?RCS: $Id: Whoa.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1997/02/28 15:21:21 ram ?RCS: patch61: whoa script now starts with leading "startsh" ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/10/29 16:02:01 ram ?RCS: patch36: added ?F: line for metalint file checking ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:05:19 ram ?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. ?RCS: ?X: ?X: This unit produces a bit of shell code that must be dotted in in order ?X: to warn the user in case a change into a variable is noticed. ?X: ?X: To use this unit, $was must hold the old value that has changed. Upon ?X: exit, the two variables $td and $tu are set to the correct value for ?X: respectively defining or undefining a variable. For instance, if $vas was ?X: $undef, but now $var is $define, after calling . whoa, you should use ?X: eval "$var=\$tu" to finally set $var to the correct value. See unit Inlibc. ?X: ?MAKE:Whoa: Myread startsh hint ?MAKE: -pick add $@ %< ?F:./whoa ?T:var was td tu : set up the script used to warn in case of inconsistency cat <whoa $startsh EOS cat <<'EOSC' >>whoa dflt=y echo " " echo "*** WHOA THERE!!! ***" >&4 echo " The $hint value for \$$var on this machine was \"$was\"!" >&4 rp=" Keep the $hint value?" . ./myread case "$ans" in y) td=$was; tu=$was;; esac EOSC