note description: "Auto-generated Objective-C wrapper class" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class NS_PRINT_INFO inherit NS_OBJECT redefine wrapper_objc_class_name end NS_COPYING_PROTOCOL NS_CODING_PROTOCOL create {NS_ANY} make_with_pointer, make_with_pointer_and_retain create make_with_dictionary_, make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_with_dictionary_ (a_attributes: detachable NS_DICTIONARY) -- Initialize `Current'. local a_attributes__item: POINTER do if attached a_attributes as a_attributes_attached then a_attributes__item := a_attributes_attached.item end make_with_pointer (objc_init_with_dictionary_(allocate_object, a_attributes__item)) if item = default_pointer then -- TODO: handle initialization error. end end feature {NONE} -- NSPrintInfo Externals objc_init_with_dictionary_ (an_item: POINTER; a_attributes: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item initWithDictionary:$a_attributes]; ]" end objc_dictionary (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item dictionary]; ]" end objc_set_paper_name_ (an_item: POINTER; a_name: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setPaperName:$a_name]; ]" end objc_set_paper_size_ (an_item: POINTER; a_size: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setPaperSize:*((NSSize *)$a_size)]; ]" end objc_set_orientation_ (an_item: POINTER; a_orientation: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setOrientation:$a_orientation]; ]" end objc_set_scaling_factor_ (an_item: POINTER; a_scaling_factor: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setScalingFactor:$a_scaling_factor]; ]" end objc_paper_name (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item paperName]; ]" end objc_paper_size (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ *(NSSize *)$result_pointer = [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item paperSize]; ]" end objc_orientation (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item orientation]; ]" end objc_scaling_factor (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item scalingFactor]; ]" end objc_set_left_margin_ (an_item: POINTER; a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setLeftMargin:$a_margin]; ]" end objc_set_right_margin_ (an_item: POINTER; a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setRightMargin:$a_margin]; ]" end objc_set_top_margin_ (an_item: POINTER; a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setTopMargin:$a_margin]; ]" end objc_set_bottom_margin_ (an_item: POINTER; a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setBottomMargin:$a_margin]; ]" end objc_left_margin (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item leftMargin]; ]" end objc_right_margin (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item rightMargin]; ]" end objc_top_margin (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item topMargin]; ]" end objc_bottom_margin (an_item: POINTER): REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item bottomMargin]; ]" end objc_set_horizontally_centered_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setHorizontallyCentered:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_set_vertically_centered_ (an_item: POINTER; a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setVerticallyCentered:$a_flag]; ]" end objc_is_horizontally_centered (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item isHorizontallyCentered]; ]" end objc_is_vertically_centered (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item isVerticallyCentered]; ]" end objc_set_horizontal_pagination_ (an_item: POINTER; a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setHorizontalPagination:$a_mode]; ]" end objc_set_vertical_pagination_ (an_item: POINTER; a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setVerticalPagination:$a_mode]; ]" end objc_horizontal_pagination (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item horizontalPagination]; ]" end objc_vertical_pagination (an_item: POINTER): NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item verticalPagination]; ]" end objc_set_job_disposition_ (an_item: POINTER; a_disposition: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setJobDisposition:$a_disposition]; ]" end objc_job_disposition (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item jobDisposition]; ]" end objc_set_printer_ (an_item: POINTER; a_printer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setPrinter:$a_printer]; ]" end objc_printer (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item printer]; ]" end objc_set_up_print_operation_default_values (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setUpPrintOperationDefaultValues]; ]" end objc_imageable_page_bounds (an_item: POINTER; result_pointer: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ *(NSRect *)$result_pointer = [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item imageablePageBounds]; ]" end objc_localized_paper_name (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item localizedPaperName]; ]" end objc_print_settings (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item printSettings]; ]" end -- objc_pm_print_session (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" -- alias -- "[ -- return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item PMPrintSession]; -- ]" -- end -- objc_pm_page_format (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" -- alias -- "[ -- return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item PMPageFormat]; -- ]" -- end -- objc_pm_print_settings (an_item: POINTER): POINTER -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- external -- "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" -- alias -- "[ -- return (EIF_POINTER)[(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item PMPrintSettings]; -- ]" -- end objc_update_from_pm_page_format (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item updateFromPMPageFormat]; ]" end objc_update_from_pm_print_settings (an_item: POINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item updateFromPMPrintSettings]; ]" end objc_set_selection_only_ (an_item: POINTER; a_selection_only: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item setSelectionOnly:$a_selection_only]; ]" end objc_is_selection_only (an_item: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. external "C inline use <AppKit/AppKit.h>" alias "[ return [(NSPrintInfo *)$an_item isSelectionOnly]; ]" end feature -- NSPrintInfo dictionary: detachable NS_MUTABLE_DICTIONARY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_dictionary (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like dictionary} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like dictionary} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_paper_name_ (a_name: detachable NS_STRING) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_name__item: POINTER do if attached a_name as a_name_attached then a_name__item := a_name_attached.item end objc_set_paper_name_ (item, a_name__item) end set_paper_size_ (a_size: NS_SIZE) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_paper_size_ (item, a_size.item) end set_orientation_ (a_orientation: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_orientation_ (item, a_orientation) end set_scaling_factor_ (a_scaling_factor: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_scaling_factor_ (item, a_scaling_factor) end paper_name: detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_paper_name (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like paper_name} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like paper_name} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end paper_size: NS_SIZE -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_paper_size (item, Result.item) end orientation: NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_orientation (item) end scaling_factor: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_scaling_factor (item) end set_left_margin_ (a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_left_margin_ (item, a_margin) end set_right_margin_ (a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_right_margin_ (item, a_margin) end set_top_margin_ (a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_top_margin_ (item, a_margin) end set_bottom_margin_ (a_margin: REAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_bottom_margin_ (item, a_margin) end left_margin: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_left_margin (item) end right_margin: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_right_margin (item) end top_margin: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_top_margin (item) end bottom_margin: REAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_bottom_margin (item) end set_horizontally_centered_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_horizontally_centered_ (item, a_flag) end set_vertically_centered_ (a_flag: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_vertically_centered_ (item, a_flag) end is_horizontally_centered: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_horizontally_centered (item) end is_vertically_centered: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_vertically_centered (item) end set_horizontal_pagination_ (a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_horizontal_pagination_ (item, a_mode) end set_vertical_pagination_ (a_mode: NATURAL_64) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_vertical_pagination_ (item, a_mode) end horizontal_pagination: NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_horizontal_pagination (item) end vertical_pagination: NATURAL_64 -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_vertical_pagination (item) end set_job_disposition_ (a_disposition: detachable NS_STRING) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_disposition__item: POINTER do if attached a_disposition as a_disposition_attached then a_disposition__item := a_disposition_attached.item end objc_set_job_disposition_ (item, a_disposition__item) end job_disposition: detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_job_disposition (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like job_disposition} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like job_disposition} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_printer_ (a_printer: detachable NS_PRINTER) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local a_printer__item: POINTER do if attached a_printer as a_printer_attached then a_printer__item := a_printer_attached.item end objc_set_printer_ (item, a_printer__item) end printer: detachable NS_PRINTER -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_printer (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like printer} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like printer} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end set_up_print_operation_default_values -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_up_print_operation_default_values (item) end imageable_page_bounds: NS_RECT -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do create Result.make objc_imageable_page_bounds (item, Result.item) end localized_paper_name: detachable NS_STRING -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_localized_paper_name (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like localized_paper_name} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like localized_paper_name} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end print_settings: detachable NS_MUTABLE_DICTIONARY -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local result_pointer: POINTER do result_pointer := objc_print_settings (item) if result_pointer /= default_pointer then if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then check attached {like print_settings} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then Result := valid_result end else check attached {like print_settings} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then Result := valid_result_pointer end end end end -- pm_print_session: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- result_pointer: POINTER -- do -- result_pointer := objc_pm_print_session (item) -- if result_pointer /= default_pointer then -- if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then -- check attached {like pm_print_session} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then -- Result := valid_result -- end -- else -- check attached {like pm_print_session} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then -- Result := valid_result_pointer -- end -- end -- end -- end -- pm_page_format: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- result_pointer: POINTER -- do -- result_pointer := objc_pm_page_format (item) -- if result_pointer /= default_pointer then -- if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then -- check attached {like pm_page_format} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then -- Result := valid_result -- end -- else -- check attached {like pm_page_format} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then -- Result := valid_result_pointer -- end -- end -- end -- end -- pm_print_settings: UNSUPPORTED_TYPE -- -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. -- local -- result_pointer: POINTER -- do -- result_pointer := objc_pm_print_settings (item) -- if result_pointer /= default_pointer then -- if attached objc_get_eiffel_object (result_pointer) as existing_eiffel_object then -- check attached {like pm_print_settings} existing_eiffel_object as valid_result then -- Result := valid_result -- end -- else -- check attached {like pm_print_settings} new_eiffel_object (result_pointer, True) as valid_result_pointer then -- Result := valid_result_pointer -- end -- end -- end -- end update_from_pm_page_format -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_update_from_pm_page_format (item) end update_from_pm_print_settings -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_update_from_pm_print_settings (item) end set_selection_only_ (a_selection_only: BOOLEAN) -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do objc_set_selection_only_ (item, a_selection_only) end is_selection_only: BOOLEAN -- Auto generated Objective-C wrapper. local do Result := objc_is_selection_only (item) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation wrapper_objc_class_name: STRING -- The class name used for classes of the generated wrapper classes. do Result := "NSPrintInfo" end end