note description: "Auto-generated Objective-C wrapper class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_COMBO_BOX_CELL inherit NS_TEXT_FIELD_CELL redefine wrapper_objc_class_name end create {NS_ANY} make_with_pointer, make_with_pointer_and_retain create make_text_cell_, make_image_cell_, make feature -- NSComboBoxCell has_vertical_scroller: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_has_vertical_scroller (item) end set_has_vertical_scroller_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_has_vertical_scroller_ (item, a_flag) end intercell_spacing: NS_SIZE -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_intercell_spacing (item, Result.item) end set_intercell_spacing_ (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_intercell_spacing_ (item, a_size.item) end item_height: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_item_height (item) end set_item_height_ (a_item_height: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_item_height_ (item, a_item_height) end number_of_visible_items: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_number_of_visible_items (item) end set_number_of_visible_items_ (a_visible_items: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_number_of_visible_items_ (item, a_visible_items) end set_button_bordered_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_button_bordered_ (item, a_flag) end is_button_bordered: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_button_bordered (item) end reload_data -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_reload_data (item) end note_number_of_items_changed -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_note_number_of_items_changed (item) end set_uses_data_source_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_uses_data_source_ (item, a_flag) end uses_data_source: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_uses_data_source (item) end scroll_item_at_index_to_top_ (a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_scroll_item_at_index_to_top_ (item, a_index) end scroll_item_at_index_to_visible_ (a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_scroll_item_at_index_to_visible_ (item, a_index) end select_item_at_index_ (a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_select_item_at_index_ (item, a_index) end deselect_item_at_index_ (a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_deselect_item_at_index_ (item, a_index) end index_of_selected_item: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_index_of_selected_item (item) end number_of_items: INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_number_of_items (item) end completes: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_completes (item) end set_completes_ (a_completes: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_completes_ (item, a_completes) end completed_string_ (a_string: detachable NS_STRING): detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER a_string__item: POINTER do if attached a_string as a_string_attached then a_string__item := a_string_attached.item end result_pointer := objc_completed_string_ (item, a_string__item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like completed_string_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like completed_string_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end data_source: detachable NS_COMBO_BOX_CELL_DATA_SOURCE_PROTOCOL -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_data_source (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like data_source} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like data_source} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_data_source_ (a_source: detachable NS_COMBO_BOX_CELL_DATA_SOURCE_PROTOCOL) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_source__item: POINTER do if attached a_source as a_source_attached then a_source__item := a_source_attached.item end objc_set_data_source_ (item, a_source__item) end add_item_with_object_value_ (a_object: detachable NS_OBJECT) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_object as a_object_attached then a_object__item := a_object_attached.item end objc_add_item_with_object_value_ (item, a_object__item) end add_items_with_object_values_ (a_objects: detachable NS_ARRAY) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_objects__item: POINTER do if attached a_objects as a_objects_attached then a_objects__item := a_objects_attached.item end objc_add_items_with_object_values_ (item, a_objects__item) end insert_item_with_object_value__at_index_ (a_object: detachable NS_OBJECT; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_object as a_object_attached then a_object__item := a_object_attached.item end objc_insert_item_with_object_value__at_index_ (item, a_object__item, a_index) end remove_item_with_object_value_ (a_object: detachable NS_OBJECT) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_object as a_object_attached then a_object__item := a_object_attached.item end objc_remove_item_with_object_value_ (item, a_object__item) end remove_item_at_index_ (a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_remove_item_at_index_ (item, a_index) end remove_all_items -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_remove_all_items (item) end select_item_with_object_value_ (a_object: detachable NS_OBJECT) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_object as a_object_attached then a_object__item := a_object_attached.item end objc_select_item_with_object_value_ (item, a_object__item) end item_object_value_at_index_ (a_index: INTEGER_64): detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_item_object_value_at_index_ (item, a_index) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like item_object_value_at_index_} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like item_object_value_at_index_} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end object_value_of_selected_item: detachable NS_OBJECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_object_value_of_selected_item (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like object_value_of_selected_item} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like object_value_of_selected_item} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end index_of_item_with_object_value_ (a_object: detachable NS_OBJECT): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_object__item: POINTER do if attached a_object as a_object_attached then a_object__item := a_object_attached.item end Result := objc_index_of_item_with_object_value_ (item, a_object__item) end object_values: detachable NS_ARRAY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_object_values (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like object_values} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like object_values} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end feature {NONE} -- NSComboBoxCell Externals objc_has_vertical_scroller (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item hasVerticalScroller]; ]" end objc_set_has_vertical_scroller_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setHasVerticalScroller:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_intercell_spacing (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ *(NSSize *)$result_pointer = [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item intercellSpacing]; ]" end objc_set_intercell_spacing_ (an_item: POINTER; a_size: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setIntercellSpacing:*((NSSize *)$a_size)]; ]" end objc_item_height (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item itemHeight]; ]" end objc_set_item_height_ (an_item: POINTER; a_item_height: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setItemHeight:$a_item_height]; ]" end objc_number_of_visible_items (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item numberOfVisibleItems]; ]" end objc_set_number_of_visible_items_ (an_item: POINTER; a_visible_items: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setNumberOfVisibleItems:$a_visible_items]; ]" end objc_set_button_bordered_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setButtonBordered:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_is_button_bordered (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item isButtonBordered]; ]" end objc_reload_data (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item reloadData]; ]" end objc_note_number_of_items_changed (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item noteNumberOfItemsChanged]; ]" end objc_set_uses_data_source_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setUsesDataSource:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_uses_data_source (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item usesDataSource]; ]" end objc_scroll_item_at_index_to_top_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item scrollItemAtIndexToTop:$a_index]; ]" end objc_scroll_item_at_index_to_visible_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item scrollItemAtIndexToVisible:$a_index]; ]" end objc_select_item_at_index_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item selectItemAtIndex:$a_index]; ]" end objc_deselect_item_at_index_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item deselectItemAtIndex:$a_index]; ]" end objc_index_of_selected_item (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item indexOfSelectedItem]; ]" end objc_number_of_items (an_item: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item numberOfItems]; ]" end objc_completes (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item completes]; ]" end objc_set_completes_ (an_item: POINTER; a_completes: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setCompletes:$a_completes]; ]" end objc_completed_string_ (an_item: POINTER; a_string: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item completedString:$a_string]; ]" end objc_data_source (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item dataSource]; ]" end objc_set_data_source_ (an_item: POINTER; a_source: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item setDataSource:$a_source]; ]" end objc_add_item_with_object_value_ (an_item: POINTER; a_object: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item addItemWithObjectValue:$a_object]; ]" end objc_add_items_with_object_values_ (an_item: POINTER; a_objects: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item addItemsWithObjectValues:$a_objects]; ]" end objc_insert_item_with_object_value__at_index_ (an_item: POINTER; a_object: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item insertItemWithObjectValue:$a_object atIndex:$a_index]; ]" end objc_remove_item_with_object_value_ (an_item: POINTER; a_object: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item removeItemWithObjectValue:$a_object]; ]" end objc_remove_item_at_index_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item removeItemAtIndex:$a_index]; ]" end objc_remove_all_items (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item removeAllItems]; ]" end objc_select_item_with_object_value_ (an_item: POINTER; a_object: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item selectItemWithObjectValue:$a_object]; ]" end objc_item_object_value_at_index_ (an_item: POINTER; a_index: INTEGER_64): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item itemObjectValueAtIndex:$a_index]; ]" end objc_object_value_of_selected_item (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item objectValueOfSelectedItem]; ]" end objc_index_of_item_with_object_value_ (an_item: POINTER; a_object: POINTER): INTEGER_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item indexOfItemWithObjectValue:$a_object]; ]" end objc_object_values (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSComboBoxCell *)$an_item objectValues]; ]" end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wrapper_objc_class_name: STRING -- The class name used for classes of the generated wrapper classes. do Result := "NSComboBoxCell" end end