note description: "common ancestor/utility for ES5SH" name: "EIFFEL_SRC:[ES5SH]ES5SH_COMMON.E" author: "David Schwartz" Version: "X6.5-003" -- should match `pretty_version' below Date: "$Date$" Revision: "$Revision$" Id: "$Id$" Notes: "*** be sure to update pretty_version string below to match the Version here" class ES5SH_COMMON feature -- Identification pretty_name: STRING = "ES5SH" pretty_ident: STRING = "V6.5-004" svn_keyword_revision: STRING = "$Revision: 81795$" svn_keyword_id: STRING = "$ID: $" pretty_version: STRING -- pretty name and version once create Result.make_from_string (pretty_name) Result.to_lower Result.append_character (space_character) Result.append (pretty_ident) if pretty_revision.count > 2 then Result.append (" rev ") Result.append (pretty_revision) end end pretty_revision: STRING -- string of form "x.y.vvvv" extracted from svn revision local l_rev: INTEGER once Result := svn_keyword_revision.twin if Result.is_empty then Result := "?" end Result.replace_substring_all ("$Revision:", "") if ends_with (Result, "$") then Result.keep_head (Result.count - 1) end if starts_with (Result, " ") then Result.keep_tail (Result.count - 1) end if Result.count >= 2 then Result.insert (".", 2) end -- if Result.count >= 4 then -- Result.insert (".", 4) -- end end feature -- Access default_date_time_format: STRING = "[0]dd-mmm-yyyy [0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss" current_date_time: STRING -- current date/time using `default_date_time_format' do Result := (create{DATE_TIME}.make_now).formatted_out (default_date_time_format) end default_time_format: STRING = "[0]hh:[0]mi:[0]ss" current_time: STRING -- current time using `default_time_format' do Result := (create{TIME}.make_now).formatted_out (default_time_format) end default_wrap_margin: INTEGER = 96 default_comment_prefix: STRING = "#--" symbol_eiffel: STRING --is "ISE_EIFFEL" -- eiffel macro name: one of ISE_EIFFEL, EIFFEL5, EIFFEL4 symbol_platform: STRING = "ISE_PLATFORM" -- platform macro name, was PLATFORM -- VMS logical names (environment variables) value_eiffel: STRING -- value of $ISE_EIFFEL (`symbol_eiffel') value_eiffel_string: STRING -- symbol_eiffel + value_eiffel + value_eiffel_native value_platform: STRING -- value of $ISE_PLATFORM macro_platform: STRING -- "$(ISE_PLATFORM)" once Result := "$(" + symbol_platform + ")" end space_character: CHARACTER = ' ' tab_character: CHARACTER = '%T' whitespace_characters : ARRAY[CHARACTER] once Result := << ' ', '%T', '%N' , '%R'>> Result.compare_objects end path_delimiters : ARRAY[CHARACTER] --STRING is ":[]<>/\" -- The set of filespec delimiters on all platforms (VMS/Unix/Windows) -- (nb. excludes VMS intra-path delimiter '.') once Result := << ':', '[', ']', '<', '>', '/', '\' >> Result.compare_objects end configuration: ES5SH_CONFIGURATION configuration_file_name: FILE_NAME -- name of the configuration file (from -c argument, default: ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$(ISE_PLATFORM)].eif) base_directory: DIRECTORY_NAME -- top level directory to start in (usually .../EIFGEN/W_code or ...EIFGEN/F_code) in_makefile: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE --PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- Makefile.SH where the shell script is now out_makefile: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE --PLAIN_TEXT_FILE -- Makefile being created generate_object_libraries: BOOLEAN -- if True, generate object libraries (.olb); else generate object modules (.obj) -- used for transitioning/testing from object library to concatenated object module generation --generate_object_libraries_default: BOOLEAN is False generated_object_file_type: STRING once if generate_object_libraries then Result := ".olb" else Result := ".obj" end end --Execution_environment_: VMS_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT is (someday!) Execution_environment_: ES5SH_EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT once create Result end Operating_environment_: OPERATING_ENVIRONMENT once create Result end Exceptions_: EXCEPTIONS once create Result end Arguments_: ARGUMENTS once create Result end feature -- Configuration configuration_item_once (a_key : STRING; a_default : STRING) : STRING -- value of configuration option `a_key'. -- If not defined, print warning message and define as `a_default' so the warning is issued only once. require key_exists_nonblank: a_key /= Void and then not a_key.is_empty local --l_msg: STRING do if configuration.has (a_key) then Result := configuration.item (a_key) else --print_file_message (in_makefile, in_makefile.line_count, "Warning", a_key + " not specified") print_makefile_message ("Warning", "%N%T value for $" + a_key + " not specified") if a_default /= Void and then not a_default.is_empty then Result := a_default print ("%N%T$" + a_key + " = " + Result + " will be assumed.