note legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." class MAKEFILE_TRANSLATOR inherit ANY EIFFEL_LAYOUT export {NONE} all end BASE_PROCESS_FACTORY export {NONE} all end LOCALIZED_PRINTER export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_options: like options; mapped_path: BOOLEAN; a_force_32bit: BOOLEAN; a_processor_count: NATURAL_8) -- Initialize require a_options_not_void: a_options /= Void local l_c_setup: COMPILER_SETUP do options := a_options create system_dependent_directories.make (5) create object_dependent_directories.make (50) create dependent_directories.make (55) create makefile.make_with_name ("Makefile") create makefile_sh.make_with_name ("Makefile.SH") create appl.make_empty create missing_options.make (2) missing_options.compare_objects makefile_content := "" force_32bit := a_force_32bit processor_count := a_processor_count uses_precompiled := False directory_separator := options.get_string_or_default ("directory_separator", "\") object_extension := options.get_string_or_default ("obj_file_ext", "obj").twin object_extension.prepend_character ('.') lib_extension := options.get_string_or_default ("intermediate_file_ext", "lib").twin lib_extension.prepend_character ('.') -- Initialize the C compiler environment. create l_c_setup.initialize (options.get_boolean ("smart_checking", True), a_force_32bit) if attached l_c_setup.found_c_config as l_config then io.put_string ("Preparing C compilation using " + l_config.description + "...%N") else io.put_string ("Preparing C compilation using already configured " + eiffel_layout.eiffel_c_compiler + " C compiler...%N") end io.standard_default.flush check_for_il quick_compilation := options.get_boolean ("quick_compilation", True) if quick_compilation and not is_il_code then launch_quick_compilation end ensure processor_count_set: processor_count = a_processor_count force_32bit_set: force_32bit = a_force_32bit end feature -- Quick compile launch_quick_compilation -- Launch the `quick_finalize' program with the correct options. local quick_prg: STRING_32 do quick_prg := {STRING_32} "%"" quick_prg.append_string ( quick_prg.append_string ({STRING_32} "%" . ") quick_prg.append_string_general (options.get_string_or_default ("obj_file_ext", "obj")) -- On Windows, we need to surround the command with " since it is executed -- by COMSPEC. env.system ({STRING_32} "%"" + quick_prg + {STRING_32} "%"") end feature -- Status report has_makefile_sh: BOOLEAN -- Did we find any Makefile.SH? feature -- Access makefile_sh: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- Makefile.SH to read from makefile: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- Makefile to create options: RESOURCE_TABLE -- Options read from config.eif dependent_directories, system_dependent_directories, object_dependent_directories: ARRAYED_LIST [TUPLE [directory, file: STRING]] -- Subdirs for this compilation quick_compilation: BOOLEAN -- Is the current compilation a quick one? delete_next: BOOLEAN -- Is the next line to be deleted? externals: BOOLEAN -- Is the application using externals? precompile: BOOLEAN -- Is this a precompilation? multithreaded: BOOLEAN -- Is this a multithreaded application? appl: STRING -- Application name uses_precompiled: BOOLEAN directory_separator: STRING -- Directory separator which needs to be used for the Makefile translation. object_extension: STRING -- File extension name for C generated object files. lib_extension: STRING -- File extension name for C generated object files for -- each C*, D* and F* directory. is_il_code: BOOLEAN -- Is Makefile.SH generated for IL C code generation. processor_count: NATURAL_8 -- Number of processors to utilize force_32bit: BOOLEAN -- Indiciates if 32bit compilation should be forced is_ascii: BOOLEAN -- Does makefile use only ASCII? feature -- Execution translate -- create Makefile from Makefile.SH and options do translate_makefile (True, ".") translate_sub_makefiles end run_make (a_directory: PATH) -- Run the make utility on the generated Makefile in `a_directory'. local command: STRING l_make_flags: STRING_32 l_process: BASE_PROCESS l_success: BOOLEAN l_flags: detachable LIST [STRING_32] l_file: RAW_FILE input_code_page: NATURAL_32 output_code_page: NATURAL_32 l_launched_command: READABLE_STRING_32 l_cpu: INTEGER do -- Record current code page. input_code_page := {WEL_API}.console_input_code_page output_code_page := {WEL_API}.console_output_code_page -- The command to execute the make utility on this platform command := options.get_string_or_default ("make_utility", "") subst_eiffel (command) subst_platform (command) subst_compiler (command) l_make_flags := options.get_string_or_default ("make_flags", "") l_make_flags.left_adjust l_make_flags.right_adjust -- Some Make utility don't know how to execute multiple C compilation at once. -- For those, we have built a tool `emake' that will do the parallelization of the -- C compilation. if options.get_boolean ("use_emake", False) then -- Launch building of `E1\estructure.h' and `E1\eoffsets.h' in case it is not built and we are not -- in .NET mode if not is_il_code then create l_file.make_with_name ("E1" + directory_separator + "estructure.x") if l_file.exists then l_flags := l_make_flags.split (' ') l_flags.extend ({STRING_32} "E1" + directory_separator + {STRING_32} "estructure.h") l_process := process_launcher (command, l_flags, Void) l_process.launch l_success := l_process.launched if l_success then