note description: "[ Arguments for the {LIBRARY_INDEXER_APPLICATION} ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class."; date: "$date$"; revision: "$revision$" class LIBRARY_INDEXER_ARGUMENTS inherit ARGUMENT_MULTI_PARSER rename make as make_multi_parser redefine is_using_unix_switch_style, switch_prefixes end SHARED_FILE_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize argument parser do make_multi_parser (False, False) set_non_switched_argument_validator (create {ARGUMENT_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY_VALIDATOR}) end feature -- Access copyright: STRING = "Copyright Eiffel Software 2011-2024" -- Copyright information. -- Not used if empty. feature {NONE} -- Status report is_using_unix_switch_style: BOOLEAN = True -- --| Avoid using /flag ... switch_prefixes: ARRAY [CHARACTER_32] -- Prefixes used to indicate a command line switch. once Result := <<{CHARACTER_32} '-'>> end feature -- Access files: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] -- List of files to resave require is_successful: is_successful local l_options: like values p: PATH once l_options := values create Result.make (l_options.count) across l_options as ic loop create p.make_from_string (ic.item) if file_system.is_file_readable (p) then Result.force (p) end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end directories: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] -- List of directories to locate ecfs in require is_successful: is_successful local l_options: like values p: PATH once l_options := values create Result.make (l_options.count) across l_options as ic loop create p.make_from_string (ic.item) if file_system.is_directory_readable (p) then Result.force (p) end end ensure result_attached: Result /= Void end is_verbose: BOOLEAN -- Verbose output ? require is_successful: is_successful once Result := has_option (verbose_switch) end is_only_libs: BOOLEAN -- Only libraries, i.e ignore clusters and classes? require is_successful: is_successful once Result := has_option (only_libs_switch) end use_directory_recursion: BOOLEAN -- Indicates if directories should be recursively scanned require is_successful: is_successful once Result := has_option (recursive_switch) or else recursion_limit = 0 --| By default it is recursive end recursion_limit: INTEGER -- Limit recursion to `Result' depth once if attached option_of_name (limit_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value and then attached opt.value as s and then s.is_integer then Result := s.to_integer end end is_dotnet: BOOLEAN -- Is Dotnet? once Result := attached option_of_name (il_generation_switch) end is_any: BOOLEAN -- Any setting. once Result := attached option_of_name (any_switch) end platform: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Platform setting. local s: READABLE_STRING_32 once if attached option_of_name (platform_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then s := opt.value if s.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result := s.as_string_8 end end end concurrency: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Concurrency setting. local s: READABLE_STRING_32 once if attached option_of_name (concurrency_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then s := opt.value if s.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result := s.as_string_8 end end end void_safety: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Concurrency setting. local s: READABLE_STRING_32 once if attached option_of_name (void_safety_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then s := opt.value if s.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result := s.as_string_8 end end end build: detachable READABLE_STRING_8 -- Build setting. local s: READABLE_STRING_32 once if attached option_of_name (build_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then s := opt.value if s.is_valid_as_string_8 then Result := s.as_string_8 end end end searching_term: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Term to search in database. once if attached option_of_name (search_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then Result := opt.value end end browsing_term: detachable READABLE_STRING_32 -- Browse package name. once if attached option_of_name (browse_switch) as opt and then opt.has_value then Result := opt.value end end is_browsing: BOOLEAN do Result := has_option (browse_switch) end reset_requested: BOOLEAN once Result := has_option (reset_switch) end update_requested: BOOLEAN once Result := has_option (update_switch) end variable_definitions: detachable STRING_TABLE [READABLE_STRING_32] -- variable definitiations, values indexed by name. local s: READABLE_STRING_32 i: INTEGER once if attached options_values_of_name (define_switch) as l_values and then not l_values.is_empty then create Result.make (l_values.count) across l_values as ic loop s := ic.item i := s.index_of ('=', 1) if i > 0 then Result.force (s.substring (i + 1, s.count), s.head (i - 1)) else check bad_var_definition: False end end end end end feature {NONE} -- Usage non_switched_argument_name: STRING = "path" -- non_switched_argument_description: STRING = "An Eiffel configuration file or a directory" -- non_switched_argument_type: STRING = "Eiffel configuration file/directory" -- name: STRING = "library_analyzer" -- version: attached STRING -- once create Result.make (5) Result.append_natural_16 ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.major_version) Result.append_character ('.') Result.append_natural_16 ({EIFFEL_CONSTANTS}.minor_version) end feature {NONE} -- Switches switches: attached ARRAYED_LIST [attached ARGUMENT_SWITCH] -- Retrieve a list of switch used for a specific application once create Result.make (10) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (reset_switch, "Reset any saved index", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (update_switch, "Update database with new library if any", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (search_switch, "Search library including class_name", True, False, "class_name", "A class name", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (browse_switch, "Browse library", True, False, "Package_name", "A package/project name", True)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (any_switch, "Any platform, any concurrency, any setting...", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (platform_switch, "Platform", True, False, platform_switch, "Platform: Windows, Dotnet, Unix, Mac, ...", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (concurrency_switch, "Concurrency", True, False, concurrency_switch, "Concurrency: none, thread, SCOOP", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (void_safety_switch, "Void-safety", True, False, void_safety_switch, "Void-safety: none, ... , complete", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (build_switch, "Build", True, False, build_switch, "Build: workbench, finalize", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (il_generation_switch, "Is Dotnet?", True, False)) -- Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (dynamic_runtime_switch, "Dynamic runtime?", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (recursive_switch, "Recursive scan any directories for *.ecf (default=True)", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (limit_switch, "Limit depth when scanning directories for *.ecf", True, False, "depth", "Depth in folder (default=1)", True)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (only_libs_switch, "Record only library related info (ignore cluster and classes) (default=False)", True, False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_VALUE_SWITCH}.make (define_switch, "Define variables (such as ISE_LIBRARY, ...), that could be used to output paths", True, True, "value", "variable value", False)) Result.extend (create {ARGUMENT_SWITCH}.make (verbose_switch, "Verbose output?", True, False)) end reset_switch: STRING = "z|reset" update_switch: STRING = "u|update" search_switch: STRING = "s|search" browse_switch: STRING = "browse" any_switch: STRING = "a|any" platform_switch: STRING = "platform" concurrency_switch: STRING = "concurrency" void_safety_switch: STRING = "void-safety" build_switch: STRING = "build" il_generation_switch: STRING = "dotnet" -- dynamic_runtime_switch: STRING = "dynamic_runtime" recursive_switch: STRING = "r|recursive" limit_switch: STRING = "limit" only_libs_switch: STRING = "only_libs" define_switch: STRING = "D|variable" verbose_switch: STRING = "v|verbose" ;note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2018, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end