note description: "Manages C compiler configurations so clients can access the appropriate configuration with ease" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$date$"; revision: "$revision$" class C_CONFIG_MANAGER create make feature -- Initialization make (a_for_32bit: like for_32bit) -- Initializes configuration manager given `for_32bit' do for_32bit := a_for_32bit initialize_configs (a_for_32bit or not {PLATFORM}.is_64_bits) ensure for_32bit_set: for_32bit = a_for_32bit end feature -- Access for_32bit: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if manager is to be used in a 32bit environment config_codes: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- List of available configuration codes local l_codes: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] l_configs: like configs l_config: detachable C_CONFIG l_result: like internal_config_codes l_cursor: CURSOR do l_result := internal_config_codes if l_result /= Void then Result := l_result else l_configs := configs create l_codes.make (l_configs.count) l_codes.compare_objects l_cursor := l_configs.cursor from l_configs.start until l_configs.after loop l_config := l_configs.item_for_iteration check l_config_attached: l_config /= Void end l_codes.extend (l_config.code) l_configs.forth end Result := l_codes internal_config_codes := Result end ensure configs_unmoved: configs.cursor ~ old configs.cursor result_count_matches_config_count: Result.count = configs.count result_compares_objects: Result.object_comparison result_consistent: Result = config_codes end configs: ARRAYED_LIST [C_CONFIG] -- List of C compiler configurations. applicable_config_codes: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- List of available and applicable configuration codes. local l_configs: like applicable_configs do Result := internal_applicable_config_codes if Result = Void then l_configs := applicable_configs create Result.make (l_configs.count) Result.compare_objects across l_configs as l_config loop Result.extend (l_config.item.code) end internal_applicable_config_codes := Result end ensure result_count_small_enough: Result.count <= configs.count result_compares_objects: Result.object_comparison configs_unmoved: configs.cursor ~ old configs.cursor result_consistent: Result = applicable_config_codes end applicable_configs: LIST [C_CONFIG] -- Applicable configurations given user's machine state. local l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [C_CONFIG] l_configs: like configs l_config: C_CONFIG l_result: like internal_applicable_configs do l_result := internal_applicable_configs if l_result /= Void then Result := l_result else l_configs := configs create l_list.make (l_configs.count) l_list.append (l_configs) from l_list.start until l_list.after loop l_config := l_list.item if not l_config.exists then l_list.remove else l_list.forth end end Result := l_list internal_applicable_configs := Result end ensure result_count_small_enough: Result.count <= configs.count configs_unmoved: configs.cursor ~ old configs.cursor result_consistent: Result = applicable_configs end feature -- Status report is_config_code_valid (a_config_code: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_config_code' a known code? do Result := compatibility_configs.has (a_config_code) end best_configuration (a_compatible_config: detachable STRING): detachable C_CONFIG -- If `a_compatible_config' is not set, retrieves the best C compiler configuration overall. -- Otherwise, the best C compiler configuration compatible with `a_compatible_config'. require compatible_config_not_empty_if_set: a_compatible_config /= Void implies not a_compatible_config.is_empty valid_config: a_compatible_config /= Void implies is_config_code_valid (a_compatible_config) local l_configs: like configs do if a_compatible_config /= Void then l_configs := compatibility_configs.item (a_compatible_config) -- Per precondition, we should have a list. check l_configs_found: l_configs /= Void end else -- We use all our known configs l_configs := configs end if attached l_configs then across l_configs as l_config until Result /= Void loop if l_config.item.exists then Result := l_config.item end end end ensure configs_unmoved: configs.cursor ~ old configs.cursor end config_from_code (a_code: STRING; a_check_for_existence: BOOLEAN): detachable C_CONFIG -- Retrieves a config from the code `a_code'. If `a_check_for_existence' is set to True -- the located configuration must exists in order to return a result require not_a_code_is_empty: not a_code.is_empty a_code_valid: is_config_code_valid (a_code) do across configs as l_config until Result /= Void loop if l_config.item.code.is_case_insensitive_equal (a_code) and then (not a_check_for_existence or else l_config.item.exists) then Result := l_config.item end end ensure result_exists: a_check_for_existence implies (Result = Void or else Result.exists) configs_unmoved: configs.cursor ~ old configs.cursor end feature {NONE} -- Access initialize_configs (a_use_32bit: BOOLEAN) -- Visual Studio configuration for x64/x86 platforms. --|Be sure to place deprecated configurations after all valid configurations! require a_use_32bit_for_x86: not a_use_32bit implies {PLATFORM}.is_64_bits local l_32_bits: BOOLEAN l_configs: ARRAYED_LIST [C_CONFIG] l_c_config: C_CONFIG do l_32_bits := not {PLATFORM}.is_64_bits or else a_use_32bit create compatibility_configs.make_caseless (2) create configs.make (10) -- Group of compatible C compilers. create l_configs.make (1) -- VS 17.0 (aka VS 2022 all editions) create {VS_SETUP_CUSTOM_CONFIG} l_c_config.make (a_use_32bit, "VC170", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 VC++ (17.0)", "2022-VS", 17) l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- VS 16.0 (aka VS 2019 all editions) create {VS_SETUP_CUSTOM_CONFIG} l_c_config.make (a_use_32bit, "VC160", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 VC++ (19.0)", "2019-VS", 16) l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- VS 15.0 (aka VS 2017 all editions) create {VS_SETUP_CUSTOM_CONFIG} l_c_config.make (a_use_32bit, "VC150", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 VC++ (15.0)", "2017-VS", 15) l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- VS 14.0 (aka VS 2015 all editions) create {VS_2015_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC140", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 VC++ (14.0)", "2015-VS") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- Update `configs' with group. configs.append (l_configs) -- Group of compatible C compilers. create l_configs.make (1) -- VS 12.0 (aka VS 2013) create {VS_NEW_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC120", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 VC++ (12.0)", "2013-VS") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- VS 11.0 (aka VS 2012) create {VS_NEW_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC110", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 VC++ (11.0)", "2012-VS") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- Windows SDKs create {WSDK_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1", a_use_32bit, {WSDK_CONFIG}.wsdk_71, "Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (Windows 7)", "2010-WSDK") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) -- VS 10.0 (aka VS 2010) create {VS_NEW_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC100", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 VC++ (10.0)", "2010-VS") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) if l_32_bits then create {VS_CONFIG} l_c_config.make ("Microsoft\VCExpress\10.0\Setup\VC", True, "VC100X", "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (10.0)", "2010-VC") l_configs.extend (l_c_config) compatibility_configs.put (l_configs, l_c_config.code) end -- Update `configs' with group. configs.append (l_configs) end extend_old_configs (a_list: ARRAYED_LIST [C_CONFIG]; a_use_32bit, is_32_bits: BOOLEAN) -- Extend `a_list' with old configs that are not officially supported anymore. --| We keep this code for reference only. do -- Old Windows SDKs a_list.extend (create {WSDK_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0", a_use_32bit, {WSDK_CONFIG}.wsdk_70, "Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (Windows 7)", "2009-WSDK")) a_list.extend (create {WSDK_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1", a_use_32bit, {WSDK_CONFIG}.wsdk_61, "Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (Windows Vista)", "2008-WSDK")) -- VS 9.0 a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC90", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 VC++ (9.0)", "2008-VS")) if is_32_bits then a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Setup\VC", True, "VC90X", "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express (9.0)", "2008-VC")) end -- VS 8.0 a_list.extend (create {WSDK_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0\WinSDKCompiler", a_use_32bit, {WSDK_CONFIG}.wsdk_60, "Microsoft Windows SDK 6.0 (Windows Vista)", "2006-WSDK")) a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\Setup\VC", a_use_32bit, "VC80", "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 VC++ (8.0)", "2005-VS")) if is_32_bits then -- VS Other a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.1\Setup\VC", True, "VC71", "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 VC++ (7.1)", "2001-VS")) a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.0\Setup\VC", True, "VC70", "Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 VC++ (7.0)", "2002-VS")) a_list.extend (create {VS_CONFIG}.make ("Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Setup\Microsoft Visual C++", True, "VC60", "Microsoft Visual Studio VC++ (6.0)", "199x-VS")) end end feature {NONE} -- Internal implementation cache internal_config_codes: detachable like config_codes -- Cached version of `config_codes' -- Note: Do not use directly internal_configs: detachable like configs -- Cached version of `configs' -- Note: Do not use directly internal_applicable_config_codes: detachable like applicable_config_codes -- Cached version of `applicable_config_codes' -- Note: Do not use directly internal_applicable_configs: detachable like applicable_configs -- Cached version of `applicable_configs' -- Note: Do not use directly compatibility_configs: STRING_TABLE [like configs] -- Map C configs code to the list of compatible C configs. ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2022, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end