%N") else Result := "" print ("%N%T$" + a_key + " will be ignored.%N") end configuration.force (Result, a_key) -- suppress further warnings for this name end end -- get_configuration_item_once configuration_item (a_key : STRING; a_default : STRING) : STRING -- Rvalue of configuration option `a_key'. require key_exists_nonblank: a_key /= Void and then not a_key.is_empty local --l_msg: STRING do if configuration.has (a_key) then Result := configuration.item (a_key) else Result := a_default end end -- configuration_option feature -- character classification is_symbol_constituent (c : CHARACTER) : BOOLEAN -- is `c' a constituent of a symbol, in shell/makefile terms, -- i.e. is it a digit, letter, or underscore? do -- ***FIXME*** why '.' ? is this used for filenames somewhere? precompile? Result := (c.is_alpha or c.is_digit or c = '_' or c = '.') end -- is_symbol_constituent is_space_or_tab (c: CHARACTER): BOOLEAN -- is `c' a space or tab character? do Result := (c = space_character or else c = tab_character) end is_whitespace (c : CHARACTER) : BOOLEAN -- is character 'c' a whitespace character? do Result := whitespace_characters.has (c) end -- is_whitespace feature -- Tokenization -- words are whitespace delimited -- tokens are either symbols or special characters next_word_index (str : STRING; start_pos : INTEGER) : INTEGER -- Returns the starting index of the next word in 'str', 0 if no more. -- start_pos is 0 to find the first word, -- otherwise it is the position of the last character of the current word, or -- a position in whitespace after the current word require str_exists: str /= Void start_large_enough: start_pos >= 0 start_small_enough: start_pos <= str.count local l_pos : INTEGER do -- Find the start of the next word: first non-whitespace character after start_pos from l_pos := start_pos + 1 until l_pos > str.count or else not is_whitespace (str @ l_pos) loop l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- loop: find start of word if l_pos > str.count then Result := 0 else Result := l_pos end ensure result_in_bounds: Result >= 0 or Result <= str.count end -- next_word_index end_word_index (str : STRING; start_pos : INTEGER) : INTEGER -- return the index of the last character of the word that starts at start_pos in 'str' -- if start_pos is whitespace, returns start_pos -1 -- if word starts with a quote character, retuns the index of the closing quote; if none, -- return index of last character in string. require str_exists: str /= Void start_large_enough: start_pos >= 0 start_small_enough: start_pos <= str.count --start_is_word: not is_whitespace (str @ start_pos) do if start_pos = 0 then Result := 0 else if ("%"'`").has(str @ start_pos) then -- quoted string, find closing (unescaped) quote character from Result := start_pos + 1 until Result = 0 or else Result >= str.count or else str @ start_pos = str @ Result --invariant: Result is always > previous Result loop Result := str.index_of (str @ start_pos, Result + 1) if Result = 0 then print_warning_message ("Quoted string has no closing quote, starting position: " + start_pos.out + ", %N string: %"" + str + "%"%N") Result := str.count + 1 elseif str @ (Result - 1) = '\' then Result := Result + 1 end end -- loop else -- Find the end of the current word: last non-whitespace character at or after start position from Result := start_pos until Result > str.count or else is_whitespace (str @ Result) loop Result := Result + 1 end -- loop: find end of word if Result > str.count then Result := str.count else Result := Result - 1 end end end ensure result_in_bounds: Result <= str.count end -- end_word_index first_token (a_str: STRING) : STRING -- the first token in `a_str'; may be empty but never void require str_exists: a_str /= Void do if a_str.is_empty then Result := "" else Result := next_token (a_str, 1) end ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end -- first_token second_token (a_str, token_1 : STRING) : STRING -- the second token in `a_str', given the first require str_exists: a_str /= void first_token_exists : token_1 /= void