?RCS: $Id: ipc.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:08:53 ram ?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. ?RCS: ?MAKE:ipc serve_shm serve_msg serve_inet_udp serve_inet_tcp serve_unix_udp \ serve_unix_tcp: test Myread Oldconfig d_socket d_msg d_shm d_sem ?MAKE: -pick add $@ %< ?LINT:use d_msg d_sem ?S:ipc: ?S: This variable holds the type of IPC service we'll be using. Values ?S: include "ip", "shm", "msg", "cms" and "os9". We don't worry about ?S: cms or os9 here, because Configure doesn't run in those places--HMS. ?S:. ?S:serve_shm: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_SHM, which tells the ?S: C program to use USG shared memory for IPC. ?S:. ?S:serve_msg: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_MSG, which tells the ?S: C program to use USG message queues for IPC. ?S:. ?S:serve_inet_udp: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_INET_UDP, which tells ?S: the C program to enable InterNet-domain UDP support for IPC. ?S:. ?S:serve_inet_tcp: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_INET_TCP, which tells ?S: the C program to enable InterNet-domain TCP support for IPC. ?S:. ?S:serve_unix_udp: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_UNIX_UDP, which tells ?S: the C program to enable Unix-domain UDP support for IPC. ?S:. ?S:serve_unix_tcp: ?S: This variable controls the definition of SERVE_UNIX_TCP, which tells ?S: the C program to enable Unix-domain TCP support for IPC. ?S:. ?C:SERVE_SHM: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to use USG shared memory for IPC. ?C:. ?C:SERVE_MSG: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to use USG message queues for IPC. ?C:. ?C:SERVE_INET_UDP: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to enable InterNet-domain UDP ?C: support for IPC. ?C:. ?C:SERVE_INET_TCP: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to enable InterNet-domain TCP ?C: support for IPC. ?C:. ?C:SERVE_UNIX_UDP: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to enable Unix-domain UDP ?C: support for IPC. ?C:. ?C:SERVE_UNIX_TCP: ?C: If defined, tells the C program to enable Unix-domain TCP ?C: support for IPC. ?C:. ?H:#$serve_shm SERVE_SHM /**/ ?H:#$serve_msg SERVE_MSG /**/ ?H:#$serve_inet_udp SERVE_INET_UDP /**/ ?H:#$serve_inet_tcp SERVE_INET_TCP /**/ ?H:#$serve_unix_udp SERVE_UNIX_UDP /**/ ?H:#$serve_unix_tcp SERVE_UNIX_TCP /**/ ?H:. ?X: FIXME -- RAM ?INIT:serve_shm='' ?INIT:serve_msg="$undef" ?INIT:serve_inet_udp='' ?INIT:serve_inet_tcp='' ?INIT:serve_unix_udp='' ?INIT:serve_unix_tcp='' : get IPC mechanism echo " " ipc='' while $test -z "$ipc" do if $test "$ipc" != "shm" -a "$d_socket" = "$define"; then ipc='' if $test "$serve_inet_udp" = "$undef"; then dflt=n else dflt=y fi rp='Provide InterNet-domain UDP service?' . ./myread dflt='' case "$ans" in n*) serve_inet_udp="$undef";; *) serve_inet_udp="$define" ipc='ip' ;; esac if $test "$serve_inet_tcp" = "$define"; then dflt=y else dflt=n fi rp='Provide InterNet-domain TCP service?' . ./myread dflt='' case "$ans" in n*) serve_inet_tcp="$undef";; *) serve_inet_tcp="$define" ipc='ip' ;; esac if $test "$serve_unix_udp" = "$define"; then dflt=y else dflt=n fi rp='Provide Unix-domain UDP service?' . ./myread dflt='' case "$ans" in n*) serve_unix_udp="$undef";; *) serve_unix_udp="$define" ipc='ip' ;; esac if $test "$serve_unix_tcp" = "$define"; then dflt=y else dflt=n fi rp='Provide Unix-domain TCP service?' . ./myread dflt='' case "$ans" in n*) serve_unix_tcp="$undef";; *) serve_unix_tcp="$define" ipc='ip' ;; esac else serve_inet_udp="$undef" serve_inet_tcp="$undef" serve_unix_udp="$undef" serve_unix_tcp="$undef" fi if $test "$ipc" != "ip" -a "$d_shm" = "$define"; then echo "Providing USG shared memory IPC support." >&4 serve_shm="$define" ipc='shm' else serve_shm="$undef" fi if $test -z "$ipc"; then echo "You must select an IPC mechanism." >&4 fi done