note description: "Summary description for {IRON_SHARE_TASK}." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class IRON_SHARE_TASK inherit IRON_TASK IRON_EXPORTER rename print as print_any end create make feature -- Access name: STRING = "share" -- Iron client task feature -- Execute process (a_iron: IRON) local args: IRON_SHARE_ARGUMENT_PARSER do create args.make (Current) args.execute (agent execute (args, a_iron)) end execute (args: IRON_SHARE_ARGUMENTS; a_iron: IRON) local l_data: like data_from uri: URI tgt: PATH l_remove_iron_archive: BOOLEAN l_package: detachable IRON_PACKAGE err, done: BOOLEAN l_title, l_name, l_id: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 remote_node: IRON_REMOTE_NODE u,p, repo_url: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 ini: INI_FILE cl_body: CELL [detachable READABLE_STRING_8] l_upload_new_archive: BOOLEAN l_iron_archive: detachable IRON_ARCHIVE l_local_hash: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 b: BOOLEAN do err := False u := args.username p := args.password repo_url := args.repository if attached args.configuration_file as l_cfg then create ini.make_with_path (l_cfg) if u = Void then u := ini.adjusted_item ("username") end if p = Void then p := ini.adjusted_item ("password") end if repo_url = Void then repo_url := ini.adjusted_item ("repository") end end if u /= Void and p /= Void and repo_url /= Void and attached args.operation as op then create uri.make_from_string (repo_url.to_string_8) if uri.is_valid and then attached {IRON_WEB_REPOSITORY} a_iron.catalog_api.repository (uri) as repo then create remote_node.make_with_repository (a_iron.urls, a_iron.api_version, repo) l_data := data_from (args) if l_data /= Void then l_name := l_title := l_data.title l_id := if attached args.package_indexes as l_indexes then across l_indexes as c loop l_data.add_index (c.item) end end a_iron.catalog_api.update_repository (repo, True) if l_name /= Void then l_package := package_by_name_from_repo (repo, l_name) elseif l_id /= Void then l_package := repo.package_associated_with_id (l_id) end l_upload_new_archive := l_package = Void or else not l_package.has_archive_uri or else l_data.archive /= Void or else args.is_forcing if err then -- error elseif args.is_delete then if l_package /= Void then remote_node.delete_package (l_package, u, p) if remote_node.last_operation_succeed then print ("Package successfully deleted.") print_new_line done := True else if attached remote_node.last_operation_error_message as l_last_operation_error_message then print (l_last_operation_error_message) else print ("[Error] deletion failed!") end print_new_line err := True end else if l_name /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package named %"" + l_name + "%" !") elseif l_id /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package with id %"" + l_id + "%" !") else print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package !") end print_new_line err := True end elseif args.is_create then if l_package /= Void then err := True if l_name /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "[Error] a package with name %"" + l_name + "%" already exists!") else print ({STRING_32} "[Error] please provide a non empty name!") end print_new_line end else if args.is_update then if l_package = Void then err := True if l_name /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package named %"" + l_name + "%" !") elseif l_id /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package with id %"" + l_id + "%" !") else print ({STRING_32} "[Error] Could not find package !") end print_new_line else create {STRING_32} l_id.make_from_string_general ( end else err := True print ({STRING_32} "[" + op + {STRING_32} "] Not yet supported!") print_new_line end end if not done and not err then if l_package = Void then if l_name /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "Create new package %"" + l_name + "%"%N") else print ({STRING_32} "Create new package %N") end else print ({STRING_32} "Update package " + l_package.human_identifier + {STRING_32} " %N") end remote_node.publish_package (l_id, l_name, l_title, l_data.description, l_data.package_file_location, l_package, Void, u, p) if remote_node.last_operation_succeed then if l_package /= Void then print ({STRING_32} "Package "+ l_package.human_identifier + {STRING_32} " updated.") print_new_line else print ({STRING_32} "Package created.") print_new_line a_iron.catalog_api.update_repository (repo, True) if l_name /= Void then l_package := package_by_name_from_repo (repo, l_name) else l_package := Void err := True end end else if attached remote_node.last_operation_error_message as errmsg then print (errmsg) else print ("[Error] operation failed!") end print_new_line err := True end if not err and l_package /= Void then -- Only on existing package ! --| About indexes if attached l_data.indexes as l_paths then print ({STRING_32} "Adding indexes:%N") from l_paths.start until l_paths.after loop print ({STRING_32} " - " + l_paths.item) if across l_package.associated_paths as p_ic some p_ic.item.same_string (l_paths.item) end then -- Already mapped to this index l_paths.remove print (" : already associated (skipped)") else l_paths.forth end print_new_line end if l_paths.is_empty then print ("Package has no new index.") else remote_node.add_indexes (l_package, l_paths, u, p) if remote_node.last_operation_succeed then if l_paths.count > 1 then print ("Package successfully associated with indexes!") else print ("Package successfully associated with index!") end print_new_line else if attached remote_node.last_operation_error_message as errmsg then print (errmsg) else print ("[Error] path association failed!") end print_new_line err := True end end end -- About archive if l_upload_new_archive then if attached l_data.source as src then create tgt.make_from_string ("tmp_archive_" + (create {UUID_GENERATOR}).generate_uuid.out) print ({STRING_32} "Building the archive from folder %"" + + {STRING_32} "%" %N"); l_iron_archive := (create {IRON_UTILITIES}).build_package_archive (l_package, src, tgt, a_iron.layout) if l_iron_archive = Void or else not l_iron_archive.file_exists then print ("[Error] Failure occured during package archive creation!