note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class IRON_NODE_DATABASE inherit IRON_NODE_EXPORTER IRON_NODE_FORWARD_OBSERVER feature -- Initialization initialize deferred ensure is_available end feature -- Status report is_available: BOOLEAN deferred end feature -- Logs save_log (a_log: IRON_NODE_LOG) -- Save log `a_log'. deferred end feature -- Credential is_valid_credential (u: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; p: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN deferred end user (u: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_USER deferred end user_by_email (a_email: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_USER deferred end update_user (u: IRON_NODE_USER) deferred end feature -- Version versions: IRON_NODE_VERSION_COLLECTION deferred end save_version (a_version: IRON_NODE_VERSION) deferred ensure created: versions.has (a_version.value) end feature -- Package package (a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE deferred end package_by_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE -- Package named `a_name'. do if attached packages (1, 0) as lst then across lst as ic until Result /= Void loop if ic.is_named (a_name) then Result := ic end end end ensure Result /= Void implies Result.is_named (a_name) end packages (a_lower, a_upper: INTEGER): detachable IRON_NODE_PACKAGE_COLLECTION -- Range [a_lower:a_upper] of packages for version `v' -- if a_upper <= 0 then a_upper start from the end. require valid_index: a_lower >= 1 deferred end force_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) require has_id: a_package.has_id no_package_for_id: package ( = Void deferred ensure has_id: a_package.has_id end update_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) deferred ensure has_id: a_package.has_id end delete_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE) require has_id: a_package.has_id deferred ensure has_no_id: not a_package.has_id package (old = Void end feature -- Version Package: Access version_package (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_id: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE deferred ensure Result /= Void implies Result.package ~ package (a_id) end version_packages_count (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION): INTEGER -- Total number of package for version `v'. deferred end version_packages (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_lower, a_upper: INTEGER): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE_COLLECTION -- Range [a_lower:a_upper] of packages for version `v' -- if a_upper <= 0 then a_upper start from the end. require valid_index: a_lower >= 1 deferred end package_by_path (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE deferred end path_associated_with_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_32] deferred end path_browse_index (v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): detachable ITERABLE [READABLE_STRING_32] deferred end download_count (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): INTEGER deferred end increment_download_counter (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) deferred ensure count_incremented: a_package.download_count > old a_package.download_count end query_version_packages (q: READABLE_STRING_32; v: IRON_NODE_VERSION; a_lower, a_upper: INTEGER): IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE_COLLECTION -- Range [a_lower:a_upper] of packages for version `v' meeting the criteria expressed by `q' -- if a_upper <= 0 then a_upper start from the end. local i: INTEGER lst: LIST [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] do create Result.make (0) if attached version_packages (v, 1, 0) as coll then if attached version_package_criteria_factory.criteria_from_string (q) as crit then lst := crit.list (coll.items) if a_upper >= a_lower then from lst.start i := 1 until i = a_lower or lst.after loop lst.remove end from lst.finish i := a_upper - a_lower until lst.count = i loop lst.remove end end across lst as ic loop Result.force (ic) end end end -- Result.sort end feature -- Version Package: Sorter version_package_sorter_factory: IRON_SORTER_FACTORY [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local l_sorter: SORTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] eq: detachable AGENT_EQUALITY_TESTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] once create Result.make (4) -- by name create eq.make (agent version_package_is_less_than_by_name) create {QUICK_SORTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} l_sorter.make (eq) Result.register_builder ("name", l_sorter, "Sort by short name") -- by title create eq.make (agent version_package_is_less_than_by_title) create {QUICK_SORTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} l_sorter.make (eq) Result.register_builder ("title", l_sorter, "Sort by title (i.e full name)") -- by downloads create eq.make (agent version_package_is_less_than_by_downloads) create {QUICK_SORTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} l_sorter.make (eq) Result.register_builder ("downloads", l_sorter, "Sort by downloads count") -- by date create eq.make (agent version_package_is_less_than_by_last_modified) create {QUICK_SORTER [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} l_sorter.make (eq) Result.register_builder ("date", l_sorter, "Sort by last-modified date") end feature {NONE} -- Version Package: Sorter version_package_is_less_than_by_string_value (s1, s2: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do if s1 = Void then if s2 = Void then Result := p1 < p2 else Result := True end elseif s2 = Void then Result := False else Result := s1.as_lower < s2.as_lower end end version_package_is_less_than_by_value (v1, v2: detachable COMPARABLE; p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do if v1 = Void then if v2 = Void then Result := p1 < p2 else Result := True end elseif v2 = Void then Result := False else Result := v1 < v2 end end version_package_is_less_than_by_name (p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do Result := version_package_is_less_than_by_string_value (,, p1, p2) end version_package_is_less_than_by_title (p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do Result := version_package_is_less_than_by_string_value (p1.title, p2.title, p1, p2) end version_package_is_less_than_by_downloads (p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do -- Users expect to see packages with more download first. Result := version_package_is_less_than_by_value (p2.download_count, p1.download_count, p1, p2) end version_package_is_less_than_by_last_modified (p1, p2: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE): BOOLEAN do -- Users expect to see by default, latest changes first. Result := version_package_is_less_than_by_value (p2.last_modified, p1.last_modified, p1, p2) end feature -- Version Package: Criteria meet_text (a_text: detachable READABLE_STRING_GENERAL; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): BOOLEAN local kmp: KMP_WILD tok: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL tok_len: INTEGER l_lower_text: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL c: CHARACTER_32 i: INTEGER do if a_text /= Void then if s.has ('*') or s.has ('?') then create kmp.make (s, a_text) kmp.disable_case_sensitive