note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class IRON_NODE_FS_DATABASE inherit IRON_NODE_DATABASE SHARED_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make_with_layout feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_layout (a_layout: IRON_NODE_LAYOUT) do layout := a_layout end layout: IRON_NODE_LAYOUT feature -- Operation initialize local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_path) d.recursive_create_dir create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_versions_path) d.recursive_create_dir create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_users_path) d.recursive_create_dir end feature -- Status report is_available: BOOLEAN local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_path) if d.exists then create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_versions_path) if d.exists then create d.make_with_path (layout.repo_users_path) Result := d.exists end end end feature -- Logs save_log (a_log: IRON_NODE_LOG) -- Save log `a_log'. local f: RAW_FILE dt: DATE_TIME dt_text: STRING d: DIRECTORY p: PATH j: JSON_OBJECT do dt := a_log.time create dt_text.make_empty dt_text.append_integer (dt.year) if dt.month < 10 then dt_text.append_character ('0') end dt_text.append_integer (dt.month) if < 10 then dt_text.append_character ('0') end dt_text.append_integer ( p := layout.logs_path if attached a_log.type as l_log_type then p := p.extended (l_log_type) end p := p.extended (dt_text) create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end dt_text := + "-" + dt.time.compact_time.out + "-" + dt.time.nano_second.out p := p.extended (dt_text).appended_with_extension ("log") create j.make j.put (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string ((create {HTTP_DATE}.make_from_date_time (dt)).string), "date") j.put (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string_32 (a_log.title), "title") if attached a_log.content as l_content then j.put (create {JSON_STRING}.make_from_string_32 (l_content), "message") end create f.make_with_path (p) f.create_read_write f.put_string (j.representation) f.close end feature -- User encrypted_password (p: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): READABLE_STRING_8 local sha256: SHA256 utf: UTF_CONVERTER do create sha256.make if p = Void then sha256.update_from_string ("") else sha256.update_from_string (utf.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (p)) end Result := sha256.digest_as_string end is_valid_credential (u: like {IRON_NODE_USER}.name; p: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN do if not u.is_empty and then attached iron_info (user_path (u)) as inf then if p /= Void then if attached inf.item ("encrypted_password") as enc_pwd then Result := enc_pwd.same_string_general (encrypted_password (p)) elseif attached inf.item ("password") as pwd then Result := encrypted_password (pwd).same_string_general (encrypted_password (p)) end end end end user (u: like {IRON_NODE_USER}.name): detachable IRON_NODE_USER do if not u.is_empty and then attached iron_info (user_path (u)) as inf then if attached inf.item ("name") as l_username and then l_username.is_case_insensitive_equal (u) then create Result.make (u) if attached inf.item ("activation_code") as s and then not s.is_empty then -- need activation -- thus no roles elseif attached inf.item ("roles") as s_roles then if attached s_roles.split (',') as l_roles then across l_roles as c loop Result.add_role (create {IRON_NODE_USER_ROLE}.make (c)) end end end if attached inf.item ("email") as s_email then Result.set_email (s_email) end across inf as c loop if @ c.key.same_string ("name") or @ c.key.same_string ("roles") or @ c.key.same_string ("email") then -- Already stored in attribute else Result.set_data_item (@ c.key, c) end end end end end user_by_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_USER local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (users_path) if d.exists then across d.entries as c until Result /= Void loop Result := user ( if Result /= Void and then attached as l_email and then a_email.is_case_insensitive_equal (l_email) then -- Found it. else Result := Void end end end end update_user (u: IRON_NODE_USER) local inf: IRON_NODE_INFO s: STRING utf: UTF_CONVERTER flag_is_new: BOOLEAN l_encpwd: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 l_user: like user do check user_name_is_not_empty: not end l_user := user ( if l_user /= Void then -- update create inf.make_with_path (user_path ( else create inf.make_empty inf.put (, "name") flag_is_new := True end if attached u.roles as l_user_roles and then not l_user_roles.is_empty then create s.make_empty across l_user_roles as c loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (utf.