l_process.wait_for_exit else io.error.put_string ("ERROR: Cannot start %"" + command + "%".") end end create l_file.make_with_name ("E1" + directory_separator + "eoffsets.x") if l_file.exists then l_flags := l_make_flags.split (' ') l_flags.extend ({STRING_32} "E1" + directory_separator + {STRING_32} "eoffsets.h") l_process := process_launcher (command, l_flags, Void) l_process.launch l_success := l_process.launched if l_success then l_process.wait_for_exit else io.error.put_string ("ERROR: Cannot start %"" + command + "%".") end end end -- Setup arguments of `emake'. create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32]} l_flags.make (8) if processor_count > 0 then l_flags.extend ({STRING_32} "-cpu") l_flags.extend (processor_count.out) end l_flags.extend ({STRING_32} "-make") l_flags.extend (command) if not l_make_flags.is_empty then l_flags.extend ({STRING_32} "-make_flags") l_flags.extend (l_make_flags) end l_launched_command := else -- If our Make utility support launching more jobs, use -- its command line to specify the number of jobs. if attached options.get_string ("make_cpu_flags") as l_cpu_flag and then not l_cpu_flag.is_empty then create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32]} l_flags.make (8) if processor_count = 0 then -- Use all CPUs by default. compute_number_of_cpu ($l_cpu) elseif processor_count > 0 then -- Use only what was specified. l_cpu := processor_count else -- Use just one. l_cpu := 1 end l_flags.extend (l_cpu_flag) l_flags.extend (l_cpu.out) end create {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32} l_launched_command.make_from_string_general (command) end -- Launch the C compilation process. l_process := process_launcher (l_launched_command, l_flags, l_process.launch l_success := l_process.launched if l_success then l_process.wait_for_exit else localized_print_error ({STRING_32} "ERROR: Cannot start %"" + l_launched_command + "%".") end -- Restore original code page in case it has been changed. {WEL_API}.set_console_input_code_page (input_code_page).do_nothing {WEL_API}.set_console_output_code_page (output_code_page).do_nothing end feature {NONE} -- Translation compute_number_of_cpu (a_result: TYPED_POINTER [INTEGER]) -- Number of CPUs. external "C inline use " alias "[ { SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; ZeroMemory (&SysInfo, sizeof (SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo (&SysInfo); *(EIF_INTEGER *) $a_result = SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; } ]" end check_for_il -- Read content of first Ace file do open_files (".") if has_makefile_sh then makefile_sh.read_stream (makefile_sh.count) is_il_code := makefile_sh.last_string.substring_index ("$(IL_SYSTEM)", 1) > 0 close_files else is_il_code := True end end translate_makefile (master: BOOLEAN; directory: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Translate the Makefile.SH in the specified `directory'. -- Apply special rules to the top-level makefile flagged by `master'. do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate makefile") if master then io.put_string (" (master)") end io.put_new_line end open_files (directory) if has_makefile_sh then check makefile_sh_exists: makefile_sh /= Void makefile /= Void end if not makefile_sh.end_of_file then read_next translate_case translate_case translate_echo translate_spit (True, Void) if master then translate_master translate_spit (False, options.get_string ("no_subs")) else translate_spit (False, Void) end else io.error.put_string ("WARNING: Makefile.SH is empty.%N") end close_files end end translate_sub_makefiles -- Translate makefiles in subdirs from master makefile. local dir: STRING -- the directory we're working on old_dir: STRING -- the previous directory do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate sub makefiles%N") end old_dir := "" across dependent_directories as d loop dir := if not dir.is_equal(old_dir) then debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%TTranslating Makefile.SH in directory ") io.put_string (dir) io.put_string (".%N") end translate_makefile (False, dir) old_dir := dir.twin end end end translate_case -- translate case section by ignoring it. local lastline: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate case%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_case") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end check lastline.substring (1,4).is_equal ("case") end from until makefile_sh.end_of_file or else lastline.count > 3 and then lastline.substring (1,4).is_equal ("esac") loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_case") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end end read_next end translate_echo -- Translate echo section by ignoring it. local lastline: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate echo%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_echo") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end check lastline.substring (1,4).is_equal ("echo") end read_next end translate_spit (do_subst: BOOLEAN; endtag: detachable STRING) -- Translate spitshell section -- do_subst: should substitutions be carried out? -- endtag: up to where we should read. local lastline: STRING strpos: INTEGER -- where we are in the string tag: STRING -- read until we encounter this tag do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate spit%N") end if not makefile_sh.end_of_file then lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin check endtag = Void implies lastline.substring (1,10).is_equal ("$spitshell") end -- look for ending tag if endtag = Void then strpos := lastline.substring_index ("<<", 1) if lastline.item (strpos+2) = ''' then tag := lastline.substring (strpos+3, lastline.index_of (''', strpos+3)-1) else tag := lastline.substring (strpos+2, lastline.count) end read_next else tag := endtag end -- translate all lines in spit section from until makefile_sh.end_of_file or else lastline.is_equal (tag) loop if do_subst then translate_line_subst else if not lastline.is_empty then translate_line_change else put_new_line end end read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end end read_next end translate_master -- Translate master Makefile.SH. do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("Translate master%N") end translate_translate translate_externals translate_application if not is_il_code then translate_dependencies end end translate_translate -- Translate. local lastline: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Ttranslate%N") end from read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin until lastline ~ options.get_string ("externals_continuation_text") or else lastline.count>4 and then lastline.substring (1,4).is_equal (options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string).substring (1,4)) or else makefile_sh.end_of_file loop debug ("translate_translate") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end if not lastline.is_empty then subst_continuation (lastline) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) lastline.replace_substring_all ("$ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) -c", options.get_string_or_default ("cc_text", empty_string)) lastline.replace_substring_all (".c.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("cobj_text", empty_string)) lastline.replace_substring_all (".cpp.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("cppobj_text", empty_string)) if lastline.count>4 and then lastline.substring (1,5).is_equal (".x.o:") then lastline.replace_substring_all (".x.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("xobj_text", empty_string)) end if lastline.count>6 and then lastline.substring (1,7).is_equal (".xpp.o:") then lastline.replace_substring_all (".xpp.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("xppobj_text", empty_string)) end if lastline.substring_index (".SUFFIXES", 1) /= 0 then lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", options.get_string_or_default ("obj_text", ".obj")) end end debug ("translate_translate") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string end end translate_externals -- Translate externals section. local lastline: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Texternals%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin if lastline.count>8 and then lastline.substring (1, 9) ~ options.get_string ("externals_text") then externals := True end from until lastline.is_empty or makefile_sh.end_of_file or not externals loop debug ("translate_externals") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end subst_continuation (lastline) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) search_and_replace (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) debug ("translate_externals") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline.out) put_new_line read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end if not makefile_sh.end_of_file and externals then put_new_line read_next end end translate_application -- Translate application section. local lastline: STRING appl_exe: STRING -- the executable for the application shared_library_pos: INTEGER do debug ("translate_application") io.put_string ("%Tapplication%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_application") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end if lastline.count>3 and then lastline.substring (1,4).is_equal (options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string).substring (1,4)) then shared_library_pos := lastline.substring_index ("$(SYSTEM", 6) if shared_library_pos = 0 then appl := lastline.substring (6, lastline.count) else appl := lastline.substring (6, shared_library_pos - 1) end appl.right_adjust if appl.substring_index (options.get_string_or_default ("driver_text", empty_string),1) > 0 then precompile := True appl_exe := options.get_string_or_default ("driver_filename", empty_string) else appl_exe := appl.twin appl_exe.append_string (options.get_string ("executable_file_ext")) end else appl_exe := "" end if not is_il_code then read_next read_next put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string)) put_string (appl_exe) if shared_library_pos /= 0 then put_string (" $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB)") end put_new_line put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("completed", empty_string)) put_string ("%N%N") end end translate_dependencies -- Translate dependencies section. local lastline: STRING dir_sep_pos: INTEGER -- the position of the directory separator dir: STRING -- the directory filename: STRING -- the filename of the sub makefile is_E1_makefile, is_E1_structure, is_E1_offsets: BOOLEAN min: INTEGER dependency: STRING l_target_file: STRING l_precomps: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Tdependencies%N") end from lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin until lastline.count > ("OBJECTS=").count and then