?RCS: $Id: mboxchar.U 78389 2004-11-30 00:17:17Z manus $
?RCS: Copyright (c) 1991-1993, Raphael Manfredi
?RCS: You may redistribute only under the terms of the Artistic Licence,
?RCS: as specified in the README file that comes with the distribution.
?RCS: You may reuse parts of this distribution only within the terms of
?RCS: that same Artistic Licence; a copy of which may be found at the root
?RCS: of the source tree for dist 3.0.
?RCS: $Log$
?RCS: Revision 1.1  2004/11/30 00:17:18  manus
?RCS: Initial revision
?RCS: Revision  1995/07/25  14:13:12  ram
?RCS: patch56: ensure ctrl-A characters are visible in prompt (WED)
?RCS: Revision  1994/05/06  15:11:22  ram
?RCS: patch23: added support for MMDF mailboxes (WED)
?RCS: Revision 3.0  1993/08/18  12:09:15  ram
?RCS: Baseline for dist 3.0 netwide release.
?MAKE:mboxchar: cat package shsharp Myread Oldconfig
?MAKE:	-pick add $@ %<
?S:	This variable contains the eventual value of the MBOXCHAR symbol,
?S:	which is how a C program can identify a file as a mailbox.
?C:	This symbol contains a character which will match the beginning
?C:	of a mailbox file.
?H:#define MBOXCHAR '$mboxchar'		/**/
?INIT:CTRLA=`echo a | tr a '\001'`
: determine how to determine when a file is a mailbox
case "$mboxchar" in
'') dflt=F;;
?X: The following ^A is two-chars to ensure it will print out -- WED
"$CTRLA") dflt='^A';;
*)  dflt="$mboxchar";;
$cat <<EOM
In saving articles, $package wants to differentiate between saving to
mailbox format files and normal files.  It does this by examining the
first character of the file in question.  On most systems the first line
starts with "From ...", so the first character is an F.  Other systems
use magic cookies like control codes between articles, so one of those
would be first.  For example, MMDF messages are separated with lines of
four control-A's (you may specify one as ^A, i.e. caret A).

rp="What's the first character of a mailbox file?"
. ./myread
case "$mboxchar" in
'F') ;;
"$CTRLA") ;;
'^A'|'^a') mboxchar="$CTRLA";;
*)  cat <<'EOM'

You will need to edit the shell script mbox.saver to properly append an
article to a mailbox.  The arguments to the script are documented in
	case "$shsharp" in
	false) echo "comments in mbox.saver.std.";;
	true) echo "comments in the shell script itself.";;