?RCS: $Id: d_castneg.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1995/05/12 12:11:21 ram ?RCS: patch54: made sure cc and ccflags are conditional dependencies ?RCS: patch54: added improved test case for Interactive Unix ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/10/29 16:10:50 ram ?RCS: patch36: don't forget to tell user about compilation failures (ADO) ?RCS: patch36: declare signal handler correctly using 'signal_t' (ADO) ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:05:47 ram ?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. ?RCS: ?X: ?X: Can the compiler cast negative / odd floats to unsigned values. ?X: ?MAKE:d_castneg castflags: cat +cc +ccflags rm Setvar signal_t ?MAKE: -pick add $@ %< ?S:d_castneg: ?S: This variable conditionally defines CASTNEG, which indicates ?S: wether the C compiler can cast negative float to unsigned. ?S:. ?S:castflags: ?S: This variable contains a flag that precise difficulties the ?S: compiler has casting odd floating values to unsigned long: ?S: 0 = ok ?S: 1 = couldn't cast < 0 ?S: 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000 ?S: 4 = couldn't cast in argument expression list ?S:. ?C:CASTNEGFLOAT: ?C: This symbol is defined if the C compiler can cast negative ?C: numbers to unsigned longs, ints and shorts. ?C:. ?C:CASTFLAGS: ?C: This symbol contains flags that say what difficulties the compiler ?C: has casting odd floating values to unsigned long: ?C: 0 = ok ?C: 1 = couldn't cast < 0 ?C: 2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000 ?C: 4 = couldn't cast in argument expression list ?C:. ?H:#$d_castneg CASTNEGFLOAT /**/ ?H:#define CASTFLAGS $castflags /**/ ?H:. ?LINT:set d_castneg : check for ability to cast negative floats to unsigned echo " " echo 'Checking whether your C compiler can cast negative float to unsigned.' >&4 $cat >try.c < #include $signal_t blech() { exit(7); } $signal_t blech_in_list() { exit(4); } unsigned long dummy_long(p) unsigned long p; { return p; } unsigned int dummy_int(p) unsigned int p; { return p; } unsigned short dummy_short(p) unsigned short p; { return p; } main() { double f = -123.; unsigned long along; unsigned int aint; unsigned short ashort; int result = 0; signal(SIGFPE, blech); along = (unsigned long)f; aint = (unsigned int)f; ashort = (unsigned short)f; if (along != (unsigned long)-123) result |= 1; if (aint != (unsigned int)-123) result |= 1; if (ashort != (unsigned short)-123) result |= 1; f = (double)0x40000000; f = f + f; along = 0; along = (unsigned long)f; if (along != 0x80000000) result |= 2; f -= 1.; along = 0; along = (unsigned long)f; if (along != 0x7fffffff) result |= 1; f += 2.; along = 0; along = (unsigned long)f; if (along != 0x80000001) result |= 2; if (result) exit(result); ?X: ?X: The following is a test for Interactive Unix Version 4.1, which ?X: has an 'improved' compiler which can correctly cast negative ?X: floats in expression lists, but apparently not in argument lists. ?X: Contributed by Winfried Koenig ?X: signal(SIGFPE, blech_in_list); f = 123.; along = dummy_long((unsigned long)f); aint = dummy_int((unsigned int)f); ashort = dummy_short((unsigned short)f); if (along != (unsigned long)123) result |= 4; if (aint != (unsigned int)123) result |= 4; if (ashort != (unsigned short)123) result |= 4; exit(result); } EOCP if $cc -o try $ccflags try.c >/dev/null 2>&1; then ./try castflags=$? else echo "(I can't seem to compile the test program--assuming it can't)" castflags=7 fi case "$castflags" in 0) val="$define" echo "Yup, it can." ;; *) val="$undef" echo "Nope, it can't." ;; esac set d_castneg eval $setvar $rm -f try.*