lastline.substring (1, ("OBJECTS=").count).is_equal ("OBJECTS=") or else makefile_sh.end_of_file loop debug ("translate_dependencies") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end is_E1_makefile := False is_E1_structure := False is_E1_offsets := False -- get directory name and filename dir_sep_pos := lastline.index_of (directory_separator.item (1), 1) if dir_sep_pos = 0 then dir_sep_pos := lastline.index_of ('/', 1) end dir := lastline.substring (1, dir_sep_pos-1) min := (lastline.index_of ('.', 1) - 1).min (lastline.index_of (':', 1) - 1) filename := lastline.substring (dir_sep_pos+1, min) dependency := lastline.substring (lastline.index_of (':', 1) + 1, lastline.count) subst_dir_sep (dependency) if filename ~ options.get_string ("emain_text") then filename.append (options.get_string_or_default ("obj_text", ".obj")) put_string (dir) put_string (directory_separator) subst_dir_sep (dependency) put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("emain_obj_text", empty_string)) put_string (": ") put_string (dependency) put_new_line read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line elseif filename.is_equal ("Makefile") and then dir.is_equal ("E1") then is_E1_makefile := True elseif filename.is_equal ("estructure") and then dir.is_equal ("E1") then is_E1_structure := True elseif filename.is_equal ("eoffsets") and then dir.is_equal ("E1") then is_E1_offsets := True else l_target_file := dir + directory_separator -- Last check on filename is to know if we are handling the old code -- generation where all objects file of E1 where in Eobj1 or if we do -- on a per object file. if dir.item (1) = 'E' and dir.item (2) = '1' and filename.item (1) /= 'E' then filename.append (options.get_string_or_default ("obj_text", ".obj")) else filename.append_character ('.') filename.append (options.get_string_or_default ("intermediate_file_ext", empty_string)) end l_target_file.append (filename) if dir.item (1) = 'E' then system_dependent_directories.put_front ([dir, l_target_file]) else object_dependent_directories.put_front ([dir, l_target_file]) end dependent_directories.put_right ([dir, l_target_file]) put_string (l_target_file) put_string (":") put_string (dependency) put_new_line end if is_E1_makefile then read_next elseif is_E1_structure or is_E1_offsets then subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line put_new_line else put_string ("%T") put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("cd", empty_string)) put_string (" ") put_string (dir) put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("subcommand_separator", " && ")) put_string ("$(START_TEST) $(MAKE) ") put_string (filename) put_string (" $(END_TEST)") put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("subcommand_separator", " && ")) put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("cd", empty_string)) put_string (" ") put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("updir", empty_string)) read_next put_string ("%N%N") end read_next read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end read_next -- On windows, we skip the OBJECTS=..., it is done after --read_next -- Generate the `OBJECTS = ' line put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("objects_text", empty_string)) across dependent_directories as d loop put_string (d.item.file) put_character (' ') end -- Generate the `x_OBJECTS = ' lines put_string ("%N%N") put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("c_objects_text", empty_string)) across object_dependent_directories as d loop put_string (d.item.file) put_character (' ') end if object_dependent_directories.is_empty then put_string (" %"%" %N") end put_string ("%N%N") put_string (options.get_string_or_default ("eobjects_text", empty_string)) across system_dependent_directories as d loop put_string (d.item.file) put_character (' ') end put_string ("%N%N") from lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin until lastline.count > ("PRECOMP_OBJECTS=").count and then lastline.substring (1, ("PRECOMP_OBJECTS=").count).is_equal ("PRECOMP_OBJECTS=") or else makefile_sh.end_of_file loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end l_precomps := get_precompile_libs (lastline) put_string (l_precomps) put_new_line end translate_line_subst -- Translate a line requiring substitution. local lastline: STRING runtime: STRING i, j: INTEGER do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Tsubst%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_line_subst") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end -- adapt RM and MAKE lines for further usage if lastline.count>3 then if lastline.substring (1,4) ~ (options.get_string ("rm_text")) then lastline := "RM = $rm" end if lastline.substring (1,4) ~ (options.get_string ("make_text")) then lastline := "MAKE = $make" end if lastline.substring (1, 11).is_equal ("EIFLIB = -L") then -- Using a shared library, we have to replace `lastline' for proper translation create runtime.make (256) runtime.append (lastline.substring (1, 9)) i := 13 j := lastline.substring_index ("-l", i) runtime.append (lastline.substring (i, j - 3)) runtime.append ("$shared_prefix") i := lastline.substring_index ("eiflib", j) runtime.append (lastline.substring (j + 2, i + 5)) runtime.append ("$shared_rt_suffix") runtime.append (lastline.substring (i + 7, lastline.count)) lastline := runtime end end search_and_replace (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) debug ("translate_line_subst") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline) put_new_line end translate_line_change -- Translate a line requiring changes. local lastline: STRING replacement: STRING -- what to replace with do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Tchange%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_line_change") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end if lastline.count > 4 and then lastline.substring_index (options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string).substring (1, 4), 1) > 0 then subst_intermediate (lastline) end subst_continuation (lastline) -- replace all occurrences of certain strings lastline.replace_substring_all ("$ (CC) $ (CFLAGS) -c", options.get_string_or_default ("cc_text", empty_string)) lastline.replace_substring_all (".c.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("cobj_text", empty_string)) lastline.replace_substring_all (".cpp.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("cppobj_text", empty_string)) lastline.replace_substring_all (".o ", options.get_string_or_default ("obj_text", empty_string)) if lastline.substring_index (".SUFFIXES", 1) /= 0 then lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", options.get_string_or_default ("obj_text", ".obj")) end -- replace .o: replacement := options.get_string_or_default ("intermediate_file_ext", empty_string).twin replacement.prepend (".") replacement.append (": $") lastline.replace_substring_all (".o: $", replacement) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) -- intermediate files if lastline.count>8 and then lastline.substring_index ("$(CREATE_TEST)", 1) >0 then lastline := "" end if lastline.count>8 and then lastline.substring_index ("$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -r -o", 1) >0 then lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("make_intermediate", empty_string).twin subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) debug ("translate_line_change") debug ("input") io.put_string ("CHANGE: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end end -- externals if lastline.count>8 and then lastline.substring (1,9) ~ options.get_string ("externals_text") then externals := True end -- .x.o if lastline.count>4 and then lastline.substring (1,5).is_equal (".x.o:") then lastline.replace_substring_all (".x.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("xobj_text", empty_string)) end -- .xpp.o if lastline.count>6 and then lastline.substring (1,7).is_equal (".xpp.o:") then lastline.replace_substring_all (".xpp.o:", options.get_string_or_default ("xppobj_text", empty_string)) end -- application name, cecil if not is_il_code and then appl /= Void and then lastline.count>=appl.count and then lastline.substring (1, appl.count).is_equal (appl) then translate_appl elseif lastline.count>14 and then lastline.substring (1,14).is_equal ("STATIC_CECIL =") then translate_cecil_and_dll elseif is_il_code and then lastline.count = 27 and then lastline.substring (1, 27).is_equal ("$il_system_compilation_line") then -- Add resource file dependency for IL system replacement := options.get_string_or_default ("il_system_compilation_line", "") subst_eiffel (replacement) subst_platform (replacement) subst_compiler (replacement) put_string (replacement) else debug ("translate_line_change") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline) end put_new_line end translate_appl -- Translate application generation code. local lastline: STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Tappl%N") end lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("translate_appl") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end -- precompile or make application? if precompile then lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("precompile", empty_string).twin else lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("appl_make", empty_string).twin end debug ("translate_appl") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end lastline.replace_substring_all ("$appl", appl) subst_objects_redirection (lastline) if options.has ("sharedlibs") and then attached options.get_string ("sharedlibs") as l_sharedlibs then lastline.replace_substring_all ("$sharedlibs", l_sharedlibs) else lastline.replace_substring_all ("$sharedlibs", "$(SHAREDLIBS)") end subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) if not externals then lastline.replace_substring_all ("$(EXTERNALS)", "") end debug ("translate_appl") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline) -- Get rid of what comes after the application rule. from until lastline.is_empty loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string end end translate_cecil_and_dll -- Translate cecil. local lastline, previous_line: detachable STRING do debug ("progress") io.put_string ("%Tcecil%N") end put_string ("%N#STATIC_CECIL PART%N") lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin lastline.replace_substring_all (".a", lib_extension) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line if options.has ("cecil_make") and then attached options.get_string ("cecil_make") as l_cecil_make then lastline := l_cecil_make.twin else lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("cecil_text", empty_string).twin end debug ("translate_cecil_and_dll") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end lastline.replace_substring_all ("$appl", appl) subst_eiffel (lastline) debug ("translate_cecil_and_dll") debug ("output") io.put_string ("OUT: ") io.put_string (lastline) io.put_new_line end end put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin from until lastline.count>14 and then lastline.substring (1,14).is_equal ("SHARED_CECIL =") loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end put_new_line put_new_line put_string ("%N#SHARED_CECIL PART%N") put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line -- DEF_FILE= appl.def if options.has ("cecil_def") then lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("cecil_def", empty_string).twin lastline.replace_substring_all ("$appl", appl) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) put_string (lastline) end put_new_line -- dynamic_cecil: $(SHARED_CECIL) put_new_line read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line from until lastline.count = 12 and then lastline.substring (3,12).is_equal ("E1/emain.o") loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end -- SHARED_CECIL_OBJECT lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next put_string ("SHAREDFLAGS = $(LDSHAREDFLAGS)") -- SHAREDFLAGS if options.has ("cecil_dynlib") then put_string (" \%N") lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("cecil_dynlib", empty_string).twin lastline.replace_substring_all ("$appl", appl) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line else put_new_line end -- SHARED_CECIL read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_string (" $(DEF_FILE)") put_new_line -- $(RM) "$(SHARD_CECIL)" read_next lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("safe_rm", "").twin lastline.replace_substring_all ("@", "$(SHARED_CECIL)") lastline.precede ('%T') put_string (lastline) put_new_line -- $(SHAREDLINK) $(SHAREDFLAGS) $(SHARED_CECIL_OBJECT) $(SHAREDLIBS) read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line ------------------------------------------------- -- Search the beginning of the SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB part read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin from until lastline.count>7 and then lastline.substring (1,7).is_equal ("dynlib:") loop read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end put_string ("%N#SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB PART%N%N") -- DEF_FILE= appl.def put_string ("DEF_FILE= ") put_string (appl) put_string (".def") put_new_line -- dynlib: $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB) put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line -- egc_dynlib.obj read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next -- $(MV) $(ISE_EIFFEL.... lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next -- cd E1 ; $(MAKE) .... lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) lastline.replace_substring_all (" ; ", options.get_string_or_default ("subcommand_separator", " && ")) put_string (lastline) put_new_line -- edynlib.obj read_next lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) subst_dir_sep (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line read_next -- cd E1 ; $(MAKE) ... lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin lastline.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) lastline.replace_substring_all (" ; ", options.get_string_or_default ("subcommand_separator", " && ")) put_string (lastline) put_new_line -- SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB_OBJ read_next put_new_line read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line from previous_line := "" until lastline.count > 17 and then lastline.substring (1,17).is_equal ("DYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS") loop read_next previous_line := lastline lastline := makefile_sh.last_string.twin end previous_line.replace_substring_all (".o", object_extension) subst_dir_sep (previous_line) put_string (previous_line) put_new_line -- DYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS put_string ("DYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS = $(LDSHAREDFLAGS)") if options.has ("system_dynlib") then put_string (" \%N") lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("system_dynlib", empty_string).twin lastline.replace_substring_all ("$appl", appl) subst_eiffel (lastline) subst_platform (lastline) subst_compiler (lastline) put_string (lastline) put_new_line else put_new_line end -- SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_string (" $(DEF_FILE)") put_new_line -- $(RM) "$(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB)" read_next lastline := options.get_string_or_default ("safe_rm", "").twin lastline.replace_substring_all ("@", "$(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB)") lastline.precede ('%T') put_string (lastline) put_new_line -- $(SHAREDLINK) $(DYNLIBSHAREDFLAGS) $(SYSTEM_IN_DYNAMIC_LIB_OBJ) $(SHAREDLIBS) read_next put_string (makefile_sh.last_string) put_new_line end feature {NONE} -- substitutions subst_eiffel (line: STRING) -- Replace all occurrences of `Eiffel_dir' environment variable in `line' local l_eiffel_dir: STRING u: UTF_CONVERTER do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_eiffel%N") end if eiffel_layout.is_valid_environment then l_eiffel_dir := u.