note description: "Message string constants for dialogs, windows, etc." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MESSAGE_CONSTANTS feature -- Title invalid_files_title: STRING -- Invalid files dialog title text once Result := "Invalid files" end invalid_xml_dialog_title: STRING -- Invalid XML dialog title text once Result := "Invalid XML" end invalid_project_name_title: STRING -- Invalid project name dialog title once Result := "Unable to create project" end report_title: STRING -- Report title once Result := "Report" end help_generation_progress_title: STRING -- Help generation progress notice once Result := "Generating Help" end empty_toc_title: STRING -- Empty TOC title once Result := "Empty Table of Contents" end feature -- Messages file_schema_valid_report: STRING -- Schema valid file once Result := "File valid to schema" end file_save_prompt: STRING -- File save prompt once Result := "Document has not been saved since last edit.%NDo you want to save?" end invalid_xml_file_warning: STRING -- Text in context is not XMl valid once Result := "The text is not valid XML" end invalid_project_name: STRING -- Invalid project name once Result := "Empty project or path. %NCannot create project" end invalid_project_files_warning: STRING -- Invalid project files warning once Result := "Some of the files in your project are not valid to your schema definition.%N% %Do you wish to continue?" end invalid_project_files_toc_warning: STRING -- Invalid project files warning for TOC rendering once Result := "Some of the files in your project are not valid to your schema definition.%N% %As a result the Table of Contents tree displayed here may not accurately%N% %represent a generated one. Additionally generation will be slower. Do you wish to continue?" end document_name_change_warning: STRING -- Warning for attempted document name change once Result := "You are trying to change the name of this document. If you proceed links%N% %to this document from other documents will not work. DocBuilder can attempt to%N% %fix these links automatically. What would you like to do?" end help_generation_progress: STRING -- Help generation progress notice once Result := "Help is being generated...please wait" end valid_files: STRING -- Valid files once Result := "All files are valid" end unknown_toc_title: STRING -- Unknown TOC title once Result := "!Unknown Title!" end directory_not_exist: STRING -- Unknown directory once Result := "Directory does not exist." end empty_location: STRING -- Empty location once Result := "Location is empty. Please choose a%Nlocation to generate the files." end empty_toc: STRING -- Empty location once Result := "The generated Table of contents is empty. Possible reasons for this are:%N%N% %- There are no directories with a index file%N% %- You have chosen to ignore sub-directories inside empty directories and have no%N% % top level directories with content%N% %- The project is empty%N%N% %Please check your project and generation settings and try again." end html_pre_tag_warning: STRING -- Warning when attempting to auto-format tag containing 'pre' text once Result := "The text selected for formatting contains tags which %N% %apply their own formatting options. If you continue this formatting will%N% %lost. Do you wish to continue anyway?" end empty_html_document: STRING -- Empty HTML document once Result := "Error: After filtering the document the content is empty.%N% %Possible reason for this are:% %