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 ( end inf.put (s, "roles") end if attached then inf.put (, "email") end if attached as l_u_data then across l_u_data as c loop if attached {READABLE_STRING_GENERAL} c as l_text then inf.put (l_text, @ c.key) end end end if attached u.removed_data as l_u_data then across l_u_data as c loop inf.remove (c) end end if l_user /= Void then if attached u.password as p then l_encpwd := encrypted_password (p) elseif attached inf.item ("password") as pwd then l_encpwd := encrypted_password (pwd) end else l_encpwd := encrypted_password (u.password) end if l_encpwd /= Void then u.set_data_item ("encrypted_password", l_encpwd) inf.put (l_encpwd, "encrypted_password") inf.remove ("password") else u.remove_data_item ("encrypted_password") end -- Remove non encrypted password! u.set_password (Void) inf.save_to (user_path ( on_user_updated (u, flag_is_new) end feature -- Version versions: IRON_NODE_VERSION_COLLECTION local d: DIRECTORY u: FILE_UTILITIES do create Result.make (5) create d.make_with_path (versions_path) if d.exists and d.is_readable then d.open_read across d.entries as c loop if attached {PATH} c as p and then not (p.is_current_symbol or p.is_parent_symbol) then if u.directory_path_exists (d.path.extended_path (p)) then Result.force (create {IRON_NODE_VERSION}.make (p.utf_8_name)) end end end d.close end end save_version (a_version: IRON_NODE_VERSION) local d: DIRECTORY do create d.make_with_path (versions_path.extended (a_version.value)) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end end feature -- Package package (a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE local inf: like iron_info p: like package_path hdate: HTTP_DATE s: STRING_32 l_title: detachable STRING_32 i: INTEGER do p := package_path (a_id) inf := iron_info (p.extended ("")) if inf = Void then -- Look for first *.info end if inf /= Void then if attached inf.item ("id") as l_uuid and then a_id.same_string (l_uuid) then -- Ok else check same_id: False end end create Result.make (a_id.to_string_8) Result.set_name (inf.item ("name")) Result.set_title (inf.item ("title")) Result.set_description (inf.item ("description")) if attached inf.item ("owner") as s_owner then if attached user (s_owner) as o then Result.set_owner (o) end end if attached inf.item ("tags") as s_tags and then not s_tags.is_empty then across s_tags.split (',') as tags_ic loop Result.add_tag (tags_ic) end end if attached inf.table_item ("links") as s_links then across s_links as links_ic loop create s.make_from_string (links_ic) s.left_adjust s.right_adjust create l_title.make_from_string_general (@ links_ic.key) if not s.is_empty then if s.item (1) = '"' then i := s.index_of ('"', 2) if i > 0 then l_title := s.substring (2, i - 1) s := s.substring (i + 1, s.count) s.left_justify end end if s.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result.add_link (@ links_ic.key, create {IRON_NODE_LINK}.make (s.to_string_8, l_title)) end end end end if attached inf.item ("last-modified") as dt then create hdate.make_from_string (dt.to_string_8) Result.set_last_modified (hdate.date_time) end across inf as c loop if @ c.key.same_string ("id") or @ c.key.same_string ("name") or @ c.key.same_string ("title") or @ c.key.same_string ("description") or @ c.key.same_string ("tags") or @ c.key.same_string ("owner") or @ c.key.same_string ("last-modified") or @ c.key.same_string ("last-archive-revision") or @ c.key.same_string ("links") or @ c.key.starts_with ("links[") then -- no way else Result.put (c, @ c.key) end end -- z := package_archive_path (v, a_id) -- if u.file_path_exists (z) then -- Result.set_archive_path (z.absolute_path) -- end end end packages (a_lower, a_upper: INTEGER): detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE_COLLECTION local p: PATH d,t: DIRECTORY i: INTEGER l_files: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] l_path: PATH l_upper: INTEGER do p := packages_path create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists and then d.is_readable then create l_files.make (10) i := 0 across d.entries as c loop l_path := c if not l_path.is_current_symbol and then not l_path.is_parent_symbol then create t.make_with_path (p.extended_path (l_path)) if t.exists then i := i + 1 if a_lower <= i then l_files.force (l_path) end end end end create Result.make (l_files.count) i := a_lower - 1 if a_upper <= 0 then l_upper := a_lower - 1 + l_files.count + a_upper else l_upper := a_lower - 1 + a_upper end across l_files as ic until i >= l_upper loop i := i + 1 if i <= l_upper then l_path := ic if attached package ( as l_pack then check attached l_path.entry as e and then ( end Result.force (l_pack) end end end end end feature -- Package: change force_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) do patch_package (a_package, Void) end update_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) local l_db_package: like package uuidg: UUID_GENERATOR l_uuid: UUID do if a_package.has_id then l_db_package := package ( end if l_db_package = Void then create uuidg l_uuid := (create {UUID_GENERATOR}).generate_uuid a_package.update_id (l_uuid.out) end patch_package (a_package, l_db_package) end delete_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) local l_path: PATH d1,d2: DIRECTORY dt: DATE_TIME do create d1.make_with_path (package_path ( create dt.make_now_utc l_path := packages_trash_path create d2.make_with_path (l_path) if not d2.exists then d2.recursive_create_dir end create d2.make_with_path (l_path.extended ( ("-" + dt.definite_duration (create {DATE_TIME}.make_from_epoch (0)).seconds_count.out)) if not d2.exists then d1.rename_path (d2.path) a_package.reset_id end -- FIXME: delete associated version packages end patch_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE; a_prev_package: detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) require a_package.has_id local p: like package_path d: DIRECTORY inf: detachable IRON_NODE_INFO hdate: HTTP_DATE flag_is_new: BOOLEAN s: STRING_32 do flag_is_new := a_prev_package = Void -- -- Ensure the tree dir exists -- p := packages_tree_path (v) -- create d.make_with_path (p) -- if not d.exists then -- d.recursive_create_dir -- end -- Ensure the package index dir exists check has_id: a_package.has_id end p := package_path ( create d.make_with_path (p) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end -- Update last modified a_package.set_last_modified_now -- Save information create inf.make_empty if attached a_package.items as tb then across tb as c loop inf.put (c, @ c.key) end end inf.put (, "id") inf.put (, "name") inf.put (a_package.title, "title") inf.put (a_package.description, "description") if attached a_package.last_modified as dt then create hdate.make_from_date_time (dt) inf.put (hdate.rfc1123_string, "last-modified") end create s.make_empty if attached a_package.tags as l_tags then across l_tags as tags_ic loop if not s.is_empty then s.append_character (',') end s.append (tags_ic) end end if not s.is_empty then inf.put (s, "tags") end if attached a_package.links as l_links then across l_links as link_ic loop create s.make_empty if attached link_ic.title as lnk_title then s.append_character ('%"') s.append (lnk_title) s.append_character ('%"') s.append_character (' ') end s.append_string_general (link_ic.url) inf.put (s, {STRING_32} "links["+ @ link_ic.key + {STRING_32} "]") end end if attached a_package.owner as o then inf.put (, "owner") end inf.save_to (p.extended ("")) on_package_updated (a_package, flag_is_new) end feature -- Version package version_package (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE local l_package: like package inf: like iron_info p: like package_path rev: NATURAL arch: IRON_NODE_ARCHIVE do p := package_version_path (v, a_id) inf := iron_info (p.extended ("")) if inf = Void then -- Look for first *.info end if inf /= Void then if attached inf.item ("id") as l_uuid and then a_id.same_string (l_uuid) then -- Ok else check same_id: False end end l_package := package (a_id) if l_package = Void then -- Error !! else create Result.make (l_package, v) if attached inf.item ("archive_revision") as s_rev and then s_rev.is_natural then rev := s_rev.to_natural else rev := Result.archive_revision end across inf as c loop if @ c.key.same_string ("id") or @ c.key.same_string ("archive_revision") then -- no way else Result.put (c, @ c.key) end end Result.set_archive_revision (rev) create arch.make (package_version_archive_path (Result, rev).absolute_path) if arch.file_exists then if attached inf.item ("archive_hash") as s_hash and then not s_hash.is_whitespace then arch.set_hash (s_hash.to_string_8) -- By design it is valid string 8. else arch.reset_hash end Result.set_archive (arch) else Result.set_archive (Void) end Result.set_download_count (download_count (Result)) end end end version_packages_count (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): INTEGER -- Total number of package for version `v'. local p: PATH d,t: DIRECTORY i: INTEGER l_path: PATH do p := packages_index_path (v) create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists and then d.is_readable then i := 0 create t.make_with_path (p) -- Initialize `t' across d.entries as c loop l_path := c if not l_path.is_current_symbol and then not l_path.is_parent_symbol then t.make_with_path (p.extended_path (l_path)) -- reuse `t' if t.exists then i := i + 1 end end end Result := i end end version_packages (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_lower, a_upper: INTEGER): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE_COLLECTION local p: PATH d,t: DIRECTORY i: INTEGER l_files: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] l_path: PATH l_upper: INTEGER do p := packages_index_path (v) create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists and then d.is_readable then create l_files.make (10) i := 0 create t.make_with_path (p) -- Initialize `t' across d.entries as c loop l_path := c if not l_path.is_current_symbol and then not l_path.is_parent_symbol then t.make_with_path (p.extended_path (l_path)) -- reuse `t' if t.exists then i := i + 1 if a_lower <= i then l_files.force (l_path) end end end end create Result.make (l_files.count) i := a_lower - 1 if a_upper <= 0 then l_upper := a_lower - 1 + l_files.count + a_upper else l_upper := a_lower - 1 + a_upper end across l_files as ic until i >= l_upper loop i := i + 1 if i <= l_upper then l_path := ic if attached version_package (v, as l_pack then check attached l_path.entry as e and then ( end Result.force (l_pack) end end end -- Result.sort end end package_by_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE local p: PATH err: BOOLEAN u: FILE_UTILITIES do p := packages_tree_path (v) across a_path.split ('/') as c until Result /= Void or err loop if not c.is_empty then p := p.extended (c) if u.file_path_exists (p) then if attached id_from_file (p) as l_uuid and then not l_uuid.is_empty and then attached version_package (v, l_uuid) as l_package then Result := l_package else err := True end elseif u.directory_path_exists (p) then -- skip else err := True end end end if err then Result := Void end end path_associated_with_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] do Result := path_association_map (a_package.version).paths ( end path_browse_index (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_32] local d: detachable DIRECTORY p: PATH err: BOOLEAN u: FILE_UTILITIES do p := packages_tree_path (v) if a_path.is_empty then if u.directory_path_exists (p) then -- skip elseif u.file_path_exists (p) then create d.make_with_path (p) else err := True end else across a_path.split ('/') as c until d /= Void or err loop if not c.is_empty then p := p.extended (c) if u.directory_path_exists (p) then -- skip elseif u.file_path_exists (p) then create d.make_with_path (p) else err := True end end end end if d /= Void then -- skip elseif err then d := Void elseif p /= Void then create d.make_with_path (p) end if d /= Void and then d.exists then create Result.make (5) across d.entries as e loop if e.is_current_symbol or e.is_parent_symbol then else Result.force ( end end end end download_count (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): INTEGER local p: PATH f: RAW_FILE s: READABLE_STRING_8 do p := package_version_counter_path (a_package) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read f.read_line_thread_aware s := f.last_string if s.is_integer then Result := a_package.download_count.max (s.to_integer) end f.close end Result := a_package.download_count.max (Result) end increment_download_counter (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) local f: RAW_FILE nb: INTEGER do nb := download_count (a_package) a_package.download_count := nb + 1 create f.make_with_path (package_version_counter_path (a_package)) if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.open_write f.put_string (a_package.download_count.out) f.put_new_line f.close end on_version_package_downloaded (a_package) end feature -- Version Package: change force_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) do patch_version_package (a_package, Void) end update_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) local l_db_vpackage: like version_package v: IRON_NODE_VERSION do v := a_package.version if a_package.has_id then l_db_vpackage := version_package (v, end patch_version_package (a_package, l_db_vpackage) end patch_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_prev_package: detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) require a_package.has_id local vp: like package_version_path d: DIRECTORY inf: detachable IRON_NODE_INFO flag_is_new: BOOLEAN v: IRON_NODE_VERSION do v := a_package.version flag_is_new := a_prev_package = Void -- Ensure the tree dir exists vp := packages_tree_path (v) create d.make_with_path (vp) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end -- Ensure the package index dir exists check has_id: a_package.has_id end vp := package_version_path (v, create d.make_with_path (vp) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end -- Update last modified a_package.package.set_last_modified_now -- Save information create inf.make_empty if attached a_package.version_items as tb then across tb as c loop inf.put (c, @ c.key) end end inf.put (, "id") inf.put (, "name") inf.put (a_package.archive_revision.out, "archive_revision") if attached a_package.archive as l_archive then inf.put (l_archive.hash, "archive_hash") else inf.remove ("archive_hash") end inf.save_to (vp.extended ("")) on_version_package_updated (a_package, flag_is_new) if a_prev_package = Void then patch_package (a_package.package, Void) else patch_package (a_package.package, a_prev_package.package) end end delete_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) local l_path: PATH d1,d2: DIRECTORY dt: DATE_TIME v: IRON_NODE_VERSION do v := a_package.version create d1.make_with_path (package_version_path (v, create dt.make_now_utc l_path := packages_version_trash_path (v) create d2.make_with_path (l_path) if not d2.exists then d2.recursive_create_dir end create d2.make_with_path (l_path.extended ( ("-" + dt.definite_duration (create {DATE_TIME}.make_from_epoch (0)).seconds_count.out)) if not d2.exists then d1.rename_path (d2.path) end reset_path_association_map (a_package.version) end feature -- Version package / archive: change last_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE): NATURAL local p: PATH f: RAW_FILE s: READABLE_STRING_8 do p := package_archive_revision_counter_path (a_package) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read f.read_line_thread_aware s := f.last_string if s.is_integer then Result := s.to_natural end f.close end Result := Result end incremented_last_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE; a_min_rev: NATURAL): NATURAL local p: PATH f: RAW_FILE s: READABLE_STRING_8 do p := package_archive_revision_counter_path (a_package) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and then f.is_access_readable then f.open_read f.read_line_thread_aware s := f.last_string if s.is_integer then Result := s.to_natural end f.close end Result := a_min_rev.max (Result) + {NATURAL} 1 if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.open_write f.put_string (Result.out) f.put_new_line f.close end end get_new_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) do a_package.set_archive_revision (incremented_last_archive_revision (a_package.package, a_package.archive_revision)) end save_uploaded_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_file: WSF_UPLOADED_FILE) local b: BOOLEAN tgt: RAW_FILE rev: NATURAL arch: IRON_NODE_ARCHIVE do rev := a_package.archive_revision create arch.make (package_version_archive_path (a_package, rev)) create tgt.make_with_path (arch.path) from until not tgt.exists loop get_new_archive_revision (a_package) -- New archive, keep previous for backup! rev := a_package.archive_revision create arch.make (package_version_archive_path (a_package, rev)) create tgt.make_with_path (arch.path) check not tgt.exists end end b := a_file.move_to ( if b then arch.update_info a_package.set_archive (arch) update_version_package (a_package) end end save_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_file: PATH; a_keep_source_file: BOOLEAN) local src,tgt: RAW_FILE retried: BOOLEAN rev: NATURAL arch: IRON_NODE_ARCHIVE do if not retried then create src.make_with_path (a_file) if src.exists then rev := a_package.archive_revision create arch.make (package_version_archive_path (a_package, rev)) create tgt.make_with_path (arch.path) from until not tgt.exists loop get_new_archive_revision (a_package) -- New archive, keep previous for backup! rev := a_package.archive_revision create arch.make (package_version_archive_path (a_package, rev)) create tgt.make_with_path (arch.path) check not tgt.exists end end if a_keep_source_file then tgt.open_write src.open_read src.copy_to (tgt) src.close tgt.close else src.rename_path (tgt.path) end debug ("ssd_file_delay") execution_environment.sleep (1_000_000_000) end check tgt.exists end print ("tgt.size=" + tgt.count.out + "%N") arch.update_info a_package.set_archive (arch) arch.compute_hash update_version_package (a_package) end else -- FIXME: report issue ! a_package.set_archive (Void) update_version_package (a_package) end rescue retried := True retry end delete_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) local p: PATH f: RAW_FILE do p := package_version_archive_path (a_package, a_package.archive_revision) create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists then f.delete get_new_archive_revision (a_package) a_package.set_archive (Void) update_version_package (a_package) end end associate_package_with_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local p: PATH f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE d: DIRECTORY v: IRON_NODE_VERSION do v := a_package.version if attached package_by_path (v, a_path) as curr then check precondition: False end else if a_path.starts_with ("/") then p := packages_tree_path (v).extended (a_path.substring (2, a_path.count)) else p := packages_tree_path (v).extended (a_path) end create d.make_with_path (p.parent) if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir end create f.make_with_path (p) if not f.exists or else f.is_access_writable then f.open_write f.put_string ( f.put_new_line f.close reset_path_association_map (a_package.version) on_version_package_updated (a_package, False) end end end unassociate_package_with_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) local p: PATH f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE v: IRON_NODE_VERSION do v := a_package.version if attached package_by_path (v, a_path) as curr then if curr ~ a_package then if a_path.starts_with ("/") then p := packages_tree_path (v).extended (a_path.substring (2, a_path.count)) else p := packages_tree_path (v).extended (a_path) end create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists then f.delete reset_path_association_map (a_package.version) on_version_package_updated (a_package, False) end else -- path is mapped to another package !!! check precondition: False end end else -- path not mapped to a package ! check precondition: False end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation: maps internal_path_association_maps: detachable HASH_TABLE [IRON_NODE_PATH_MAP, IRON_NODE_VERSION] -- Internal cache for `path_association_map'. reset_path_association_map (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION) -- Reset information from `path_association_map' related to version `v'. do if attached internal_path_association_maps as ht then ht.remove (v) end delete_path_association_map (v) end path_association_map (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): IRON_NODE_PATH_MAP -- Path association map for version `v'. local l_maps: detachable like path_association_map it: IRON_NODE_FS_PATH_ITERATOR p: PATH d: DIRECTORY ht: like internal_path_association_maps do ht:= internal_path_association_maps if ht = Void then create ht.make (1) internal_path_association_maps := ht else l_maps := ht.item (v) end if l_maps /= Void then Result := l_maps else l_maps := loaded_path_association_map (v) if l_maps /= Void then Result := l_maps ht.force (Result, v) else create Result.make (v) p := packages_tree_path (v).canonical_path create d.make_with_path (p) if d.exists then create it.make it.file_actions.extend (agent (ia_path: PATH; a_base_path: READABLE_STRING_32; ia_map: like path_association_map) local s: STRING_32 do if attached id_from_file (ia_path) as l_id then create s.make_from_string ( if s.starts_with (a_base_path) then s.remove_head (a_base_path.count) s.