note description: "Functions for general utility." legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class UTILITY_FUNCTIONS feature -- Copying copy_directory (a_dir, target: DIRECTORY) -- Copy `a_dir' to `target' on disk including sub folders and files require directories_not_void: a_dir /= Void and target /= Void directories_exist: a_dir.exists and target.exists directories_not_already_open: a_dir.is_closed and target.is_closed local cnt, l_cnt: INTEGER sub_dir, src_sub_dir: DIRECTORY l_file, target_file: RAW_FILE path: STRING l_filename: FILE_NAME retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then from cnt := 0 a_dir.open_read a_dir.start path := l_cnt := a_dir.count until cnt = l_cnt loop a_dir.readentry if not (a_dir.lastentry.is_equal (".") or a_dir.lastentry.is_equal ("..")) then create l_filename.make_from_string (path) l_filename.extend (a_dir.lastentry) create src_sub_dir.make (l_filename.string) if not src_sub_dir.exists then -- This is not a directory, so check for file create l_filename.make_from_string (path) l_filename.extend (a_dir.lastentry) create l_file.make (l_filename.string) if l_file.exists then -- This is a file create l_filename.make_from_string ( create sub_dir.make (l_filename.string) if not sub_dir.exists then print ("Unable to make file: " + a_dir.lastentry + " because the following directory does not% % exist:" + l_filename.string + "%N") else l_filename.extend (a_dir.lastentry) create target_file.make_create_read_write (l_filename.string) target_file.close if not l_file.is_empty then copy_file (l_file, target_file) end end end else -- This is a directory create l_filename.make_from_string ( create sub_dir.make (l_filename.string) if not sub_dir.exists then print ("Unable to copy directory: " + + " to " + + "because " + + " does not exist%N") else l_filename.extend (a_dir.lastentry) create sub_dir.make (l_filename.string) if not sub_dir.exists then sub_dir.create_dir end copy_directory (src_sub_dir, sub_dir) end end end cnt := cnt + 1 end a_dir.close end ensure directories_closed: a_dir.is_closed and target.is_closed rescue retried := True print ("Exception in UTILITY_FUNCTIONS 'copy_directory'%N") io.read_character end copy_file (file, target: FILE) -- Copy contents of `file' to `target' require files_not_void: file /= Void and target /= Void source_files_exists: file.exists source_file_not_already_open: not file.is_open_read target_file_not_already_open: not target.is_open_write local l_ptf, l_ptf2: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do l_ptf ?= file l_ptf2 ?= target if l_ptf /= Void and then l_ptf2 /= Void then copy_text_file (l_ptf, l_ptf2) else file.open_read target.open_write file.start target.start file.copy_to (target) file.close target.close end ensure files_closed: file.is_closed and target.is_closed end copy_text_file (text_file, target: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE) -- Copy contents of `text_file' to `target' require files_not_void: text_file /= Void and target /= Void files_exists: text_file.exists and target.exists files_not_already_open: not text_file.is_open_read and not target.is_open_write do from text_file.open_read target.open_write text_file.start until text_file.end_of_file loop text_file.read_line target.put_string (text_file.last_string + "%N") end text_file.close target.close ensure files_closed: text_file.is_closed and target.is_closed end feature -- Directory directory_recursive_count (a_dir: DIRECTORY; path: STRING): INTEGER -- Number of children (files and sub-folders) of `a_dir' local sub_dir: DIRECTORY cnt, l_cnt: INTEGER l_filename: FILE_NAME do from a_dir.open_read cnt := 0 l_cnt := a_dir.count until cnt = l_cnt loop a_dir.readentry if not (a_dir.lastentry.is_equal (".") or a_dir.lastentry.is_equal ("..")) then create l_filename.make_from_string (path) l_filename.extend (a_dir.lastentry) create sub_dir.make (l_filename.string) if sub_dir.exists then Result := Result + directory_recursive_count (sub_dir, l_filename.string) else Result := Result + 1 end end cnt := cnt + 1 end end directory_array (a_dir: STRING): ARRAY [STRING] -- Directory `a_dir' broken down into array or directories. For example -- `C:\a_dir\b_dir' returns the array `<<"a_dir", "b_dir">>'. If there is a -- filename at the end of `a_dir' it is discarded. To be sure last directory -- name is not discarded mistakenly as a file name always put '\' or '/' at end, -- like so: `a_dir/b_dir/c_dir/', not: `a_dir/b_dir/c_dir' require directory_not_void: a_dir /= Void directory_not_empty: not a_dir.is_empty local cnt, l_max_index, l_arr_index: INTEGER l_char: CHARACTER l_dir, l_dir_string: STRING do l_dir := a_dir l_dir.