note name: "EIFFEL_SRC:[ES5SH]ES5SH.E" description: "System for converting Unix Makefile.SH files to VMS Makefile. files" author: "David Morgan" original: 01,Jan,1995 last: 22,Aug,1998 modified_by: "David Schwartz (davids), VMS diehard" Version: "V6.2-001" Date: "$Date$" Revision: "$Revision$" Id: "$Id$" Notes: "*** be sure to update pretty_version string in ES5SH_COMMON to match the Version here" -- -- working: -- -- changes for Eiffel 6.x -- update big_file generation (just make it a bunch of #includes), use .c for finalized (no more big_file*.x) -- -- changes for Eiffel 5.7.65176 -- -- put config file name into (already in Makefile) -- add Makefile dependency: -- $(OBJECTS) :: Makefile -- -- -- Done: handle new gtk commands used in Eiffel 5.5.1126 INCLUDE_PATH and EXTERNALS macros: -- `$EIFFEL_SRC/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --devel --include_path` -- `$(EIFFEL_SRC)/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --devel --object` -- -- -- -- todo: -- -- evaluate EXTERNALS recursively so that a symbol like $ISE_PLATFORM will be replaced by the platform in (instead of hard coding it in CONFIG.EIF file) -- -- use value_macro_SUBDIRS to generate dependent_subdirectories, rather than on the fly in process_subdirectory_rule -- -- -- working: process_agruments, -- process externals list to allow object, library, or option (done, needs testing) -- -- working: use ISE_PLATFORM with whatever definition -- as written, must use whatever is defined, not whatever is in Makefile -- *** I think this is not an issue, but I don't remember what it means *** -- -- -- -- class ES5SH inherit ES5SH_COMMON create make feature -- Initialization make -- convert makefiles taking into account config.eif file local l_finished_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_val, l_cwd: STRING l_make_cmd: STRING do start_date_time := current_date_time --print_output_message (<< pretty_version, " starting at ", start_date_time, "." >>) print (array_as_string (<< pretty_version, " starting at ", start_date_time, ".%N" >>)) -- -- check for -h (-help) argument; if found, display help message and ignore others. -- --if arguments_.argument_count >= 1 and then (arguments_.index_of_character_option ('?') > 0 -- if arguments_.argument_count >= 1 and then ( ("#/#/?#/h#/help#").has_substring ("#" + arguments_.argument(1) +"#") -- or else arguments_.index_of_character_option ('?') > 0 -- or else arguments_.index_of_character_option ('h') > 0 -- or else arguments_.index_of_word_option ("help") > 0 ) then -- will_process_makefiles := False -- print_help() -- else process_arguments() -- end if will_process_makefiles then print_output_message (<< " current working directory: ", execution_environment_.current_working_directory >>) debug ("nocompile") if will_perform_make then print_output_message (<< "DEBUG(nocompile): inhibiting C compilation." >>) will_perform_make := False end end -- debug -- determine values of ISE_EIFFEL, ISE_PLATFORM symbol_eiffel := "ISE_EIFFEL" value_eiffel := execution_environment_.get (symbol_eiffel) if is_nonblank (value_eiffel) then do_nothing else value_eiffel := execution_environment_.get ("EIFFEL5") if is_nonblank (value_eiffel) then symbol_eiffel := "EIFFEL5" print_warning_message ("ISE_EIFFEL is not defined; obsolete EIFFEL5 used.%N") else value_eiffel := execution_environment_.get ("EIFFEL4") if is_nonblank (value_eiffel) then symbol_eiffel := "EIFFEL4" print_warning_message ("ISE_EIFFEL is not defined; obsolete EIFFEL5 used.%N") else print_warning_message ("ISE_EIFFEL, EIFFEL5, EIFFEL4 are undefined.%N") value_eiffel := "" end end end value_eiffel_string := symbol_eiffel + "=" + value_eiffel if value_eiffel.is_equal (symbol_eiffel) or else value_eiffel.is_equal ("/" + symbol_eiffel) then -- if Eiffel 5.7 "hack" that returns getenv("foo") as "/foo") is in effect value_eiffel := execution_environment_.get_native (symbol_eiffel) value_eiffel_string.append (" (" + value_eiffel + ")") end value_platform := execution_environment_.get ("ISE_PLATFORM") debug ("windows") if value_platform.is_case_insensitive_equal ("windows") then value_platform := "VMSAlpha99" end end if value_platform = Void or else value_platform.is_empty then value_platform := execution_environment_.get("PLATFORM") if value_platform /= Void and then not value_platform.is_empty then print_warning_message ("ISE_PLATFORM is not defined; obsolete PLATFORM used.%N") else print_warning_message ("neither ISE_PLATFORM nor PLATFORM defined.%N") value_platform := "$(ISE_PLATFORM_undefined)" end end l_cwd := execution_environment_.current_working_directory l_val := as_vms_filespec (l_cwd) -- ***debug*** if value_platform.substring_index ("VMS", 1) > 0 and then not is_vms_filespec (l_cwd) then l_cwd := as_vms_filespec (l_cwd + "/") end l_val := as_vms_filespec (l_cwd) -- ***debug*** if base_directory = Void then create base_directory.make_from_string (l_cwd) --print ("debug: base_directory set to default: " + base_directory + "%N") elseif base_directory = Void then -- UNREACHABLE: save this code temporarily until I figure out what to do print_error_message ("UNREACHABLE executed!%N") l_val := execution_environment_.current_working_directory create base_directory.make_from_string (l_val) if value_platform.substring_index ("VMS", 1) > 0 and then not is_vms_filespec (base_directory) then l_val.append_character (operating_environment_.directory_separator) l_val := as_vms_filespec (l_val) create base_directory.make_from_string (as_vms_filespec(l_val)) l_val := as_vms_filespec (l_val) else end elseif is_relative_filespec (base_directory) then --AND THEN FALSE then --print (" debug: base_directory is_relative: " + base_directory + "%N") -- l_val := execution_environment_.current_working_directory -- create base_directory.make_from_string (execution_environment_.current_working_directory) -- if starts_with (l_val, "./") or else starts_with (l_val, ".\") then -- base_directory.extend (l_val.substring (3, l_val.count)) -- else -- base_directory.extend (l_val) -- end create base_directory.make_from_string (make_absolute_filespec (base_directory)) end --print (" debug: base_directory: " + printable_value (base_directory) + "%N") print_output_message (<< "Processing options: ", value_eiffel_string, ", ", symbol_platform, "=", value_platform >>) -- read configuration from configuration file if configuration_file_name = Void then -- check for logical name to specify configuration file l_val := execution_environment_.get ("ES5SH_CONFIG") if l_val /= Void and then not l_val.is_empty then create configuration_file_name.make_from_string (l_val) print_warning_message ("use of ES5SH_CONFIG logical name is deprecated, use -c %N") -- **TBS** do a VMS-style parse, using the value as the default name else -- platform specific configuration file name: ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$(ISE_PLATFORM)]config.eif configuration_file_name := platform_specific_file_name (<<"studio","config">>, << >>, "config.eif") end end create configuration.make (configuration_file_name, Current) print_output_message (<< "Processing files in ", base_directory, " at ", current_time >>) process_makefiles print_output_message (<< "Processing complete at ", current_time >>) if will_perform_make then create l_finished_file.make ("complete.eif") l_make_cmd := configuration.item ("make") print_output_message (<< "Commencing C compilation -- MAKE = ", l_make_cmd >>) execution_environment_.system (l_make_cmd) if execution_environment_.return_code /= 0 then print_error_message ("Error from call to " + l_make_cmd + " -- return code: " + execution_environment_.return_code.out + "%N") end if not l_finished_file.exists then print_output_message (<< "C compilation terminated with errors at ", current_time, ".%NRun ", l_make_cmd, " in directory ", base_directory, " to see what has gone wrong." >>) else print_output_message (<< "C compilation completed successfully at ", current_time, "." >>) end end -- if will_perform_make end -- if will_process_makefiles end -- make -- ----------------------------- feature -- Attributes ----------------------------- -- generate_object_libraries: BOOLEAN -- -- if True, generate object libraries (.olb); else generate object modules (.obj) -- -- used for transitioning/testing from object library to concatenated object module generation -- generated_object_file_type: STRING is -- once -- if generate_object_libraries then -- Result := ".olb" -- else -- Result := ".obj" -- end -- end application_name: STRING -- Application name (from all: target rule in top level Makefile) finalized: BOOLEAN -- Is this a finalized (as opposed to workbench) application? precompiled_library: STRING -- If not Void, the precompiled library this application uses. build_precompile: BOOLEAN -- Is this building a precompile? application_dependencies: ES5SH_SET[STRING] --LINKED_LIST [STRING]LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- The prerequisites (objects, libraries) of the application (from the top level application target rule definition), -- less emain, preobj. Used to generate list of objects/libraries dependent_subdirectories: ES5SH_SET[STRING] --LINKED_LIST [STRING] -- Names of the subdirectories in the subdirectory object targets in top level Makefile.SH cecil_dependencies: STRING -- should be LINKED_LIST[STRING] ***FIXME*** externals_list: ES5SH_SET[STRING] --ARRAYED_LIST[STRING] -- The externals (libraries, objects and options) if any are present (EXTERNALS macro found). -- Options are VMS LINK option files, not Unix link (-L) options. -- if none present, it is empty (never Void) externals_options: STRING -- externals options (Unix link options) from EXTERNALS macro. eiffel_library: STRING -- the eiffel runtime (runtime/finalized/workbench) object library (VMS filespec); -- from EIFLIB macro definition (or deduced from the cecil target???) start_date_time: STRING -- will be the date/time string processing started will_process_makefiles: BOOLEAN -- process makefiles in base_directory tree will_perform_make: BOOLEAN -- if true, perform make after processing makefiles will_concatenate_source_files: BOOLEAN -- if true, generate concatenated (big) source file in each subdirectory will_concatenate_source_file_contents: BOOLEAN -- if True, generate concatenated (big) source files by appending contents of individual source files, -- else append a "#include" directive for each individual file command_option_verbose: BOOLEAN -- -v command line option -- macro definitions encountered in each Makefile.SH (reset in open_makefiles) value_macro_OBJECTS, value_macro_OLDOBJECTS, value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH: STRING -- macro definitions encountered (expected) in top Makefile.SH value_macro_EOBJ1: STRING value_macro_SUBDIRS: STRING precompile_tag: STRING = "driver.exe" -- The tag that is used to determine that we are processing a precompile. -- it was "precompile" in Eiffel3; it is "driver.exe" in Eiffel4 and Eiffel5 -- ignored_macro_definitions: ARRAY [STRING] is -- -- macro definitions that, when empty, are not written to output Makefile because they are considered nugatory -- -- ***FIXME*** this should be a configuration option -- once -- --Result := << "LDFLAGS", "LDSHAREDFLAGS", "LIBS", "AR", "LD", "MKDEP", "MV", "CP", "RANLIB", "SHELL" >> -- Result := << "LDFLAGS", "LDSHAREDFLAGS", "LIBS", "AR", "LD", "RANLIB", "SHELL" >> -- Result.compare_objects -- end suppressed_macro_definitions: ARRAY [STRING] -- macro definitions that are suppressed in the output Makefile -- (unless handled as a special case in process_macro_definition) once Result := << "SHELL", "AR", "RANLIB" >> Result.compare_objects end echoed_unprocessed_macro_definitions: ARRAY [STRING] -- macro definitions that are always shown with unpreprocessed definition as a comment, -- even if comment_prefix configuration option is not defined -- includes suppressed_macro_definitions -- ***FIXME*** this should be a configuration option local l_res: EXTENDABLE_BOUNDED_ARRAY[STRING] once create l_res.make_empty Result := l_res l_res.compare_objects l_res.append_array (<< "INCLUDE_PATH", "CC", "CFLAGS", "EIFLIB", "OBJECTS", "OLD_OBJECTS", "EOBJ1", "X2C" >>) l_res.append_array (suppressed_macro_definitions) end unechoed_unprocessed_commands: ARRAY [STRING] -- commands that are not echoed unprocessed as comments to output Makefile once Result := << "$(CC)","$(CPP)","$(X2C)", "$(RM)" >> Result.compare_objects end unprocessed_targets: ES5SH_SET [STRING] -- targets that are echoed without processing to output Makefile once create Result.make_from_array (<< "sub_clean", "sub_clobber" >>) --default: Result.compare_objects end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Input/Output Makefiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------- open_makefiles (a_subdirectory : STRING) -- open input Makefile.SH and new Makefile in `a_subdirectory' or -- open in top level directory if a_subdirectory is Void require subdirectory_valid: a_subdirectory = Void or else not a_subdirectory.is_empty local file_name : FILE_NAME file_usage : STRING file_path : DIRECTORY_NAME l_msg, l_tag: STRING do -- -- (re)initialize all per-file values -- value_macro_OBJECTS := Void -- value_macro_OLDOBJECTS := Void -- value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH := Void -- open input file (Makefile.SH) file_usage := "input" create file_path.make_from_string (base_directory) if a_subdirectory /= Void and then not a_subdirectory.is_empty then file_path.extend (a_subdirectory) end create file_name.make_from_string (file_path) file_name.set_file_name ("Makefile.SH") create in_makefile.make_open_read (file_name) print_output_message (<< " Processing ", >>) in_makefile.read_line -- output file (Makefile.) file_usage := "output" create file_name.make_from_string (file_path) file_name.set_file_name ("Makefile") create out_makefile.make_open_write (file_name) out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " ", file_name >>) out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " generated by ", pretty_version, " at " , start_date_time >>) out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " configuration file: ", configuration.file_name >>) out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " ", value_eiffel_string, " ", symbol_platform, "=", value_platform, "%N" >>) put_comment_prefixed_line (" for replacing spaces with commas, viz. $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(OBJECTS))") out_makefile.put_line (<< "EMPTY =%NSPACE = $(EMPTY) $(EMPTY)%NCOMMA =,%N" >>) ensure value_macros_are_void: value_macro_OBJECTS = Void and value_macro_OLDOBJECTS = Void and value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH = Void input_makefile_open: in_makefile.is_open_read output_makefile_open: out_makefile.is_open_write rescue l_msg := "Unable to open " + file_usage + " file " + file_name if a_subdirectory /= Void and then not a_subdirectory.is_empty then l_msg.append (" in " + a_subdirectory) end print_error_message (l_msg + "%N") l_tag := exceptions_.tag_name if l_tag = Void then l_tag := "" end l_tag.append (" : " + exceptions_.meaning (exceptions_.exception)) print (" " + l_tag + "%N") end -- open_makefiles close_makefiles -- close current Makefiles do -- (re)initialize all per-file values value_macro_OBJECTS := Void value_macro_OLDOBJECTS := Void value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH := Void in_makefile.close out_makefile.close ensure value_macros_are_void: value_macro_OBJECTS = Void and value_macro_OLDOBJECTS = Void and value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH = Void input_makefile_closed: in_makefile.is_closed output_makefile_closed: out_makefile.is_closed end -- close_makefiles current_input_file_name : STRING -- the name of the current input file including the path ([.c1]Makefile.SH) do if in_makefile = Void then print_error_message ("current_input_filename: in_makefile = Void!!!!%N") Result := "" else Result := end end -- current_input_file_name file_exists (a_name, a_ext: STRING; a_path: PATH_NAME): BOOLEAN -- does a file named `a_name'.