note description: "[ CIRCLE_VIEW draws text around a circle using Cocoa's text system for glyph generation and layout. ]" author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CIRCLE_VIEW inherit NS_VIEW redefine make_with_frame_, draw_rect_, dispose end MATH_CONST undefine is_equal, copy end DOUBLE_MATH undefine is_equal, copy end create make_with_frame_ feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_frame_ (a_frame: NS_RECT) -- do create center.make create text_storage.make_with_string_ ("A cup or two of hot cocoa every once in a while can provide a delicious, warm and healhty way to obtain more antioxidants.") create layout_manager.make create text_container.make add_objc_callback ("drawRect:", agent draw_rect_) add_objc_callback ("takeColorFrom:", agent take_color_from) add_objc_callback ("takeRadiusFrom:", agent take_radius_from) add_objc_callback ("takeStartingAngleFrom:", agent take_starting_angle_from) add_objc_callback ("takeStringFrom:", agent take_string_from) add_objc_callback ("toggleAnimation:", agent toggle_animation) add_objc_callback ("performAnimation:", agent perform_animation) Precursor (a_frame) -- First, we set default values for the various parameters. center.x := a_frame.size.width / 2 center.y := a_frame.size.height / 2 radius := 115.0 starting_angle := Pi_2 angular_velocity := Pi_2 -- Next, we create and initialize instances of the three -- basic non-view components of the text system: -- a NS_TEXT_STORAGE, a NS_LAYOUT_MANAGER and an NS_TEXT_CONTAINER. layout_manager.add_text_container_ (text_container) text_storage.add_layout_manager_ (layout_manager) -- Screen fonts are not suitable for scaled or rotated drawing. -- Views that use NS_LAYOUT_MANAGER directly for text drawing should -- set this parameter appropriately. layout_manager.set_uses_screen_fonts_ (False) end feature -- Removal dispose -- do if attached timer as attached_timer then attached_timer.invalidate end Precursor end feature -- Drawing draw_rect_ (a_rect: NS_RECT) -- local glyph_index: NATURAL_64 glyph_range: NS_RANGE used_rect: NS_RECT graphics_context_utils: NS_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT_UTILS line_fragment_rect: NS_RECT view_location, layout_location: NS_POINT angle, distance: REAL_64 affine_transform_utils: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM_UTILS transform: NS_AFFINE_TRANSFORM app_kit_additons: NS_APP_KIT_ADDITONS_CAT range: NS_RANGE point: NS_POINT do create graphics_context_utils create affine_transform_utils create app_kit_additons check attached (create {NS_COLOR_UTILS}).white_color as white_color then white_color.set end (create {NS_BEZIER_PATH_UTILS}).fill_rect_ (bounds) -- Note that used_rect_for_text_container_ does not force layout, so it must -- be called after glyph_range_for_text_container_, which does force layout. glyph_range := layout_manager.glyph_range_for_text_container_ (text_container) used_rect := layout_manager.used_rect_for_text_container_ (text_container) from glyph_index := glyph_range.location until glyph_index >= glyph_range.location + glyph_range.length loop line_fragment_rect := layout_manager.line_fragment_rect_for_glyph_at_index__effective_range_ (glyph_index, default_pointer) view_location := layout_manager.location_for_glyph_at_index_ (glyph_index) layout_location := layout_manager.location_for_glyph_at_index_ (glyph_index) check attached affine_transform_utils.transform as l_transform then transform := l_transform end -- Here layout_location is the location (in container coordinates) where the glyph was laid out. layout_location.x := layout_location.x + line_fragment_rect.origin.x layout_location.y := layout_location.y + line_fragment_rect.origin.y -- We then use the layout_location to calculate an appropriate position for the glyph -- around the circle (by angle and distance, or view_location in rectangular coordinates). distance := radius + used_rect.size.height - layout_location.y angle := starting_angle + layout_location.x / distance view_location.x := center.x + distance * sine(angle) view_location.y := center.y + distance * cosine(angle) -- We use a different affine transform for each glyph to position and rotate it -- based on its calculated position around the circle. transform.translate_x_by__y_by_ (view_location.x, view_location.y) transform.rotate_by_radians_ (-angle) -- We save and restore the graphics state so that the transform applies only to this glyph. graphics_context_utils.save_graphics_state app_kit_additons.concat (transform) -- draw_glyph_for_glyph_range_ draws the glyph at its laid-out location in container coordinates. -- Since we are using the transform to place the glyph, we subtract the laid-out location here. create range.make range.location := glyph_index range.length := 1 create