%N") end l_remove_iron_archive := True -- if not (create {FILE_UTILITIES}).file_path_exists (l_archive_path) then -- print ("[Error] Failure occured during package archive creation!%N") -- end elseif attached l_data.archive as l_archive then create l_iron_archive.make (l_archive) end if l_iron_archive /= Void then if l_iron_archive.file_exists then if l_package.has_archive_uri and then l_package.archive_size = l_iron_archive.file_size and then (attached l_package.archive_hash_string as l_package_archive_hash and attached l_iron_archive.hash as l_iron_hash) and then l_package_archive_hash.is_case_insensitive_equal_general (l_iron_hash) then -- Same archive .. no need to upload print ("Package archive is already uploaded (") print (" size=" + l_iron_archive.file_size.out) print (" hash=" + l_iron_hash) print (" ).") print_new_line else if args.verbose then print ("Computing the archive hash (sha1) ...%N") l_local_hash := l_iron_archive.hash else l_local_hash := Void end print ("Uploading package archive [size="+ l_iron_archive.file_size.out +"]") if l_local_hash /= Void then print (" ["+ l_local_hash + "]") end print ("...%N") if l_package.has_archive_uri then print (" -> replacing previous archive [size=" + l_package.archive_size.out) if attached l_package.archive_hash_string as l_hash then print (" hash=" + l_hash) end print (" ].") print_new_line end create cl_body.put (Void) remote_node.upload_package_archive (l_package, l_iron_archive, u, p, cl_body) if remote_node.last_operation_succeed then print ("Archive successfully uploaded!") print_new_line else if attached remote_node.last_operation_error_message as errmsg then print (errmsg) else print ("[Error] Archive uploading failed!") end print_new_line err := True end if args.verbose then if attached cl_body.item as l_resp_body then print (l_resp_body) print_new_line end end end -- Clean temp archive file if l_remove_iron_archive then l_iron_archive.delete_file end else print ({STRING_32} "Unable to find package archive %""+ +"%"!") print_new_line end end end end end else print ({STRING_32} "missing or invalid input data!") print_new_line end else print ({STRING_32} "Repository url [" + repo_url + "] is unknown or invalid!") print_new_line print ({STRING_32} "hint: iron repository --add " + repo_url + " !") print_new_line end else b := False if u = Void then b := True print ({STRING_32} "[ERROR] Missing required argument %"username%"!") end if p = Void then b := True print ({STRING_32} "[ERROR] Missing required argument %"password%"!") end if repo_url = Void then b := True print ({STRING_32} "[ERROR] Missing required argument %"repository%"!") end if args.operation = Void then b := True print ({STRING_32} "[ERROR] Missing required argument %"operation%"!") end if not b then print ({STRING_32} "[ERROR] Missing arguments!") end print_new_line end end file_sha1 (p: PATH): STRING local f: RAW_FILE sha1: SHA1 do create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_readable then create sha1.make f.open_read sha1.update_from_io_medium (f) f.close Result := "SHA1=" + sha1.digest_as_string else Result := "" end end file_size (p: PATH): INTEGER local f: RAW_FILE do create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_readable then Result := f.count end end data_from (args: IRON_SHARE_ARGUMENTS): detachable IRON_SHARE_TASK_DATA local u: FILE_UTILITIES p: detachable PATH pf: detachable IRON_PACKAGE_FILE l_dft_name: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 do p := args.data_file if p /= Void and then u.file_path_exists (p) then create Result.make_from_file (p) else create Result.make end if attached args.package_file as l_loc then Result.set_package_file_location (l_loc) pf := (create {IRON_PACKAGE_FILE_FACTORY}).new_package_file (l_loc) if attached pf.title as l_title then Result.set_title (l_title) end if attached pf.description as l_description then Result.set_description (l_description) end Result.set_source (l_loc.parent) l_dft_name := pf.package_name end if Result.has_name then -- Do no overwrite package name from package.iron! else if attached args.package_name as l_name then Result.set_name (l_name) elseif args.is_batch then Result.set_name (l_dft_name) else print ("Name? ") if l_dft_name /= Void then print ("[") print (l_dft_name) print ("]") end print (" >") io.read_line if l_dft_name /= Void and then io.last_string.is_whitespace then Result.set_name (l_dft_name) else Result.set_name (io.last_string.to_string_32) end end end if not args.is_delete then if Result.has_title then -- Do no overwrite package title from package.iron! elseif attached args.package_title as l_title then Result.set_title (l_title) elseif not args.is_batch then print ("Title? >") io.read_line Result.set_title (io.last_string.to_string_32) end if Result.has_description then -- Do no overwrite package description from package.iron! elseif attached args.package_description as l_desc then Result.set_description (l_desc) elseif not args.is_batch then print ("Description? >") io.read_line Result.set_description (io.last_string.to_string_32) end if attached args.package_archive_file as l_file then Result.set_archive (l_file) else if Result.has_source_or_archive then -- Do no overwrite previous source or archive value! elseif attached args.package_archive_source as l_src then Result.set_source (l_src) elseif not args.is_batch then print ("Archive file? >") io.read_line Result.set_archive (create {PATH}.make_from_string (io.last_string)) if Result.archive = Void then print ("Source folder? >") io.read_line Result.set_source (create {PATH}.make_from_string (io.last_string)) end end end end end package_by_name_from_repo (repo: IRON_REPOSITORY; a_name: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable IRON_PACKAGE -- Return package named `a_name' from `repo' -- if there are more than one, return Void ! do if attached repo.packages_associated_with_name (a_name) as lst and then lst.count = 1 then Result := lst.first end end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end