note description : "System's root class" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ROOT_CLASS inherit ARGUMENTS LOCALIZED_PRINTER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Creation procedure. do create file_names.make (5) create search_directories.make (5) create po_file.make_empty analyze_options if option_error then has_error := True print_option_error elseif is_help_needed then print_usage elseif analyze_files_n_directories then generate else has_error := True end if has_error then io.error.put_string_32 ("Finished with errors.%N") {EXCEPTIONS}.die (1) end end feature -- Access current_option: INTEGER -- Current option position file_names: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Files need to generate search_directories: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] -- Directories need to search output_file_name: detachable STRING_32 -- Name for output file feature -- Status report option_error: BOOLEAN -- Did an option error occur? is_help_needed: BOOLEAN has_error: BOOLEAN -- Has an error been detected? feature {NONE} -- Implementation file_suffix: STRING_32 = ".e" -- Suffix for files which are parsed -- This is the file suffix for Eiffel source files default_output_name: STRING = "po_file.pot" -- File name of output file if no specific name is given -- through commandline options output_name_for_standard: STRING_32 = "-" -- If this file name is given as a command line option -- then the output is put on the standard output po_file: PO_FILE -- Po file generated generate -- Generate po files. -- -- The input directories and input files will be parsed for localizable messages -- and they will be added to `po_file'. local l_dir: STRING_32 l_s: STRING_32 l_short_name: STRING_32 do create po_file.make_empty across file_names as f loop l_s := f.item l_s.replace_substring_all ("/", "\") l_short_name := l_s.substring (l_s.last_index_of ('\', l_s.count) + 1, l_s.count) generate_file (l_s, l_short_name) end -- Go through directories specified on command line across search_directories as d loop l_dir := d.item.twin l_dir.replace_substring_all ("/", "\") generate_directory (l_dir) end write_to_file end generate_directory (a_dir: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Generate messages from `a_dir'. -- -- Read all files (recursively) in `a_dir' which macht `file_suffix' and parse -- messages in the files which will be added to `po_file'. -- -- `a_dir': Directory which is searched recursively for files matching `file_suffix' require po_file_not_void: po_file /= Void a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void local l_short_name: STRING_32 l_u: FILE_UTILITIES do if attached l_u.directory_names (a_dir) as l_dirs then across l_dirs as d loop generate_directory (a_dir + operating_environment.directory_separator.out + d.item) end end if attached l_u.file_names (a_dir) as l_files then across l_files as f loop l_short_name := f.item if l_short_name.substring (l_short_name.count - 1, l_short_name.count).same_string (file_suffix) then generate_file (a_dir + operating_environment.directory_separator.out + l_short_name, l_short_name) end end end end generate_file (a_name, a_short_name: STRING_32) -- Generate messages from `a_file'. -- -- The file is parsed for messages which will be added to `po_file'. -- -- `a_name': Full path of `a_file' -- `a_short_name': Filename of `a_file' -- `a_file': File which will be parsed require po_file_not_void: po_file /= Void a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void a_short_name_not_void: a_short_name /= Void local l_generator: PO_GENERATOR l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_retried: BOOLEAN do if not l_retried then create l_file.make_with_name (a_name) l_file.open_read if l_file.is_readable then l_file.read_stream (l_file.count) create l_generator.make (po_file, l_file.last_string, a_short_name) l_generator.generate if l_generator.has_error then has_error := True localized_print ({STRING_32} "Error: parsing failed: entries in %"" + a_name + "%" not generated.%N") else print_analyze_file (a_name) end end l_file.close else has_error := True localized_print ({STRING_32} "Error: File reading failed: entries in %"" + a_name + "%" not generated.%N") end rescue l_retried := True if attached l_file and then not l_file.is_closed then l_file.close end retry end analyze_options -- Analyze options. do from current_option := 1 until (current_option > argument_count) or else option_error loop analyze_one_option end end analyze_one_option -- Analyze one option. local l_name: STRING option: STRING do option := argument (current_option) if option.is_equal ("-h") then is_help_needed := True current_option := current_option + 1 elseif option.is_equal ("-f") then if current_option < argument_count then from current_option := current_option + 1 l_name := argument (current_option) if l_name.item (1).is_equal ('-') or else (current_option > argument_count) then option_error := True end until l_name.item (1).is_equal ('-') or else (current_option > argument_count) loop file_names.extend (l_name) current_option := current_option + 1 if current_option <= argument_count then l_name := argument (current_option) end end else option_error := True end elseif option.is_equal ("-D") then if current_option < argument_count then from current_option := current_option + 1 l_name := argument (current_option) if l_name.item (1).is_equal ('-') or else (current_option > argument_count) then option_error := True end until l_name.item (1).is_equal ('-') or else (current_option > argument_count) loop search_directories.extend (l_name) current_option := current_option + 1 if current_option <= argument_count then l_name := argument (current_option) end end else option_error := True end elseif option.is_equal ("-o") then if current_option < argument_count then current_option := current_option + 1 output_file_name := argument (current_option) current_option := current_option + 1 else option_error := True end else option_error := True end end analyze_files_n_directories: BOOLEAN -- Validate input files and directories. local l_name: STRING_32 l_file: RAW_FILE l_u: FILE_UTILITIES do Result := True -- Check file names. across file_names as f loop l_name := f.item if l_name.count <= 2 or else not l_name.substring (l_name.count - 1, l_name.count).same_string (file_suffix) then print_file_name_invalid (l_name) Result := False elseif not l_u.file_exists (l_name) then print_file_not_exist (l_name) Result := False end end -- Check directories. if Result then across search_directories as d loop l_name := d.item if not l_u.directory_exists (l_name) then print_directory_not_exist (l_name) Result := False end end end -- Check output location if attached output_file_name as o then create l_file.make_with_name (o) if not ((l_file.exists and then l_file.is_writable) or else (not l_file.exists and then l_file.is_creatable)) then print_invalid_output_file (o) Result := False end end end write_to_file -- Writes the `po_file' to `output_file_name'. require po_file_not_void: po_file /= Void local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE u: UTF_CONVERTER o: like output_file_name do o := output_file_name if not attached o then o := default_output_name end if o.same_string (output_name_for_standard) then localized_print (po_file.to_string) localized_print ("%N") else create l_file.make_open_write (o) if l_file.is_writable then l_file.put_string (u.string_32_to_utf_8_string_8 (po_file.to_string)) print_file_generated (o) else print_file_not_writable (o) has_error := True end l_file.close end end feature {NONE} -- Output print_option_error -- Print the error and correct usage. do localized_print (argument (0)) localized_print (": incorrect option%N") print_usage end print_file_not_exist (a_file: STRING_32) -- Print error that `a_file' does not exist. require a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void do localized_print (a_file + ": file does not exist%N") end print_directory_not_exist (a_directory: STRING_32) -- Print error that `a_directory' does not exist. require a_directory_not_void: a_directory /= Void do localized_print (a_directory + ": directory does not exist%N") end print_file_name_invalid (a_file: STRING_32) -- Print error that `a_file' is invalid. require a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void do localized_print (a_file + ": invalid%N") end print_invalid_output_file (n: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Print error that a file of name `n' is invalid. do localized_print ({STRING_32} "%"" + n + "%" is invalid.%N") localized_print ("File not generated.%N") end print_file_not_writable (n: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Print error that a file of name `n' is not writable. do localized_print ({STRING_32} "%"" + n + "%" is not writable.%N") localized_print ("File not generated.%N") end print_file_generated (n: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Print status message that a file of name `n' has been generated. do localized_print ({STRING_32} "%"" + n + "%" has been generated.%N") end print_analyze_file (a_file: STRING_32) -- Print status message that file `a_file' is currently being analyzed. require a_file_not_void: a_file /= Void do localized_print ("Analyzing: ") localized_print (a_file) localized_print ("%N") end print_usage -- Print usage. do localized_print ("Usage:%N%T") localized_print (argument (0)) localized_print (" [OPTION] [INPUTFILE]...%N%N") localized_print ("Extract translatable strings from given input Eiffel class files (*.e).%N%N") localized_print ("[ INPUTFILE ... input files -f add list of input files -D add list of directories to list for input files search -o write output to specified file If output file is -, output is written to standard output. If output file is not specified, 'po_file.pot' will be generated as default name. -h display this help and exit ]" ) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2020, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end