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") ia_map.register_path (l_id, s) else check False end end end end(?,, Result) ) it.process_directory (p) end --| keep map ht.force (Result, v) store_path_association_map (Result) end end end store_path_association_map (m: IRON_NODE_PATH_MAP) local f: RAW_FILE utf: UTF_CONVERTER l_id: READABLE_STRING_32 do create f.make_with_path (packages_version_index_map_path (m.version)) f.create_read_write across m.maps as ic loop l_id := @ ic.key -- By design, it is valid STRING_8 f.put_string (utf.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (l_id)) f.put_new_line across ic as ic_path loop f.put_character ('%T') f.put_string (utf.escaped_utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (ic_path)) f.put_new_line end end f.close end delete_path_association_map (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION) local f: RAW_FILE do create f.make_with_path (packages_version_index_map_path (v)) if f.exists then f.delete end end loaded_path_association_map (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): detachable IRON_NODE_PATH_MAP local f: RAW_FILE utf: UTF_CONVERTER s: STRING_8 l_id: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 do create f.make_with_path (packages_version_index_map_path (v)) if f.exists and f.is_access_readable then f.open_read create Result.make (v) if f.file_readable then from f.read_line_thread_aware until f.exhausted loop s := f.last_string if s.is_empty then elseif s.item (1).is_space then if l_id /= Void then s.left_adjust s.right_adjust Result.register_path (l_id, utf.utf_8_string_8_to_escaped_string_32 (s)) end else s.right_adjust create l_id.make_from_string (s) end f.read_line_thread_aware end end f.close end end feature {NONE} -- Initialization id_from_file (p: PATH): detachable READABLE_STRING_8 local f: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE s: STRING_8 do create f.make_with_path (p) if f.exists and f.is_access_readable then f.open_read f.read_line_thread_aware s := f.last_string s.left_adjust s.right_adjust f.close if not s.is_empty then Result := s end end end iron_info (p: PATH): detachable IRON_NODE_INFO do create Result.make_with_path (p) if not Result.is_valid then Result := Void end end users_path: PATH once Result := layout.repo_users_path end user_path (u: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): PATH require u_is_not_empty: not u.is_empty do Result := users_path.extended (u) end packages_path: PATH once Result := layout.repo_packages_path end package_path (a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): PATH require valid_id: not a_id.is_empty do Result := packages_path.extended (a_id) end package_archive_revision_counter_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE): PATH require package_with_id: a_package.has_id do Result := package_path ( ("archive_revision") end packages_trash_path: PATH do Result := layout.repo_trash end versions_path: PATH once Result := layout.repo_versions_path end package_version_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): PATH require valid_id: not a_id.is_empty do Result := packages_index_path (v).extended (a_id) end package_version_counter_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): PATH require package_with_id: a_package.has_id do Result := packages_index_path (a_package.version).extended ( ("downloads") end package_version_archive_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_archive_revision: NATURAL): PATH require has_id: a_package.has_id do Result := package_archive_path (a_package.version, a_archive_revision, end package_archive_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_rev: NATURAL; a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): PATH require valid_id: not a_id.is_empty do Result := packages_index_path (v).extended (a_id).extended ("archive") if a_rev > 0 then Result := Result.appended_with_extension (a_rev.out) end end packages_index_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): PATH do Result := layout.repo_version_items (v) end packages_tree_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): PATH do Result := layout.repo_version_index (v) end packages_version_trash_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): PATH do Result := layout.repo_version_trash (v) end packages_version_index_map_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): PATH do Result := layout.repo_version_index_map (v) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end