Result := kmp.pattern_matches else from l_lower_text := a_text.as_lower tok := s.as_lower tok_len := tok.count i := 1 until i = 0 or Result loop i := l_lower_text.substring_index (tok, i) if i > 0 then Result := True if i > 1 then -- Check lower boundary c := l_lower_text [i - 1] if c.is_alpha_numeric then Result := False end end if Result and i + tok_len <= l_lower_text.count then -- Check lower boundary c := l_lower_text [i + tok_len] if c.is_alpha_numeric then Result := False end end if not Result then i := i + 1 end end end end end end score_for_name (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do Result := if meet_text (obj.identifier, s) then 1.0 else 0.0 end end score_for_title (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do Result := if meet_text (obj.title, s) then 1.0 else 0.0 end end score_for_description (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do Result := if meet_text (obj.description, s) then 1.0 else 0.0 end end score_for_tag (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do if attached obj.tags as l_tags then if across l_tags as ic some meet_text (ic, s) end then Result := 1.0 end end end score_for_owner (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do if attached obj.owner as o then Result := if meet_text (, s) then 1.0 else 0.0 end end end score_for_downloads (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL local i: INTEGER do if s.is_integer then i := s.to_integer Result := if obj.download_count >= i then 1.0 else 0.0 end end end score_for_text (obj: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; s: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL): REAL do Result := score_for_name (obj, s) * score_weight_for_name + score_for_title (obj, s) * score_weight_for_title + score_for_tag (obj, s) * score_weight_for_tag -- + score_for_description (obj, s) * score_weight_for_description end score_weight_for_name: REAL = 0.25 score_weight_for_title: REAL = 0.2 score_weight_for_tag: REAL = 0.20 score_weight_for_description: REAL = 0.15 score_weight_for_owner: REAL = 0.1 score_weight_for_downloads: REAL = 0.1 score_weight_for_text: REAL do Result := score_weight_for_name + score_weight_for_title + score_weight_for_tag --+ score_weight_for_description end version_package_criteria_factory: SCORER_CRITERIA_FACTORY [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] once create Result.make Result.register_builder ("name", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_name, agent score_for_name (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("title", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_title, agent score_for_title (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("tag", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_tag, agent score_for_tag (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("description", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_description, agent score_for_description (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("owner", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_owner, agent score_for_owner (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("downloads", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_downloads, agent score_for_downloads (?, v)) end ) Result.register_builder ("text", agent (n,v: READABLE_STRING_32): detachable SCORER_CRITERIA [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE] local s: STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string_general (n) s.append_character (':') s.append_string_general (v) create {SCORER_CRITERIA_AGENT [IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE]} Result.make (s, score_weight_for_text, agent score_for_text (?, v)) end ) Result.register_default_builder ("text") Result.set_builder_description ("text", "text:abc - equivalent to %"name:abc or title:abc or tag:abc%"") Result.set_builder_description ("name", "name:foo* - packages of short name matching %"foo*%" pattern") Result.set_builder_description ("title", "title:base - packages of title %"base%"") Result.set_builder_description ("description", "description:%"advanced usage%" - packages with phrase %"advanced usage%" in their description") Result.set_builder_description ("tag", "tag:web - packages tagged %"web%"") Result.set_builder_description ("owner", "owner:*Caesar - packages published by users with the user names matching %"*Caesar%"") Result.set_builder_description ("downloads", "downloads:10 - packages with at least 10 downloads") end version_package_criteria_factory_description: STRING_32 once Result := version_package_criteria_factory.description + "Criteria %"name%", %"title%", %"tag%" and %"description%" supports wildcards (*,?).%N" end feature -- Version Package: change force_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) require has_id: a_package.has_id no_package_for_id: version_package (a_package.version, = Void deferred ensure has_id: a_package.has_id end update_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) deferred ensure has_id: a_package.has_id end delete_version_package (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) require has_id: a_package.has_id deferred ensure deleted: version_package (a_package.version, old = Void end feature -- Version Package/ archive: change last_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE): NATURAL deferred end incremented_last_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_PACKAGE; a_min_rev: NATURAL): NATURAL -- Incremented value of last archive revision counter for package `a_package' -- with a minimum value of `a_min_rev'. deferred ensure Result > old last_archive_revision (a_package) and Result > a_min_rev end get_new_archive_revision (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) -- Get a new archive revision number for `a_package'. deferred ensure revision_incremented: a_package.archive_revision > old a_package.archive_revision end save_uploaded_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_file: WSF_UPLOADED_FILE) require has_id: a_package.has_id deferred ensure has_archive: a_package.has_archive end save_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_file: PATH; a_keep_source_file: BOOLEAN) require has_id: a_package.has_id deferred ensure has_archive: a_package.has_archive end delete_package_archive (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE) require has_id: a_package.has_id has_archive: a_package.has_archive deferred ensure has_no_archive: not a_package.has_archive end feature -- Version Package/ map,path: change associate_package_with_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require a_package_with_id: a_package.has_id a_path_not_empty: not a_path.is_empty path_unassociated: package_by_path (a_package.version, a_path) = Void deferred ensure path_associated: package_by_path (a_package.version, a_path) ~ a_package end unassociate_package_with_path (a_package: IRON_NODE_VERSION_PACKAGE; a_path: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require a_package_with_id: a_package.has_id a_path_not_empty: not a_path.is_empty path_associated: package_by_path (a_package.version, a_path) ~ a_package deferred ensure path_unassociated: package_by_path (a_package.version, a_path) = Void end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end