note description: "[ Argument parser use to parse and expose user options. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$date$"; revision: "$revision$" class ARGUMENT_PARSER inherit SYSTEM_OBJECT ARGUMENT_SINGLE_PARSER rename make as make_single_parser redefine display_logo end I_OPTIONS rename can_read_options as is_successful end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize parser do make_single_parser (False, False) set_is_using_separated_switch_values (False) set_non_switched_argument_validator (create {ARGUMENT_DIRECTORY_VALIDATOR}) end feature -- Access frozen directory: SYSTEM_STRING -- Full path to start directory to scan for directories files local l_dir: DIRECTORY_INFO once Result := user_directory create l_dir.make (Result) Result := l_dir.full_name end frozen user_directory: SYSTEM_STRING -- Start directory to scan for directories files, specified by the user. once if has_non_switched_argument then Result := values.first else Result := {ENVIRONMENT}.current_directory end end frozen generate_single_file_components: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if components should contain only one file once Result := has_option (one_file_per_component_switch) end frozen use_semantic_names: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if semantic, verbal names should be generated for components, directories or files once Result := has_option (verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch) end frozen semantic_name_prefix: SYSTEM_STRING -- The user specified semantic name prefix once Result := option_of_name (verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch).value end frozen include_subdirectories: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if all subdirectories and files should be included. once Result := has_option (recursive_switch) end frozen directory_alias: SYSTEM_STRING -- The user specified directory alias once if has_option (directory_alias_switch) then Result := option_of_name (directory_alias_switch).value else Result := user_directory end end frozen disk_id: NATURAL_8 -- The user specified media disk id once Result := 1 if attached {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_OPTION} option_of_name (disk_id_switch) as l_opt then if l_opt.has_value then Result := l_opt.natural_8_value end end end frozen file_include_pattern: REGEX -- Pattern to use to include files local l_buffer: STRING once create l_buffer.make (100) options_values_of_name (file_include_pattern_switch).do_all (agent (a_item: attached STRING; a_buffer: STRING) do if not a_buffer.is_empty then a_buffer.append_character ('|') end a_buffer.append (a_item) end (?, l_buffer)) create Result.make (l_buffer) end frozen file_excluded_pattern: REGEX -- Pattern to use to exclude files local l_buffer: STRING once create l_buffer.make (100) options_values_of_name (file_exclude_pattern_switch).do_all (agent (a_item: attached STRING; a_buffer: STRING) do if not a_buffer.is_empty then a_buffer.append_character ('|') end a_buffer.append (a_item) end (?, l_buffer)) create Result.make (l_buffer) end frozen directory_include_pattern: REGEX -- Pattern to use to include directories local l_buffer: STRING once create l_buffer.make (100) options_values_of_name (directory_include_pattern_switch).do_all (agent (a_item: attached STRING; a_buffer: STRING) do if not a_buffer.is_empty then a_buffer.append_character ('|') end a_buffer.append (a_item) end (?, l_buffer)) create Result.make (l_buffer) end frozen directory_excluded_pattern: REGEX -- Pattern to use to exnclude directories local l_buffer: STRING once create l_buffer.make (100) options_values_of_name (directory_exclude_pattern_switch).do_all (agent (a_item: attached STRING; a_buffer: STRING) do if not a_buffer.is_empty then a_buffer.append_character ('|') end a_buffer.append (a_item) end (?, l_buffer)) create Result.make (l_buffer) end frozen use_exclude_pattern_priority: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if the exclude pattern should take priority over the include pattern do Result := has_option (exclude_pattern_priority_switch) end frozen for_merge_modules: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if the content is to be generated for use with merge modules once Result := has_option (merge_module_switch) end frozen component_group_name: SYSTEM_STRING -- The component group name once Result := option_of_name (group_components_switch).value end frozen generate_x64_preprocessors: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if x64 specific preprocessors should be generated do Result := has_option (x64_switch) end frozen generate_include: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if generated code should be a WiX include instead of a fragment do Result := has_option (generate_include_switch) end frozen root_directory_ref_id: SYSTEM_STRING -- Root directories reference name do Result := option_of_name (directory_ref_switch).value end frozen conditional_expressions: NATIVE_ARRAY [SYSTEM_STRING] -- Conditional expression used in a preprocessor, which wraps all generated meaniful content local l_values: LIST [STRING] do l_values := options_values_of_name (conditional_expression_switch) create Result.make (l_values.count) from l_values.start until l_values.after loop Result.put (l_values.index - 1, l_values.item) l_values.forth end end feature -- Status report frozen has_semantic_name_prefix: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if user specified a semantic name prefix once Result := has_option (verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch) if Result then Result := option_of_name (verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch).has_value end end frozen use_directory_alias: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if user specified a directory alias once Result := has_option (directory_alias_switch) end frozen use_disk_id: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if user specified a disk id once Result := has_option (disk_id_switch) end frozen use_file_include_pattern: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a file include pattern should be used. once Result := has_option (file_include_pattern_switch) end frozen