note description : "[ Given a directory, call the make utility on all subdirectories if a `Makefile' exists and without a `finished' file (which shows that compilation has already been done), and if make is successful, then call make on the directory if a Makefile exists. Since it is applied to Eiffel generated F_code/W_code and that the compilation in E1 directory takes a long time, we will always process E1 first. We also try to guess the number of CPU on a system, but this can be overridden by the -cpu option. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_MAKE inherit ARGUMENTS_32 THREAD_CONTROL EXCEPTIONS LOCALIZED_PRINTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Creation procedure. do -- By default initialize number of CPU to 1. create actions.make create failed_actions.make create {ARRAYED_LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32]} make_flags.make (0) parse_arguments process end feature {NONE} -- Status report target: PATH -- Directory were processing will be done. number_of_cpu: INTEGER -- Number of CPU available. make_utility: STRING_32 -- Name/path of `make' utility. make_flags: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] -- Flags for `make_utility'. actions, failed_actions: MT_ACTION_QUEUE -- List of actions being executed. feature {NONE} -- Implementation parse_arguments -- Parse arguments. -- If any error is detected, report it and exit application. local l_make_flags: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_dir: DIRECTORY l_index: INTEGER do if attached separate_word_option_value ("help") as h and then h.is_empty then print_usage -- Exit now. die (0) end if attached separate_word_option_value ("target") as l_target then if l_target.is_empty then report_error ("Error: Missing target directory.%N") end create target.make_from_string (l_target) create l_dir.make_with_path (target) if not l_dir.exists then report_error ("Error: '" + l_target + "' directory does not exist.%N") elseif not l_dir.is_readable or not l_dir.is_writable then report_error ("Error: '" + l_target + "' directory is not readable nor writable.%N") end else target := (create {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}).current_working_path end l_index := index_of_word_option ("make_flags") if l_index > 0 then if l_index < argument_count then -- We take the argument following `make_flags' as flags for `make_utility'. l_make_flags := argument (l_index + 1) end if not attached l_make_flags or else l_make_flags.is_empty then -- Error, we expected make flags. report_error ("Error: Missing make flags.%N") else make_flags := l_make_flags.split (' ') end end if attached separate_word_option_value ("make") as l_make then if l_make.is_empty then report_error ("Error: Missing make utility command.%N") end make_utility := {STRING_32} "%"" + l_make + {STRING_32} "%"" elseif (create {PLATFORM}).is_windows then make_utility := "nmake.exe" if not attached l_make_flags then make_flags.extend ("-s") make_flags.extend ("-nologo") end else make_utility := "make" end if attached separate_word_option_value ("cpu") as l_nb_cpu then if l_nb_cpu.is_empty or not l_nb_cpu.is_integer then -- Error, we expected a number of CPU. report_error ("Error: Missing number of CPU.%N") else number_of_cpu := l_nb_cpu.to_integer end else -- No CPU number was specified, get the information from the OS. compute_number_of_cpu ($number_of_cpu) end end report_error (message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Report error `message` and exit. do io.error.put_string_32 (message.to_string_32) print_usage die (1) ensure can_return: False end print_usage -- Print usage. local i: INTEGER do debug -- Print arguments as we get them. from i := 1 until i > argument_count loop print (argument (i)) print ("%N") i := i + 1 end end io.error.put_string ("Command line was: %N") localized_print (command_line) io.error.put_string ("%N%NExpected: eiffel_make [-target DIR] [-make MAKE] [-make_flags FLAGS] [-cpu N]%N%N% %Default option for make is : `nmake'. %N% %Default option for make_flags is: `-s -nologo'.%N% %Default option for target is: `.'.