`a_ext' exist in `a_path?' require name_not_void: a_name /= Void extension_not_void: a_ext /= Void path_not_void: a_path /= Void local l_path: FILE_NAME l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create l_path.make_from_string (a_path) l_path.set_file_name (a_name) l_path.add_extension (a_ext) create l_file.make (l_path) Result := l_file.exists end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Process arguments and configuration options -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Note: the original behavior of this program was to accept a single optional argument: -- the path of the top level directory to process, default is the current directory. -- If the path argument is specified, it generates Makefiles but does not perform the make. -- That behavior is still preserved, even after adding the processing of additional option arguments. process_arguments -- process command line arguments require argument_0_is_command_name: arguments_.argument_array.lower = 0 argument_count_matches_array_upper: arguments_.argument_count = arguments_.argument_array.upper local ii, jj: INTEGER l_arg: STRING l_cmd, l_val: STRING l_obj_file, l_obj_lib: BOOLEAN do --generate_object_libraries := generate_object_libraries_default will_process_makefiles := True will_perform_make := (arguments_.argument_count = 0) will_concatenate_source_files := True l_cmd := arguments_.command_line -- debug if arguments_.argument_count > 0 then print ("command: " + l_cmd + "%N") end -- check for -h (-help) argument; if found, display help message and ignore others. if arguments_.argument_count >= 1 and then (arguments_.argument (1).is_equal ("?") or else arguments_.argument (1).is_equal ("help") or else arguments_.index_of_character_option ('?') > 0 or else arguments_.index_of_character_option ('h') > 0 or else arguments_.index_of_word_option ("help") > 0 ) then will_process_makefiles := False print_help() else from ii := 1 -- arguments_.argument_array.lower (arg[0] is command) until ii > arguments_.argument_count -- arguments_.argument_array.upper loop l_val := arguments_.argument_array.item(ii) l_arg := arguments_.argument(ii) debug ("arguments") print (" debug: process argument " + ii.out + ": %"" + l_arg + "%" (" + l_arg.count.out + ")%N") from jj := 1; create l_val.make(l_arg.count * 2) until jj > l_arg.count loop l_val.append_character(l_arg @ jj); l_val.append_character(' ') jj := jj + 1 end print (" " + l_arg.count.out + " characters: " + l_val + "%N") end if l_arg.starts_with ("?") then will_process_makefiles := False print_help elseif l_arg.count >= 2 and then l_arg @ 1 = arguments_.option_sign.item then -- argument starts with a '-' if l_arg.count = 2 then -- single character argument inspect l_arg @ 2 when '?' then -- -help will_process_makefiles := False print_help() when 'h' then -- -help will_process_makefiles := False print_help() when 'b' then -- -build (synonyum for -make) will_perform_make := True when 'm' then -- -make (synonym for -build) will_perform_make := True when 'c' then -- -config if ii < arguments_.argument_count then ii := ii + 1 create configuration_file_name.make_from_string (arguments_.argument(ii) ) else print_error_message ("-c option requires %N") will_process_makefiles := False end when 'd' then -- generate verbose (debug) messages command_option_verbose := True when 'l' then if l_obj_file then print_warning_message ("-l option conflicts with -o; -o ignored%N") print_usage() end generate_object_libraries := True l_obj_lib := True when 'o' then if l_obj_lib then print_warning_message ("-o option conflicts with -l; -l ignored%N") print_usage() end generate_object_libraries := False l_obj_file := True when 'q' then command_option_verbose := False when 's' then will_concatenate_source_file_contents := True when 't' then -- -test will_process_makefiles := False will_perform_make := False test() when 'v' then -- display version and exit --print_version will_process_makefiles := False when 'y' then command_option_verbose := True when 'z' then -- -z (dont concatenate source files) will_concatenate_source_files := False else print_error_message ("invalid option: " + l_arg + "%N") print_usage() will_process_makefiles := False end -- inspect else l_val := l_arg.substring (2, l_arg.count) if l_val.is_equal ("help") then will_process_makefiles := False print_help elseif l_val.is_equal ("help") then will_process_makefiles := False print_help elseif l_val.is_equal ("verbose") then command_option_verbose := True elseif l_val.is_equal ("version") then will_process_makefiles := False else will_process_makefiles := False print_error_message ("invalid option: " + l_arg + "%N") print_usage() end end else if ii = arguments_.argument_count then create base_directory.make_from_string (arguments_.argument(ii)) else print_error_message ("invalid argument #" + ii.out + ": " + l_arg + "%N") print_usage() will_process_makefiles := False end end ii := ii + 1 end -- loop end -- if -help not found in arguments if not will_process_makefiles then will_perform_make := False end end -- process_arguments -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Process Makefile.SH files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- process_makefiles do create application_dependencies.make_empty create dependent_subdirectories.make_empty create externals_list.make_empty create externals_options.make_empty create cecil_dependencies.make_empty process_top_level_makefile process_subdirectory_makefiles end process_top_level_makefile -- create a new Makefile for the top level require no_current_input_file: in_makefile = Void local l_spit2_tag : STRING do check dependent_subdirectories_off_initially: end open_makefiles (Void) process_case_stmt () process_case_stmt () process_echo_stmt () check dependent_subdirectories_off_after_process_echo: end process_spit1_block () check dependent_subdirectories_off_after_process_spit1: end l_spit2_tag := get_spitshell_end_tag check dependent_subdirectories_off_after_get_spitshell_end_tag: end process_spit2_block (l_spit2_tag) check dependent_subdirectories_off_after_process_spit2: end --process_remainder() produce_link_dot_com close_makefiles end -- process_top_level_makefile process_subdirectory_makefiles -- process Makefiles in each of `dependent_subdirectories' local l_saved_index: INTEGER do from dependent_subdirectories.start until loop l_saved_index := dependent_subdirectories.index -- ***debug*** open_makefiles (dependent_subdirectories.item) process_case_stmt () process_case_stmt () process_echo_stmt () process_spit1_block () process_spit2_block (Void) out_makefile.flush --process_remainder () if will_produce_concatenated_source_file_in (dependent_subdirectories.item) then produce_concatenated_source_file (dependent_subdirectories.item) end close_makefiles --produce_make_dot_com (dependent_subdirectories.item) check dependent_subdirectories_position_unchanged: l_saved_index = dependent_subdirectories.index end dependent_subdirectories.forth end end -- process_subdirectory_makefiles -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Process elements of Makefile.SH -------------------------------------------------------------------------- process_case_stmt -- process a case block by ignoring it require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read local token1 : STRING do -- skip to next token in input from token1 := first_token (in_makefile.last_string) until --starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "case") not token1.is_empty loop out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line token1 := first_token (in_makefile.last_string) end -- if token1.is_equal ("case") then if starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "case") then else -- scream bloody murder print ("Error: looking for case statement, found: '" + token1 + "' on line:%N" + in_makefile.last_string + "%N in file " + + "%N") exceptions_.raise ("case label not found") end from until starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "esac") loop in_makefile.read_line end in_makefile.read_line end -- process_case_stmt process_echo_stmt -- process an echo statement by ignoring it require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read -- in_makefile.last_string.startswith ("echo") is_echo_statement: in_makefile.last_string /= Void and then starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "echo") local token1 : STRING do debug ("echo") token1 := first_token (in_makefile.last_string); -- tok2 := second_token (in_makefile.last_string, token1); end -- debug in_makefile.read_line end get_spitshell_end_tag : STRING -- the tag that ends the spitshell block on the current line of the input makefile -- if the tag is quoted (with single quotes), remove the enclosing quote characters -- read the next input line require not_end_of_file: not in_makefile.end_of_file is_spitshell_block: starts_with (in_makefile.last_string, "$spitshell") local l_pos : INTEGER do l_pos := in_makefile.last_string.substring_index ("<<", 1) if l_pos > 0 then Result := in_makefile.last_string.substring (l_pos +2, in_makefile.last_string.count) if Result.count >= 2 then if (Result @ 1 = '%'') and then Result @ 1 = Result @ Result.count then Result.remove (Result.count) Result.remove (1) end end in_makefile.read_line end end -- get_spitshell_end_tag process_spit1_block -- process the first spitshell block (contains macro definitions) require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read local l_end_tag : STRING do from l_end_tag := get_spitshell_end_tag -- usually the tag is !GROK!THIS! (I think!) until --in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_equal (l_end_tag) loop if in_makefile.last_string.is_empty then out_makefile.put_new_line in_makefile.read_line elseif in_makefile.last_string @ 1 = '#' then out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line elseif (is_macro_definition (in_makefile.last_string)) then process_macro_definition() else -- not a macro definition, just comment and continue put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) in_makefile.read_line end -- is_macro_definition end -- read loop if not in_makefile.end_of_file then in_makefile.read_line -- consume line with spitshell end tag else print ("Unexpected end of file encountered.%N") end out_makefile.put_new_line() debug print ("Done with first spitshell block..." + in_makefile.last_string + "%N") end -- debug end -- process_spit1_block process_spit2_block (a_end_tag: STRING) -- process second spitshell block (contains dependency rules) -- for top level makefile, this is called after the objects and subdirectories and stuff -- to process the rest of the block. -- for subdirectory makefile it is called at the start of the block require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_writable: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.is_open_write local l_tag: STRING do check a_end_tag = Void implies in_makefile.last_string.substring (1,10).is_equal ("$spitshell") end from if a_end_tag /= Void then l_tag := a_end_tag else l_tag := get_spitshell_end_tag end until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_equal(l_tag) loop if in_makefile.last_string.is_empty then out_makefile.put_new_line in_makefile.read_line elseif in_makefile.last_string @ 1 = '#' then out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line elseif is_macro_definition (in_makefile.last_string) then process_macro_definition () elseif not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) and then in_makefile.last_string.has (':') then process_rule () else -- what else could this line be? Don't know; just output it as a comment print_makefile_warning ("process_spit2_block: unprocessed line") out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " Warning: unprocessed: ", in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line end end -- loop until end of file or end of spitshell block if not in_makefile.end_of_file then in_makefile.read_line -- consume spitshell block end tag end -- add default rule if it is in the config file out_makefile.new_line if configuration.has ("default_rule") then put_comment_prefixed_line ("default_rule (from configuration file " + configuration.file_name + ")") out_makefile.put_string (configuration.item ("default_rule")) out_makefile.new_line put_comment_prefixed_line ("end default_rule") out_makefile.new_line end -- default rule --out_makefile.put_string ("%N%N") end -- process_spit2_block -- process_remainder is -- do -- from -- out_makefile.put_new_line -- until -- in_makefile.end_of_file -- loop -- put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) -- in_makefile.read_line -- end -- end process_rule -- process target definition: ... : [ ... ] -- and following command and comment lines require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_writable: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.is_open_write current_line_nonblank: not in_makefile.last_string.is_empty is_target_rule: in_makefile.last_string.count > 2 and then not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) and then in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 2) > 0 local l_colon_pos: INTEGER l_target, l_prereq, l_con_src: STRING do l_colon_pos := in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 1) --if not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) and then in_makefile.last_string.has (':') then if l_colon_pos <= 0 or else is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) then print_makefile_error ("process_rule: non target rule encountered") out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) else -- a rule (dependency specification): ... : [ ... ] (colon may be double) l_target := in_makefile.last_string.substring (1, l_colon_pos -1) if l_colon_pos < in_makefile.last_string.count then l_prereq := in_makefile.last_string.substring (l_colon_pos +1, in_makefile.last_string.count) if l_prereq.count > 1 and then l_prereq @ 1 = ':' then l_prereq.remove (1) end l_prereq.left_adjust else l_prereq := "" end if l_target.is_equal (".SUFFIXES") then put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) delimit_target_colon (in_makefile.last_string) in_makefile.last_string.append_character (' ') in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all (".o ", ".obj ") in_makefile.last_string.right_adjust out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line -- consume current line elseif l_target.is_equal ("all") then process_rule_all (l_target, l_prereq) elseif l_target.is_equal ("cecil") then process_rule_cecil (l_target, l_prereq) elseif application_name /= Void and then l_target.is_equal (application_name) then -- ***FIXME*** what if application_name is Void already found and l_target = application_name ? process_rule_application (l_target, l_prereq) elseif l_target @ 1 = '.' and then l_target.index_of ('.', 3) > 0 then process_suffix_rule (l_target) elseif l_target.index_of ('/', 1) > 0 then -- i.e. C1/Cobj1.o in top level Makefile line: C1/Cobj1.o: Makefile -- should only occur in top level file process_subdirectory_rule (l_target, l_prereq) elseif is_current_subdirectory_object_file (l_target) then -- i.e. Cobj1.o in subdirectory C1 -- from C1/Makefile.SH line: Cobj1.o: $(OBJECTS) Makefile -- should only occur in subdirectory file put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) --delimit_target_colon (in_makefile.last_string) --l_colon_pos := in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 1) --in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all (".o", generated_object_file_type) l_target.replace_substring_all (".o", generated_object_file_type) if generate_object_libraries or else then --out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) else l_con_src := concatenated_source_file_name (dependent_subdirectories.item) --in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all ("$(OBJECTS)", l_con_src + ".c") --out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) l_prereq.replace_substring_all ("$(OBJECTS)", l_con_src + ".c") end out_makefile.put_line (<< l_target, " : ", l_prereq >>) skip_rule_commands if generate_object_libraries or else then if configuration.target_gnu_make then out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tlibrary/create $@ $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(OBJECTS))" >>) else out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tlibrary/create $@ *.obj" >>) if l_target.substring_index ("Eobj1.olb", 1) > 0 then out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T- if f$search(%"emain.obj%") .nes. %"%" then library/delete=emain $@" >>) end end else --out_makefile.put_line (<< "#%T$(CP) $(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(OBJECTS)) $@%N") out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T$(CC) $>) end if configuration.has ("create_test") then out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T$(CREATE_TEST)" >>) end out_makefile.put_new_line elseif FALSE AND THEN unprocessed_targets.has (l_target) then delimit_target_colon (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) echo_rule_commands else -- generic target delimit_target_colon (in_makefile.last_string) --perform_inchoate_replacements (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) process_rule_commands (l_target, l_prereq) end end -- (is target definition) end -- process_rule process_suffix_rule (a_target: STRING) -- process a suffix rule (eg. .c.o:) require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible is_suffix_rule: in_makefile.last_string.count >= 5 and then in_makefile.last_string @ 1 = '.' and then in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('.', 3) > 0 and then in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 3) > in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('.', 3) local l_dot2_pos: INTEGER l_source, l_target: STRING do l_dot2_pos := a_target.index_of ('.', 2) l_source := a_target.substring (1, l_dot2_pos - 1) l_target := a_target.substring (l_dot2_pos, a_target.count) if l_source.is_equal (".x") then finalized := True end if l_target.is_equal (".o") then l_target := ".obj" end out_makefile.put_line (<< l_source, l_target, " :" >>) if True then process_rule_commands (l_source + l_target, "") -- else -- from -- in_makefile.read_line -- until -- in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty -- or else not is_space_or_tab (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) -- loop -- in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all (" -c", "") -- --perform_inchoate_replacements (in_makefile.last_string) -- out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) -- in_makefile.read_line -- end -- loop end end -- end process_suffix_rule process_subdirectory_rule (a_target, a_prerequisite: STRING) -- process a subdirectory rule (eg. X99/Xobj99.o: Makefile) require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible is_dependency_definition: in_makefile.last_string.count > 5 and then not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) and then