- File: EIFFEL_SRC:[ES5SH]config32.eif (Eiffel test/development version) -- configuration file for Eiffel/VMS 6.x (32bit) ES5SH utility -- (where $(ISE_PLATFORM) is VMSAlpha32, VMSAlpha64, or VMSVAX) -- -- -- History: -- 31-Mar-2009 - dz -- Eiffel 6.3 -- 14-Feb-2008 - dz -- Eiffel 6.x -- 24-Oct-2006 - dz -- Eiffel 5.7.63441 -- 8-Aug-2006 - dz -- Eiffel 5.7 -- 21-Sep-2005 - David Schwartz -- for Eiffel 5.6.1218 (32 bit pointers) -- 01-Jan-2005 - David Schwartz -- for Eiffel 5.6.0503 (32 bit pointers); use CC/WARN /DEBUG/NOOPT for compiling generated code -- for Eiffel 5.6.0504 (64 bit pointers); use CC/WARN /DEBUG/NOOPT for compiling generated code -- 09-Sept-2004 - David Schwartz -- use CC/DEBUG (implies /OPT) for $optimize -- 03-Feb-2004 - David Schwartz -- for Eiffel 5.4.0904 -- -- -- -- On VMS, finish_freezing/es5sh uses this file to define replacement values for symbols in Makefile.SH -- To use an alternate configuration file, either specify the -c command line option: -- -c -- or, before running finish_freezing, -- $ DEFINE ES5SH_CONFIG my_eif_configuration_file -- (note: the use of ES5SH_CONFIG is deprecated in favor of the command line option.) -- -- -- As of this writing, the current version of GNU make for VMS (gmake 3.81) resolves the -- longstanding problem with maximum DCL command line length; gmake now works around the -- limit of 2048 characters for a DCL command line, and so gmake is now the recommended -- tool for building Eiffel systems on VMS. A copy of gmake is included in the Eiffel distribution -- (ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlphaxx.bin]). -- It may also be obtained from http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html -- -- Also, as of this writing, MMS V3.1 does not properly handle suffix rules for files with -- a lowercase type on ODS-5 volumes. MMK does not have this problem. -- -- MMS refers to the VMS DECSet Module Management System layered product. -- MMK refers to the freeware MMS clone created by Matt Madison and Hunter Goatley. -- It can be obtained from http://www.madgoat.com/mmk -- A complete copy of MMK is included in ISE_EIFFEL:[C_library.VMS]MMK.ZIP. -- -- -- Lines beginning with -- or # are comments. -- Lines beginning with == are symbol definitions. -- Symbol definitions are of the form -- == -- -- Where value consists of all the following nonblank non "--" prefixed lines -- up to the next symbol definition or end of file. -- -- -- -- 32/64 bit pointer related entries: -- ccflags, mtccflags: -- for 64 bit, add /POINT=64 -- ***tbs*** determine this from ISE_PLATFORM -- (note: as of Eiffel 6.3, 32 bit is no longer supported on VMSAlpha) -- EIFFEL_SHAREABLE: -- now uses $(ISE_PLATFORM) to distinguish between 64- and 32-bit -- -- -- The following options are required for correct Makefile generation -- Symbols used for compiline generated C code. Makefile.SH typically contains -- CC = $cc -- CFLAGS = $wkoptimize $ccflags $large -I\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/include \$(INCLUDE_PATH) -- or, for finalized code, -- CFLAGS = $optimize $ccflags $large -I\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/include \$(INCLUDE_PATH) -- Since $wkoptimize/$optimize occurs before $ccflags in CFLAGS, $ccflags will override any options specified -- in $[wk]optimize and $[wk]optimize will override anything specified in $cc. -- To compile with debug, add /DEBUG (or /DEBUG/NOOPT) to wkoptimize or optimize (or cc) definition, -- cc: The C compile command: may be cc/decc, cc/vaxc, or just cc. -- To suppress C compiler warnings, add /nowarn[ing]. == cc cc -- *** wkoptimize and optimize - compile with /debug/noopt/check *** == optimize /debug/noopt/check == wkoptimize /debug/noopt/check -- ccflags: standard C compile flags. -- /PREFIX=ALL is always required for DECC. -- GTK requires use of /NAME=(AS_IS,SHORTEN)/FLOAT=IEEE/IEEE=DENORM -- so all Eiffel libraries and applications are now compiled this way. -- -- Special handling is performed for /DEFine and /INClude DCL qualifiers: -- All instances of /DEFine and /INClude are collected and specified as a -- single multiple valued qualifier. -- If using /DEFine to add macro definition(s), the macro value(s), if any, must -- be quoted and may not contain