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") l_dir.prune_all_leading ('\') l_max_index := l_dir.occurrences ('\') + l_dir.occurrences ('/') if l_max_index > 0 then from cnt := 1 l_arr_index := 1 if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then create Result.make (1, l_max_index) else create Result.make (1, l_max_index - 1) end create l_dir_string.make_empty until cnt > l_dir.count loop l_char := l_dir.item (cnt) if l_char = '/' and not l_dir_string.is_empty then Result.put (l_dir_string.twin, l_arr_index) l_dir_string.wipe_out l_arr_index := l_arr_index + 1 else l_dir_string.append_character (l_char) end cnt := cnt + 1 end end ensure array_not_empty_if_has_separators: (a_dir.occurrences ('\') + a_dir.occurrences ('/') > 0) implies not Result.is_empty end feature -- File file_type (a_file: STRING): STRING -- Return file extension for `a_file', or else an empty string. do create Result.make_empty if not (a_file.occurrences ('.') = 0) then Result ?= a_file.substring (a_file.last_index_of ('.', a_file.count) + 1, a_file.count) Result.to_lower else create Result.make_empty end end file_no_extension (a_file: STRING): STRING -- Return file name for `a_file' WITHOUT the extension require name_not_void: a_file /= Void do if not (a_file.occurrences ('.') = 0) then Result ?= a_file.substring (1, a_file.last_index_of ('.', a_file.count) - 1) else Result := a_file end ensure has_result: Result /= Void end short_name (a_name: STRING): STRING -- Short file/directory name (minus directory hierarchy) of `a_name' require name_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_name: STRING do l_name := a_name.twin l_name.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") if l_name.last_index_of ('/', a_name.count) > 0 then Result := l_name.substring (l_name.last_index_of ('/', l_name.count) + 1, l_name.count) else Result := l_name end ensure has_result: Result /= Void end directory_no_file_name (a_path: STRING): STRING -- The full directory path `a_path' WITHOUT the file name require path_not_void: a_path /= Void local l_path: STRING do l_path := a_path.twin l_path.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") if l_path.last_index_of ('/', l_path.count) > 0 then Result := l_path.substring (1, l_path.last_index_of ('/', l_path.count) - 1) else Result := l_path end ensure has_result: Result /= Void end unique_name: STRING -- Unique name do Result := (create {DATE_TIME}.make_now).out Result.replace_substring_all (".", "_") Result.replace_substring_all (":", "_") Result.replace_substring_all (" ", "_") Result.replace_substring_all ("\", "_") Result.replace_substring_all ("/", "_") end feature -- String is_alpha_numeric_string (a_string: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Does `a_string' contain only alphanumeric characters? require string_not_not_void: a_string /= Void local cnt: INTEGER l_char: CHARACTER do from cnt := 1 Result := True until cnt > a_string.count or not Result loop l_char := a_string.item (cnt) Result := (l_char.is_alpha or l_char.is_digit) cnt := cnt + 1 end end tidied_string (a_string: STRING): STRING -- Tidy `a_string' do Result := a_string Result.prune_all_leading ('%N') Result.prune_all_leading ('%T') Result.prune_all_trailing ('%N') Result.prune_all_trailing ('%T') end feature -- Document temporary_html_location (a_name: STRING; with_name: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Temporary directory for location of `document' in HTML require document_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_root_dir: STRING l_index: INTEGER l_consts: APPLICATION_CONSTANTS do l_consts := (create {SHARED_CONSTANTS}).Application_constants create l_root_dir.make_from_string (l_consts.Temporary_html_directory.string) Result := temporary_location (a_name, l_root_dir) if with_name then if not l_consts.allowed_file_types.has (file_type (Result)) then l_index := Result.last_index_of ('.', Result.count) if l_index > 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, l_index - 1) end Result.append (".html") end else Result := directory_no_file_name (Result) end end temporary_xml_location (a_name: STRING; with_name: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Temporary directory for location of `document' in XML require document_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_root_dir: STRING l_index: INTEGER do create l_root_dir.make_from_string ((create {SHARED_CONSTANTS}).Application_constants.Temporary_xml_directory.string) Result := temporary_location (a_name, l_root_dir) if