note description: "Main window of Resource Bench" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." product: "Resource Bench" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class MAIN_WINDOW inherit WEL_FRAME_WINDOW redefine class_background, class_icon, closeable, on_paint, on_size, on_menu_command, on_menu_select, on_accelerator_command, on_control_id_command , on_notify, on_set_cursor end TABLE_OF_SYMBOLS ERROR_HANDLING INTERFACE_MANAGER EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT rename item as item_env end TDS_DEFINE_TABLE RB_DATA APPLICATION_IDS export {NONE} all end WEL_HT_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_IDC_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TB_STYLE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TB_STATE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_SIZE_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TTF_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_WINDOWS_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end WEL_IDB_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_STANDARD_TOOL_BAR_BITMAP_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TTN_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_TVN_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end WEL_HELP_CONSTANTS export {NONE} all end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create the main window of resource bench. do make_top (Title) interface.set_dialog_parent (Current) -- Create a toolbar. create tool_bar.make (Current, Idr_toolbar) tool_bar.add_bitmaps (standard_toolbar_bitmaps, 6) standard_index := tool_bar.last_bitmap_index tool_bar.add_bitmaps (toolbar_bitmaps, 1) rb_index := tool_bar.last_bitmap_index tool_bar.add_buttons (toolbar_buttons) tool_bar.disable_button (Cmd_file_save_project) tool_bar.disable_button (Cmd_build_wel_code) -- Create Status. create status_window.make (Current, status_window_id) status_window.set_parts (<<-1>>) -- Create client. create client_window.make (Current, "Client Window") -- Create the menu bar. set_menu (main_menu) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_file_new) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_file_close) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_file_save_project) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_build_wel_code) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_build_resource_file) create cursor.make_by_predefined_id (Idc_arrow) cursor.set set_application_directory (current_working_path) show create_analyzer (Current) end feature -- Access status_window_id: INTEGER = 128 -- The status window id. main_menu: WEL_MENU -- The `main_menu' of the Resource Bench application. once create Result.make_by_id (Idr_menu) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end client_window: CLIENT_WINDOW -- Window inside client area -- minus toolbar and status window. status_window: WEL_STATUS_WINDOW -- Status window of main window. tree_view: WEL_TREE_VIEW -- Tree view control. properties_window: RESOURCE_PROPERTIES_WINDOW -- Properties Window. analyzer: PROCESS -- Resource analyser. cursor: WEL_CURSOR -- Current cursor. tool_bar: WEL_TOOL_BAR -- Tool bar of main window. standard_index, rb_index: INTEGER -- indexes for toolbars. standard_toolbar_bitmaps: WEL_TOOL_BAR_BITMAP -- Bitmap containing the small standard bitmaps -- for the toolbar. once create Result.make_by_predefined_id (Idb_std_small_color) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void result_exists: Result.exists end toolbar_bitmaps: WEL_TOOL_BAR_BITMAP -- Bitmap containing the small bitmaps -- for the toolbar. once create Result.make (Idr_toolbar) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void result_exists: Result.exists end toolbar_buttons: ARRAY [WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON] -- Create the buttons for the toolbar local button: WEL_TOOL_BAR_BUTTON once create Result.make (0, 5) create button.make_separator Result.force (button, 0) create button.make_button (standard_index + Std_filenew, Cmd_file_new) button.set_state (Tbstate_indeterminate) Result.force (button, 1) create button.make_button (standard_index + Std_fileopen, Cmd_file_open) Result.force (button, 2) create button.make_button (standard_index + Std_filesave, Cmd_file_save_project) Result.force (button, 3) create button.make_separator Result.force (button, 4) create button.make_button (rb_index, Cmd_build_wel_code) Result.force (button, 5) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end feature -- Behavior on_notify (a_control_id: INTEGER; info: WEL_NMHDR) local tt1: WEL_TOOLTIP_TEXT do if info.code = Ttn_needtext then -- Set resource string id. create tt1.make_by_nmhdr (info) tt1.set_text_id (tt1.hdr.id_from) end end on_paint (paint_dc: WEL_PAINT_DC; invalid_rect: WEL_RECT) do if (properties_window = Void) or (properties_window /= Void and not properties_window.exists) then paint_dc.rectangle (1, tool_bar.height + 1, client_rect.width, client_rect.height) end end on_size (a_size_type, a_width, a_height: INTEGER) -- Reposition windows in the main window. do if (a_size_type /= Size_minimized) then if (status_window /= Void) then status_window.reposition end if tool_bar /= Void then tool_bar.reposition end if client_window /= Void then client_window.move_and_resize (0, tool_bar.height, client_rect.width, client_rect.height - tool_bar.height - status_window.height, True) end if (tree_view /= Void) then tree_view.move_and_resize (-1, -1, 250, client_window.height - 2, True) end if (properties_window /= Void) then properties_window.move_and_resize (tree_view.width -1, -2, client_window.width - tree_view.width, client_window.height, False) end end end on_menu_command (a_menu_id: INTEGER) -- Execute the command correpsonding to `menu_id'. local exit: BOOLEAN file_extension: STRING message: STRING do inspect a_menu_id when Cmd_file_new then when Cmd_file_open then open_file_dialog.activate (Current) if open_file_dialog.selected then file_extension := open_file_dialog.file_name.twin file_extension.keep_tail (file_extension.count - open_file_dialog.file_extension_offset + 1) if file_extension.is_equal ("rc") or file_extension.is_equal ("RC")then do_analyze (Current, open_file_dialog) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_file_close) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_file_save_project) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_build_wel_code) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_build_resource_file) tool_bar.enable_button (Cmd_file_save_project) tool_bar.enable_button (Cmd_build_wel_code) elseif file_extension.is_equal ("prb") or file_extension.is_equal ("PRB") then do_open_project (Current, open_file_dialog) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_file_close) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_file_save_project) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_build_wel_code) main_menu.enable_item (Cmd_build_resource_file) tool_bar.enable_button (Cmd_file_save_project) tool_bar.enable_button (Cmd_build_wel_code) else create message.make (30) message.append ("Resource Bench couldn't open the file:%N") message.append (open_file_dialog.file_name) interface.display_text (std_error, message) end end when Cmd_file_close then if tds /= Void then tree_view.destroy tree_view := Void properties_window.destroy properties_window := Void invalidate client_window.set_current_resource (Void) erase_tds main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_file_close) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_file_save_project) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_build_wel_code) main_menu.disable_item (Cmd_build_resource_file) tool_bar.disable_button (Cmd_file_save_project) tool_bar.disable_button (Cmd_build_wel_code) else interface.display_text (std_error, "No current project.") end when Cmd_file_save_project then if tds /= Void then client_window.set_last_change save_project_file_dialog.activate (Current) if save_project_file_dialog.selected then do_save_project (save_project_file_dialog.file_name) end else interface.display_text (std_error, "No current project.") end when Cmd_file_exit then exit := closeable when Cmd_build_wel_code then if tds /= Void then client_window.set_last_change do_wel_code else interface.display_text (std_error, "No current project.") end when Cmd_build_resource_file then if tds /= Void then client_window.set_last_change save_resource_file_dialog.activate (Current) if save_resource_file_dialog.selected then do_resource_file (save_resource_file_dialog.file_name) end else interface.display_text (std_error, "No current project.") end when Cmd_help_content then set_working_directory (current_working_path) change_working_path (application_directory) win_help (Help_file, Help_contents, 0) change_working_path (working_directory) when Cmd_help_about_rb then do_about else end end on_menu_select (menu_item: INTEGER; flags: INTEGER; a_menu: WEL_MENU) -- Display a message in the status window corresponding -- to the selected menu_item. do status_window.set_text_part (0, resource_string_id (menu_item)) end on_accelerator_command (a_accelerator_id: INTEGER) -- Perform the corresponding menu command with id `a_accelerator_id'. do on_menu_command (a_accelerator_id) end on_control_id_command (a_control_id: INTEGER) -- Perform the corresponding menu command with id `a_control_id'. do on_menu_command (a_control_id) end on_set_cursor (a_hit_test: INTEGER) -- Set the cursor only in the client area. do if (cursor /= Void) then if a_hit_test = Htclient then cursor.set end end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation open_file_dialog: WEL_OPEN_FILE_DIALOG -- Display the standard open file dialog. local ofn: WEL_OFN_CONSTANTS once create ofn create Result.make Result.set_filter (<<"Resource file (*.rc)", "Project file (*.prb)", "All file (*.*)">>, <<"*.rc", "*.prb", "*.*">>) Result.add_flag (ofn.Ofn_filemustexist) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end save_resource_file_dialog: WEL_SAVE_FILE_DIALOG -- Display the standard save file dialog. once create Result.make Result.set_filter (<<"Resource file (*.rc)", "All file (*.*)">>, <<"*.rc", "*.*">>) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end save_project_file_dialog: WEL_SAVE_FILE_DIALOG -- Display the standard save file dialog. once create Result.make Result.set_filter (<<"Project file (*.prb)", "All file (*.*)">>, <<"*.PRB", "*.