a right parenthesis. -- eg: /DEF=("MAX=( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )") is invalid. -- If a DCL qualifier with a value is specified, there must be no whitespace -- around the = that separates the qualifier and the value. -- Multiple definitions may also be specified in UNIX-style syntax -- eg: -DFOO -DFOO=bar -- Note: Currently, -DBUGS="Bugs Bunny" does not work: -- in -Dmacro=value value must be unquoted. == ccflags /prefix=all/name=(as_is,shorten)/float=ieee/ieee=denorm -- add /POINT=64 for 64 bit pointers -- was: /prefix=all/name=(as_is,shorten)/float=ieee/ieee=denorm /define=(_VMS_,_WINDU_SOURCE) -- add /debug/noopt/check=(uninit,point=all) ?? == mtccflags $ccflags /define=EIF_THREADS == cpp == cppflags -- INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX, INCLUDE_PATH_SUFFIX: -- These two values, if nonblank, are inserted at the beginning and end, -- respectively, of the INCLUDE_PATH macro definition in Makefile.SH == INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX ISE_EIFFEL:[C_library.VMS.Porting.include] --VMS_JACKETS_INCLUDE: -- == INCLUDE_PATH_SUFFIX -- -- (end C compile related symbols) -- -- the names of the Eiffel runtime libraries, refered as: -- EIFLIB = \$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/$prefix$wkeiflib$suffix -- or EIFLIB = \$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/$prefix$eiflib$suffix -- or EIFLIB = \$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/$prefix$mt_prefix$eiflib$suffix -- or EIFLIB = "$rt_lib/$prefix$eiflib$suffix" == wkeiflib wkbench == eiflib finalized == prefix == mt_prefix MT == suffix .olb == sharedsuffix .exe == ldflags == libs == mkdep == cp COPY/log == mv COPY/log -- == ranlib -- rm (delete file command): this is a special case. -- Makefile.SH contains RM = $rm -f. - -- Because the DCL DELETE command requires an explicit version number, any delete command will fail. -- Further, there is no way to eliminate the -f option. -- It needs to be changed to a DCL comment. -- For MMK/MMS, define this as @! to make it a comment. -- For GNU make, a simple bang (!) will suffice. == rm purge/nolog -- taget_gnu_make: -- If True, es5sh will generate Makefile suitable for use by GNU make (gmake). -- This implies the following: -- make=gmake (the symbol $make is replaced by "gmake") -- Dollar sign charactes in DCL commands must be quoted with a '$' -- Colon characters in VMS filespecs are quoted with a '\' -- the $(subst) function will be used to convert spaces to commas in $(OBJECTS) -- The symbols make, command_file, DCL_dollar_quote and quote_colon_in_VMS_dependencies are obsolete. == target_gnu_make True -- make: the make command. -- Can be MMK or MMS or (Gnu) make. If the latter, it must be defined externally as a foreign command, -- i.e. make :== $ise_eiffel:[C_library.VMS.PORTING]MAKE_3_76_1_VMS_ALPHA.EXE -- Note that as of this writing, MMS V3.1 does not properly handle suffix rules when files have -- lower case filetypes (on ODS-5 volumes). MMK does not have this problem. -- This symbol is used to generate the MAKE.COM command procedures. -- If defined as "make" or not defined, then "make" must be defined as a foreign command. == make gmake == continuation \ -- comment_prefix: -- If defined (and not blank), then certain lines from -- Makefile.SH will be included as comments in generated Makefile. -- (trailing spaces will be included in the value) -- Note: certain lines will always be echoed as comments, preceded by "#--" or "#!" == comment_prefix #-- == appl_make == precompile driver.exe : $(RM) driver.exe $(RM) Makefile $(RM) Makefile.SH # == cecil_make # -- default_rule: -- If this symbol is defined, its value is included in the generated Makefile. -- It is not required for GNU make. It seems to be required for MMK/MMS. --== default_rule --.DEFAULT : -- continue -- xmotif_libs: -- If EXTERNALS contains any options (-L), append this to the generated link.com ***explain better ***tbs*** -- Also see gtk_config_libs option == xmotif_libs sys$share:decwindows/library -- eiffel_shareable: shareable images (DLLs) required for execution of Eiffel generated applications. -- If eiffel_shareable is defined, it is included in the generated link options. == eiffel_shareable ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.