point.make point.x := -layout_location.x point.y := -layout_location.y layout_manager.draw_glyphs_for_glyph_range__at_point_ (range, point) glyph_index := glyph_index + 1 graphics_context_utils.restore_graphics_state end end feature -- Actions take_color_from (sender: NS_COLOR_WELL) -- do check attached sender.color as color then print ("Changing color to:" + color.red_component.out + " " + color.green_component.out + " " + color.blue_component.out + "%N") set_color (color) end end take_radius_from (sender: NS_SLIDER) -- do print ("Changing radius to: " + sender.double_value.out + "%N") set_radius (sender.double_value) end take_starting_angle_from (sender: NS_SLIDER) -- do print ("Changing starting angle to: " + sender.double_value.out + "%N") set_starting_angle (sender.double_value) end take_string_from (sender: NS_TEXT_FIELD) -- do check attached sender.string_value as string_value then print ("Changing string to: " + string_value.to_eiffel_string + "%N") set_string (string_value) end end toggle_animation (sender: NS_BUTTON) -- do print ("Toggling animation%N") if attached timer as attached_timer and then attached_timer.is_valid then stop_animation else start_animation end end feature {NONE} -- Animation start_animation -- local current_run_loop: NS_RUN_LOOP ns_modal_panel_run_loop_mode: NS_STRING ns_event_tracking_run_loop_mode: NS_STRING do -- We create a scheduled timer for a desired 10fps animation rate. -- In `perform_animation' we determine exactly how much time has -- elapsed and animate accordingly. check attached (create {NS_TIMER_UTILS}).scheduled_timer_with_time_interval__target__selector__user_info__repeats_ ( 1.0 / 10.0, Current, create {OBJC_SELECTOR}.make_with_name ("performAnimation:"), Void, True ) as attached_timer then timer := attached_timer end -- In order to make sure that animation will continue to occur -- while modal panels are displayed and while event tracking is taking -- place (for example, while a slider is being dragged) we need to add -- the timer to the current run loop for both of the modes below. check attached (create {NS_RUN_LOOP_UTILS}).current_run_loop as attached_current_run_loop then current_run_loop := attached_current_run_loop end create ns_modal_panel_run_loop_mode.make_with_pointer_and_retain (get_ns_modal_panel_run_loop_mode) current_run_loop.add_timer__for_mode_ (timer, ns_modal_panel_run_loop_mode) create ns_event_tracking_run_loop_mode.make_with_pointer_and_retain (get_ns_event_tracking_run_loop_mode) current_run_loop.add_timer__for_mode_ (timer, ns_event_tracking_run_loop_mode) last_time := (create {NS_DATE_UTILS}).time_interval_since_reference_date end stop_animation -- do check attached timer as attached_timer then attached_timer.invalidate end end perform_animation (a_timer: NS_TIMER) -- local this_time: REAL_64 do this_time := (create {NS_DATE_UTILS}).time_interval_since_reference_date set_starting_angle (starting_angle + angular_velocity * (this_time - last_time)) last_time := this_time end get_ns_modal_panel_run_loop_mode: POINTER -- external "C inline use " alias "[ return NSModalPanelRunLoopMode; ]" end get_ns_event_tracking_run_loop_mode: POINTER -- external "C inline use " alias "[ return NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode; ]" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation set_color (a_color: NS_COLOR) -- Change the text color to `a_color'. local ns_foreground_color_attribute_name: NS_STRING range: NS_RANGE do -- Text drawing uses the attributes set on the text storage rather -- than drawing context attributes like the current color. create ns_foreground_color_attribute_name.make_with_pointer_and_retain (get_ns_foreground_color_attribute_name) create range.make range.location := 0 range.length := text_storage.length text_storage.add_attribute__value__range_ (ns_foreground_color_attribute_name, a_color, range) set_needs_display_ (True) end get_ns_foreground_color_attribute_name: POINTER -- external "C inline use " alias "[ return NSForegroundColorAttributeName; ]" end set_radius (a_radius: REAL_64) -- do radius := a_radius set_needs_display_ (True) end set_starting_angle (an_angle: REAL_64) -- do starting_angle := an_angle set_needs_display_ (True) end set_string (a_string: NS_STRING) -- local range: NS_RANGE do create range.make range.location := 0 range.length := text_storage.length text_storage.replace_characters_in_range__with_string_ (range, a_string) set_needs_display_ (True) end feature {NONE} -- Attributes center: NS_POINT -- radius: REAL_64 assign set_radius -- starting_angle: REAL_64 assign set_starting_angle -- angular_velocity: REAL_64 -- text_storage: NS_TEXT_STORAGE -- layout_manager: NS_LAYOUT_MANAGER -- text_container: NS_TEXT_CONTAINER -- timer: detachable NS_TIMER -- last_time: REAL_64 -- end