in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 2) > 0 target_exists_nonblank: a_target /= Void and then not a_target.is_empty target_is_subdirectory: a_target.index_of ('/', 1) > 0 local l_target, l_prereq: STRING l_slash_pos, l_dot_pos : INTEGER l_target_dir, l_target_file,l_target_dir_vms: STRING do put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) l_target := a_target.twin to_vms_filespecs (l_target, 1); if is_nonblank (a_prerequisite) then l_prereq := a_prerequisite.twin to_vms_filespecs (l_prereq, 1) else l_prereq := "" end -- GNU make requires colons in VMS filespecs to be escaped if configuration.target_gnu_make then -- quote_colon_in_VMS_dependencies l_target.replace_substring_all (":", "\:") l_prereq.replace_substring_all (":", "\:") end -- get the path and file name of the (first) target l_slash_pos := a_target.index_of ('/', 1) -- must be > 0 from require target_is_subdirectory l_target_dir := a_target.substring (1, l_slash_pos -1) -- ***FIXME*** make it work even with terminating slash l_target_dir_vms := as_vms_filespec (a_target.substring (1, l_slash_pos)) l_dot_pos := a_target.index_of ('.', l_slash_pos +1) if l_dot_pos > l_slash_pos then l_target_file := a_target.substring (l_slash_pos +1, l_dot_pos -1) else l_target_file := a_target.substring (l_slash_pos +1, a_target.count) end if not l_target_dir.is_empty then dependent_subdirectories.extend (l_target_dir) end if l_target_dir.is_empty then -- skip rule if empty target directory or target file print_makefile_warning ("process_subdirectory_rule: target directory is empty!") skip_rule_commands out_makefile.put_new_line elseif l_target_file.is_empty then -- skip rule if empty target file print_makefile_warning ("process_subdirectory_rule: target file is empty!") skip_rule_commands out_makefile.put_new_line elseif l_target_file.is_equal (subdirectory_object_filename(l_target_dir)) then -- emit the commands for building the target subdirectory object, -- skip past the current line and all its directives out_makefile.put_line (<< l_target, " : ", l_prereq >>) skip_rule_commands --out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T", configuration.ignore_prefix, -- platform_specific_file_name (<<"studio","spec">>, <<"bin">>, "make.vms "), " ", -- "ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.", value_platform, ".bin]make.vms ", l_target_dir_vms >>) out_makefile.put_line (<< subdirectory_make_command (l_target_dir_vms, Void) >>) elseif l_target_file.is_equal ("Makefile") then -- ****FIXME**** make case insensitive comparison?? -- skip this subdirectory rule, output comment --put_comment_prefixed_line (l_target + " : " + l_prereq) out_makefile.put_line (<< l_target, " : ", l_prereq >>) skip_rule_commands put_comment_prefixed_line ("%T(Makefile generated by finish_freezing/" + pretty_name + ")") elseif l_target_file.is_equal ("emain") then -- emit copy command for emain template out_makefile.put_line (<< l_target, " : ", l_prereq >>) skip_rule_commands -- force target extension to uppercase to workaround MMS suffix rule case sensitivity bug: -- MMS does not run .c.obj: or .C.obj: rule for .c file (must be .C) on ODS5 volume --out_makefile.put_line (<< "%TCOPY " -- + platform_specific_file_name (<<"studio","config">>, <<"templates">>, "emain.template") -- + " " + l_target_dir_vms + "emain.C %N") --out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T- COPY " + emain_vms + " " + l_target_dir_vms + "emain.C %N") out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T", configuration.ignore_prefix, "$(CP) ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$(ISE_PLATFORM).templates]emain.template [.E1]emain.c" >>) out_makefile.put_line (<< subdirectory_make_command ("[.E1]", "emain.obj") >>) else out_makefile.put_line (<< l_target, " : ", l_prereq >>) --process_target_prerequisites process_rule_commands (l_target, l_prereq) end end -- process_subdirectory_rule process_rule_all (a_target, a_prerequisite: STRING) -- process all: target -- If this is the top level makefile, it will be all: (all: hello) -- If a subdirectory, it will be all: (all: Cobj1.o) -- process lines starting with all target rule and all command and comment lines require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read line_starts_with_all_colon: starts_with (in_makefile.last_string, "all") and then in_makefile.last_string.has (':') --***FIXME*** need an abstraction for is_dependency_definition (target) to check that target occurs to the left of ':' local l_line: STRING l_pos: INTEGER l_appl_exe: STRING do put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) l_line := in_makefile.last_string.twin -- ***fixme*** does it really need to twin? delimit_target_colon (l_line) l_pos := l_line.index_of (':', 4) -- can't occur before "all" if l_line @ l_pos = ':' then l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- ***FIXME*** this is kinda hokey: if application_name = Void then -- processing top level Makefile --application_name := in_makefile.last_string.substring (("all:").count +1, in_makefile.last_string.count) application_name := in_makefile.last_string.substring (l_pos, in_makefile.last_string.count) application_name.left_adjust; application_name.right_adjust if application_name.is_equal (precompile_tag) then build_precompile := True l_appl_exe := "driver.exe" else l_appl_exe := application_name + ".exe" end out_makefile.put_line (<< "all : ", l_appl_exe >>) skip_rule_commands out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Topen/write fn complete.eif" >>) -- out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tclose/nolog fn" >>) -- (file will be closed automatically, and this makes GNU make burp) -- (because it spawns a new subprocess for each command) else -- processing for (sub)directory makefiles l_line.replace_substring_all (".o", generated_object_file_type) l_line.replace_substring_all ("emain.olb", "emain.obj") -- special handling for Eobj1 (in [.E1]) to add a dependency on emain.obj if l_line.substring_index ("Eobj1" + generated_object_file_type, 1) > l_pos and then l_line.substring_index ("emain.obj", 1) = 0 then l_line.replace_substring_all ("Eobj1" + generated_object_file_type, "Eobj1" + generated_object_file_type + " emain.obj") end out_makefile.put_line (<< l_line >>) skip_rule_commands -- adding this line keeps MMS (and MMK?) from printing a warning. No effect with GNU make. ***FIXME*** MMS/MMK specific if not configuration.target_gnu_make then out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tcontinue" >>) end end end -- process_rule_all process_rule_application (a_target, a_prerequisite: STRING) -- Process application target, eg: : $(OBJECTS) E1/emain.o Makefile require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read appl_nonblank: application_name /= Void and then not application_name.is_empty appl_has_target: in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 1) > 0 appl_has_dependencies: in_makefile.last_string.index_of (':', 1) < in_makefile.last_string.count is_appl_target_definition: starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, application_name) and then first_token (in_makefile.last_string). is_equal (application_name) and then second_token (in_makefile.last_string, application_name). is_equal (":") local l_line, l_target, l_word : STRING l_appl_rule: STRING l_colon_pos, l_pos: INTEGER unfinished_remove_colon_pos: INTEGER do -- No longer using option from config.eif file -- Replace appl with appl.exe, unless precompile if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void then -- output dependent_subdirectories and application_dependencies out_makefile.put_text (<< "%N", configuration.comment_prefix, " dependent_subdirectories:" >>) from dependent_subdirectories.start until dependent_subdirectories.after loop out_makefile.put_text (<< " ", dependent_subdirectories.item >>) dependent_subdirectories.forth end -- loop to print out dependent_subdirectories out_makefile.put_text (<< "%N", configuration.comment_prefix, " application_dependencies:" >>) from application_dependencies.start until application_dependencies.after loop out_makefile.put_text (<< " ", application_dependencies.item >>) application_dependencies.forth end -- loop to print out application_dependencies out_makefile.put_string ("%N%N") end put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) --out_makefile.put_line (<< l_appl_rule >>) create l_appl_rule.make_from_string (in_makefile.last_string) l_target := first_token (l_appl_rule) if l_target.is_equal (precompile_tag) then l_target := "driver" end l_line := l_target + ".exe : " -- rearrange prerequisites to place E1/emain first l_colon_pos := l_appl_rule.index_of (':', 1) l_pos := l_appl_rule.substring_index ("E1/emain.o", l_colon_pos +1) if l_pos > 0 then l_appl_rule.replace_substring ("", l_pos, l_pos + ("E1/emain.o").count -1) -- this will fail if ":" is last char in string l_appl_rule.insert_string (" [.E1]emain.obj ", l_colon_pos +1) end process_target_prerequisites (l_appl_rule, l_colon_pos) -- replace target string .exe or preobj_tag l_colon_pos := l_appl_rule.index_of (':', 1) l_appl_rule.replace_substring (l_line, 1, l_colon_pos) out_makefile.put_line (<< l_appl_rule >>) -- position at first space -- loop: skip target commands -- this loop reads the file until an empty line -- to suck up the rest of the commands for building the target appl -- it looks for precompiled objects and does stuff with "word" -- that is probably left over from an earlier incarnation, and that's why -- it doesn't just call skip_rule_commands from if not in_makefile.last_string.is_empty then l_pos := in_makefile.last_string.substring_index ("preobj", 1) else l_pos := 0 end -- if l_pos > 0 and not build_precompile then if l_pos > 0 then precompiled_library := in_makefile.last_string.twin -- ***fixme*** does it really need to twin? end in_makefile.read_line until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty -- **FIXME** s.b. until non-whitespace first char? loop -- MMS chokes on comments that end with continuation character, so -- remove any such if is_continued_line (in_makefile.last_string) then strip_continuation (in_makefile.last_string) end if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void then out_makefile.put_line (<< configuration.comment_prefix, in_makefile.last_string >>) end l_pos := in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('#', 1); if l_pos > 0 then -- remove comment in_makefile.last_string.keep_head (l_pos - 1) end l_word := in_makefile.last_string.twin -- ***fixme*** does it need to twin? l_word.left_adjust if not l_word.is_empty then if not l_word.is_equal ("Makefile") then if l_word.count >= 10 and then not l_word.substring_index ("runtime", 1).is_equal(0) then application_dependencies.extend ("eiflib:runtime.olb") elseif l_word.count >= 10 and then not l_word.substring_index ("wkbench", 1).is_equal(0) then application_dependencies.extend ("eiflib:wkbench.olb") elseif -- ignore lines starting with $ not l_word.substring(1,1).is_equal("$") and then not starts_with (l_word, "ld ") then -- this is totally bizarre - it can be a whole line! application_dependencies.extend (l_word) debug ("appl") print ("DEBUG(appl): Adding " + l_word + " to application_dependencies%N") end -- debug end end -- not Makefile l_pos := l_word.substring_index ("preobj", 1) else l_pos := 0 end -- l_word.is_empty -- if l_pos > 0 and not build_precompile then if l_pos > 3 and then not l_word.substring (l_pos-3, l_pos-1).is_equal ("-o ") then precompiled_library := l_word.twin end in_makefile.read_line end -- loop -- write out the the action lines to build the appl out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T" + configuration.commandfile + "" >>) if precompiled_library /= Void then precompiled_library.left_adjust precompiled_library.replace_substring_all ("\", "") precompiled_library.right_adjust end -- precompiled_library found debug ("appl") print ("DEBUG(appl): application_dependencies: %N") from application_dependencies.start until application_dependencies.after loop print (" %"" + application_dependencies.item + "%"%N") application_dependencies.forth end end -- debug end -- process_rule_application process_rule_cecil (a_target, a_prerequisite: STRING) require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_cecil_target_definition: starts_with (in_makefile.last_string, "cecil:") or else starts_with (in_makefile.last_string, "cecil") and then second_token (in_makefile.last_string, "cecil").is_equal (":") local deletable_objects: STRING do if True then -- ***FIXME*** comment out all the cecil related targets and definitions from until starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "clean") loop out_makefile.put_line (<< "#! ", in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line end -- out_makefile.put_new_line else if not in_makefile.end_of_file and then not in_makefile.last_string.is_empty then delimit_target_colon (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_string (in_makefile.last_string) end end out_makefile.put_new_line if starts_with_symbol (in_makefile.last_string, "cecil") then -- first, process the cecil: line, converting C1/cobj1.o to [.c1]cobj1.olb etc. -- (just use the dependencies that we got before) out_makefile.put_string ("cecil : ") if cecil_dependencies /= Void then out_makefile.put_string (cecil_dependencies) else out_makefile.put_string (" # none found") end out_makefile.put_new_line -- next extract the objects from runtime.olb or wkbench.olb -- skip the cecil : (eiffel3) or cecil: lib.a (eiffel4) line in_makefile.read_line -- skip the new Eiffel4 lib : line in_makefile.read_line if eiffel_library = Void then if not in_makefile.last_string.substring_index ("wkbench", 1).is_equal(0) then eiffel_library := "wkbench" elseif not in_makefile.last_string.substring_index("runtime", 1).is_equal(0) then eiffel_library := "runtime" else -- neither workbench nor runtime - something is wrong eiffel_library := "UNDEFINED_EIFFEL_RUNTIME_LIBRARY" -- panic - neither workbench nor runtime recognized end -- workbench or runtime end deletable_objects := eiffel_library + ".obj;*" -- extract modules from eiffel runtime library (finalized, mtfinalized, wkbench, runtime, or whatever) out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tlibrary/extract=*/output=eifrtlib.obj ", -- eiffel_library, ".obj ", eiffel_library_filespec >>) "$(EIFLIB)%N" >>) -- next line is "ar cr lib.a ...", ignore in_makefile.read_line -- next line is precompile lib, if used in_makefile.read_line if not in_makefile.last_string.substring_index ("preobj", 1).is_equal (0) then out_makefile.put_string ("%Tlibr/extract=*/output=preobj.obj ") in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all ("\", "") in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all ("%T", " ") in_makefile.last_string.replace_substring_all (" ", " ") -- GNU make on vms/alpha again, requires this replace_eiffel_symbols (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_string (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_new_line deletable_objects.append (",preobj.obj;*") end out_makefile.put_line (<< "%Tlibrary/create ", application_name, ".olb *.obj,[.*]*.obj" >>) --out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T- if f$$search(%"emain.obj%") .nes. %"%" then library/delete=emain $@%N") out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T- if ", DCL_quoted_word ("f$search"), "(%"emain.obj%") .nes. %"%" then library/delete=emain $@" >>) if deletable_objects /= Void then out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T-delete ", deletable_objects >>) end -- ignore remaining lines... --if not externals_present then NEEDED? -- l_line.replace_substring_all ("$(EXTERNALS)", "") --end -- read until eof or next empty line from until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty loop in_makefile.read_line end end end -- process_rule_cecil process_target_prerequisites (a_dependents : STRING; initial_pos : INTEGER) -- process prerequisites (dependents) of a target: -- replace macro references with their values; -- for each "word", translate filespec to VMS syntax if it is a Unix filespec and -- append to application dependencies -- ***FIXME*** return a value, don't update application_dependencies require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read local start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER word: STRING do --make_vms_filespecs (a_dependents, initial_pos) from start_pos := next_word_index (a_dependents, initial_pos) until start_pos = 0 or else start_pos > a_dependents.count loop end_pos := end_word_index (a_dependents, start_pos) word := a_dependents.substring (start_pos, end_pos) if a_dependents @ start_pos = '#' then end_pos := a_dependents.count elseif value_macro_OBJECTS /= Void and then word.is_equal ("$(OBJECTS)") then process_target_prerequisites (value_macro_OBJECTS, 0) -- a_dependents.replace_substring (value_macro_OBJECTS, start_pos, end_pos) -- end_pos := start_pos -1 elseif word.is_equal ("Makefile") then -- skip Makefile elseif word.is_equal ("EMAIN_SPECIAL") then -- special processing for Emain elseif starts_with (word, "$(") then -- special processing for unknown macro print_warning_message ("process_target_prerequisites: Don't know how to process macro in file: ") print (current_input_file_name() + "%N macro: %"" + word + "%" at position: " + start_pos.out + " in %N line: %"" + a_dependents + "%"%N") else if ends_with (word, ".o") then word := as_vms_filespec (word) if starts_with_symbol (word, "[.E1]emain.o") then word.append ("bj") else word.append ("lb") end a_dependents.replace_substring (word, start_pos, end_pos) end_pos := start_pos - word.count end --if not word.is_equal ("[.E1]emain.obj") if not word.as_lower.is_equal ("[.e1]emain.obj") then application_dependencies.extend (word) end end -- special word handling start_pos := next_word_index (a_dependents, end_pos) end -- loop: for each word in a_dependents end -- process_target_prerequisites process_rule_commands (a_target, a_prerequisite: STRING) -- process the commands of the current target definition: -- skip the current line (target rule dependency definition), -- process successive lines (commands) that begin with comment or whitespace character. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_writable: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible target_exists_nonblank: a_target /= Void and then not a_target.is_empty local l_words: DELIMITED_TEXT l_cmd, l_source, l_target, l_directory: STRING do if unprocessed_targets.has (a_target) then echo_rule_commands else -- process lines beginning with whitespace or comment char from in_makefile.read_line until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty or else not (in_makefile.last_string @ 1 = '#' or else is_space_or_tab (in_makefile.last_string @ 1)) loop create l_words.make_ignoring_repeats (in_makefile.last_string, space_character) if not unechoed_unprocessed_commands.has (trimmed(l_words.first)) then put_comment_prefixed_line (in_makefile.last_string) end -- perform_inchoate_replacements (in_makefile.last_string) -- out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) from l_words.start l_directory := "" until l_words.is_empty loop l_cmd := trimmed (l_words.first) l_words.remove if l_cmd.is_equal ("$(X2C)") then l_source := l_words.first l_words.remove l_target := l_words.first l_words.remove out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T", l_cmd, " ", l_source, " ", l_target >>) elseif l_cmd.is_equal (";") then do_nothing elseif l_cmd.is_equal ("cd") then l_directory := as_vms_filespec (l_words.first + "/") l_words.remove elseif l_cmd.is_equal ("$(MAKE)") then l_target := l_words.first l_words.remove if ends_with (l_target, ".o") then l_target.remove_tail (2) if l_directory.is_equal ("[.E1]") then l_target.append (".obj") else l_target.append (generated_object_file_type) end end out_makefile.put_line (<< subdirectory_make_command (l_directory, l_target) >>) elseif l_cmd.is_equal ("$(RM)") then from l_target := "" l_words.start until l_words.is_empty loop l_source := l_words.first l_words.remove if ends_with (l_source, ".o") then l_source.remove_tail (2) l_source.append (generated_object_file_type) end if not l_target.is_empty then l_target.append (", ") end l_target.append (l_source + ";*") end out_makefile.put_line (<< "%T", l_cmd, " ", l_target >>) else --print_makefile_error ("process_rule_commands: unknown command %"" + l_cmd + "%"") --skip_rule_commands perform_inchoate_replacements (in_makefile.last_string) out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) l_words.wipe_out end end -- loop on words in_makefile.read_line end -- loop on in_makefile end end -- process_rule_commands echo_rule_commands -- skip past the current target definition and echoes its commands require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_writable: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible do from in_makefile.read_line until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty or else not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1) loop out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) in_makefile.read_line end -- read in_makefile loop end -- echo_rule_commands skip_rule_commands -- skip past the current target definition and its commands: -- skip successive lines (directives) until we come to the next target entry - -- (a line beginning with nonblank/noncomment character) -- writes skipped lines as comments to output file if comment_prefix is set require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_writable: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible do -- skip lines beginning with whitespace or comment char from in_makefile.read_line until in_makefile.end_of_file or else in_makefile.last_string.is_empty or else --not in_makefile.last_string.is_empty and then not (in_makefile.last_string @ 1 = '#' or is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ 1)) loop if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void then out_makefile.put_line (<< configuration.comment_prefix, in_makefile.last_string >>) end in_makefile.read_line end -- read in_makefile loop end -- skip_rule_commands perform_inchoate_replacements (a_str : STRING) -- Perform general replacements that are needed because we don't parse the makefile lines -- and act on them intelligently, just blindly perform replacements. -- these are done in process_externals, process_spit2_line, etc. -- no i/o is done here. require line_exists: a_str /= Void local l_orig: STRING do if not a_str.is_empty() then l_orig := a_str.twin -- process suffix rules a_str.replace_substring_all ("$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c", "$(CC) $(CFLAGS)") a_str.replace_substring_all ("$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c", "$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS)") if False then -- these are from process_externals a_str.replace_substring_all (".c.o:", ".c.obj:") a_str.replace_substring_all (".cpp.o:", ".cpp.obj:") a_str.replace_substring_all (".x.o:", ".x.obj:") a_str.replace_substring_all (".xpp.o:", ".xpp.obj:") -- append ";*" to delete commands --if a_str.substring_index("$(RM)", 1) > 1 and then -- options.has ("rm") and then -- options.item ("rm").substring_index ("del", 1) > 0 then -- a_str.append (";*") --end end -- these are from process_spit2_line --a_str.replace_substring_all (" ", " ") -- collapse multiple spaces to one space a_str.replace_substring_all (" < $< > $*.c", " $< $*.c") a_str.replace_substring_all ("$(RM) core *.o", "$(RM) *.obj") a_str.replace_substring_all ("$(RM) $(OBJECTS)", "$(RM) *.obj") a_str.replace_substring_all ("$(RM) $(EOBJ1)", "$(RM)/EXCL=emain.obj *.obj") if a_str.substring_index ("$(RM)", 1) > 1 and then configuration.has ("rm") and then configuration.item ("rm").substring_index ("del" , 1) > 0 then if build_precompile then a_str.replace_substring_all ("%T$(RM)", "#%T$(RM)") out_makefile.put_line (<< "#%T-- files not deleted for precompile..." >>) else a_str.append (";*") end end --replace_eiffel_symbols (a_str) --**only if a shell line** replace_macros (line) debug if a_str.is_equal (l_orig) then do_nothing -- debug: nothing was changed else do_nothing -- debug: something changed end end end -- a_str not is_empty end -- perform_inchoate_replacements subdirectory_name (a_subdir: STRING): STRING -- returns a subdirectory name, stripped of all path delimiters require subdirectory_exists: a_subdir /= Void subdirectory_long_enough: a_subdir.count > 1 local ii: INTEGER do create Result.make_from_string (a_subdir) -- n.b. pre 5.3 {STRING}make_from_string doesn't clone, can return descendant of STRING from ii := 1 until ii > Result.count loop if Result @ ii = '.' or else path_delimiters.has (Result @ ii) then Result.remove (ii) else ii := ii + 1 end end -- loop end subdirectory_object_filename (a_subdir: STRING): STRING -- the file name (less extension) of the object file for a subdirectory (eg. Cobj1 for subdirectory C1/) require subdirectory_nonblank: a_subdir /= Void and then not a_subdir.is_empty do --create Result.make_from_string (a_subdir) Result := subdirectory_name (a_subdir) Result.insert_string ("obj", 2) end is_current_subdirectory_object_file (a_fil: STRING): BOOLEAN -- is `a_file' the object filename (including extension) for the current subdirectory (eg. Cobj3.o for C3/)? do if not then --Result := a_file.is_equal (subdirectory_object_filename (dependent_subdirectories.item) + ".o") Result := is_subdirectory_object_file (a_fil, dependent_subdirectories.item) end end is_subdirectory_object_file (a_fil, a_subdir: STRING): BOOLEAN -- is `a_fil' the object file for `a_subdir' (eg. Cobj99.o of C99/)? do Result := a_fil.is_equal (subdirectory_object_filename (a_subdir) + ".o") end -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Produce output files -------------------------------------------------------------------------- produce_link_dot_com -- generate (DCL command procedure) from application_dependencies require application_dependencies_exists: application_dependencies /= Void dependent_subdirectories_exists: dependent_subdirectories /= Void --eiffel_library_exists_nonblank: eiffel_library /= Void and then not eiffel_library.is_empty local l_fname : FILE_NAME l_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE l_cmd: STRING l_preobj, l_dep, l_opt: STRING l_dep_max, ii: INTEGER l_vms_file : STRING l_ext_prefix: STRING l_tmp: STRING do create l_fname.make_from_string (base_directory) l_fname.set_file_name ("LINK.COM") create {ES5SH_TEXT_FILE}l_file.make_open_write (l_fname) l_file.put_line (<< "$!-- ", l_fname, " -- generated by ", pretty_version, " at ", start_date_time, "%N$!--" >>) l_cmd := "$ write sys$output %"Linking " + application_name if build_precompile then if not application_name.is_equal ("driver.exe") then l_cmd.append (" (changing name from " + application_name + " to driver for precompile) ") end application_name := "driver" end l_file.put_line (<< l_cmd, " ''p1' ''p2' ...%"%N$!" >>) if build_precompile then l_file.put_string ("$ write sys$output %"build precompile object library starting at %'%'f$time()%'%"%N") l_file.put_string ("$! Create the precompile object library file preobj.olb... %N") create l_preobj.make (dependent_subdirectories.count * 10) l_preobj.append ("$ library/object/create preobj.olb ") from dependent_subdirectories.start until dependent_subdirectories.after loop --if not dependent_subdirectories.item.is_equal (e1_subdirectory_name) then if not dependent_subdirectories.item.is_equal ("E1") then l_dep := as_vms_filespec (dependent_subdirectories.item + "/") l_preobj.append (l_dep); l_preobj.append ("*.obj,") end -- not "E1" dependent_subdirectories.forth end -- loop if l_preobj @ l_preobj.count = ',' then l_preobj.remove_tail (1) -- remove trailing comma end l_file.put_line (<< l_preobj >>) end -- build_precompile l_file.put_string ("$ write sys$output %"link started at %'%'f$time()%'%"%N") l_cmd := "$ link/exe=[]" + application_name + ".exe'p1' sys$input:" + application_name + ".opt/option" -- append any externals that are options files to the link command -- (VMS link does not support nested options files). from externals_list.start until loop debug ("externals") -- David debug print_output_message (<< "DEBUG(externals): %N External item - in: %"", externals_list.item + "%"" >>) end -- end debug if has_extension (externals_list.item, ".opt") then l_cmd.append ("," + externals_list.item + "/options") end externals_list.forth end -- loop externals_list l_file.put_line (<< l_cmd, " 'p2'%N[.E1]emain.obj%N", eiffel_library_filespec, "/include=EIF_PROJECT" >>) -- preprocess application_dependencies: prepend SYS$DISK if no device (prevent defaulting from Eiffel library) from if command_option_verbose then l_file.put_string ("! application_dependencies: (option verbose present) %N") end application_dependencies.start until application_dependencies.after loop debug ("link") print (application_dependencies.item + "%N") end if command_option_verbose then l_file.put_text (<< "! ", application_dependencies.item >>) end application_dependencies.item.replace_substring_all ("[.", "sys$disk:[.") if command_option_verbose then l_file.put_line (<< " --> ", application_dependencies.item >>) end application_dependencies.forth end -- application_dependencies loop -- generate 3 instances of each list of application objects/libraries, eiffel runtime, and dependent libraries -- if finalizing on VMS/Alpha, make it 4? from ii := 1 if generate_object_libraries then if finalized then l_dep_max := 3 else l_dep_max := 2 end else l_dep_max := 1 end until ii > l_dep_max loop -- now loop through the application_dependencies list from application_dependencies.start create l_opt.make_empty until application_dependencies.after loop debug ("link") print (application_dependencies.item + "%N") end l_dep := application_dependencies.item.as_lower l_opt.wipe_out if starts_with (l_dep, "emain.") or else starts_with (l_dep, "preobj.") then do_nothing -- don't write the line that has emain.obj or preobj in it elseif has_extension (l_dep, ".olb") then l_file.put_string (application_dependencies.item + "/libr%N") elseif has_extension (l_dep, ".obj") then if ii = 1 then l_file.put_line (<< application_dependencies.item >>) end elseif has_extension (l_dep, ".exe") then if ii = 1 then l_file.put_line (<< application_dependencies.item, "/share" >>) end else l_file.put_line (<< application_dependencies.item >>) end application_dependencies.forth end -- application_dependencies loop -- emit eiffel library l_file.put_line (<< eiffel_library_filespec.out, "/library" >>) ii := ii + 1 end -- dependency instances loop -- if precompile used, emit the precompiled object library plus another instance of eiffel library if precompiled_library /= Void then l_vms_file := as_vms_filespec (precompiled_library) replace_eiffel_symbols (l_vms_file) l_file.put_line (<< l_vms_file, "/library" >>) l_file.put_line (<< eiffel_library_filespec, "/library" >>) end -- emit externals if not externals_list.is_empty then l_file.put_string ("! EXTERNALS: (== external_prefix") if configuration.has ("external_prefix") then l_ext_prefix := configuration.item ("external_prefix") l_file.put_line (<< ": %"", l_ext_prefix, "%")" >>) else l_ext_prefix := "" l_file.put_string (" not defined)%N") end from externals_list.start until loop l_tmp := externals_list.item.as_lower if has_extension (l_tmp, ".opt") then l_file.put_line (<< "! ", externals_list.item, " -- option file in LINK command, above" >>) else --l_file.put_text (<< l_ext_prefix, externals_list.item >>) if has_extension (l_tmp, ".olb") then l_file.put_line (<< l_ext_prefix, externals_list.item, "/libr" >>) elseif has_extension (l_tmp, ".exe") then l_file.put_line (<< l_ext_prefix, externals_list.item, "/share" >>) else l_file.put_new_line end end externals_list.forth end -- loop thru externals list l_file.put_string ("! end EXTERNALS%N") end -- not externals_list.is_empty -- emit options for shareable images (should be last options) if configuration.has ("eiffel_shareable") then -- Eiffel shareable image(s) (generally, VMS_JACKETS) l_tmp := configuration.item ("eiffel_shareable") l_file.put_line (<< "! option == eiffel_shareable: %'", l_tmp, "%'" >>) replace_eiffel_symbols (l_tmp) l_file.put_line (<< replace_macros (l_tmp) >>) end if True or else not externals_options.is_empty then -- DECWindows shareable images l_file.put_string ("! externals_options: " + externals_options + "%N") -- ***TBS*** add another copy of the eiffel library before shareables?? if configuration.has ("xmotif_libs") then l_file.put_line (<< "! option %"== xmotif_libs%" used:%N", configuration.item ("xmotif_libs") >>) else l_file.put_line (<< "! ", pretty_name, " default (== xmotif_libs option not defined):" >>) --l_file.put_line (<< "sys$share:decw$mrmlibshr12/share" >>) --l_file.put_line (<< "sys$share:decw$xlibshr/share" >>) --l_file.put_line (<< "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr12/share" >>) --l_file.put_line (<< "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5/share" >>) l_file.put_line (<< "sys$share:decwindows.olb/libN" >>) -- else -- l_file.put_line (<< "! option %"xmotif_libs%" used:%N", configuration.item ("xmotif_libs"), "%N%N" >>) end end -- not externals_options.is_empty l_file.put_line (<< "$ sts := '$status" >>) l_file.put_line (<< "$ write sys$output %"link ended at ''f$time()' with status: ''sts'%"" >>) l_file.put_line (<< "$! exit 'sts' ***force success***" >>) l_file.close end -- produce_link_dot_com -- append_dependent_objects_to_link_dot_com (l_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE) is -- -- append `a_deps' to `l_file' -- do -- end -- produce_make_dot_com (a_subdir : STRING) is -- -- generate (DCL command procedure) in subdirectory 'a_subdir' -- require -- subdirectory_nonblank: a_subdir /= Void and then not a_subdir.is_empty -- local -- l_filnam : FILE_NAME -- l_fil: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- l_subdir: STRING -- do -- l_subdir := as_vms_filespec (a_subdir + "/") -- create l_filnam.make_from_string (base_directory) -- if a_subdir /= Void and then not a_subdir.is_empty then -- l_filnam.extend (a_subdir) -- end -- l_filnam.set_file_name ("") -- create l_fil.make_open_write (l_filnam) -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$! " + l_filnam + "%N") -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ set verify%N") -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ current = %"''f$envir(%"default%")'%"%N") -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ set default " + l_subdir + "%N") -- if configuration.has ("make") then -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ " + configuration.item ("make")) -- else -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ make") -- end -- l_fil.put_line (<< "$ set default 'current'%N") -- l_fil.close -- end -- produce_make_dot_com will_produce_concatenated_source_file_in (a_subdir: STRING) : BOOLEAN -- will we creating concatenated source file for subdirectory `a_subdir'? -- True if we're doing it at all, unless the