note description: "Summary description for {CTR_DATE_OUTPUT_UTILITY}." author: "" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class CTR_DATE_TIME_UTILITY feature -- Constants smart_date_none_kind: INTEGER = 0 smart_date_duration_kind: INTEGER = 1 smart_date_short_kind: INTEGER = 2 smart_date_none_kind_string: STRING = "none" smart_date_duration_kind_string: STRING = "duration" smart_date_short_kind_string: STRING = "short date" valid_smart_date_kind (k: INTEGER): BOOLEAN do inspect k when smart_date_none_kind, smart_date_duration_kind, smart_date_short_kind then Result := True else end end feature -- Output formatted_date_time (a_date_time: DATE_TIME; a_date_time_format: STRING): STRING_GENERAL local y,m,d,h,mn,sec: INTEGER s32: STRING_32 s: STRING c: CHARACTER_32 i: INTEGER do create s32.make (a_date_time_format.count) from i := 1 m := a_date_time.month y := a_date_time.year d := h := a_date_time.hour mn := a_date_time.minute sec := a_date_time.second until i > a_date_time_format.count loop c := a_date_time_format[i] inspect c when 'Y' then s32.append_integer (y) when 'y' then s := y.out s.keep_tail (2) s32.append_string (s) when 'm' then if m < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (m) when 'n' then s32.append_integer (m) when 'M' then s := a_date_time.months_text [m].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1); s32.append_string (s) when 'F' then s := a_date_time.long_months_text [m].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1); s32.append_string (s) when 'D' then s := a_date_time.days_text [].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1); s32.append_string (s) when 'l' then s := a_date_time.long_days_text [].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1); s32.append_string (s) when 'd' then if d < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (d) when 'j' then s32.append_integer (d) -- when 'z' then s32.append_integer (*year) when 'a' then if h >= 12 then s32.append_character ('p'); s32.append_character ('m') else s32.append_character ('a'); s32.append_character ('m') end when 'A' then if h >= 12 then s32.append_character ('P'); s32.append_character ('M') else s32.append_character ('A'); s32.append_character ('M') end when 'g','h' then if h >= 12 then if c = 'h' and h - 12 < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (h - 12) else if c = 'h' and h < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (h) end when 'G', 'H' then if c = 'H' and h < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (h) when 'i' then if mn < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (mn) when 's' then if sec < 10 then s32.append_integer (0) end s32.append_integer (sec) when 'u' then s32.append_double (a_date_time.fine_second) -- CHECK result ... when 'w' then s32.append_integer ( - 1) when 'W' then s32.append_integer ( when 'L' then if a_date_time.is_leap_year (y) then s32.append_integer (1) else s32.append_integer (0) end when '\' then if i < a_date_time_format.count then i := i + 1 s32.append_character (a_date_time_format[i]) else s32.append_character ('\') end else s32.append_character (c) end i := i + 1 end Result := s32 end timezoned_date_time (a_gmt_date_time: DATE_TIME; a_gmt_offset: INTEGER; a_gmt_offset_minute: INTEGER): DATE_TIME do if a_gmt_offset /= 0 or a_gmt_offset_minute /= 0 then Result := a_gmt_date_time.deep_twin Result.hour_add (a_gmt_offset) Result.minute_add (a_gmt_offset_minute) else Result := a_gmt_date_time end end text_for_date (a_text: STRING_GENERAL; a_gmt_date_time: detachable DATE_TIME; a_smart_date_kind: INTEGER; a_date_time_format: detachable STRING; a_gmt_offset: INTEGER; a_gmt_offset_minute: INTEGER): STRING_GENERAL require valid_smart_date_kind: a_smart_date_kind > 0 implies valid_smart_date_kind (a_smart_date_kind) do if a_gmt_date_time /= Void then inspect a_smart_date_kind when Smart_date_duration_kind then Result := smart_date_duration (a_gmt_date_time, a_date_time_format, a_gmt_offset, a_gmt_offset_minute) when Smart_date_short_kind then Result := short_date (a_gmt_date_time, a_date_time_format, a_gmt_offset, a_gmt_offset_minute) else if a_date_time_format /= Void then Result := formatted_date_time (timezoned_date_time (a_gmt_date_time, a_gmt_offset, a_gmt_offset_minute), a_date_time_format) else Result := a_text end end else Result := a_text end end short_date (a_gmt_date_time: DATE_TIME; a_date_time_format: detachable STRING; a_gmt_offset: INTEGER; a_gmt_offset_minute: INTEGER): STRING_GENERAL local l_date_time: DATE_TIME l_now: DATE cy,cm,cd,y,m,d,h,i: INTEGER s: STRING l_duration: DATE_TIME_DURATION --like {DATE_TIME}.relative_duration do create l_date_time.make_now_utc l_duration := l_date_time.relative_duration (a_gmt_date_time) create l_now.make_now cy := l_now.year cm := l_now.month cd := l_date_time := timezoned_date_time (a_gmt_date_time, a_gmt_offset, a_gmt_offset_minute) y := m := d := if cy /= y then if a_date_time_format /= Void then Result := formatted_date_time (l_date_time, a_date_time_format) else Result := d.out + "/" + m.out + "/" + y.out end elseif cm /= m then s := l_date_time.months_text [m].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1) Result := s Result.append (" ") Result.append (d.out) elseif cd /= d then s := l_date_time.months_text [m].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1) Result := s Result.append (" ") Result.append (d.out) if < 7 then s := l_date_time.days_text [].string s.to_lower; s.put (s.item (1).as_upper, 1) Result.append (" - " + s) end else check cd = d and cy = y and cm = m end h := l_date_time.time.hour i := l_date_time.time.minute if h < 10 then Result := "0" + h.out else Result := h.out end Result.append (":") if i < 10 then Result.append ("0") end Result.append (i.out) end end smart_date_duration (a_gmt_date_time: DATE_TIME; a_date_time_format: detachable STRING; a_gmt_offset: INTEGER; a_gmt_offset_minute: INTEGER): STRING_GENERAL local l_date_time: DATE_TIME l_now: DATE_TIME l_duration: DATE_TIME_DURATION --like {DATE_TIME}.relative_duration l_duration_time: TIME_DURATION --like {DATE_TIME_DURATION}.time y,m,w,d,h,i: INTEGER w_now,w_gmt: INTEGER l_s_code: NATURAL_32 l_space_ago_string: STRING do l_s_code := ('s').natural_32_code l_space_ago_string := " ago" create l_now.make_now_utc l_duration := l_now.relative_duration (a_gmt_date_time) y := m := d := w_now := w_gmt := if y > 0 then if y = 1 then Result := "last year" else Result := y.out + " years" -- if m > 0 then -- Result.append (" and " + m.out + " month") -- if m > 1 then -- Result.append_code (l_s_code) -- end -- end Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end elseif m > 0 then if m = 1 then Result := "last month" else Result := m.out + " months" -- if d > 0 then -- Result.append (" and " + d.out + " day") -- if d > 1 then -- Result.append_code (l_s_code) -- end -- end Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end elseif d >= 7 then w := d // 7 if w = 1 and then w_now = w_gmt + 1 then Result := "last week" else Result := (w+1).out + " weeks" -- if d > 7 then -- Result.append (" and " + (d - 7).out + " day") -- if d - 7 > 1 then -- Result.append_code (l_s_code) -- end -- end Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end elseif d > 0 then if w_now /= w_gmt then Result := "last week" else l_duration_time := l_duration.time if d = 1 then Result := "yesturday" else Result := d.out + " days" -- if d = 1 then -- h := l_duration_time.hour -- if h > 0 then -- Result.append (" and " + h.out + " hour") -- if h > 1 then -- Result.append_code (l_s_code) -- end -- end -- end Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end end elseif d = 0 then l_duration_time := l_duration.time h := l_duration_time.hour if h > 0 then if h = 1 then Result := "last hour" else Result := h.out + " hours" Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end else i := l_duration_time.minute if i = 0 then Result := l_duration_time.second.out + " second" if l_duration_time.second > 1 then Result.append_code (l_s_code) end else Result := i.out + " minute" if i > 1 then Result.append_code (l_s_code) end end Result.append (l_space_ago_string) end else l_date_time := timezoned_date_time (a_gmt_date_time, a_gmt_offset, a_gmt_offset_minute) if a_date_time_format /= Void then Result := formatted_date_time (l_date_time, a_date_time_format) else Result := l_date_time.out end end end end