*">>) ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end closeable: BOOLEAN -- Show the standard dialog box. local msg_box: WEL_MSG_BOX do create msg_box.make msg_box.question_message_box (Current, "Do you want to exit?", "Exit") if msg_box.message_box_result = Idyes then do_exit end end class_icon: WEL_ICON -- Window's icon. once create Result.make_by_id (1) end class_background: WEL_NULL_BRUSH once create Result.make end do_analyze (a_parent: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; a_open_file: WEL_OPEN_FILE_DIALOG) -- Analyze a resource script `a_filename'. require a_open_file_exists: a_open_file /= Void local temp_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE folder: DIRECTORY preprocessor: PREPROCESSOR filename, directory_name, temp_filename: PATH do create cursor.make_by_predefined_id (Idc_wait) cursor.set create folder.make_with_path (Tmp_directory) If (not folder.exists) then folder.create_dir end filename := a_open_file.file_path -- Prepare saving of current working directory -- and change to directory where file is opened from directory_name := filename.parent set_working_directory (directory_name) temp_filename := Tmp_directory.twin temp_filename := temp_filename.extended ("Temp_file.rc") create temp_file.make_with_path (temp_filename) temp_file.open_write create preprocessor.make (temp_file) preprocessor.convert_definition (filename) temp_file.close set_define_table (preprocessor.define_table) set_has_error (false) analyzer.regenerate analyzer.parsing (temp_filename) if (properties_window /= Void) and then (properties_window.exists) then properties_window.destroy end if not has_error then create_tree_view_control (client_window, create properties_window.make_with_coordinates (client_window, "Properties Window", tree_view.width -1, -2, client_window.width - tree_view.width, client_window.height) client_window.set_properties_window (properties_window) client_window.set_current_resource (Void) end interface.hide_all create cursor.make_by_predefined_id (Idc_arrow) cursor.set end do_open_project (a_parent: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; a_open_file: WEL_OPEN_FILE_DIALOG) require a_open_file_exists: a_open_file /= Void local the_tds: TABLE_OF_SYMBOLS_STRUCTURE file: RAW_FILE filename: STRING do filename := a_open_file.file_name.twin create file.make_open_read (filename) create the_tds.retrieve_tds (file) set_tds (the_tds) filename.keep_tail (filename.count - a_open_file.file_name_offset + 1) create_tree_view_control (client_window, filename) if (properties_window /= Void) and then (properties_window.exists) then properties_window.destroy end create properties_window.make_with_coordinates (client_window, "Properties Window", tree_view.width -1, -2, client_window.width - tree_view.width, client_window.height) client_window.set_properties_window (properties_window) client_window.set_current_resource (Void) interface.hide_all end do_save_project (a_filename: STRING) require a_filename_exists: a_filename /= Void and then a_filename.count > 0 local file: RAW_FILE do create file.make_open_write (a_filename) tds.store_tds (file) end do_exit -- Exit to application. do destroy end create_analyzer (a_parent: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW) -- Create the resource analyzer. require analyzer_void: analyzer = Void local file: RAW_FILE do set_working_directory (current_working_path) change_working_path (application_directory) create file.make (Grammar_name) if (file.exists) then create file.make_open_read (Grammar_name) create analyzer.retrieve_grammar (file) else create analyzer.make create file.make_open_write (Grammar_name) analyzer.store_grammar (file) end file.close interface.hide_all change_working_path (working_directory) ensure analyzer_not_void: analyzer /= Void end create_tree_view_control (a_parent: WEL_COMPOSITE_WINDOW; a_filename: READABLE_STRING_GENERAL) -- Create the tree view control corresponding to the analyzed resource script `filename'. require a_filename_exists: a_filename /= Void and then a_filename.count > 0 local tvis: WEL_TREE_VIEW_INSERT_STRUCT tv_item: WEL_TREE_VIEW_ITEM do interface.display_text (std_out, "Creating the tree view control...") if (tree_view /= Void) and then (tree_view.exists) then tree_view.destroy end create tree_view.make (a_parent, -1, -1, 250, a_parent.height - 2, -1) create tvis.make tvis.set_root create tv_item.make tv_item.set_text (a_filename) tvis.set_tree_view_item (tv_item) tree_view.insert_item (tvis) tds.generate_tree_view (tree_view) ensure tree_view_exists: tree_view.exists end do_resource_file (a_filename: STRING) -- Generate a resource file. require a_filename_exists: a_filename /= Void and then a_filename.count > 0 local file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create file.make_open_write (a_filename) tds.generate_resource_file (file) file.close end do_about -- Display the about dialog. local about: DIALOG_ABOUT do create about.make (Current) end do_wel_code -- Generate the wel code. local browse: DIALOG_BROWSE do create browse.make (Current) end note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2014, Eiffel Software" license: "GPL version 2 (see" licensing_options: "" copying: "[ This file is part of Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment. Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the License (available at the URL listed under "license" above). Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Eiffel Software's Eiffel Development Environment; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ]" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class MAIN_WINDOW