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 ( else l_eiffel_dir := empty_string end if not l_eiffel_dir.is_empty then line.replace_substring_all ("$(ISE_EIFFEL)", l_eiffel_dir) line.replace_substring_all ("$(EIFFEL4)", l_eiffel_dir) end end subst_objects_redirection (line: STRING) -- Replace all occurrences of $objects_redirection with list of objects local l_string: STRING i: INTEGER l_new_line_inserted: BOOLEAN do if line.substring_index ("$objects_redirection", 1) > 0 then across dependent_directories as d from create l_string.make (dependent_directories.count * 10) i := 0 loop if i \\ 5 = 0 then l_string.append_string ("%Techo ") l_new_line_inserted := True end l_string.append (d.item.file) l_string.append_character (' ') if (i + 1) \\ 5 = 0 then l_string.append (" >> $@ %N") l_new_line_inserted := False end i := i + 1 end if l_new_line_inserted then l_string.append (" >> $@ %N") end line.replace_substring_all ("$objects_redirection", l_string) end end subst_platform (line: STRING) -- Replace all occurrences of platform environment variable in `line' do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_platform%N") end line.replace_substring_all ("$(ISE_PLATFORM)", eiffel_layout.eiffel_platform) end subst_compiler (line: STRING) -- Replace all occurrences of compiler environment variable in `line' do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_compiler%N") end if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then line.replace_substring_all ("$(ISE_C_COMPILER)", eiffel_layout.eiffel_c_compiler) end end subst_dir_sep (line: STRING) -- replace all occurrences of the directory separator in `line' local dir_sep: STRING do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_dir_sep%N") end dir_sep := "" dir_sep.append (directory_separator) if not line.is_empty then line.replace_substring_all ("/", dir_sep) end end subst_continuation (line: STRING) -- replace all occurrences of the line continuation character in `line' do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_continuation%N") end if not line.is_empty and then line.item (line.count) = '\' and then options.has ("continuation") then line.remove (line.count) line.append_string (options.get_string ("continuation")) end end subst_intermediate (line: STRING) -- replace all occurrences of ?obj#.obj with ?obj#.lib in `line' starting with "all" local start: INTEGER do debug ("subst") io.put_string("%Tsubst_intermediate%N") end check line.count > 4 and then line.substring_index(options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string).substring (1, 4), 1) > 0 end line.replace_substring_all (options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string).substring (1, 4), options.get_string_or_default ("all", empty_string)) line.replace_substring_all (".o", lib_extension) start := 1 if line.substring_index (options.get_string_or_default ("emain_text", empty_string), start) > 0 then start := line.substring_index (options.get_string_or_default ("intermediate_file_ext", empty_string), start) check start > 0 end line.replace_substring (options.get_string_or_default ("obj_file_ext", empty_string), start, start+2) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT -- Execution environment once create Result end missing_options: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING] -- Options that cannot be found anywhere search_and_replace (line: STRING) -- search words starting with $ and replace with option or env variable local wordstart: INTEGER wordlength: INTEGER word: STRING replacement: detachable STRING do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tsearch_and_replace%N") end from if not line.is_empty then wordstart := line.index_of ('$', 1) else wordstart := 0 end until wordstart = 0 loop word := get_word_to_replace (line, wordstart) wordlength := word.count strip_parenthesis (word) word.to_lower replacement := get_replacement (word) if replacement /= Void then if wordstart > 2 and then line.item (wordstart-1) = '\' and then (line.item (wordstart-2) = '/' or line.item(wordstart-2) = '\' or line.item(wordstart-2) = ' ' or line.item(wordstart-2) = '"' or (line.item (wordstart-2) = 'I' and then line.item (wordstart-3) = '-')) then line.replace_substring (replacement, wordstart-1, wordstart+wordlength) else line.replace_substring (replacement, wordstart, wordstart+wordlength) end wordstart := wordstart + replacement.count - 2 elseif word.substring(1,18).is_equal("external_makefiles") then -- $EXTERNAL_MAKEFILES must not be replaced. elseif not missing_options.has (word) then missing_options.extend (word) io.error.put_string ("WARNING: Option '") io.error.put_string (word) io.error.put_string ("' was found in neither CONFIG.EIF nor registry.") io.error.put_new_line end wordstart := wordstart + 1 -- check for more words to replace if wordstart < line.count then wordstart := line.index_of ('$', wordstart) else wordstart := 0 end end end get_word_to_replace (line: STRING; wordstart: INTEGER): STRING -- word on `line' starting with '$' after `wordstart' local wordend: INTEGER do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tget_word_to_replace%N") end from wordend := wordstart + 1 create Result.make (10) until wordend > line.count or else line.item (wordend) = ' ' or line.item (wordend) = '/' or line.item (wordend) = '"' or line.item (wordend) = '\' or else line.item (wordend) = '%N' or else line.item (wordend) = '%T' or else line.item (wordend) = '$' loop Result.extend (line.item (wordend)) wordend := wordend + 1 end end get_replacement (word: STRING): detachable STRING -- find a replacement for `word' in options or environment local replacement: STRING u: UTF_CONVERTER do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tget_replacement%N") end if ({PLATFORM}.is_64_bits and force_32bit) and then word.is_case_insensitive_equal (once "ISE_PLATFORM") then -- Replace ISE_PLAFORM to 32bit builds on x64 platforms Result := once "windows" else if options.has (word) and then attached options.get_string (word) as l_replacement then replacement := l_replacement.twin if not replacement.is_equal("$(INCLUDE_PATH)") then search_and_replace (replacement) end Result := replacement elseif attached eiffel_layout.get_environment_32 (word) as l_env then -- Note: Before we were taking the short path (rev#66961) Result := u.