note description: "Worker to proces" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PROCESS_WORKER inherit HELPER create make feature {NONE} -- Init make (a_output_handler: like output_handler; a_input_handler: like input_handler) -- Make with `a_output_handler'. require a_output_handler_set: a_output_handler /= Void a_input_handler: a_input_handler /= Void do output_handler := a_output_handler input_handler := a_input_handler create redirected_output_mutex.make end feature -- Status change set_target (a_target: separate CONF_TARGET) -- Set target on which the process is running. require a_target_not_void: a_target /= Void do target := a_target ensure target_set: target = a_target end set_ecf_location_dir (a_dir: separate PATH) -- Set ecf location dir require a_dir_set: a_dir /= Void and then not a_dir.is_empty do create ecf_location_dir.make_from_separate (a_dir) end set_ec_command_name (a_name: separate READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Set ec command name do create ec_command_name.make_from_separate (a_name) end set_worker_id (a_id: INTEGER) -- Set worker id do worker_id := a_id ensure worker_id_set: worker_id = a_id end feature -- Action run (a_clean: BOOLEAN) local b: BOOLEAN do if target_setting_msil_generation (target) and skip_dotnet (input_handler) then output_action (output_handler) report_ignored (output_handler) output_status_ignored (output_handler) output_new_line (output_handler) elseif not target_ignored (input_handler, target) then b := run_imp (a_clean) if not b and has_keep_failed (input_handler) then --| Keep failed elseif b and has_keep_passed (input_handler) then --| Keep passed elseif has_keep_all (input_handler) then --| Keep all else clean_after (compilation_dir (input_handler) = Void, compilation_directory (compilation_dir (input_handler), ecf_location_dir), target_name (target)) end else output_action (output_handler) report_ignored (output_handler) output_status_ignored (output_handler) output_new_line (output_handler) end finish_report (output_handler) end feature {NONE} -- Implemenetation run_imp (a_clean: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -- Process `a_target' located in `a_dir', clean before compilation if `a_clean'. -- and return True if the process was Ok, and False if it failed. require a_target_ok: target /= Void a_dir_ok: ecf_location_dir /= Void and then not ecf_location_dir.is_empty local l_args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL] l_prc_factory: PROCESS_FACTORY l_prc_launcher: PROCESS l_system, l_target: STRING_32 l_file: PATH l_dir: DIRECTORY l_info_file: RAW_FILE l_info_filename: PATH rescued: BOOLEAN u: UTF_CONVERTER l_conf_system: separate CONF_SYSTEM l_ec_option: STRING_32 do if not rescued then l_conf_system := target_system (target) l_system := system_name (l_conf_system) l_target := target_name (target) create l_args.make (10) l_args.extend ("-config") l_args.extend (system_file_name (l_conf_system)) l_args.extend ("-target") l_args.extend (l_target) l_args.extend ("-batch") if is_c_compile (input_handler) or is_test (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-c_compile") end if a_clean then l_args.extend ("-clean") end if is_experiment (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-experiment") elseif is_compatible (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-compat") end l_args.extend ("-project_path") if attached compilation_dir (input_handler) as l_compile_dir then l_info_filename := compilation_directory (l_compile_dir, ecf_location_dir) create l_dir.make_with_path (l_info_filename) mkdir (l_dir) create l_info_file.make_with_path (l_info_filename.extended ("ecf_location")) l_info_file.create_read_write l_info_file.put_string (u.utf_8_bom_to_string_8) l_info_file.put_string (u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (system_file_name (l_conf_system))) l_info_file.close l_args.extend ( else -- We always use the directory of the ECF by default l_args.extend (compilation_directory (Void, ecf_location_dir).name) end if is_test (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-tests") elseif is_melt (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-melt") if attached melt_ec_options (input_handler) as l_opt and then not l_opt.is_empty then l_args.extend (l_opt) end elseif is_freeze (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-freeze") if attached freeze_ec_options (input_handler) as l_opt and then not l_opt.is_empty then l_args.extend (l_opt) end elseif is_finalize (input_handler) then l_args.extend ("-finalize") if attached finalize_ec_options (input_handler) as l_opt and then not l_opt.is_empty then l_args.extend (l_opt) end end l_ec_option := ec_options (input_handler) if not l_ec_option.is_empty then l_args.extend (l_ec_option) end debug across l_args as c loop print (c.item + " ") end print ("%N") end create l_prc_factory l_prc_launcher := l_prc_factory.process_launcher (ec_command_name, l_args, Void) redirected_output_mutex.lock redirected_output := Void redirected_output_mutex.unlock l_prc_launcher.redirect_output_to_agent (agent redirect_output) l_prc_launcher.redirect_error_to_same_as_output l_prc_launcher.set_separate_console (False) l_prc_launcher.launch -- Output after the process being launched, otherwise no parallel computation. output_action (output_handler) l_file := logs_filename (logs_dir (input_handler), action_mode (output_handler), target) if is_log_verbose (input_handler) then add_data_to_file (output_handler, l_file, target, args_to_string (l_args)) end check result_unset: Result = False end if l_prc_launcher.launched then l_prc_launcher.wait_for_exit if is_log_verbose (input_handler) then save_verbose_output (l_file) end if l_prc_launcher.exit_code = 0 then if not is_test (input_handler) or else not has_failed_tests then report_passed (output_handler) output_status_passed (output_handler) Result := True else report_failed (output_handler) output_status_failed (output_handler) if is_log_verbose (input_handler) then