Documentation Tool Release Notes (version 1.0) ---------------------------------------------- ----------- COMPILATION ----------- .NET Compilation ---------------- Requirements: - Precompiled .NET Vision2 - Gobo 3.1 library 1) Run `setup.bat' 2) Extract the contents of the file gobo_win.tgz found in CVS at Src/free_add_ons/gobo to your EIFFEL_SRC/library directory 3) Compile 'docbuilder.ace' Classic Mode Compilation ------------------------ 1) Extract the contents of the file gobo_win.tgz found in CVS at Src/free_add_ons/gobo to your EIFFEL_SRC/library directory 2) Compile 'docbuilder_classic.ace' ------------------------------------ DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSIC AND .NET ------------------------------------ - No schema support in classic mode. Will assume all files are correct to schema for any generation - No browser XML or HTML view in classic mode. Only edit mode works currently. ------------ KNOWN ISSUES ------------ - When generating HTML in browser images are not shown for root-relative paths, i.e, '/project_root/my_image.png' - When clicking a hyperlink in browser does not work - After pretty printing the XML in the editor 'code_block' tags don't format correctly in the HTML view(?!) - Font changes when file error dialog pops up