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_env) else Result := Void end end end feature {NONE} -- Input/output makefile_content: STRING -- Content of a makefile. put_character (c: CHARACTER) -- Write `c' to `makefile'. do makefile_content.append_character (c) if c.natural_32_code > 127 then is_ascii := False end end put_string (s: STRING) -- Write `s' to `makefile'. local i: like {STRING}.count do makefile_content.append_string (s) if is_ascii then from i := s.count until i <= 0 loop if s [i].natural_32_code > 127 then is_ascii := False i := 1 end i := i - 1 variant i + 1 end end end put_new_line -- Write new line to `makefile'. do makefile_content.append_character ('%N') end read_next -- read the next line from Makefile.SH if possible do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tread_next%N") end if not makefile_sh.end_of_file then makefile_sh.read_line end end get_precompile_libs (line_to_search: STRING): STRING -- look for precompiled libraries, also checks -- if application uses multithreading mechanism local line: STRING next_precomp_lib: STRING precomp_lib_start: INTEGER preobj: STRING once Result := "" preobj := "precomp.lib" debug ("implementation") io.put_string ("%Tget_precompile_libs%N") end line := line_to_search.twin from if not line.is_empty then precomp_lib_start := (line.substring_index (preobj, 1)) end if precomp_lib_start > 0 then uses_precompiled := True Result.append (line.substring (1, precomp_lib_start - 2)) Result.left_adjust Result.append (directory_separator) Result.append ("$(ISE_C_COMPILER)") Result.append (directory_separator) -- We always put a " since it is guaranteed that they have a " in the original -- Makefile.SH Result.append ("precomp.lib%"") else uses_precompiled := False end until makefile_sh.end_of_file or else line.is_empty loop read_next line := makefile_sh.last_string.twin debug ("implementation") debug ("input") io.put_string ("IN: ") io.put_string (line) io.put_new_line end end if not line.is_empty then precomp_lib_start := line.substring_index (preobj, 1) else precomp_lib_start := 0 end if precomp_lib_start > 0 then uses_precompiled := True next_precomp_lib := line.substring (1, precomp_lib_start - 2) next_precomp_lib.left_adjust next_precomp_lib.append (directory_separator) next_precomp_lib.append ("$(ISE_C_COMPILER)") next_precomp_lib.append (directory_separator) -- We always put a " since it is guaranteed that they have a " in the original -- Makefile.SH next_precomp_lib.append ("precomp.lib%"") if not Result.is_empty then Result.append (" \%N%T") end Result.append (next_precomp_lib) end end search_and_replace (Result) end open_files (directory: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Open the Makefile.SH and the Makefile to translate in `directory'. local out_file, retried: BOOLEAN p: PATH do if not retried then out_file := False create p.make_from_string (directory) create makefile_sh.make_with_path (p.extended ("Makefile.SH")) if makefile_sh.exists then makefile_sh.open_read has_makefile_sh := True out_file := True create makefile.make_with_path (p.extended ("Makefile")) makefile.open_write is_ascii := True makefile_content := "" else has_makefile_sh := False end else has_makefile_sh := False end rescue if not out_file then io.error.put_string ("ERROR: Unable to open Makefile.SH for input%N") else io.error.put_string ("ERROR: Unable to open Makefile for output%N") end retried := True retry end close_files -- Close the Makefile.SH and the Makefile. do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tclose_files%N") end if makefile_sh /= Void and then not makefile_sh.is_closed then makefile_sh.close end if makefile /= Void and then not Makefile.is_closed then if not is_ascii and then options.get_boolean ("makefile_bom", False) then -- Start makefile with a BOM. makefile.put_string ({UTF_CONVERTER}.utf_8_bom_to_string_8) -- Add code to generate BOM for linker. makefile_content.replace_substring_all ("$echo_link_bom", options.get_string_or_default ("echo_link_bom", "")) else -- Remove any BOM-specific code. makefile_content.replace_substring_all ("$echo_link_bom", "") end makefile.put_string (makefile_content) makefile.close makefile_content := "" end end strip_parenthesis (word: STRING) -- remove enclosing parenthesis from word. do debug ("implementation") io.put_string("%Tstrip_parenthesis%N") end if word.item (1) = '(' then word.remove_head (1) if word.item (word.count) = ')' then word.remove_tail (1) end elseif word.item (1) = '{' then word.remove_head (1) if word.item (word.count) = '}' then word.remove_tail (1) end end end empty_string: STRING = "" -- Default value to use when option is not found. invariant options_not_void: options /= Void empty_string_empty: empty_string.is_empty note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2016, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end