first_token_not_empty : not token_1.is_empty -- substring_index requires not other.is_empty do Result := next_token (a_str, a_str.substring_index(token_1, 1) + token_1.count) ensure result_exists: Result /= Void end -- second_token next_token (a_str : STRING; start_pos : INTEGER) : STRING -- the "next" token in `a_str' beginning after `start_pos' require str_exists: a_str /= Void start_large_enough : start_pos >= 1 local l_pos : INTEGER l_line : STRING do if a_str /= void then if start_pos > a_str.count then Result := "" else l_line := a_str.substring (start_pos, a_str.count) -- look for comments, strip them off l_pos := l_line.index_of ('#', 1) if l_pos > 0 then l_line.keep_head (l_pos - 1) end -- strip leading and trailing whitespace l_line.left_adjust; l_line.right_adjust -- find the end of the token (first non-whitespace character) from l_pos := 1 until l_pos > l_line.count or else is_whitespace (l_line.item(l_pos)) -- "symbolness" of this character differs from that of first character or else is_symbol_constituent (l_line @ l_pos) /= is_symbol_constituent (l_line @ 1) loop l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- loop Result := l_line.substring (1, l_pos - 1) end end -- a_str not void ensure result_exists: Result /= void end -- next_token feature -- string utilities unquote (a_str: STRING) -- remove enclosing quotes, if any, from `a_str' require string_not_void: a_str /= Void do if a_str.count >= 2 and then a_str @ 1 = '%"' and then a_str @ (a_str.count) = '%"' then a_str.remove_tail (1) a_str.remove_head (1) end end delimit_target_colon (a_line: STRING) -- insert spaces around the target (colon) delimiter of a target dependency specification ( target : dependents...) require line_nonblank: a_line /= Void and then not a_line.is_empty line_is_target_dependency_specification: a_line.count >= 3 and then not is_whitespace (a_line @ 1) and then a_line.index_of (':', 2) > 0 local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := a_line.index_of (':', 2) if l_pos > 0 then if a_line.count > l_pos and then a_line @ (l_pos + 1) /= ' ' then if a_line @ (l_pos + 1) = ':' then a_line.insert_character (' ', l_pos + 2) else a_line.insert_character (' ', l_pos + 1) end end if l_pos > 1 and then a_line @ l_pos /= ' ' then a_line.insert_character (' ', l_pos) end end end feature -- String primitives is_nonblank (a_str: STRING) : BOOLEAN -- does `a_str' exist, and is it nonblank? do Result := a_str /= Void and then not is_blank (a_str) end is_blank (this : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- is `this' blank (all whitespace or empty)? require string_exists: this /= Void local l_pos : INTEGER do Result := True if not this.is_empty then from l_pos := 1 until l_pos > this.count loop if not is_whitespace (this @ l_pos) then Result := False l_pos := this.count end l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- loop end end -- is_blank first_index_of_any (this: STRING; set: ARRAY[CHARACTER]; start_pos: INTEGER) : INTEGER -- index of first character in 'set' that appears in 'this' at or after start_pos; 0 if none require this_exists: this /= Void set_exists: set /= Void local ii, l_curr: INTEGER do from ii := set.lower until ii > set.upper loop l_curr := this.index_of (set @ ii, start_pos) if l_curr > 0 and then (Result = 0 or else l_curr < Result) then Result := l_curr end ii := ii + 1 end end starts_with (this : STRING; other : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- Does 'this' begin with 'other'? if other is empty, always True. require this_exists: this /= Void other_exists: other /= Void do Result := other.count <= this.count and then this.substring_index (other, 1) = 1 --Result := this.substring_index (other, 1) = 1 end -- starts_with starts_with_symbol (this : STRING; symbol: STRING) : BOOLEAN -- Does `this' begin with `symbol'? Symbol token is whitespace/non-alpha delimited. require this_exists: this /= Void -- symbol_nonblank: symbol /= Void and then not symbol.is_empty do if symbol /= Void and then not symbol.is_empty then Result := this.is_equal (symbol) or else symbol.count < this.count and then this.substring_index (symbol, 1) = 1 and then not is_symbol_constituent (this.item (symbol.count +1)) end end -- starts_with_symbol ends_with (this: STRING; other: STRING) : BOOLEAN -- Does this end with other? If other is empty, always true. require this_exists: this /= Void other_exists: other /= Void local l_pos : INTEGER do -- debug: if not