subdirectory is "E1" require subdirectory_exists: a_subdir /= Void do Result := will_concatenate_source_files and then not a_subdir.is_equal ("E1") and then not a_subdir.is_empty end produce_concatenated_source_file (a_subdir : STRING) -- produce concatenated source file for subdirectory `a_subdir' require will_produce_concatenated_source_file_in (a_subdir) --in_subdirectory: not subdirectory_nonblank: a_subdir /= Void and then not a_subdir.is_empty local l_source: STRING -- source files in subdirectory l_source_files: DELIMITED_TEXT -- source files in current subdirectory, from Makefile OBJECTS (or OLDOBJECTS) macro l_path : DIRECTORY_NAME l_subdir_name : STRING l_file_name: FILE_NAME l_big_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE -- concatenated source file l_ext: STRING -- source file extension, "x" or "c" do create l_path.make_from_string (base_directory) l_path.extend (a_subdir) if value_macro_OLDOBJECTS /= Void then l_source := value_macro_OLDOBJECTS.twin else l_source := value_macro_OBJECTS.twin end l_source.replace_substring_all (".obj", "") -- remove all .obj create l_source_files.make_ignoring_repeats (l_source, space_character) check source_files_not_empty: not l_source_files.is_empty end -- generate .x or .c file? check the first source file, see if a ".x" file exists, else generate .c file if file_exists (l_source_files.first, "x", l_path) then l_ext := "x" else l_ext := "c" end create l_file_name.make_from_string (l_path) -- extract the subdirectory name l_subdir_name := a_subdir.twin l_subdir_name.prune_all_leading ('['); l_subdir_name.prune_all_trailing (']') if l_subdir_name.count >= 1 and then (l_subdir_name @ 1) = '.' then l_subdir_name.remove (1) end l_file_name.set_file_name (concatenated_source_file_name (a_subdir)) l_file_name.add_extension (l_ext) if command_option_verbose then print ("%T creating " + l_file_name + "%N") end create l_big_file.make_open_write (l_file_name) l_big_file.put_line (<< "// **** ",, " -- generated by ", pretty_version, " at ", start_date_time, " ****%N" >>) -- append each source file to big_file l_source_files.do_all_with_index (agent append_source_to_big_file_agent (?,?, l_big_file, l_path, l_ext)) l_big_file.put_line (<< "%N// **** end ",, " ****" >>) l_big_file.close end -- produce_concatenated_source_file concatenated_source_file_name (a_subdir: STRING) : STRING -- name of concatenated source file for subdirectory `a_subdir' require subdirectory_nonblank: a_subdir /= Void and then not a_subdir.is_empty do if True or else generate_object_libraries then Result := "big_file_" + subdirectory_name (a_subdir) else Result := subdirectory_object_filename (a_subdir) end end append_source_to_big_file_agent (a_source: STRING; a_index: INTEGER; a_big_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE; a_path: DIRECTORY_NAME; a_extension: STRING) -- append source `a_source'.`a_extension' in `a_path' to big source file `a_big_file' -- may be accomplished by appending an #include directive or appending the contents of the file require source_exists: a_source /= Void big_file_exists: a_big_file /= Void big_file_is_open_write: a_big_file.is_open_write local l_source_file_name: FILE_NAME l_source_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE do create l_source_file_name.make_from_string (a_path) l_source_file_name.set_file_name (a_source) l_source_file_name.add_extension (a_extension) create l_source_file.make (l_source_file_name) debug -- obsolete -- if no .x file exists, try .c if a_extension.is_case_insensitive_equal ("x") and then not l_source_file.exists then create l_source_file_name.make_from_string (a_path) l_source_file_name.set_file_name (a_source) l_source_file_name.add_extension ("c") create l_source_file.make (l_source_file_name) end end if not l_source_file.exists then print_error_message ("source file: " + l_source_file_name + " does not exist!%N") else if will_concatenate_source_file_contents then if a_index > 1 then a_big_file.put_line (<< "%F" >>) end append_source_contents_to_big_file (l_source_file, a_big_file) else a_big_file.put_line (<< "#include %"", a_source, ".", a_extension, "%"%T%T// ", >> ) end end end append_source_contents_to_big_file (a_source_file, a_big_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE) -- append contents of file `a_source'.`a_extension' in `a_path' to big source file `a_big_file' -- preceded by platform-appropriate #line directives, and with any embedded line directives commented out. require source_file_not_void: a_source_file /= Void source_file_is_readable: a_source_file.is_readable big_file_not_void: a_big_file /= Void big_file_is_open_write: a_big_file.is_open_write local l_file_name_vms: STRING do a_source_file.open_read if command_option_verbose then print ("%T append " + + "%N") end l_file_name_vms := as_vms_filespec (make_absolute_filespec ( if value_platform.substring_index ("VMS", 1) > 0 then a_big_file.put_line (<< "#line 1 %"", l_file_name_vms, "%" // ", >>) else a_big_file.put_line (<< "#line 1 %"",, "%" // ", l_file_name_vms >>) end from a_source_file.read_line until a_source_file.end_of_file loop --if a_source_file.last_string.count > ("#line").count and then if a_source_file.last_string.count > 5 and then a_source_file.last_string @ 1 = '#' and then a_source_file.last_string.substring_index ("line", 2) >= 2 then a_big_file.put_line (<< "// ", a_source_file.last_string >>) else a_big_file.put_line (<< a_source_file.last_string >>) end a_source_file.read_line end -- loop until a_source_file.end_of_file a_source_file.close a_big_file.put_line (<< "%N// *** end ",, " ***" >>) --a_big_file.flush end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- Process macro definitions -------------------------------------------------------------------------- is_macro_definition (line : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- is this line a macro definition (of the form = ) ? local l_token1, l_token2 : STRING unfinished: BOOLEAN do -- Check for macro definitions: line begins with tokens: <=> if line /= Void and then not line.is_empty then l_token1 := first_token (line) if not l_token1.is_empty and then is_symbol_constituent (l_token1 @ 1) then l_token2 := next_token (line, line.substring_index(l_token1, 1) + l_token1.count) -- debug l_token2 := next_token (line, l_token1.count +1); l_token2 := second_token (line, l_token1); Result := l_token2.is_equal ("=") end -- l_token1 not Void and not is_empty and starts with symbol constituent end -- line not empty end -- is_macro_definition is_macro_definition_of (a_line : STRING; a_macro_name : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- is `a_line' a macro definition of the specified macro `a_name' (NAME = ) -- with optional whitespace around the =? require --line_not_void: a_line /= Void macro_name_not_blank: a_macro_name /= Void and then not a_macro_name.is_empty local l_token1 : STRING --eq_pos, end_pos : INTEGER do if a_line /= Void and then not a_line.is_empty then l_token1 := first_token (a_line) if l_token1.is_equal (a_macro_name) then Result := second_token (a_line, l_token1).is_equal ("=") -- eq_pos := next_word_index (line, line.substring_index (l_token1, 1) + l_token1.count -1) -- if eq_pos > 0 then -- end_pos := end_word_index (line, eq_pos) -- else -- end_pos := -1 -- end -- Result := end_pos = eq_pos and then line @ eq_pos = '=' end -- l_token1 is_equal (name) end -- line not empty end -- is_macro_definition_of process_macro_definition -- process current line containing a macro definition -- EIFLIB, CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS et. al. are handled specially here. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition (in_makefile.last_string) local l_macro, l_value: STRING do -- Check for various macro definitions: line begins with tokens: <=> l_macro := first_token (in_makefile.last_string) if not l_macro.is_empty then if second_token (in_makefile.last_string, l_macro).is_equal ("=") then -- check for CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, EIFLIB, etc. if l_macro.is_equal ("CFLAGS") or else l_macro.is_equal ("CPPFLAGS") then process_macro_CFLAGS (l_macro) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("EIFLIB") then process_macro_EIFLIB (l_macro) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("EXTERNALS") then process_macro_EXTERNALS (l_macro) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("INCLUDE_PATH") then process_macro_INCLUDE_PATH (l_macro) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("OBJECTS") then process_macro_OBJECTS (l_macro) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("OLDOBJECTS") then process_macro_OLDOBJECTS (l_macro) -- elseif l_macro.is_equal ("EOBJ1") then -- value_macro_EOBJ1 := read_processed_macro_value ("EOBJ1") -- put_macro_definition ("EOBJ1", value_macro_EOBJ1) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("SUBDIRS") then --value_macro_SUBDIRS := read_processed_macro_value ("SUBDIRS") value_macro_SUBDIRS := read_macro_value_echoed ("SUBDIRS", Void) process_macro_value (value_macro_SUBDIRS) put_macro_definition ("SUBDIRS", value_macro_SUBDIRS) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("RCECIL") then l_value := read_processed_macro_value ("RCECIL") put_macro_definition ("RCECIL", l_value) elseif l_macro.is_equal ("X2C") then -- X2C must be defined externally as a foreign DCL command l_value := read_macro_value ("X2C") put_macro_definition ("X2C", "X2C") -- elseif l_macro.is_equal ("SHELL") then -- l_value := read_macro_value ("SHELL") -- out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix + "SHELL = " + l_value + "%N") else -- not a known or special handled macro; -- if it is not blank and not in suppressed_macro_definitions then output the processed definition l_value := read_macro_value (l_macro) process_macro_value (l_value) l_value := replace_macros (l_value) if not l_value.is_empty and then not suppressed_macro_definitions.has (l_macro) then --out_makefile.put_line (<< l_macro + " = " + l_value + "%N") put_macro_definition (l_macro, l_value) else end end -- else l_macro is whatever end -- second token is "=" end -- l_macro not empty end -- process_macro_definition process_macro_CFLAGS (a_macro_name : STRING) -- process CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS macro definition -- a_macro_name is the macro name (CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS) -- eg. CFLAGS = ... -DWORKBENCH -I\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/include \$(INCLUDE_PATH) -- or CFLAGS = $optimize $ccflags $large -I\$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/include \$(INCLUDE_PATH) -- accumulate -I and -D values and replace them with DCL qualifiers for same. -- macro definitions must have already been replaced (how to express that in a precondition?) -- *FIXME* doesn't handle continuation lines require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read --macros_replaced: in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('$', 1) = 0 is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition (in_makefile.last_string) is_CFLAGS_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "CFLAGS") or else is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "CPPFLAGS") local l_cflags: STRING -- macro value l_prefix: STRING l_start, l_end : INTEGER l_word, l_orig, l_includes, l_defines : STRING l_size: INTEGER l_dbg : STRING do l_cflags := read_macro_value (a_macro_name) l_prefix := "VMS_" + a_macro_name.twin l_prefix.replace_substring_all ("FLAGS", "") -- The \$(INCLUDE_PATH) macro must be processed here, because all -I options must be collected. l_start := l_cflags.substring_index ("\$(INCLUDE_PATH)", 1) if l_start > 0 then if value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH /= Void then l_word := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH else l_word := "" end --l_cflags.replace_substring (l_word, l_start, l_start + ("\$(INCLUDE_PATH)").count -1) l_cflags.replace_substring_all ("\$(INCLUDE_PATH)", l_word) end process_shell_commands (l_cflags, 1) l_cflags := replace_macros (l_cflags) -- ***defer*** -- Replace -I and -D options with /INCLUDE and /DEFINE DCL qualifiers. -- Not quite as simple as it sounds, because DCL only uses the -- last qualifier value. So, all the -I and -D values must be -- accumulated and specified as a single /INCLUDE and /DEFINE -- with a parenthesized list of comma separated values. create l_defines.make (100) create l_includes.make (100) -- Insert the INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX and _SUFFIX options, if present if configuration.has ("INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX") then l_includes.append (configuration.item ("INCLUDE_PATH_PREFIX")) end -- First, find all the -I and -D options, and build a list of -- each of their respective values. from l_start := 1 until l_start = 0 or else l_start >= l_cflags.count loop l_end := end_word_index (l_cflags, l_start) l_word := l_cflags.substring (l_start, l_end) l_orig := l_word.twin -- check for shell command --if (word.count > 1 and then (word @ 1) = '`') then -- starts_with (word, "`") then if (is_shell_command (l_cflags, l_start)) then -- handle shell command like `gtk-config` or $(gtk-config) ***FIXME*** process_shell_command_at (l_cflags, l_start) -- debug if l_start <= l_cflags.count then l_end := end_word_index (l_cflags, l_start) l_word := l_cflags.substring (l_start, l_end) else l_end := l_cflags.count l_word := "" end end if starts_with (l_word, "-D") then l_word.remove_head (2) -- remove leading "-D" if not l_word.is_equal (l_word.as_upper) then l_word.prepend_character ('%"'); l_word.append_character ('%"') end append_DCL_value (l_defines, l_word) l_word := "" elseif starts_with (l_word, "-I") then l_word.remove_head (2) -- remove leading "-I" unquote (l_word) if l_word.is_empty then print_makefile_warning ("blank include directive ignored: " + l_orig) elseif l_word.is_equal (".") then do_nothing else --not l_word.is_empty and then not l_word.is_equal (".") then --***FIXME*** check for VMS filespec, don't assume Unix if not is_vms_filespec (l_word) then -- ensure it looks like a path (ends in '/') if l_word.item (l_word.count) /= '/' then l_word.append_character ('/') end l_word := as_vms_filespec (l_word) end l_word.replace_substring_all ("$ISE_PLATFORM", value_platform) append_DCL_value (l_includes, l_word) end l_word := "" elseif l_word.count >= 2 and then l_word @ 1 = '/' and then (l_word @ 2).is_alpha then -- process DCL qualifier l_size := DCL_qualifier_name_size (l_word, 1) if l_size >= 2 and then l_size < l_word.count - 2 and then l_word @ (l_size + 1) = '=' then -- DCL qualifier with value (/foo=bar or /foo=(a [,b]...) -- simplistic but usable: find end of value (quoted string or parenthesized list) inspect l_cflags @ (l_start + l_size + 1) when '(' then l_end := l_cflags.index_of (')', l_start + l_size + 2) when '%"' then l_end := l_cflags.index_of ('%"', l_start + l_size + 2) else -- no action end if l_end = 0 then l_end := l_cflags.count l_dbg := l_word else l_dbg := l_cflags.substring (l_start, l_end) end if DCL_qualifier_matches ("/include_directory", 3, l_word, 1) then -- allow quoted strings, leave quotes (may be UNIX filespecs) --if l_size < l_word.count - 1 and then l_word @ (l_size + 1) = '=' then append_DCL_value (l_includes, l_cflags.substring (l_start + l_size + 1, l_end)) --l_cflags.replace_substring ("", l_start, l_end) --l_end := l_start l_word := "" elseif DCL_qualifier_matches ("/define", 3, l_word, 1) then --if l_size < l_word.count - 1 and then l_word @ (l_size + 1) = '=' then -- special handling for /DEFINE values, which may be quoted strings -- or a parenthesized list of comma separated values ***TBS*** --append_DCL_value (defines, l_word.substring (l_size + 2, l_word.count)) append_DCL_value (l_defines, l_cflags.substring (l_start + l_size + 1, l_end)) --l_cflags.replace_substring ("", l_start, l_end) --l_end := l_start l_word := "" end end elseif l_word @ 1 = '$' then --l_word := replace_macros (l_word) end -- remove word if processed if l_word.is_empty and then l_start <= l_end then -- ***TBS*** remove trailing whitespace after word as well as word l_cflags.replace_substring ("", l_start, l_end) l_end := l_start end -- setup next loop iteration if l_end < l_cflags.count then l_start := next_word_index (l_cflags, l_end) else l_start := l_end + 1 end end -- loop if configuration.has ("INCLUDE_PATH_SUFFIX") then l_word := configuration.item ("INCLUDE_PATH_SUFFIX") if not l_word.is_empty then append_DCL_VALUE (l_includes, l_word) end end reduce_whitespace (l_cflags, 1) -- replace any remaining unprocessed macros --l_cflags := replace_macros (l_cflags) out_makefile.put_line (<< a_macro_name, " = ", l_cflags, " $(", l_prefix, "DEFINES) $(", l_prefix, "INCLUDE)" >>) -- Emit the /INCLUDE and /DEFINE qualifiers out_makefile.put_text (<< l_prefix, "DEFINES = " >>) if l_defines.is_empty then out_makefile.put_new_line else out_makefile.put_line (<< "/DEFINE=", l_defines >>) end out_makefile.put_text (<>) --out_makefile.new_line end -- process_macro_CFLAGS process_macro_EIFLIB (a_macro_name_unused: STRING) -- process EIFLIB macro definition --indexing "FIXME" require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition (in_makefile.last_string) is_EIFLIB_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "EIFLIB") local l_eiflib: STRING do -- handle EIFLIB macro definition -- eg: EIFLIB = \$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/$prefix$wkeiflib$suffix -- or EIFLIB = \$(ISE_EIFFEL)/studio/spec/\$(ISE_PLATFORM)/lib/$prefix$mt_prefix$eiflib$suffix l_eiflib := read_macro_value ("EIFLIB") unquote (l_eiflib) l_eiflib := replace_macros (l_eiflib) eiffel_library := as_vms_filespec (l_eiflib) put_macro_definition ("EIFLIB", eiffel_library) --eiffel_library.replace_substring_all ("$(ISE_PLATFORM)", value_platform) end -- process_macro_EIFLIB process_macro_EXTERNALS (a_macro_name_unused: STRING) -- process EXTERNALS macro definition: for each word (filespec) make it VMS syntax, add to externals_list require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_EXTERNALS_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "EXTERNALS") local l_externals, word : STRING l_start, l_end : INTEGER l_dbg: STRING do l_externals := read_processed_macro_value ("EXTERNALS") from l_start := 1 until l_start = 0 or else l_start > l_externals.count loop l_end := end_word_index (l_externals, l_start) l_dbg := l_externals.substring (l_start, l_end) if l_end <= l_externals.count then if (is_shell_command (l_externals, l_start)) then process_shell_command_at (l_externals, l_start) l_end := end_word_index (l_externals, l_start) end if l_start <= l_end then -- if replacement is not empty string word := l_externals.substring (l_start, l_end) if not word.is_empty and then word @ 1 = '-' then -- word is an option (-l or -L) externals_options.append (word) externals_options.append_character (space_character) else l_dbg := replace_macros (word) if has_extension (word, ".lib") then replace_end (word, ".lib", ".olb") end externals_list.extend (word) end end end -- continue loop: find start of next word l_start := next_word_index (l_externals, l_end) end -- loop for each word -- output externals list and externals options as comments out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " EXTERNALS list:" >>) from externals_list.start until externals_list.after loop out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, " ", externals_list.item >>) externals_list.forth end -- externals_list loop out_makefile.put_string (default_comment_prefix + " EXTERNALS options: ") if externals_options = Void then out_makefile.put_string ("(Void)") elseif externals_options.is_empty then out_makefile.put_string ("(none)") else out_makefile.put_string (externals_options) end out_makefile.put_string ("%N") ensure end -- process_macro_EXTERNALS process_macro_INCLUDE_PATH (a_macro_name_unused: STRING) -- Process INCLUDE_PATH macro definition. -- Most processing is deferred until the CFLAGS macro is processed -- because all of the -I options have to be collected into a single DCL qualifier. