_base' require a_base_attached: a_base /= Void not_a_base_is_empty: not a_base.is_empty do create Result.make (a_base.count + 10) if a_workbench then Result.append (workbench_prefix) end Result.append (a_base) if a_multi_threaded then Result.append (multi_threaded_suffix) end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end lib_generation (a_library_name, a_obj_name, a_c_compiler: STRING): STRING -- lib generation part of Makefile require a_library_name_attached: a_library_name /= Void valid_library_name: not a_library_name.is_empty a_obj_name_attached: a_obj_name /= Void not_a_obj_name_is_empty: not a_obj_name.is_empty a_c_compiler_attached: a_c_compiler /= Void a_c_compiler_is_valid: a_c_compiler.is_equal (msc_compiler) local l_lib_name: STRING do create Result.make (200) l_lib_name := a_library_name.twin Result.append (a_library_name + ".lib: $(" + a_obj_name+ ")%N% % if exist $@ del $@%N") Result.append (" lib -OUT:$@ $(" + a_obj_name+ ")%N") Result.append (" del *.obj%N% % if not exist " + a_c_compiler + " mkdir " + a_c_compiler + "%N% % $(MV) $@ " + a_c_compiler + "%N% % del $@%N%N") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end object_files (a_files: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]; a_workbench: BOOLEAN): STRING_32 -- Retrieve a list of object files require a_files_attached: a_files /= Void not_a_files_is_empty: not a_files.is_empty a_files_contained_attached_items: not a_files.has (Void) local l_cursor: CURSOR do create Result.make (1024) l_cursor := a_files.cursor from a_files.start until a_files.after loop if a_workbench then Result.append (workbench_prefix) end Result.append (c_to_obj (a_files.item)) if not a_files.islast then Result.append (" \%N") end a_files.forth end a_files.go_to (l_cursor) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty a_files_unmoved: a_files.cursor.is_equal (old a_files.cursor) end wobj_generation (a_files: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]): STRING_32 -- String to generate wobj generation string. require a_files_attached: a_files /= Void not_a_files_is_empty: not a_files.is_empty a_files_contained_attached_items: not a_files.has (Void) local l_cursor: CURSOR do create Result.make (1024) l_cursor := a_files.cursor from a_files.start until a_files.after loop Result.append (wobj_string (a_files.item)) a_files.forth end a_files.go_to (l_cursor) ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty a_files_unmoved: a_files.cursor.is_equal (old a_files.cursor) end wobj_string (a_c_file_name: READABLE_STRING_32): STRING_32 -- String to generate wobj file. require a_c_file_name_attached: a_c_file_name /= Void not_a_c_file_name_is_empty: not a_c_file_name.is_empty a_c_file_name_is_valid_name: is_c_file (create {PATH}.make_from_string (a_c_file_name)) do create Result.make (100) Result.append (workbench_prefix) Result.append (c_to_obj (a_c_file_name) + ": " + a_c_file_name + "%N% % $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DWORKBENCH ") Result.append (" -nologo ") Result.append ("$(OUTPUT_CMD)$@ $?%N%N") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void not_result_is_empty: not Result.is_empty end environment_set_string (a_compile: STRING): STRING_32 -- Environment setting header require layout_defined: is_eiffel_layout_defined a_compile_attached: a_compile /= Void a_compile_is_valid: a_compile = msc_compiler do create Result.make (512) Result.append ("@ECHO OFF%N") Result.append ("IF %"%%ISE_EIFFEL%%.%" == %".%" SET ISE_EIFFEL=") Result.append ( Result.append ("%NIF %"%%ISE_PLATFORM%%.%" == %".%" SET ISE_PLATFORM=") Result.append (eiffel_layout.eiffel_platform) Result.append ("%NIF %"%%ISE_LIBRARY%%.%" == %".%" SET ISE_LIBRARY=") Result.append ( Result.append ("%NSET ISE_C_COMPILER=" + a_compile + "%N") ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end feature {NONE} -- Constants msc_compiler: STRING = "msc" -- C compiler constants makefile_macros_msc: STRING = -- Makefile macros for msc compiler "CC = cl%N% %OUTPUT_CMD = -Fo%N" c_compiler_flags: STRING = -- C compiler options to compile generated code. "-D_WIN32_DCOM -c -I..\..\client\include -I..\..\server\include -I..\..\common\include -I%"% %$(ISE_EIFFEL)\studio\spec\% %$(ISE_PLATFORM)\include%" -I%"% %$(ISE_LIBRARY)\library\com\spec\windows\include%" " msc_compiler_flags: STRING = -- Additional Microsoft C flags. "-MT -W0 -Ox" workbench_prefix: STRING = "w"; -- Library workbench prefix multi_threaded_suffix: STRING = "-mt"; -- Multithreaded library name suffix note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end