use_file_exclude_pattern: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a file exclude pattern should be used. once Result := has_option (file_exclude_pattern_switch) end frozen use_directory_include_pattern: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a directory include pattern should be used. once Result := has_option (directory_include_pattern_switch) end frozen use_directory_exclude_pattern: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a directory exclude pattern should be used. once Result := has_option (directory_exclude_pattern_switch) end frozen use_grouped_components: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a ComponentGroup element should be added to group all generated components once Result := has_option (group_components_switch) end frozen use_root_directory_ref: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a root DirectoryRef should be used once Result := has_option (directory_ref_switch) end frozen use_conditional_expressions: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if a conditional expression preprocessor should be used do Result := has_option (conditional_expression_switch) end feature {NONE} -- Usage copyright: STRING = "Copyright Eiffel Software 1985-2024. All Rights Reserved." -- <Precursor> name: attached STRING = "Hallow, Windows Installer Xml v3.0 Tool" -- <Precursor> version: attached STRING -- <Precursor> once create Result.make_from_cil ({ASSEMBLY}.get_executing_assembly.get_name.version.to_string) end switches: attached ARRAYED_LIST [attached ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- <Precursor> once create Result.make (8) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (generate_include_switch, "Generated a WiX Include definition instead of a Fragment.", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (conditional_expression_switch, "Use to generate a preprocessor condition for the generated content", True, True, "expressions", "A preprocessor symbol or expression", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (recursive_switch, "Recursively include all subdirectories and files.", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (group_components_switch, "Groups all generated components in a 'ComponentGroup' element", True, False, "name", "A component group name", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (one_file_per_component_switch, "Use to force a single 'File' element to be generated per 'Component'.", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch, "Generates semantic 'Name' attribute values for 'Component', 'Directory' and 'File' elements.", True, False, "prefix", "Semantic name prefix string", True)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (merge_module_switch, "Use to force generator to respect that the content is destined for a merge module (creates shorter Ids.)", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_NATURAL_SWITCH}.make_with_range (disk_id_switch, "Use to specify the 'DiskId' to package component files into, '1' is the default.", True, False, "id", "An ID corresponding to a 'Media' ID.", False, 1, {NATURAL_8}.max_value)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (directory_alias_switch, "Use to specify a directory alias to use when generating paths.", True, False, "alias", "A directory path alias", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (directory_ref_switch, "Used to specify a root directory reference .", True, False, "Id", "A Directory identifier", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (x64_switch, "Add preprocessor to allow components to be compiled as Win64 components", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_REGEX_SWITCH}.make (file_include_pattern_switch, "Regular expression to include select files.", True, True, "expr", "A Microsoft .NET regular expression.", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_REGEX_SWITCH}.make (file_exclude_pattern_switch, "Regular expression to exclude select files.", True, True, "expr", "A Microsoft .NET regular expression.", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_REGEX_SWITCH}.make (directory_include_pattern_switch, "Regular expression to include select directories.", True, True, "expr", "A Microsoft .NET regular expression.", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_REGEX_SWITCH}.make (directory_exclude_pattern_switch, "Regular expression to exclude select directories.", True, True, "expr", "A Microsoft .NET regular expression.", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (exclude_pattern_priority_switch, "Gives the exclude pattern priority over the include pattern when matching.", True, False)) end non_switched_argument_name: attached STRING = "directory" -- <Precursor> non_switched_argument_description: attached STRING = "Directory to scan for files." -- <Precursor> non_switched_argument_type: attached STRING = "A directory" -- <Precursor> feature {NONE} -- Output display_logo -- <Precursor> do if is_successful then if not is_help_usage_displayed then {SYSTEM_CONSOLE}.write_line ("<?xml version=%"1.0%" encoding=%"utf-8%"?>") {SYSTEM_CONSOLE}.write_line ("<!--") {SYSTEM_CONSOLE}.write_line end Precursor {ARGUMENT_SINGLE_PARSER} if not is_help_usage_displayed then {SYSTEM_CONSOLE}.write_line ("-->") end else Precursor {ARGUMENT_SINGLE_PARSER} end end feature {NONE} -- Switch names generate_include_switch: attached STRING = "i" directory_ref_switch: attached STRING = "dr" one_file_per_component_switch: attached STRING = "s" recursive_switch: attached STRING = "r" directory_alias_switch: attached STRING = "a" verbal_name_generation_semantics_switch: attached STRING = "n" disk_id_switch: attached STRING = "k" file_include_pattern_switch: attached STRING = "fi" file_exclude_pattern_switch: attached STRING = "fe" directory_include_pattern_switch: attached STRING = "di" directory_exclude_pattern_switch: attached STRING = "de" exclude_pattern_priority_switch: attached STRING = "epp" merge_module_switch: attached STRING = "m" group_components_switch: attached STRING = "g" x64_switch: attached STRING = "x64" conditional_expression_switch: attached STRING = "c" ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2009, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end