note description: "Converts input file to a `Makefile'" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$"; revision: "$Revision$" class CONVERTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (arguments: ARRAY [STRING]) -- Converts input file to a `Makefile'. -- Arguments: []. -- The input_file is the name of file to be converted. local i_file_name: FILE_NAME do if not (arguments.count = 2 or else arguments.count = 3) then print ("Incorrect usage: ") print (arguments.item (0)); print (" []"); error := True else create i_file_name.make_from_string (arguments.item (1)); create input_file.make (i_file_name); if not configure_file.exists or else not configure_file.is_readable then print ("Cannot read file configuration file ") print (; error := True elseif not input_file.exists or else not input_file.is_readable then print ("Cannot read input file ") print (i_file_name); error := True end if arguments.count = 3 then output_file_name := clone (arguments.item (2)) end end; if not error then process_configure_file; if not error then convert_file end end; end feature {NONE} -- Access error: BOOLEAN -- Did an error occur? configure_file: RAW_FILE -- Name of the configure file local f_name: FILE_NAME once create f_name.make_from_string ("config"); f_name.add_extension ("sh"); create Result.make (f_name); end input_file: RAW_FILE -- Name of the input file to be converted Configure_name: STRING = "-configure"; -- Name of the configure option on the command line configure_list: LINKED_LIST [CONFIGURE_VALUE] -- List of configure value found in `configure_file' output_file_name: STRING -- Specified output name makefile: RAW_FILE -- Makefile file local f_name: FILE_NAME once if output_file_name /= Void then create f_name.make_from_string (output_file_name); else create f_name.make_from_string ("makefile"); end create Result.make (f_name) end feature {NONE} -- Update process_configure_file -- Process file `configure_file' and fill `configure_list'. require valid_configure_file: configure_file /= Void and then configure_file.exists and then configure_file.is_readable local configure_line: STRING do create configure_list.make; if not configure_file.empty then configure_file.open_read; from configure_file.read_line until configure_file.end_of_file or else error loop configure_line := configure_file.last_string; if not configure_line.empty and then configure_line.item (1) /= '#' then analyze_configure_line (configure_line) end; configure_file.read_line end configure_file.close end debug ("CONFIGURE") if not error then print ("Processing option file%N"); from configure_list.start until configure_list.after loop configure_list.item.trace; configure_list.forth end io.put_new_line; io.read_line end end end; convert_file -- Convert file `input_file' using `option_list' to -- generate `Makefile' in the current working directory. require valid_input_file: input_file /= Void and then input_file.exists and then input_file.is_readable; valid_configure_list: configure_list /= Void local output: STRING; c_value: CONFIGURE_VALUE do if makefile.is_creatable then debug ("CONVERTING") print ("Converting input file%N"); io.put_new_line; io.read_line end if not input_file.empty then input_file.open_read; input_file.read_stream (input_file.count); input_file.close; output := clone (input_file.last_string); from configure_list.start until configure_list.after loop c_value := configure_list.item; output.replace_substring_all (, c_value.value) configure_list.forth end makefile.open_write; makefile.put_string (output); makefile.close end else print ("Cannot create makefile") end end; analyze_configure_line (configure_line: STRING) -- Analyze `configure_list' and extract the -- configure values. Set `error' to true if -- an error occurs. require valid_line: configure_line /= Void; line_not_empty: not configure_line.empty local colon_pos, start_quote_pos, end_quote_pos: INTEGER; count: INTEGER; msg: STRING; name, value: STRING; c_value: CONFIGURE_VALUE do colon_pos := configure_line.index_of ('=', 1); count := configure_line.count; if (colon_pos <= 1) or else (colon_pos >= count) then error := True; msg := "Could not process `=" else start_quote_pos := configure_line.index_of ('%'', colon_pos + 1); if (start_quote_pos = 0) or else (start_quote_pos >= count) then msg := "Could not process first quote" error := True else end_quote_pos := configure_line.index_of ('%'', start_quote_pos + 1); if end_quote_pos = 0 then msg := "Could not process second quote" error := True else create name.make (10); name.extend ('$'); name.append (configure_line.substring (1, colon_pos - 1)); start_quote_pos := start_quote_pos + 1; end_quote_pos := end_quote_pos - 1; if start_quote_pos > end_quote_pos then value := "" else value := configure_line.substring (start_quote_pos, end_quote_pos) end end end end if error then print (msg) io.put_new_line; print ("usage: : %"%""); else create c_value.make (name, value); configure_list.extend (c_value) end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class CONVERTER