with_name then if not file_type (Result).is_equal ("xml") then l_index := Result.last_index_of ('.', Result.count) if l_index > 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, l_index - 1) end Result.append (".xml") end else Result := directory_no_file_name (Result) end end temporary_help_location (a_name: STRING; with_name: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Temporary directory for location of `document' in Help project require document_not_void: a_name /= Void local l_root_dir: STRING l_index: INTEGER do create l_root_dir.make_from_string ((create {SHARED_CONSTANTS}).Application_constants.Temporary_help_directory.string) Result := temporary_location (a_name, l_root_dir) if with_name then if not (file_type (Result).is_equal ("html") or file_type (Result).is_equal ("css") or file_type (Result).is_equal ("gif")) then l_index := Result.last_index_of ('.', Result.count) if l_index > 0 then Result := Result.substring (1, l_index - 1) end Result.append (".html") end else Result := directory_no_file_name (Result) end end toc_friendly_url (a_url: STRING): STRING -- TOC friendly url of `a_url' require url_not_void: a_url /= Void local l_proj_name: STRING l_name: FILE_NAME do Result := a_url.twin l_proj_name := (create {SHARED_OBJECTS}).Shared_project.root_directory l_proj_name.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") Result.replace_substring_all (l_proj_name, "") Result.replace_substring_all ((create {APPLICATION_CONSTANTS}).Temporary_help_directory, "") Result.prune_all_leading ('/') Result.prune_all_leading ('\') create l_name.make_from_string (Result) Result := l_name.string Result.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") end is_code_document (a_doc: DOCUMENT): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_doc' a code document local l_name, l_lib_name: STRING l_code_dir: FILE_NAME do create l_code_dir.make_from_string (a_doc.shared_project.root_directory) l_code_dir.extend ("libraries") l_lib_name := l_code_dir.string l_lib_name.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") l_name := l_name.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") if l_name.has_substring (l_lib_name) then Result := l_name.has_substring ("/reference/") end end stylesheet_path (a_file: STRING; rel: BOOLEAN): STRING -- Path to stylesheet from `a_file' local l_name, a_filename: STRING l_link: DOCUMENT_LINK l_consts: SHARED_OBJECTS do create l_consts if l_consts.Shared_document_manager.has_stylesheet then a_filename := a_file.twin l_name := -- Create a project relative link to the stylesheet file create l_link.make (a_file, l_name) if rel then Result := l_link.relative_url else Result := l_link.absolute_url end end end copy_stylesheet (a_loc: STRING) -- Copy stylesheet to `a_loc' require a_loc_not_void: a_loc /= Void local l_objs: SHARED_OBJECTS l_target, l_src: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_filename: FILE_NAME do create l_objs if l_objs.Shared_document_manager.has_stylesheet then create l_filename.make_from_string (a_loc) l_filename.extend (short_name ( create l_target.make_create_read_write (l_filename.string) l_target.close create l_src.make ( copy_file (l_src, l_target) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation temporary_location (a_name: STRING; a_root: STRING): STRING -- Temporary location require doc_not_void: a_name /= Void root_not_void: a_root /= Void local l_proj_root: STRING l_sub_dir_name, l_file_name: FILE_NAME l_dir_arr: ARRAY [STRING] l_cnt: INTEGER l_sub_dir: DIRECTORY do Result := a_name.twin Result.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") l_proj_root := (create {SHARED_OBJECTS}).Shared_project.root_directory l_proj_root.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") if l_proj_root /= Void then if Result.has_substring (l_proj_root) then Result.replace_substring_all (l_proj_root, "") else if Result.has (':') then Result := short_name (Result) end end end create l_file_name.make_from_string (a_root) if Result.item (1) = '/' then Result := Result.substring (2, Result.count) end l_file_name.extend (Result) Result := l_file_name.string.twin -- With Result path create sub-directories if necessary l_dir_arr := directory_array (Result) if l_dir_arr /= Void then from l_cnt := 2 create l_sub_dir_name.make_from_string (l_dir_arr.item (1)) until l_cnt > l_dir_arr.count loop l_sub_dir_name.extend (l_dir_arr.item (l_cnt)) create l_sub_dir.make (l_sub_dir_name.string) if not l_sub_dir.exists then l_sub_dir.create_dir end l_cnt := l_cnt + 1 end end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class UTILITY_FUNCTIONS