?RCS: $Id: AAAAA.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/06/20 06:50:26 ram ?RCS: patch30: changes from Jarkko Hietaniemi are tagged with JHI ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/05/06 14:01:39 ram ?RCS: patch23: initials for Wayne Davison are now WED ?RCS: patch23: added initials for new unit contributor Andy Dougherty ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/01/24 14:01:09 ram ?RCS: patch16: make metalint shut up on special unit definition for All target ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1993/09/13 15:43:57 ram ?RCS: patch10: documents initials used for Wayne Davison's contributions ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:04:44 ram ?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. ?RCS: ?X: ?X: The purpose of this file is to supply the head of the Makefile created ?X: by metaconfig. For this reason it must be first in alphabetical order. ?X: The leading '+' in front of the unit name is a hint for metalint, since ?X: the use of that special unit name as a "made" unit is legitimate here. ?X: ?MAKE:+All: Finish ?X: ?X: Throughout the units, the following initials are used to identify comments: ?X: ?X: HMS: Harlan Stenn ?X: RAM: Raphael Manfredi ?X: WED: Wayne Davison (was WAD by mistake--RAM) ?X: ADO: Andy Dougherty ?X: JHI: Jarkko Hietaniemi ?X: ?X: Agreed, this is a weird place to document it, but I couldn't find a better ?X: place to do so. I've bet on the curiosity of users, who would probably ?X: want to know what's in this strangely-named file--RAM.