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_INCLUDE_PATH_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "INCLUDE_PATH") local l_start, l_end, l_pos : INTEGER l_word, l_symbol: STRING l_initial_value: STRING do value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH := read_macro_value ("INCLUDE_PATH") l_initial_value := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.twin from l_start := next_word_index (value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH, 0) until l_start = 0 or else l_start >= value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.count loop l_end := end_word_index (value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH, l_start) l_word := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.substring (l_start, l_end) -- debug --if word.count > 3 and then word @ 1 = '-' and then word @ 2 = 'I' and then word @ 3 = '$'then if l_end > l_start + 3 and then value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH @ l_start = '-' and then value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH @ (l_start + 1) = 'I' and then value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH @ (l_start + 2) = '$' then -- what we have here is a failure to communicate (properly quote a macro value)! -- find end of $-prefixed symbol starting at index l_start + 3 from l_pos := l_start + 3 until l_pos > l_end or else not is_symbol_constituent(value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH @ l_pos) loop l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- l_pos loop l_symbol := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.substring (l_start + 3, l_pos -1) -- debug if True then value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.insert_character ('\', l_start + 2) l_end := l_end + 1 l_pos := l_pos + 1 else value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.insert_string (")", l_pos) value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.replace_substring ("\$(", l_start + 2, l_start + 2) l_end := l_end + 3 l_pos := l_pos + 3 end l_symbol := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.substring (l_start + 2, l_pos - 1) -- debug l_word := value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH.substring (l_start, l_end) -- debug end l_start := next_word_index (value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH, l_end) end -- loop if not l_initial_value.is_equal (value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH) then out_makefile.put_line (<< default_comment_prefix, "INCLUDE_PATH = ", value_macro_INCLUDE_PATH >>) end end -- process_macro_INCLUDE_PATH process_macro_OBJECTS (a_macro_name_unused: STRING) -- process line containing OBJECTS macro definition require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_OBJECTS_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "OBJECTS") local l_count: INTEGER l_objects: STRING do l_count := in_makefile.line_count l_objects := read_processed_macro_value ("OBJECTS") if value_macro_OBJECTS /= Void then print (" line " + l_count.out + ": OBJECTS redefined:%N old: %"" + value_macro_OBJECTS + "%"%N new: %"" + l_objects + "%"%N") end value_macro_OBJECTS := l_objects -- emit OBJECTS macro definition if then put_macro_definition ("OBJECTS", value_macro_OBJECTS) else if will_produce_concatenated_source_file_in (dependent_subdirectories.item) then if value_macro_OLDOBJECTS /= Void then -- already processed by quick_finalize (upwards compatibility) put_macro_definition ("OLDOBJECTS", value_macro_OLDOBJECTS) put_macro_definition ("OBJECTS", value_macro_OBJECTS) else put_macro_definition ("OLDOBJECTS", value_macro_OBJECTS) --put_macro_definition ("OBJECTS", "big_file_" + subdirectory_name(dependent_subdirectories.item) + ".obj") put_macro_definition ("OBJECTS", concatenated_source_file_name (dependent_subdirectories.item) + ".obj") end else if value_macro_OLDOBJECTS /= Void then put_macro_definition ("OLDOBJECTS", value_macro_OLDOBJECTS) end put_macro_definition ("OBJECTS", value_macro_OBJECTS) end end out_makefile.put_new_line end -- process_macro_OBJECTS process_macro_OLDOBJECTS (a_macro_name_unused: STRING) -- process line containing OLDOBJECTS macro definition -- (only encountered when quick_finalize is run before ES5SH, which no longer happens on VMS) require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read is_OLDOBJECTS_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, "OLDOBJECTS") local l_count: INTEGER l_old_objects : STRING do l_count := in_makefile.line_count l_old_objects := read_processed_macro_value ("OLDOBJECTS") if value_macro_OLDOBJECTS /= Void then print (" line " + l_count.out + ": OLDOBJECTS redefined:%N old: %"" + value_macro_OLDOBJECTS + "%"%N new: %"" + l_old_objects + "%"%N") end value_macro_OLDOBJECTS := l_old_objects --put_macro_definition ("OLDOBJECTS", value_macro_OLDOBJECTS) -- macro definition is not ouptut until OBJECTS macro is read end -- process_macro_OLDOBJECTS read_processed_macro_value (a_macro_name : STRING) : STRING -- The processed value of the macro defined on the current input line (plus any continuation lines). -- Position in input file is advanced if necessary, to consume continued lines. -- Only continued input lines are consumed. -- UNIX filespecs are translated to VMS syntax, shell commands are processed, -- Processed lines are NOT written to output makefile. -- Use for macro definitions that require special processing -- before writing to the output makefile. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read macro_name_nonblank: a_macro_name /= Void and then not a_macro_name.is_empty is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, a_macro_name) do Result := read_macro_value (a_macro_name) process_macro_value (Result) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end -- read_processed_macro_value read_macro_value (a_macro_name: STRING) : STRING -- The value of the macro defined on the current line of in_makefile (plus any continuation lines). -- Position in input file is advanced if necessary, to consume continued lines. -- The current input line, and all continued lines, are consumed. Commands and queries are a fool's mixture. -- The unpreprocessed lines read are echoed as comments to output_makefile if the comment_prefix configuration option is defined. -- If the macro name appears in echoed_unprocessed_macro_definitions then "##" is used as the comment prefix. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible macro_name_nonblank: a_macro_name /= Void and then not a_macro_name.is_empty is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, a_macro_name) do Result := read_macro_value_echoed (a_macro_name, effective_comment_prefix (a_macro_name)) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end effective_comment_prefix (a_macro_name: STRING) : STRING -- comment prefix to be used for original value of `a_macro_name' definition. -- if `a_macro_name' is in `echoed_unprocessed_macro_definitions' then `default_comment_prefix' -- otherwise the configuration comment prefix is used if defined (may be Void) do if a_macro_name /= Void and then echoed_unprocessed_macro_definitions.has (a_macro_name) then Result := default_comment_prefix else Result := configuration.comment_prefix end end read_macro_value_echoed (a_macro_name: STRING; a_comment_prefix: STRING) : STRING -- The value of the macro defined on the current line of in_makefile, plus any continuation lines. -- Position in input file is advanced if necessary, to consume continued lines. -- The current input line, and all continued lines, are consumed. Commands and queries are a fool's mixture. -- The unpreprocessed lines read are echoed as comments to output_makefile if comment_prefix is defined. require input_file_readable: in_makefile /= Void and then in_makefile.is_open_read output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible macro_name_nonblank: a_macro_name /= Void and then not a_macro_name.is_empty is_macro_definition: is_macro_definition_of (in_makefile.last_string, a_macro_name) comment_prefix_void_or_not_empty: a_comment_prefix = Void or else not a_comment_prefix.is_empty local l_start, hash_pos, l_end : INTEGER l_done : BOOLEAN dbg : INTEGER l_echoed: STRING do create Result.make (200) -- loop: append successive input lines, beginning with current line, until input line not continued from l_start := in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('=', a_macro_name.count +1) + 1 l_done := False until l_done loop -- loop: skip leading whitespace from until l_start > in_makefile.last_string.count or else not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ l_start) loop l_start := l_start + 1 end -- loop: skip leading whitespace -- back up over end of line comment or continuation char and trailing whitespace from hash_pos := in_makefile.last_string.index_of ('#', l_start) if hash_pos = 0 then hash_pos := in_makefile.last_string.count + 1 end l_end := in_makefile.last_string.last_index_of ('\', in_makefile.last_string.count) dbg := next_word_index (in_makefile.last_string, l_end) if l_end = 0 or else l_end > hash_pos or else next_word_index (in_makefile.last_string, l_end) > 0 then l_end := hash_pos - 1 else l_end := l_end - 1 end until l_end <= l_start or else not is_whitespace (in_makefile.last_string @ l_end) loop l_end := l_end - 1 end -- backup loop if l_end >= l_start then if not Result.is_empty then Result.append (" ") end Result.append (in_makefile.last_string.substring (l_start, l_end)) end --if echoed then if a_comment_prefix /= Void then create l_echoed.make (in_makefile.last_string.count + a_comment_prefix.count) l_echoed.append (a_comment_prefix) l_echoed.append (in_makefile.last_string); out_makefile.put_line (<< l_echoed >>) end -- bottom of loop: read next input line (if continued) -- out_makefile.put_line (<< in_makefile.last_string >>) --done := not is_continued_line (in_makefile.last_string) if is_continued_line (in_makefile.last_string) then in_makefile.read_line else l_done := True in_makefile.read_line end l_start := 1 end -- loop: read input until not continued Result.right_adjust ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void end -- read_macro_value_echoed ---------------------------------------- feature -- Macro replacement ---------------------------------------- process_macro_value (a_value : STRING) -- UNIX filespecs are translated to VMS syntax, shell commands are processed. require value_exists: a_value /= Void do if not a_value.is_empty then replace_eiffel_symbols (a_value) to_vms_filespecs (a_value, 1); process_shell_commands (a_value, 1) a_value.right_adjust end end -- process_macro_value -- as_replaced_eiffel_symbols (a_str: STRING): STRING is -- -- `a_str' with EIFFEL and PLATFORM macros replaced by their values -- require -- string_exists: a_str /= Void -- do -- Result := a_str.twin -- replace_eiffel_symbols (Result) -- end replace_eiffel_symbols (a_str : STRING) -- replace EIFFEL and PLATFORM macros require string_exists: a_str /= Void do a_str.replace_substring_all (macro_platform, value_platform) end -- replace_eiffel_symbols macro_open_delimiters: STRING = "({[" macro_close_delimiters: STRING = ")}]" replace_macros (a_str : STRING): STRING -- string with each macro ($-prefixed element) in `a_str' replaced with its value -- escaped-$-prefixed words are passed without the escape -- leading and trailing are removed, multiple spaces are replaced with a single space -- note: if all macros are removed as undefined, the spaces between them will remain require string_exists: a_str /= Void local l_symb, l_val : STRING l_pos, l_end : INTEGER do Result := a_str.twin -- loop: for each $-prefixed symbol, replace with value -- invariant: l_pos = index of next symbol starting char ('$') or 0 from if Result.is_empty then l_pos := 0 else l_pos := Result.index_of ('$', 1) end invariant l_pos = 0 or else Result @ l_pos = '$' until l_pos = 0 or else l_pos >= Result.count loop --l_last_symb := l_symb; l_last_val := l_val --l_symb := Void; l_val := Void -- find end of [\]$-prefixed symbol starting at l_pos from if macro_open_delimiters.has (Result @ (l_pos + 1)) then l_end := l_pos + 2 else l_end := l_pos + 1 end until l_end > Result.count or else not is_symbol_constituent(Result.item(l_end)) loop l_end := l_end + 1 end -- l_end loop -- l_end is the index of the character after the last character of the symbol name (terminator character or end of string). -- If the symbol began with a delimiter, eg. $(symbol) then the l_end-th character is part of the name. if macro_open_delimiters.has (Result @ (l_pos +1)) then l_end := l_end + 1 end check symbol_end_after_start: l_end > l_pos symbol_end_within_string: l_end <= Result.count + 1 end l_symb := Result.substring (l_pos +1, l_end -1) -- if symbol is a make macro (escaped -- prefixed with "\") then it should be copied to the makefile -- with the escape removed, as Unix shell would do. if l_pos > 1 and then Result @ (l_pos - 1) = '\' then Result.remove (l_pos - 1) l_end := l_end - 1 else --l_val := configuration_item_once (l_symb, "") if configuration.has (l_symb) then l_val := configuration.item (l_symb) else l_val := "" end Result.replace_substring (l_val, l_pos, l_end - 1) -- set l_end to index of end of replacement text (no rescan) l_end := l_pos + l_val.count end -- find next '$' if l_end < Result.count then l_pos := Result.index_of ('$', l_end) else l_pos := 0 end end -- loop on l_pos reduce_whitespace (Result, 1) -- -- cheat: replace Eiffel symbols ***cant do it here*** -- --Result.replace_substring_all ("$ISE_PLATFORM", value_platform) -- replace_eiffel_symbols (Result) end -- replace_macros -- get_configuration_item_once (a_key : STRING; a_default : STRING) : STRING is -- -- Return the value of configuration option `a_key'. If not defined, print warning message -- -- and define it as `a_default' so the warning is issued only once. -- require -- key_exists_nonblank: a_key /= Void and then not a_key.is_empty -- local -- --l_msg: STRING -- do -- if configuration.has (a_key) then -- Result := configuration.item (a_key) -- else -- --print_file_message (in_makefile, in_makefile.line_count, "Warning", a_key + " not specified") -- print_makefile_message ("Warning", "%N%T value for $" + a_key + " not specified") -- if a_default /= Void and then not a_default.is_empty then -- Result := a_default -- print ("%N%T$" + a_key + " = " + Result + " will be assumed.%N") -- else -- Result := "" -- print ("%N%T$" + a_key + " will be ignored.