?RCS: $Id: manfmt.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $ ?RCS: ?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi ?RCS: ?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence, ?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution. ?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of ?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root ?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0. ?RCS: ?RCS: $Log$ ?RCS: Revision 1.1 2004/11/30 00:17:18 manus ?RCS: Initial revision ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1997/02/28 16:11:57 ram ?RCS: patch61: don't ask for AFS when they choose to not install pages ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1995/09/25 09:16:52 ram ?RCS: patch59: unit is now forced to the top of Configure, if possible ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1995/01/30 14:39:20 ram ?RCS: patch49: new installmanfmt and AFS-lookup for formatted man pages ?RCS: patch49: can now handle installation prefix changes (from WED) ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1994/08/29 16:30:31 ram ?RCS: patch32: now uses installation prefix for default setting ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 1993/09/13 16:09:22 ram ?RCS: patch10: allows for L1 man page extension (WAD) ?RCS: ?RCS: Revision 3.0 1993/08/18 12:09:13 ram ?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release. ?RCS: ?MAKE:manfmt manfmtexp installmanfmt: Getfile Loc Oldconfig cat manext \ spackage Prefixit prefixexp Prefixup afs test ?MAKE: -pick add $@ %< ?Y:TOP ?S:manfmt: ?S: This variable contains the name of the directory in which formatted ?S: manual pages are to be put. It is the responsibility of the ?S: Makefile.SH to get the value of this into the proper command. Note ?S: that you may have to do ~name substitution. Use manfmtexp otherwise. ?S:. ?S:manfmtexp: ?S: This is the same as the manfmt variable, but is filename expanded ?S: at configuration time, for programs not willing to deal with it at ?S: run-time. ?S:. ?S:installmanfmt: ?S: This variable is really the same as manfmtexp, unless you are using ?S: AFS in which case it points to the read/write location whereas ?S: mansrcexp only points to the read-only access location. For extra ?S: portability, you should only use this variable within your makefiles. ?S:. ?LINT:change manext ?T:lookpath : determine where manual pages go set manfmt manfmt eval $prefixit $cat <