?RCS: $Id: Config_sh.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $
?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi
?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence,
?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root
?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0.
?RCS: $Log$
?RCS: Revision 1.1  2004/11/30 00:17:18  manus
?RCS: Initial revision
?RCS: Revision  1997/02/28  14:57:53  ram
?RCS: patch61: added support for src.U
?RCS: Revision  1995/01/11  14:53:31  ram
?RCS: patch45: moved path stripping from d_portable.U to end of Configure
?RCS: Revision  1994/10/29  15:50:37  ram
?RCS: patch36: added ?F: line for metalint file checking
?RCS: Revision 3.0  1993/08/18  12:04:48  ram
?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release.
?X: This unit ends up producing the config.sh script, which contains all the
?X: definitions figured out by Configure.  The add.Config_sh command knows
?X: which variables need to be remembered.  It also adds the EOT (ends the
?X: here document redirection with variable substitution).
?MAKE:Config_sh: cf_time cf_by test spitshell startsh myuname Myread \
	End Obsol_sh Loc +d_portable package src
?MAKE:	-pick add.Config_sh $@ %<
?MAKE:	-pick add $@ ./Obsol_sh
?MAKE:	-pick close.Config_sh $@ %<
: back to where it started
if test -d ../UU; then
	cd ..

: configuration may be patched via a 'config.over' file
if $test -f config.over; then
	echo " "
	rp='I see a config.over file.  Do you wish to load it?'
	. UU/myread
	case "$ans" in
	n*) echo "OK, I'll ignore it.";;
	*)	. ./config.over
		echo "Configuration override changes have been loaded."

@if d_portable
: in case they want portability, strip down executable paths
?X: Strip down paths in located executables. For each file, e.g. vi, there
?X: is a $vi variable whose value is for instance '/usr/bin/vi'. By resetting
?X: $vi to 'vi', we rely on the PATH variable to locate the executable...
case "$d_portable" in
	echo " "
	echo "Stripping down executable paths..." >&4
	for file in $loclist $trylist; do
		eval $file="\$file"

: create config.sh file
echo " "
echo "Creating config.sh..." >&4
$spitshell <<EOT >config.sh
# This file was produced by running the Configure script. It holds all the
# definitions figured out by Configure. Should you modify one of these values,
# do not forget to propagate your changes by running "Configure -der". You may
# instead choose to run each of the .SH files by yourself, or "Configure -S".

# Package name      : $package
# Source directory  : $src
# Configuration time: $cf_time
# Configured by     : $cf_by
# Target system     : $myuname