$(ISE_PLATFORM).bin]vms_jackets.exe/share -- Eiffel 5.1 added gtk-config shell commands to Makefiles. -- -- gtk_config_cflags: -- This symbol is used to replace the `gtk-config --cflags` shell command. -- Values specified as DCL qualifiers (/INCLUDE=path) are passed as specified. -- Values specified as UNIX options (-Ipath) syntax are converted to VMS syntax. -- Note that because DECC only appends relative include file paths to UNIX style -- include specifications, gtk and glib must be specified as DCL qualifiers -- with quoted UNIX style pathnames using /INCL as below. -- Defining gtk_config_cflags as -- -I/ISE_EIFFEL/gtk_1210/gtk -I/ISE_EIFFEL/gtk_1210/glib -- doesnt work because it will be processed into a VMS-style include by es5sh. -- == gtk_config_cflags ** this doesn't work, DECC compiler requires Unix syntax for subdirectory includes ** -- -I/ISE_EIFFEL/gtk_1210/gtk -I/ISE_EIFFEL/gtk_1210/glib == gtk_config_cflags /INCL=("/ISE_EIFFEL/C_library/VMS/gtk_1210/gtk","/ISE_EIFFEL/C_library/VMS/gtk_1210/glib") -- gtk_config_libs: -- This symbol is used to replace the `gtk-config --libs` shell command. -- It may contain macro(s) that are further processed, then added to the -- EXTERNALS list in the generated link.com file. == gtk_config_libs warning: this is test config.eif (intentional multiple macro definition) --***tbs*** put into a shareable image library: libgtk,libgdk,libgmodule,libglib == gtk_config_libs !***tbs***_put_these_into_a_shareable_image_library ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlpha32.bin]libgtk.exe/SHARE ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlpha32.bin]libgdk.exe/SHARE ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlpha32.bin]libgmodule.exe/SHARE ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlpha32.bin]libglib.exe/SHARE == end_gtk_config_yada_yada ! from: -lpng -lz -lXtst -- Eiffel 5.5 introduced the vision2-gtk-config shell script for providing c compile and link flags. -- The script is in ISE_EIFFEL:[library.vision2.implementation.gtk.Clib]vision2-gtk-config. -- -- The following value will be substituted for the shell command -- `$EIFFEL_SRC/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --include_path` -- From vision2-gtk-config script: --include_path -- echo `gtk-config --cflags` == vision2-gtk-config--include_path `gtk-config --cflags` -- From vision2-gtk-config script: --object -- $ISE_LIBRARIES/library/vision2/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/lib/gtk_eiffel.o -- $ISE_LIBRARIES/library/vision2/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/lib/load_pixmap.o -- -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXtst `gtk-config --libs` -- $ISE_LIBRARIES/C_library/libpng/libpng.a -- $ISE_LIBRARIES/C_library/zlib/libz.a == vision2-gtk-config--object ISE_EIFFEL:[library.vision2.spec.VMSAlpha32.lib]gtk_eiffel.obj ISE_EIFFEL:[library.vision2.spec.VMSAlpha32.lib]load_pixmap.obj `gtk-config --libs` ISE_EIFFEL:[C_library.libpng]libpng.olb/LIBR ISE_EIFFEL:[C_library.zlib]libz.olb/LIBR -- New symbols used in Eiffel 6.0 Makefiles: == rt_include /ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$ISE_PLATFORM/include == rt_lib /ISE_EIFFEL/studio/spec/$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib -- Eiffel 6.3: -- $(rt_include) and $(rt_lib) no longer used. -- New constructs in Eiffel 6.3 Makefile.SH files: -- INCLUDE_PATH = -I"\$(EIFFEL_SRC)/C/bench" -I"\$(EIFFEL_SRC)/C/platform" -I"\$(ISE_LIBRARY)/library/i18n/spec/include" -I. -- `\$ISE_LIBRARY/library/encoding/implementation/unix/Clib/iconv-config --include_path` -I"\$(ISE_LIBRARY)/library/encoding/implementation/include" -- for `\$ISE_LIBRARY/library/encoding/implementation/unix/Clib/iconv-config --include_path` -I"\$(ISE_LIBRARY)/library/encoding/implementation/include" -- results in -- VMS_CINCLUDE = /INCLUDE=(ISE_EIFFEL:[C_library.VMS.Porting.include],ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.VMSAlpha64.include], -- EIFFEL_SRC:[C.bench],EIFFEL_SRC:[C.platform],ISE_LIBRARY:[library.i18n.spec.include],ISE_LIBRARY:[library.encoding.implementation.include]) == iconv_config_include_path == iconv_config_library == unused_symbol_to_mark_end_of_config_file