?RCS: $Id: Signal.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1997/02/28 15:20:01 ram ?RCS: patch61: created ?RCS: ?X: ?X: This unit produces three files: ?X: 1- A signal.c file, which, when compiled and ran, produces an output like: ?X: ?X: HUP 1 ?X: INT 2 ?X: QUIT 3 ?X: etc... ?X: ?X: 2- A signal.awk script to parse the output of signal.c, fill ?X: in gaps (up to NSIG) and move duplicates to the end. ?X: 3- A signal_cmd script to compile signal.c and run it ?X: through sort -n +1 | uniq | awk -f signal.awk. ?X: (This is called signal_cmd to avoid OS/2 confusion with ?X: signal.cmd vs. signal. ?X: ?X: This unit is then used by sig_name.U. ?X: ?MAKE:Signal: test tr rm awk cat grep startsh eunicefix sed sort uniq \ Findhdr cppstdin +cppflags cppminus +cc +ccflags +ldflags _o ?MAKE: -pick add $@ %< ?X:all files declared as "public" since they're used from other units ?F:signal.c signal_cmd signal.lst signal signal.awk ?T: xx xxx xxxfiles : Trace out the files included by signal.h, then look for SIGxxx names. : Remove SIGARRAYSIZE used by HPUX. : Remove SIGTYP void lines used by OS2. xxx=`echo '#include ' | $cppstdin $cppminus $cppflags 2>/dev/null | $grep '^[ ]*#.*include' | $awk "{print \\$$fieldn}" | $sed 's!"!!g' | $sort | $uniq` : Check this list of files to be sure we have parsed the cpp output ok. : This will also avoid potentially non-existent files, such : as ../foo/bar.h xxxfiles='' ?X: Add /dev/null in case the $xxx list is empty. for xx in $xxx /dev/null ; do $test -f "$xx" && xxxfiles="$xxxfiles $xx" done : If we have found no files, at least try signal.h case "$xxxfiles" in '') xxxfiles=`./findhdr signal.h` ;; esac xxx=`awk ' $1 ~ /^#define$/ && $2 ~ /^SIG[A-Z0-9]*$/ && $2 !~ /SIGARRAYSIZE/ && $3 !~ /void/ { print substr($2, 4, 20) } $1 == "#" && $2 ~ /^define$/ && $3 ~ /^SIG[A-Z0-9]*$/ && $3 !~ /SIGARRAYSIZE/ && $4 !~ /void/ { print substr($3, 4, 20) }' $xxxfiles` : Append some common names just in case the awk scan failed. xxx="$xxx ABRT ALRM BUS CHLD CLD CONT DIL EMT FPE HUP ILL INT IO IOT KILL" xxx="$xxx LOST PHONE PIPE POLL PROF PWR QUIT SEGV STKFLT STOP SYS TERM TRAP" xxx="$xxx TSTP TTIN TTOU URG USR1 USR2 USR3 USR4 VTALRM" xxx="$xxx WINCH WIND WINDOW XCPU XFSZ" : generate a few handy files for later $cat > signal.c <<'EOP' #include #include int main() { /* Strange style to avoid deeply-nested #if/#else/#endif */ #ifndef NSIG # ifdef _NSIG # define NSIG (_NSIG) # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef SIGMAX # define NSIG (SIGMAX+1) # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef SIG_MAX # define NSIG (SIG_MAX+1) # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef MAXSIG # define NSIG (MAXSIG+1) # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef MAX_SIG # define NSIG (MAX_SIG+1) # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef SIGARRAYSIZE # define NSIG (SIGARRAYSIZE+1) /* Not sure of the +1 */ # endif #endif #ifndef NSIG # ifdef _sys_nsig # define NSIG (_sys_nsig) /* Solaris 2.5 */ # endif #endif /* Default to some arbitrary number that's big enough to get most of the common signals. */ #ifndef NSIG # define NSIG 50 #endif printf("NSIG %d\n", NSIG); EOP echo $xxx | $tr ' ' '\012' | $sort | $uniq | $awk ' { printf "#ifdef SIG"; printf $1; printf "\n" printf "printf(\""; printf $1; printf " %%d\\n\",SIG"; printf $1; printf ");\n" printf "#endif\n" } END { printf "}\n"; } ' >>signal.c $cat >signal.awk <<'EOP' BEGIN { ndups = 0 } $1 ~ /^NSIG$/ { nsig = $2 } ($1 !~ /^NSIG$/) && (NF == 2) { if ($2 > maxsig) { maxsig = $2 } if (sig_name[$2]) { dup_name[ndups] = $1 dup_num[ndups] = $2 ndups++ } else { sig_name[$2] = $1 sig_num[$2] = $2 } } END { if (nsig == 0) { nsig = maxsig + 1 } for (n = 1; n < nsig; n++) { if (sig_name[n]) { printf("%s %d\n", sig_name[n], sig_num[n]) } else { printf("NUM%d %d\n", n, n) } } for (n = 0; n < ndups; n++) { printf("%s %d\n", dup_name[n], dup_num[n]) } } EOP $cat >signal_cmd </dev/null 2>&1; then ./signal | $sort -n +1 | $uniq | $awk -f signal.awk >signal.lst else echo "(I can't seem be able to compile the test program -- Guessing)" echo 'kill -l' >signal set X \`csh -f signal.lst fi $rm -f signal.c signal signal$_o EOS chmod a+x signal_cmd $eunicefix signal_cmd