%N% %Default option for cpu is : number of CPU on this machine,%N") end process -- Call make. require target_not_void: target /= Void target_not_empty: not target.is_empty make_utility_not_void: make_utility /= Void make_utility_not_empty: not make_utility.is_empty local l_dir_name: PATH l_name: like target l_dir: DIRECTORY i, l_min: INTEGER l_file: RAW_FILE l_sorted_list: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] l_has_e1: BOOLEAN do create l_dir.make_with_path (target) across l_dir.entries as entry from create l_sorted_list.make (10) loop l_dir_name := entry.item if not l_dir_name.is_current_symbol and not l_dir_name.is_parent_symbol then if ("E1") then l_has_e1 := True else l_name := target.extended_path (l_dir_name) create l_dir.make_with_path (l_name) -- Strange way of checking if we are handling a directory, but -- this is necessary on Windows where depending on wether or not -- you had a final directory separator the results are bogus. if l_dir.exists then l_sorted_list.extend (l_dir_name) else create l_file.make_with_path (l_name) if l_file.exists and then l_file.is_directory then l_sorted_list.extend (l_dir_name) end end end end end (create {QUICK_SORTER [PATH]}.make (create {DIRECTORY_SORTER})).sort (l_sorted_list) -- Process additions of found directories. across l_sorted_list as directory loop insert_directory (directory.item) end if l_has_e1 then -- We excluded E1 from `l_sorted_list' to ensure it would be last in the list. insert_directory (create {PATH}.make_from_string ("E1")) end l_min := number_of_cpu.min (actions.count) if l_min = 1 then process_compilation else -- Perform a distributed build. from i := 1 until i > l_min loop (create {WORKER_THREAD}.make (agent process_compilation)).launch i := i + 1 end join_all end if failed_actions.count /= 0 then -- An error occurred, signal it. die (1) elseif -- No need to twin here since we are single threaded again. not compile_directory (target, make_flags) then die (1) end end process_compilation -- Process all actions in `actions' until it is empty. local l_action: FUNCTION [BOOLEAN] l_failure: BOOLEAN do from l_action := actions.removed_element until not attached l_action or l_failure loop l_failure := not l_action.item if l_failure then failed_actions.extend (l_action) else l_action := actions.removed_element end end end compile_directory (a_dir: PATH; l_flags: LIST [READABLE_STRING_32]): BOOLEAN -- Compile in `a_dir'. require target_not_void: target /= Void target_not_empty: not target.is_empty a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void a_dir_not_empty: not a_dir.is_empty make_utility_not_void: make_utility /= Void make_utility_not_empty: not make_utility.is_empty local l_process: BASE_PROCESS do l_process := process_factory.process_launcher (make_utility, l_flags, l_process.launch if l_process.launched then l_process.wait_for_exit Result := l_process.exit_code = 0 end end process_factory: BASE_PROCESS_FACTORY -- A factory to create processes. once create Result end insert_directory (a_dir: PATH) -- Insert processing of `a_dir' subdirectory of `target' into `actions' -- if it has a `Makefile' and no `finished' file showing that it has not yet -- been processed. require a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void a_dir_not_empty: not a_dir.is_empty make_utility_not_void: make_utility /= Void make_utility_not_empty: not make_utility.is_empty local l_name: like target l_file: RAW_FILE do l_name := target.extended_path (a_dir) create l_file.make_with_path (l_name.extended (makefile_name)) if l_file.exists then -- Only process directories which have a Makefile. create l_file.make_with_path (l_name.extended (finished_name)) if not l_file.exists then -- Only process directories which do not have a `finished' file, which shows -- that the directory needs to be processed. -- It is important to twin `make_flags' as otherwise multiple threads -- could access it at the same time. actions.extend (agent compile_directory (l_name, make_flags.twin)) end end end compute_number_of_cpu (a_result: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Number of CPUs. external "C inline use " alias "[ { SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; ZeroMemory (&SysInfo, sizeof (SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo (&SysInfo); *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result = SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; } ]" end feature {NONE} -- Constants makefile_name: STRING = "Makefile" finished_name: STRING = "finished" -- Constants for file names. invariant actions_not_void: actions /= Void failed_actions_not_void: failed_actions /= Void make_flags_not_void: make_flags /= Void note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end