note description: "System's root class, compare different compiler versions' tests" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ROOT_CLASS inherit ARGUMENTS_32 LOCALIZED_PRINTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make local index_output, index_tests: INTEGER l_args: ANY do l_args := argument_array set_option_sign ('-') only_different_results := False index_output := index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("output") index_tests := index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("tests") if index_tests /= 0 then if index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("full") = 0 then only_different_results := True end if index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("tab") /= 0 then has_tab := True end non_interactive_execution sort elseif index_of_word_option ("loop") /= 0 then if equal (separate_word_option_value("loop"), "") then interactive_execution sort else throw_usage end else throw_usage end end feature sort -- Handlecompiler versions and compare tests -- Make result available in `output_file' file local key, name, item, version_names, test_results: STRING list_items : LINKED_LIST [STRING] list_compiler_results : LINKED_LIST [COMPILER_RESULTS] compiler_results : COMPILER_RESULTS index: INTEGER list_test : LIST_TEST globals: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do if output_file.same_string ({STRING_32} "stdout") then globals := io.default_output else create globals.make_open_write(output_file) end create list_compiler_results.make create list_test.make version_names := "" from index := 1 until index > array.count loop create compiler_results.make (array @ index) list_compiler_results.extend (compiler_results) list_test.add_tests_from_compiler_results (compiler_results) version_names.append (formatted (array @ index, Result_column_count, has_tab)) index := index + 1 end globals.putstring (formatted ("Test name", First_column_count, has_tab) + formatted ("Code", Second_column_count, has_tab) + version_names + "%N") across list_test as t loop key := t.key name := t.item test_results := formatted (name, First_column_count, has_tab) + formatted (key, Second_column_count, has_tab) create list_items.make from index := 1 until index > array.count loop compiler_results := list_compiler_results @ index item := compiler_results.result_of (key) list_items.extend (item) test_results.append (formatted (item, Result_column_count, has_tab)) index := index + 1 end if only_different_results implies not (same_elements ("passed", list_items) or same_elements ("failed", list_items)) then globals.putstring (test_results) globals.put_new_line end end end non_interactive_execution -- Set `output_file' and `array' from command line -- `-output' for `output_file' -- `-tests' for `array' local index: INTEGER first_test: READABLE_STRING_32 nb_to_remove: INTEGER l_test_index: INTEGER n: INTEGER do if index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("output") = 0 then -- By default we redirect to the STDOUT. output_file := {STRING_32} "stdout" else output_file := separate_word_option_value ("output") end l_test_index := index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("tests") first_test := separate_word_option_value ("tests") if first_test.count * output_file.count = 0 then io.putstring ("Wrong number of files") else -- argument_array has 4 or 5 extra words : output, output's path, tests, -- and `command line' at position 0.. -- and sometimes differences if index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("full") /= 0 then nb_to_remove := nb_to_remove + 1 end if index_of_beginning_with_word_option ("tab") /= 0 then nb_to_remove := nb_to_remove + 1 end n := argument_array.count - l_test_index - nb_to_remove - 1 create array.make (n) array.extend (first_test) if n > 1 then from index := 2 until index > n loop array.extend (argument_array.item (index + l_test_index)) index := index + 1 end end end end interactive_execution -- Set `output_file' and `array' from shell when `-loop' in command line. local index: INTEGER n: INTEGER test_file, whole_name: STRING_32 do io.putstring ("This application allows to follow tests' evolution through different compiler versions%N") io.putstring ("Please enter the whole path of output file (the file you want to see comparison in)%N") io.read_line output_file := io.last_string.twin.to_string_32 io.putstring ("How many compiler versions do you want to compare?%N") io.read_integer n := io.last_integer create array.make (n) whole_name := {STRING_32} "" from index := 1 until index > n loop io.putstring ("Please enter file number ") io.put_integer (index) io.putstring (":%N") io.read_line test_file := io.last_string.twin.to_string_32 array.extend (test_file) whole_name.append ({STRING_32} "%N" + test_file) index := index + 1 end io.putstring ("Do you want to save all results or just tests that have different result throuch compiler versions? (y/n)") io.read_line only_different_results := equal (io.last_string, "y") localized_print ({STRING_32} "Generated in: " + output_file + {STRING_32} " using tests: " + whole_name + {STRING_32} ".") end throw_usage do io.putstring ("Usage:%N[[-output file_name] -tests file1 file2 ...][-full][-tab]") io.putstring ("%N[-loop]%N") end same_elements (res : STRING; list : LINKED_LIST [STRING]): BOOLEAN do Result := across list as i all res ~ i.item end end feature --Access output_file: READABLE_STRING_32 -- Path of comparison file. array: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] -- Each item is a tests results file for a compiler version. only_different_results: BOOLEAN has_tab: BOOLEAN -- Do we separate columns with tabs? feature {NONE} -- Constants First_column_count: INTEGER = 40 -- Size in characters of first column. Second_column_count: INTEGER = 14 -- Size in character of second column. Result_column_count: INTEGER = 16 -- Size of column of results. feature {NONE} -- Implementation formatted (s: STRING; n: INTEGER; with_tab: BOOLEAN): STRING -- If `with_tab' add a tab character to the end of `s'. -- Otherwise format `s' to that its count is not less than `n', -- adding missing spaces if needed. require s_not_void: s /= Void n_nonnegative: n > 0 do if with_tab then Result := s + "%T" else Result := s.twin if n > Result.count then Result.append (create {STRING}.make_filled (' ', n - Result.count)) end end ensure formatted_not_void: Result /= Void formatted_count_valid: not with_tab implies Result.count >= n end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2019, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end