output_detailed_status (output_handler) end end else report_failed (output_handler) output_status_failed (output_handler) end else report_internal_error (output_handler) output_status_internal_error (output_handler) end output_new_line (output_handler) else report_internal_error (output_handler) output_status_internal_error (output_handler) end rescue rescued := True retry end compilation_directory (a_compilation_dir: detachable PATH; a_ecf_dir: PATH): PATH -- Compilation directory local l_system: separate CONF_SYSTEM l_entry: STRING_32 do if a_compilation_dir /= Void then Result := a_compilation_dir l_system := target_system (target) if attached system_path (l_system) as l_path and then attached l_path.entry as l_e then l_entry := else l_entry := "no_ecf_path" end Result := Result.extended (l_entry + "-" + system_name (l_system) + "-" + any_out (system_uuid (l_system))) else -- We always use the directory of the ECF by default Result := a_ecf_dir end end clean_after (a_using_ecf_dir: BOOLEAN; a_dir: PATH; a_target_name: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Clean compilation directory local dn: PATH d: DIRECTORY do dn := a_dir.extended ("EIFGENs").extended (a_target_name) create d.make_with_path (dn) rmdir (d) --| Safe to delete under EIFGENs dn := a_dir.extended ("EIFGENs") d.make_with_path (dn) if d.exists and then d.is_empty then if a_using_ecf_dir then rmdir (d) --| Safe to delete EIFGENs else d.make_with_path (a_dir) safe_rmdir (d) --| Try to delete parent of EIFGENs end end end mkdir (d: DIRECTORY) -- Create directory `d' recursively local rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then if not d.exists then d.recursive_create_dir directories_created_by_application.force (d.path) end else output_error (output_handler, "ERROR: unable to create directory %"" + + "%".%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end rmdir (d: DIRECTORY) -- remove directory `d' if exists local rescued: BOOLEAN do if not rescued then if d.exists then d.recursive_delete end else output_error (output_handler, "ERROR: unable to remove directory %"" + + "%".%N") end rescue rescued := True retry end safe_rmdir (d: DIRECTORY) -- remove directory only if created by this session -- mainly to avoid removing user folders ... do if d.exists then if directories_created_by_application.has (d.path) then rmdir (d) else check not_created_by_application: False end end end end save_verbose_output (a_file: PATH) -- Save detailed output into log file local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_retried: BOOLEAN do if not l_retried then redirected_output_mutex.lock if attached redirected_output as l_output then create l_file.make_with_path (a_file) l_file.open_append l_file.put_string (l_output) l_file.close end redirected_output_mutex.unlock end rescue l_retried := True redirected_output_mutex.unlock retry end has_failed_tests: BOOLEAN -- Has failed tests in last redirected output? local l_matcher: like test_output_regex do redirected_output_mutex.lock if attached redirected_output as l_outputs then from l_matcher := test_output_regex l_matcher.match (l_outputs) until not l_matcher.has_matched or Result loop if attached l_matcher.captured_substring (0) as l_ms then Result := not test_pass_output_regex.matches (l_ms) end l_matcher.next_match end end redirected_output_mutex.unlock end redirect_output (a_str: STRING) -- Redirect output local l_str: STRING do redirected_output_mutex.lock l_str := redirected_output if l_str = Void then create l_str.make_from_string (a_str) redirected_output := l_str else l_str.append (a_str) end redirected_output_mutex.unlock end redirected_output: STRING -- Redirected output redirected_output_mutex: MUTEX args_to_string (a_args: ARRAYED_LIST [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]): STRING_8 -- Args to string local u: UTF_CONVERTER do create Result.make (10) across a_args as c loop Result.append (u.utf_32_string_to_utf_8_string_8 (c.item) + " ") end end directories_created_by_application: ARRAYED_LIST [PATH] -- List of directories created by this application execution once create Result.make (25) Result.compare_objects end feature {NONE} -- Input handler separate wrappers -- location (a_input_handler: like input_handler): PATH -- -- Location of files to use -- once -- Result := a_input_handler.location -- end -- logs_dir: detachable PATH -- -- Location where the logs are stored. -- once -- if attached option_of_name (logdir_switch) as l_option then -- create Result.make_from_string (l_option.value) -- end -- end -- ignore: detachable IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 -- -- File with the ignores. -- once -- if has_option (ignore_switch) then -- Result := option_of_name (ignore_switch).value -- end -- ensure -- Result_ok: Result /= Void implies not Result.is_empty and then (create {RAW_FILE}.make_with_name (Result)).exists or (create {DIRECTORY}.make (Result)).exists -- end is_ecb (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN once Result := a_input_handler.is_ecb end is_experiment (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Use experimental library? once Result := a_input_handler.is_experiment end is_compatible (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Use experimental library? once Result := a_input_handler.is_compatible end is_log_verbose (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Log verbose status information? once Result := a_input_handler.is_log_verbose end is_clean (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Clean before compilation? once Result := a_input_handler.is_clean end is_c_compile (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN once Result := a_input_handler.is_c_compile end is_melt (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN once Result := a_input_handler.is_melt end is_freeze (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN once Result := a_input_handler.is_freeze end is_finalize (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN once Result := a_input_handler.is_finalize end has_keep (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Keep EIFGENs after compilation? --| By default: compilation data is removed after related compilation(s) --| if we melt+freeze+finalize then --| the data are removed only after the last compilation made on the same target once Result := a_input_handler.has_keep end has_keep_all (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Keep EIFGENs after any compilation? once Result := a_input_handler.has_keep_all end has_keep_failed (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Keep EIFGENs after Failed compilation? once Result := a_input_handler.has_keep_failed end has_keep_passed (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Keep EIFGENs after Passed compilation? once Result := a_input_handler.has_keep_passed end list_failures (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Finalize the project? once Result := a_input_handler.list_failures end ec_options (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): STRING_32 -- Ec options once create Result.make_from_separate (a_input_handler.ec_options) end melt_ec_options (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): STRING_32 -- 'ec' compiler option when melting once create Result.make_from_separate (a_input_handler.melt_ec_options) end freeze_ec_options (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): STRING_32 -- 'ec' compiler option when freezing once create Result.make_from_separate (a_input_handler.freeze_ec_options) end finalize_ec_options (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): STRING_32 -- 'ec' compiler option when finalizing once create Result.make_from_separate (a_input_handler.finalize_ec_options) end logs_dir (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): PATH -- Logs dir once create Result.make_from_separate (a_input_handler.logs_dir) end compilation_dir (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): detachable PATH -- Logs dir once if attached a_input_handler.compilation_dir as l_dir then create Result.make_from_separate (l_dir) end end skip_dotnet (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Skip dotnet once Result := a_input_handler.skip_dotnet end target_ignored (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER; a_target: separate CONF_TARGET): BOOLEAN do Result := a_input_handler.target_ignored (a_target) end is_test (a_input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER): BOOLEAN -- Is for testing? once Result := a_input_handler.is_test end feature {NONE} -- Output handler separate wrappers output_action (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_action%N") end a_output_handler.output_action (a_output_handler.action_mode (input_handler), target, worker_id) end output_detailed_status (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) -- Output detailed status require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) local l_out: like redirected_output do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_detailed_status%N") end if attached redirected_output as l_outputs then redirected_output_mutex.lock create l_out.make_from_string (l_outputs) redirected_output_mutex.unlock a_output_handler.output_detailed_status (l_out, worker_id) end end output_new_line (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_new_line%N") end a_output_handler.output_new_line (worker_id) end output_status_passed (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_status_passed%N") end a_output_handler.output_status_passed (worker_id) end add_data_to_file (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER; a_file_name: PATH; a_target: separate CONF_TARGET; ec_args: STRING_8) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " add_data_to_file%N") end a_output_handler.add_data_to_file (a_file_name, a_target, ec_args, worker_id) end report_passed (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) do a_output_handler.report_passed (worker_id) end report_failed (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) do a_output_handler.report_failed (a_output_handler.action_mode (input_handler), target, worker_id) end report_ignored (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) do a_output_handler.report_ignored (worker_id) end report_internal_error (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) do a_output_handler.report_internal_error (worker_id) end output_status_failed (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_status_failed%N") end a_output_handler.output_status_failed (worker_id) end output_status_ignored (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_status_ignored%N") end a_output_handler.output_status_ignored (worker_id) end output_status_internal_error (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_status_internal_error%N") end a_output_handler.output_status_internal_error (worker_id) end output_error (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER; a_message: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) require previous_worker_reported: a_output_handler.previous_worker_reported (worker_id) do debug print (worker_id.out + " output_error%N") end a_output_handler.output_error (a_message, worker_id) end finish_report (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER) -- Finish report do a_output_handler.finish_report (worker_id) end action_mode (a_output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER): STRING_32 once create Result.make_from_separate (a_output_handler.action_mode (input_handler)) end feature -- Access ecf_location_dir: PATH -- Compilation dir target: separate CONF_TARGET -- Target to process ec_command_name: STRING_32 -- Ec command name worker_id: INTEGER -- Id of the worker feature {NONE} -- Implementation input_handler: separate INPUT_HANDLER -- Input handler output_handler: separate OUTPUT_HANDLER; -- Output handler note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2013, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end