%N") -- end -- configuration.force (Result, a_key) -- suppress further warnings for this name -- end -- end -- get_configuration_option_once -- is_known_symbol (a_symbol: STRING): BOOLEAN is -- -- is `a_symbol' a known (special) symbol? -- do -- Result := a_symbol.is_equal (symbol_eiffel) or else a_symbol.is_equal (symbol_platform) -- or else a_symbol.is_equal ("EIFFEL_SRC") -- end -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- special purpose output -------------------------------------------------------------------------- put_comment_prefixed_line (a_line : STRING) -- if comment_prefix is defined, ouput line to out_makefile as a comment with terminating newline, require line_exists: a_line /= Void output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible do if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void then put_comment_prefixed_text (a_line + "%N") end end -- put_comment_prefixed_line -- put_comment_prefixed_strings (the_strings: ARRAY[STRING] ; prefix_suffix : STRING) is -- -- if comment_prefix is defined, ouput the_strings to out_makefile as a single comment line -- -- with terminating newline, with prefix_suffix appended to comment_prefix -- require -- the_strings_exist: the_strings /= Void -- the_strings_not_empty: the_strings.count > 0 -- output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible -- local -- ii : INTEGER -- do -- if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void and then the_strings.count > 0 then -- ii := the_strings.lower -- put_comment_prefixed_text (the_strings @ ii, prefix_suffix) -- from -- ii := ii + 1 -- until -- ii > the_strings.upper -- loop -- out_makefile.put_string (the_strings @ ii) -- ii := ii + 1 -- end -- loop -- out_makefile.put_new_line -- end -- end -- put_comment_prefixed_strings put_comment_prefixed_text (a_text : STRING) -- if comment_prefix is defined, ouput text as a comment, require text_exists: a_text /= Void output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible local l_text: STRING do if configuration.comment_prefix /= Void then create l_text.make (configuration.comment_prefix.count + a_text.count + 2) l_text.append (configuration.comment_prefix) --if prefix_suffix /= Void and then not prefix_suffix.is_empty then -- l_text.append (prefix_suffix) --end -- MMS chokes on comments that end with continuation character, so remove any continuation l_text.append (a_text) -- if is_continued_line (l_text) then -- strip_continuation (l_text) -- end out_makefile.put_string (l_text) end end -- put_comment_prefixed_text put_macro_definition (a_macro_name : STRING; a_macro_value : STRING) -- output macro definition to current output makefile require macro_name_nonblank: a_macro_name /= Void and then not a_macro_name.is_empty macro_value_exists: a_macro_value /= Void output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible local l_line: STRING do l_line := a_macro_name + " = " + a_macro_value put_continued_line (l_line, "%T", default_wrap_margin) end ; -- put_macro_definition put_continued_line (line : STRING; continuation_prefix : STRING; wrap_margin : INTEGER) -- Output continued line with (optional) continuation prefix -- using primitive (whitespace) tokenization. -- If line exceeds wrap margin it is continued by using continuation string. -- Continued lines are terminated with continuation string. -- Continuation lines are prefixed with tab if continuation prefix is Void. -- A wrap margin of zero is treated as "largest possible value." require line_exists: line /= Void output_file_ready: out_makefile /= Void and then out_makefile.extendible local start_pos, end_pos, next_pos, last_pos : INTEGER do -- loop: while start_pos <= line.count -- start_pos: starting position to output from from start_pos := 1 until start_pos > line.count loop -- loop: from start_pos, find the end of the last word within the wrap margin. -- find pos of last word to output (last word that ends before wrap margin) -- last_pos: position after last word that fits within wrap margin -- next_pos: starting position of next word after word at last_pos -- end_pos: temporary, end position of word at last_pos, used to find next_pos -- keep advancing last_pos to next_pos while next_pos is within wrap margin from -- last_pos := start_pos end_pos := end_word_index (line, start_pos) last_pos := next_word_index (line, end_pos) next_pos := last_pos until next_pos = 0 or else (wrap_margin > 0 and then next_pos - start_pos > wrap_margin) loop last_pos := next_pos end_pos := end_word_index (line, last_pos) next_pos := next_word_index (line, end_pos) end -- output line fragment if next_pos = 0 then last_pos := line.count +1 end out_makefile.put_string (line.substring (start_pos, last_pos -1)) -- if more (next_pos > 0) output continuation, prefix if last_pos <= line.count then out_makefile.put_line (<< configuration.continuation_string >>) if continuation_prefix /= Void then out_makefile.put_string (continuation_prefix) else out_makefile.put_character ('%T') end else out_makefile.put_new_line end start_pos := last_pos end -- until (start_pos > line.count) end -- put_continued_line ---------------------------------------- feature -- platform specific file names ---------------------------------------- subdirectory_make_command (a_subdir, a_target: STRING): STRING -- command string to perform make in subdirectory of (optional) target `a_target' -- eg. -@ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.$(ISE_PLATFORM).bin]make.vms subidr target require subdirectory_exists: a_subdir /= Void local l_subdir: STRING do --"ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec." + value_platform + ".bin]make.vms " + l_target_dir_vms + "%N") if is_blank (a_subdir) then l_subdir := "[]" elseif is_vms_filespec (a_subdir) then l_subdir := a_subdir else l_subdir := as_vms_filespec (a_subdir + "/") end Result := "%T" + configuration.ignore_prefix + configuration.commandfile + "ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec.$(" + symbol_platform + ").bin]make.vms " + l_subdir if is_nonblank (a_target) then Result.append (" " + a_target) end end platform_specific_path_name (base, subdir: ARRAY[STRING]) : FILE_NAME -- build a VMS-syntax platform specific path name: ISE_EIFFEL:[.$(ISE_platform).] -- typically is studio.spec (i.e. <<"studio","spec">> or studio.config, -- subdir local l_chk : BOOLEAN l_hack : STRING do --!!Result.make_from_string (symbol_eiffel) --if not Result.has(':') then Result.append_character (':') end create {FILE_NAME}Result.make_from_string (symbol_eiffel + ":") --brute force device name --Result.extend_from_array (<< base, "spec", value_platform, subdir >>) if base /= Void and then not base.is_empty then Result.extend_from_array (base) end Result.extend (value_platform) if subdir /= Void and then not subdir.is_empty then Result.extend_from_array (subdir) end debug ("vms_hack_nugatory") -- TEMPORARY VMS SPECIFIC HACK UNTIL RUNTIME FIXED: IF NO DEV/DIR DELIMITERS, APPEND : l_chk := Result.is_valid l_hack ?= Result if not l_chk or else not (l_hack.has (':') or l_hack.has ('[')) then --hack := symbol_eiffel.twin; hack.append_character (':') --Result.extend_from_array (<< base, "spec", value_platform, subdir >>) create Result.make_from_string (symbol_eiffel + ":") if base /= Void then Result.extend_from_array (base) end Result.extend (value_platform) if subdir /= Void then Result.extend_from_array (subdir) end end end -- debug l_hack := as_vms_filespec (Result) end -- platform_specific_path_name platform_specific_file_name (base, subdir: ARRAY[STRING]; filename: STRING) : FILE_NAME -- build a VMS-syntax platform-specific file name: ISE_EIFFEL:[.$ISE_PLATFORM.] -- typically is studio.spec (i.e. <<"studio","spec">> or studio.config local l_hack: STRING do Result := platform_specific_path_name (base, subdir) if filename /= Void then Result.set_file_name (filename) end l_hack := as_vms_filespec (Result) end -- platform_specific_file_name eiffel_library_filespec: STRING -- VMS file specification of the Eiffel runtime/workbench object library (with platform macro replaced) -- ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.spec..lib] require eiffel_library_exists_nonblank: eiffel_library /= Void and then not eiffel_library.is_empty local --l_libfile: STRING do --create l_libfile.make_from_string (eiffel_library) --Result := platform_specific_file_name (<<"studio","spec">>, <<"lib">>, l_libfile) create Result.make_from_string (eiffel_library) Result.replace_substring_all ("$(ISE_PLATFORM)", value_platform) end -- eiffel_library_filespec to_vms_filespecs (str : STRING; initial_pos : INTEGER) -- for each "word" in `str', translate filespec to VMS syntax -- also handle semantics for .a and .o extensions require start_small_enough: initial_pos <= str.count start_large_enough: initial_pos > 0 local start_pos, end_pos : INTEGER word, vmsword : STRING file_pos : INTEGER l_vmsdir, l_vmsfil : STRING do from start_pos := next_word_index (str, initial_pos -1) until start_pos = 0 or else start_pos > str.count loop end_pos := end_word_index (str, start_pos) word := str.substring (start_pos, end_pos) vmsword := word --if word.is_equal ("#") then if str @ start_pos = '#' then end_pos := str.count elseif is_shell_command (str, start_pos) then do_nothing elseif not word.is_empty and word @ 1 = '-' then -- skip leading - probably an option do_nothing elseif word.is_equal ("\") or else word.is_equal (configuration.continuation_string) then -- skip continuation character do_nothing elseif word.is_equal ("\") then -- skip continuation character do_nothing elseif word.is_equal ("Makefile") then -- skip Makefile do_nothing elseif word.is_equal ("EMAIN_SPECIAL") then -- special processing for Emain do_nothing else -- translate to vms vmsword := as_vms_filespec (word) file_pos := basename_index (vmsword, 1) if file_pos > 1 then l_vmsdir := vmsword.substring (1, file_pos -1) else l_vmsdir := "" end l_vmsfil := vmsword.substring (file_pos, vmsword.count) if ends_with (vmsword, ".o") then vmsword.remove_tail (2) -- this is a terrible hack, that can be removed once generate_object_libraries is finished: -- if the filename is a subdirectory object file, change it to a library file type --if vmsword @ 1 /= '[' or else vmsword.is_equal ("[.E1]emain.o") then if vmsword @ 1 /= '[' then vmsword.append (".obj") elseif l_vmsdir.is_equal ("[.E1]") then vmsword.append (".obj") elseif vmsword.is_equal ("[.E1]emain") then vmsword.append (".obj") else vmsword.append (generated_object_file_type) end elseif ends_with (vmsword, ".a") then vmsword.remove_tail (2) vmsword.append (".olb") -- ***FIXME*** check filespec part only (this checks entire filespec) ".olb" "lib" if starts_with (vmsword, "lib") then do_nothing end l_vmsfil := vmsword.substring (file_pos, vmsword.count) if vmsword.count > file_pos + 3 and then --vmsword.substring (file_pos, file_pos +2).is_equal ("lib") then vmsword @ file_pos = 'l' and then vmsword @ (file_pos + 1) = 'i' and then vmsword @ (file_pos + 2) = 'b' then vmsword.remove (file_pos); vmsword.remove (file_pos); vmsword.remove (file_pos); end end if not word.is_equal (vmsword) then str.replace_substring (vmsword, start_pos, end_pos) end_pos := end_pos + vmsword.count - word.count end end -- special word handling start_pos := next_word_index (str, end_pos) end -- loop: for each word in str end -- to_vms_filespecs as_vms_filespec (a_filespec : STRING) : STRING -- a new string transformed from a Unix filespec to vms syntax -- enclosing quotes are removed -- Rules: -- a ==> a $(a) ==> a: a/b ==> [.a]b $(a)/b ==> a:b a/b/c ==> [.a.b]c -- a/ ==> [.a] $(a)/ ==> a:[] a/b/ ==> [.a.b] $(a)/b/ ==> a:[b] a/b/c/ ==> [.a.b.c] -- /a ==> a: /$(a) ==> a: /a/b ==> a:b (a:[]b) /$(a)/b ==> a:[b] /a/b/c ==> a:[b]c -- /a/ ==> a:[] /$(a)/ ==> a:[] /a/b/ ==> a:[b] /$(a)/b/ ==> a:[b] /a/b/c/ ==> a:[b.c] -- -- $(a)/b/c ==> a:[b]c $(a)/b/c/ ==> a:[b.c] /$(a)/b/c ==> a:[b]c $(a)/b/c/ ==> a:[b.c] require filespec_exists: a_filespec /= Void local start_pos : INTEGER -- should be a parameter l_filespec: STRING last_pos, next_pos : INTEGER do start_pos := 1 -- note: this should be a parameter ***TBS*** create l_filespec.make_from_string (a_filespec) -- a_filespec.twin causes catcalls when a_filespec is a FILE_NAME unquote (l_filespec) if starts_with (l_filespec, "\$") then start_pos := start_pos + 1 end -- hack: change Windows path delimiters to Unix if starts_with (l_filespec, "\\") then l_filespec.remove_head (1) l_filespec.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") elseif l_filespec.substring_index (":\", start_pos) > 1 then next_pos := l_filespec.substring_index (":\", start_pos) l_filespec.remove (next_pos) l_filespec.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") l_filespec.insert_character ('/', start_pos) -- elseif l_filespec.count > 3 and then l_filespec @ 2 = ':' and then l_filespec @ 3 = '\' then -- l_filespec := "/" + l_filespec -- end -- if l_filespec.index_of ('\', start_pos) > 0 then --and then l_filespec.index_of ('/', start_pos) = 0 then -- --l_filespec.replace_substring_all ("\", "/") end if l_filespec.index_of ('/', start_pos) = 0 and then l_filespec.substring_index ("$(", start_pos) /= start_pos then Result := l_filespec else -- if filespec starts with escaped $, remove the escape --if l_filespec @ 1 = '$' then l_filespec.remove(1) end -- -- if it has no Unix filespec delimiters and doesnt begin with a symbol $(x), -- -- then assume it is a VMS filespec -- if not l_filespec.has ('/') and then l_filespec.substring_index ("$(", 1) /= 1 -- then -- assume it is already a vms filespec -- Result := l_filespec -- already .twin'ed -- else -- if there are any VMS path delimiters, return the result after removing $() ***TBS*** -- first determine the path delimiter??? -- handle the first element specially (make a device: if / prefixed or $() delimited or $ prefixed, -- [.dir] if / suffixed, else file) if l_filespec.count > start_pos then next_pos := l_filespec.index_of ('/', start_pos + 1) if next_pos = 0 then next_pos := l_filespec.count + 1 end else next_pos := l_filespec.count + 1 end if l_filespec @ 1 = '/' then last_pos := 1 else last_pos := 0 end if l_filespec.count > last_pos + 1 and then l_filespec @ (last_pos + 1) = '$' then if l_filespec @ (last_pos + 2) = '(' and then l_filespec @ (next_pos - 1) = ')' then Result := l_filespec.substring (last_pos + 3, next_pos - 2) else Result := l_filespec.substring (2, next_pos -1) end Result.append (":") elseif l_filespec @ 1 = '/' then Result := l_filespec.substring (2, next_pos -1) Result.append (":") else Result := l_filespec.substring (1, next_pos -1) if next_pos <= l_filespec.count then Result.prepend ("[.") end end -- handle terminating slash if next_pos = l_filespec.count and then Result @ Result.count = ':' then -- if next_pos = l_filespec.count and then last_pos > 0 then Result.append_character ('[') end -- handle the rest of the filespec from last_pos := next_pos + 1 if last_pos <= l_filespec.count then next_pos := l_filespec.index_of ('/', last_pos) else next_pos := 0 end until next_pos = 0 loop if Result @ Result.count = ':' then Result.append_character ('[') else Result.append_character ('.') end Result.append (l_filespec.substring (last_pos, next_pos -1)) last_pos := next_pos +1 if last_pos <= l_filespec.count then next_pos := l_filespec.index_of ('/', last_pos) else next_pos := 0 end end -- loop -- terminate directory if Result.index_of ('[', 1) > 0 then Result.append_character (']') end if last_pos <= l_filespec.count then Result.append (l_filespec.substring (last_pos, l_filespec.count)) end end -- filespec not empty end -- as_vms_filespec ------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- shell commands ------------------------------------------------------------- is_shell_command (a_str : STRING; a_start : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN -- is a shell command in `a_str' beginning at `a_start?' -- examples: `foo' or $(foo) -- where foo is a command followed by optional arguments, eg. -- gtk-config --cflags or -- $EIFFEL_SRC/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --devel --include_path require string_exists: a_str /= Void start_large_enough: a_start >= 1 start_small_enough: a_start <= a_str.count local l_end: INTEGER l_cmd: STRING do if (a_str.count - a_start + 1 > 2 and then a_str @ a_start = '`') or else (a_str.count - a_start + 1 > 3 and then a_str @ a_start = '$' and then a_str @ (a_start + 1) = '(') then -- Problem: a $() delimited shell command is indistinguishable from a Make macro. -- Solution: not a shell command if $(name)/file where name is ISE_EIFFEL or ISE_LIBRARY or EIFFEL_SRC -- and file is anything l_end := shell_command_end_index (a_str, a_start) if l_end = 0 then print_warning_message ("is_shell_command: Quoted string has no closing quote, starting position: " + a_start.out + ", %N string: %"" + a_str + "%"%N") else if a_str @ a_start = '$' then l_cmd := a_str.substring (a_start + 2, l_end - 1) else l_cmd := a_str.substring (a_start + 1, l_end - 1) end if l_end < a_str.count and then a_str @ l_end = ')' and then a_str @ (l_end + 1) = '/' then --Result := False else Result := True end end end end -- is_shell_command shell_command_end_index (a_str: STRING; a_start: INTEGER): INTEGER -- the position in 'a_str' of the ending delimiter of the shell command that starts at 'a_start'. -- zero if not found require string_exists: a_str /= Void start_large_enough: a_start > 0 local l_start: INTEGER l_delim: CHARACTER do if (a_str.count - a_start + 1 > 2 and then a_str @ a_start = '`') then l_delim := '`' l_start := a_start + 1 elseif (a_str.count - a_start + 1 > 3 and then a_str @ a_start = '$' and then a_str @ (a_start + 1) = '(') then l_delim := ')' l_start := a_start + 2 else l_start := 0 end if l_start > 0 then Result := end_word_index (a_str, a_start) -- debug from Result := l_start until Result = 0 or else Result >= a_str.count or else a_str @ Result = l_delim loop Result := a_str.index_of (l_delim, Result) if Result = 0 then print_warning_message ("shell_command_end_index: Quoted string has no closing quote, starting position: " + a_start.out + ", %N string: %"" + a_str + "%"%N") elseif a_str @ (Result - 1) = '\' then Result := Result + 1 end end end end -- shell_command_end_index process_shell_commands (a_str : STRING; a_start_pos : INTEGER ) -- process all shell commands in `a_str' beginning at `a_start_pos' require string_exists : a_str /= Void start_small_enough: a_start_pos <= a_str.count start_large_enough: a_start_pos > 0 local l_next, l_end: INTEGER l_cmd: STRING -- ***debug*** do from l_next := next_word_index (a_str, a_start_pos - 1) until l_next = 0 or else l_next > a_str.count -- ***fixme*** need loop variant loop l_end := end_word_index (a_str, l_next) -- ***debug*** l_cmd := a_str.substring (l_next, l_end) -- ***debug*** if (is_shell_command (a_str, l_next)) then l_end := shell_command_end_index (a_str, l_next) -- ***debug*** l_cmd := a_str.substring (l_next, l_end) -- ***debug*** process_shell_command_at (a_str, l_next) l_end := l_next - 1 -- n.b. this requires that the shell command be removed, or this will be an infinite loop else --if (l_next <= a_str.count) then l_end := end_word_index (a_str, l_next) end l_next := next_word_index (a_str, l_end) end -- loop end -- process_shell_commands process_shell_command_at (a_str : STRING ; a_start_pos : INTEGER) -- replace the shell command in `a_str' starting at `a_start_pos' require -- string_exists : a_str /= Void -- position_large_enough: a_start_pos >= 1 -- string_long_enough: a_str.count > a_start_pos + 1 is_shell_command: is_shell_command (a_str, a_start_pos) local l_end_pos: INTEGER -- position of shell command end delimiter l_cmd_start_pos: INTEGER -- start of shell command (after delimiter) l_cmd, l_val: STRING do l_end_pos := shell_command_end_index (a_str, a_start_pos) l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos if a_str @ a_start_pos = '`' then l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos + 1 elseif a_str @ a_start_pos = '$' and then a_str @ (a_start_pos + 1) = '(' then l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos + 2 end l_cmd := a_str.substring (l_cmd_start_pos, l_end_pos - 1) l_val := shell_command_result (l_cmd) a_str.replace_substring (l_val, a_start_pos, l_end_pos) end vision2_gtk_shell_script_name: STRING = "vision2-gtk-config" --vision2_gtk_shell_script_path: STRING is "$EIFFEL_SRC/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/" vision2_gtk_shell_script_path: STRING = "/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/" shell_command_result (a_str : STRING) : STRING -- options resulting from shell command `a_str' require string_exists : a_str /= Void local --l_cmd_start_pos: INTEGER -- start of shell command (after delimiter) --l_end_pos: INTEGER -- position of shell command end delimiter --l_sh_cmd: STRING -- the entire shell command, including delimiters l_base, l_dir: STRING l_shword: DELIMITED_TEXT l_cmd, l_opt, l_top: STRING l_key, l_default: STRING ii: INTEGER do --l_end_pos := shell_command_end_index (a_str, a_start_pos) --l_sh_cmd := a_str.substring (a_start_pos, l_end_pos) --l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos --if a_str @ a_start_pos = '`' then -- l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos + 1 --elseif a_str @ a_start_pos = '$' and then a_str @ (a_start_pos + 1) = '(' then -- l_cmd_start_pos := a_start_pos + 2 --end --l_cmd := a_str.substring (l_cmd_start_pos, l_end_pos - 1) -- ***debug*** create l_shword.make (a_str, ' ') l_cmd := l_shword.first l_dir := dirname (l_cmd) l_base := basename (l_cmd) if l_dir.substring_index ("$(EIFFEL_SRC)", 1) = 1 then -- replace $(EIFFEL_SRC) with $EIFFEL_SRC l_dir.remove (13); l_dir.remove (2); end --if (l_dir.is_equal (vision2_gtk_shell_script_path) and then l_base.is_equal (vision2_gtk_shell_script_name)) then if l_dir.has_substring (vision2_gtk_shell_script_path) and then l_base.is_equal (vision2_gtk_shell_script_name) then -- Hack time: fake the results of vision2 gtk shell script: -- `$EIFFEL_SRC/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --devel --include_path` -- or `$(EIFFEL_SRC)/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --devel --object` -- or (5.7.65176) -- `\$ISE_LIBRARY/library/vision2/implementation/gtk/Clib/vision2-gtk-config --include_path` from l_top := "$ISE_EIFFEL" ii := 2 until ii > l_shword.count loop l_opt := l_shword[ii] if l_opt.is_equal ("--devel") then l_top := "$EIFFEL_SRC" elseif l_opt.is_equal ("--include_path") then l_key := vision2_gtk_shell_script_name + l_opt --l_val := get_configuration_item_once (l_key, "/incl=vision2_gtk_include_path:") --a_str.replace_substring (l_val, a_start_pos, l_end_pos) Result := configuration_item_once (l_key, "/incl=vision2_gtk_include_path:") elseif l_opt.is_equal ("--object") then l_key := vision2_gtk_shell_script_name + l_opt --l_val := get_configuration_item_once (l_key, "vision2_gtk_object:") --a_str.replace_substring (l_val, a_start_pos, l_end_pos) Result := configuration_item_once (l_key, "vision2_gtk_object:") else print_warning_message ("Unknown option: '" + l_opt + "' in shell command:%N " + a_str + "%N") Result := "" end ii := ii + 1 end elseif l_cmd.is_equal ("gtk-config") then -- Hack time: replace `gtk-config --cflags` and `gtk-config --libs` -- with corredsponding configuration options (gtk_config_cflags, gtk_config_whatsit) l_opt := l_shword[2] if l_opt.is_equal ("--cflags") or else l_opt.is_equal ("--libs") then l_key := "gtk_config_" + l_opt.substring (3, l_opt.count) l_default := "$(GTK_" + l_opt.substring (3, l_opt.count) + ")" l_default.to_upper --l_val := get_configuration_item_once (l_key, l_default) --a_str.replace_substring (l_val, a_start_pos, l_end_pos) Result := configuration_item_once (l_key, l_default) else print_warning_message ("shell_command_result: unknown gtk-config shell command option: " + l_opt + " ignored.%N") --a_str.replace_substring (l_cmd + "_" + l_opt, a_start_pos, l_end_pos) Result := l_cmd + "_" + l_opt end else print_warning_message ("shell_command_result: unknown shell command: " + a_str + " ignored.%N") --a_str.replace_substring ("", a_start_pos, l_end_pos) Result := "" end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end -- shell_command_result -------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- DCL operations -- another missed opportunity to create a class -------------------------------------------------------------------------- append_DCL_value (a_str : STRING; a_value : STRING ) -- append `a_value' to `a_str' using DCL rules for parentheses, commas, and quoting require this_exists: a_str /= Void value_exists: a_value /= Void value_valid: ( (a_value @ 1) = '(' ) = ( (a_value @ a_value.count) = ')' ) this_valid: a_str.is_empty or else ( a_str @ 1 = '(' ) = ( a_str @ a_str.count = ')' ) local quoted_value : STRING do -- ***TBS*** check for quoting required quoted_value := a_value if a_str.is_empty then a_str.append (quoted_value) else if quoted_value @ 1 = '(' then quoted_value.remove (quoted_value.count); quoted_value.remove (1) end if a_str @ 1 = '(' then -- this is a comma delimited parenthesized list; append ,value before ) -- assume a_str @ a_str.count = ')' -- change it to a , a_str.put (',', a_str.count) a_str.append (quoted_value) a_str.append_character (')') else -- a_str is a single value, make it a comma delimited parenthesized list a_str.prepend_character ('(') a_str.append_character (',') a_str.append (quoted_value) a_str.append_character (')') end end end -- append_DCL_value DCL_qualifier_name_size ( a_str : STRING ; start_pos : INTEGER ) : INTEGER -- size of DCL qualifier at start of a_str, zero if not a DCL qualifier -- size must be zero or >= 2, and always includes leading '/' require str_exists: a_str /= Void str_large_enough: a_str.count >= 2 start_large_enough: start_pos > 0 start_small_enough : start_pos <= a_str.count local l_comp : STRING l_pos : INTEGER do if start_pos < a_str.count and then a_str @ start_pos = '/' and then a_str.item (start_pos + 1).is_alpha then from l_comp := a_str.substring (start_pos, a_str.count); l_comp.to_upper; l_comp.append_character ('/') l_pos := 3 until l_pos = 0 or else l_pos > a_str.count loop if not is_symbol_constituent (l_comp @ l_pos) then Result := l_pos - 1 l_pos := 0 else l_pos := l_pos + 1 end end -- loop end ensure size_large_enough: Result = 0 or else Result >= 2 end ; -- DCL_qualifier_name_size DCL_qualifier_name ( a_str : STRING ; start_pos : INTEGER ) : STRING -- name of DCL qualifier at start_pos in a_str, Void if not a DCL qualifier require local size : INTEGER do size := DCL_qualifier_name_size (a_str, start_pos); if size > 0 then Result := a_str.substring (start_pos, size) end end -- DCL_qualifier_name DCL_qualifier_matches ( DCL_qualifier: STRING ; minimum : INTEGER ; str : STRING ; start_pos : INTEGER ) : BOOLEAN -- does DCL_qualifier match that at start_pos in str? require str_exists: str /= Void str_large_enough: str.count >= 2 start_large_enough: start_pos > 0 start_small_enough : start_pos <= str.count str_is_DCL_qualifier: str.item (start_pos) = '/' and then str.item (start_pos + 1).is_alpha DCL_qualifier_exists: DCL_qualifier /= Void DCL_qualifier_valid: DCL_qualifier.count >= 2 and then DCL_qualifier.item(1) = '/' and then DCL_qualifier.item(2).is_alpha local l_qual, l_comp : STRING l_pos, l_len : INTEGER do if start_pos < str.count and then str @ start_pos = '/' then from l_qual := DCL_qualifier.as_upper l_comp := str.substring (start_pos, str.count); l_comp.to_upper Result := True l_pos := 2 until not Result or else l_pos = 0 or else l_pos > str.count loop if not is_symbol_constituent (l_comp @ l_pos) then l_len := l_pos - 1 l_pos := 0 elseif l_pos <= l_qual.count and then (l_qual @ l_pos) /= (l_comp @ l_pos) then Result := False else l_pos := l_pos + 1 end end -- loop if l_len < minimum then Result := False end end end -- DCL_qualifier_matches DCL_quoted_word (word : STRING) : STRING -- generate a DCL word with quoted '$' if required require word_exists: word /= Void word_not_empty: not word.is_empty local l_pos : INTEGER do Result := word.twin if configuration.target_gnu_make then -- configuration.DCL_dollar_quote /= Void from l_pos := Result.index_of ('$', 1) until l_pos = 0 loop --Result.insert_string (configuration.DCL_dollar_quote, l_pos) --l_pos := Result.index_of ('$', l_pos + 1 + configuration.DCL_dollar_quote.count) Result.insert_character ('$', l_pos) l_pos := Result.index_of ('$', l_pos + 1) end end end -- DCL_quoted_word remove_redundant_DCL_filespecs (a_value : STRING) -- Remove redundant DCL file specifications from DCL value string `a_value'. -- This is done solely to shorten the DCL command. -- The device (and directory?) portions of a DCL value are redundant in -- a multiple valued (parenthesized, comma separated) DCL value item -- if the device of item[n] matches that of item[n-1]. local start_pos, end_pos, colon_pos, slash_pos : INTEGER device, previous_device : STRING dbg : STRING do if a_value @ 1 = '(' and then a_value @ (a_value.count) = ')' then -- loop invariant: start_pos is the first position of the value item, -- end_pos is the position after the end of the value item from start_pos := 2 previous_device := "" until start_pos >= a_value.count loop end_pos := a_value.index_of (',' , start_pos + 1) if end_pos = 0 then end_pos := a_value.count end dbg := a_value.substring (start_pos, end_pos - 1) -- get device, compare to previous slash_pos := a_value.index_of ('/', start_pos) colon_pos := a_value.index_of (':', start_pos) if slash_pos = 0 then slash_pos := end_pos end if colon_pos > 0 and then colon_pos < slash_pos then device := a_value.substring (start_pos, colon_pos) if device.is_equal (previous_device) then -- end_pos := end_pos - device.count a_value.replace_substring ("", start_pos, colon_pos) end_pos := end_pos - (colon_pos - start_pos) - 1 else previous_device := device end elseif slash_pos < end_pos then previous_device := "" else end -- next element start_pos := end_pos + 1 end -- loop end -- if parenthesized value end -- remove_redundant_DCL_filespecs -- ------------------------------------------------------------- feature -- continuation lines ------------------------------------------------------------- is_continued_line (a_line : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- returns True if input ends with continuation character, otherwise False require line_exists: a_line /= Void do Result := continuation_character_index (a_line) > 0 end -- is_continued_line strip_continuation (a_line : STRING) -- strip continuation indicator from input string require line_exists: a_line /= Void line_is_continued: is_continued_line (a_line) local last_pos : INTEGER do last_pos := continuation_character_index (a_line) if last_pos > 0 then -- Result := True a_line.keep_head (last_pos -1) -- else Result := False end end -- strip_continuation continuation_character_index (a_line : STRING) : INTEGER -- returns index of continuation character in line, 0 if none require line_exists: a_line /= Void local last_pos : INTEGER do -- find the last non-whitespace character from last_pos := a_line.count until last_pos < 1 or else not is_whitespace (a_line @ last_pos) loop last_pos := last_pos - 1 end -- loop if last_pos > 0 and then a_line @ last_pos = '\' then Result := last_pos else Result := 0 end end -- continuation_character_index feature -- Test test local l_test: ES5SH_TEST do print ("{" + generating_type + "}.test called:%N") create l_test l_test.test (command_option_verbose) end invariant -- precompilation_used: use_precompiled implies (precompiled_library /= Void) end -- class ES5SH --|-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- 16-Apr-2008 6.2-xxx -- restore force /include=EIF_PROJECT -- -- date tbs 5.7-002 -- refactor: create ES5SH_COMMON, ES5SH_CONFIGURATION -- internal changes: -- process_macro_EIFLIB uses replace_macros instead of special case checks for $prefix, $suffix -- eiffel_library is full VMS path with embedded $ISE_PLATFORM -- -- 26-Sep-2006 5.7-001 -- do not concatenate source files in E1 directory -- -- 16-Nov-2005 X5.6-002 -- check for .OLB, .OPT, .EXE external files case insensitively -- -- 15-Aug-2005 x5.6-001 -- remove force /include=EIF_PROJECT (not necessary in 5.6.1113) -- -- 03-Feb-2005 x5.5-022d -- move shareable insertion to end of file -- remove check for and use of (INCLUDE_PATH) configuration option in process_macro_CFLAGS -- add to warnings of obsolete options at end of get_options -- -- 29-Nov-2004 x5.5-022c -- add processing for new gtk-config macros now in Eiffel 5.5.1126 -- -- 19-Nov-2004 x5.5-022b -- add INCLUDE_FILE_PREFIX, INCLUDE_FILE_SUFFIX configuration options (to provide for VMS_JACKETS_INCLUDE to CONFIG.EIF) -- -- 8-Oct-2004 x5.5-022a -- add test facility for as_vms_filespec -- -- 6-Oct-2004 x5.5-021a -- ensure #line directives in concatenated source file have VMS syntax -- -- 29-Sep-2004 V5.5-021 david_s -- fix error in creating preobj library in (subdirectory names must be VMS paths) -- minor readability enhancements in -- -- 23-Sep-2004 V5.5-020 david_s -- major rewrite; improve parsing; -- add eiflib after preobj library in -- -- 1-Sep-2004 X5.5-019 -- handle E1/estructure target -- -- ***tbs*** -- eliminate need for qf (edit OBJECTS macro to OLDOBJECTS if required) -- -- 15-Mar-2003 X5.4-018c -- remove put_library_filespec, replace with eiffel_library_filespec; -- move config.eif to ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$ISE_PLATFORM]config.eif -- -- 3-Feb-2004 X5.4-018b -- add eiffel_shareable option, append to if defined -- 30-Jan-2004 X5.4-018b -- copy emain.template from ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$(ISE_PLATFORM).templates]emain.template -- -- 28-Jan-2004 X5.4-018 -- force copy emain template to emain.C (upcase .C) to workaround MMS case sensitivity bug: -- MMS does not execute .c.obj: (or .C.obj): suffix rule for .c file on -- ODS5 volume; name must be upcase .C -- Allow any of -? /? -h -help /h /help as -help argument -- -- 18-Aug-2003 X5.3-017 -- comment out garbage (unhandled rules for cecil and dynamic libraries) at -- end of Makefile. that was causing MMK to barf -- -- 21-Jul-2003 x5.1.016 -- use ES5SH_TEXT_FILE for input files to eliminate spurious -- this may be an artifact of DEC C RTL and may be eliminated by use of VMS porting library in the future. -- -- 2-nov-2002 version x5.1.015 -- fix need \$() in external include_path but not in objects (it's logical, but not friendly) -- allow .lib type in external objects, -- allow windows path separators in external include_paths, objects -- -- 29-Aug-2002 version x5.1.014 -- command line option processing, print_usage -- fix EXTERNALS processing: -- correct file name mangling (-Idev:[dir] to [.dev:[dir]]) -- allow LINK .OPT option files -- -- 16-Jul-2002 verison x5.1.013 -- use DATE_TIME to generate date in generated files. -- -- 19-June-2002 remove optimization to remove redundant device names in /INCLUDE specifier -- (remove call to remove_redundant_DCL_filespecs); new DECC compiler does not do -- input parse defaulting -- -- ??? version x5.1.012 -- -- 5-Jan-2002 big_file (like quick_finalize), -- controlled by configuration option ***tbs*** -- -- -- 30-Nov-2001 es4sh --> es5sh -- -- 14-May-2001 handle X2C macro definition -- -- 02-May-2001 gather all misc. replacements into one place (perform_inchoate_replacements) -- which will be used until we install some sensible parsing -- -- 29-Apr-2001 create files in proper subdirectory (we removed the calls to set_working_directory) -- -- 23-Apr-2001 use ISE_PLATFORM and ISE_EIFFEL in preference to PLATFORM and EIFFEL -- --|---------------------------------------------------------------------------