note description: "Simple Compilation index for eiffel script tool." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EIFFEL_SCRIPT_COMPILATION_INDEX create make, make_from_path feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (nb: INTEGER) do create tmp_file.make_with_path (create {PATH}.make_current) create items.make (nb) end make_from_path (a_path: PATH) do make (30) load_from (a_path) end feature -- Access items: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [date: INTEGER_32; path: PATH]] feature -- Status report is_project_more_recent_than (ref: PATH): BOOLEAN local d, l_ref_date: like file_path_modified_date do l_ref_date := file_path_modified_date (ref) Result := items.is_empty across items as ic until Result loop d := file_path_modified_date (ic.item.path) Result := l_ref_date <= d end end feature -- Change wipe_out do items.wipe_out end record_class (a_path: PATH) do record (file_path_modified_date (a_path), a_path) end record_library (a_path: PATH) do record (file_path_modified_date (a_path), a_path) end feature {NONE} -- Change record (a_date: INTEGER; a_path: PATH) do items.force (a_date, a_path) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation file_path_modified_date (a_file_name: PATH): INTEGER_32 -- Get last modified timestamp of `a_path`. -- (from CONF_FILE_DATE) require a_path_set: a_file_name /= Void and then not a_file_name.is_empty local f: RAW_FILE do f := tmp_file f.make_with_path (a_file_name) if f.exists then Result := else Result := -1 end ensure file_modified_date_valid: Result >= -1 end tmp_file: RAW_FILE feature -- Persistence save_to (fn: PATH) local f: RAW_FILE fut: FILE_UTILITIES do fut.create_directory_path (fn.parent) create f.make_with_path (fn) if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.open_write across items as ic loop f.put_string ( f.put_character (',') f.put_string (ic.item.path.utf_8_name) f.put_new_line end f.close end end load_from (fn: PATH) local utf: UTF_CONVERTER f: RAW_FILE i: INTEGER s: STRING do create f.make_with_path (fn) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read from until f.exhausted or f.end_of_file loop f.read_line s := f.last_string i := s.index_of (',', 1) if i > 0 then record (s.head (i - 1).to_integer, create {PATH}.make_from_string (utf.escaped_utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (s.substring (i + 1, s.count))) ) else -- Ignore ... check expected_line: False end end end f.close end end end