other.is_empty and then other @ 1 = '.' then Result := has_extension (this, other) end l_pos := this.count - other.count + 1 Result := other.count <= this.count and then this.substring_index (other, this.count - other.count + 1) > 0 end -- ends_with replace_first (this, first, new: STRING) -- replace "first" at end of "this" with "new" ("new" may be empty) require this_exists: this /= Void this_not_empty: not this.is_empty first_exists: first /= Void first_not_empty: not first.is_empty --this_contains_first: ends_with (this, first) new_exists: new /= Void local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := this.substring_index (first, 1) if l_pos > 0 then this.replace_substring (new, l_pos, l_pos + first.count - 1) end end replace_end (this, last, new: STRING) -- replace 'last' at end of 'this' with 'new' ('new' may be empty) require this_exists: this /= Void --this_not_empty: not this.is_empty last_exists: last /= Void --last_not_empty: not last.is_empty new_exists: new /= Void this_ends_with_last: ends_with (this, last) local l_pos: INTEGER do l_pos := this.count - last.count + 1 this.replace_substring (new, this.count - last.count + 1, this.count) ensure replacement_done: ends_with (this, new) end -- replace_end trimmed (a_str: STRING): STRING -- string with all leading and trailing whitespace removed do if a_str /= Void then Result := a_str.twin Result.right_adjust; Result.left_adjust end end reduce_whitespace (this : STRING; start_pos : INTEGER) -- remove leading and trailing whitespace, -- reduce all other whitespace characters to single space require start_large_enough: start_pos >= 1 local l_pos : INTEGER do if not this.is_empty then this.right_adjust; this.left_adjust -- this.replace_substring_all ("%T", " ") from l_pos := start_pos until l_pos > this.count loop if is_whitespace (this @ l_pos) then if l_pos > 1 and then is_whitespace (this @ (l_pos - 1) ) then this.remove (l_pos) l_pos := l_pos - 1 elseif this @ l_pos /= space_character then this.put (space_character, l_pos) end end -- if whitespace l_pos := l_pos + 1 end -- loop end end feature -- filename primitives is_vms_filespec (filespec : STRING) : BOOLEAN -- does string look like a VMS filespec? -- if it has no Unix filespec delimiters and doesnt begin with a symbol $(x), -- then assume it is a VMS filespec require filespec_exists: filespec /= Void do if filespec.is_empty --or else filespec.has (operating_environment_.directory_separator) or else filespec.has ('/') or else filespec.has ('\') or else filespec.substring_index ("$(", 1) = 1 then Result := False else Result := True end end -- is_vms_filespec is_relative_filespec (a_filespec: STRING) : BOOLEAN require filespec_exists: a_filespec /= Void local --l_dir: STRING l_pos1, l_pos2: INTEGER do --l_dir := basename (a_filespec) if a_filespec.is_empty then Result := True elseif is_vms_filespec (a_filespec) then l_pos1 := a_filespec.index_of ('[', 1) l_pos2 := a_filespec.index_of ('<', 1) if l_pos2 > 0 and then (l_pos1 = 0 or else l_pos2 < l_pos1) then l_pos1 := l_pos2 end Result := l_pos1 = 0 or else l_pos1 >= a_filespec.count or else (a_filespec @ (l_pos1 + 1) = '.' or else a_filespec @ (l_pos1 + 1) = ']') --else Result := a_filespec @ 1 /= '/' elseif a_filespec @ 1 = '.' then Result := True else if a_filespec @ 1 = '/' or else starts_with (a_filespec, "\\") then Result := False else l_pos1 := a_filespec.index_of (':', 1) if l_pos1 < 1 or else l_pos1 >= a_filespec.count or else a_filespec @ (l_pos1 + 1) /= '\' then Result := True end end end end make_absolute_filespec (a_filespec: STRING) : STRING require filespec_exists: a_filespec /= Void local l_cwd: STRING do if is_relative_filespec (a_filespec) then Result := a_filespec.twin l_cwd := execution_environment_.current_working_directory if is_vms_filespec (l_cwd) then else if Result.count >= 2 and then Result @ 1 = '.' and then Result.index_of (operating_environment_.directory_separator, 2) = 2 then Result.remove_head (2) end Result.prepend_character (operating_environment_.directory_separator) Result.prepend (execution_environment_.current_working_directory) end else Result := a_filespec.twin end end dirname (a_filespec: STRING): STRING -- the directory name (path, excluding the filename) part of 'a_filespec' -- including terminating path delimiter; empty if no path delimiter found local l_pos : INTEGER unfinished: INTEGER do l_pos := basename_index (a_filespec, 1) if l_pos > 1 then Result := a_filespec.substring (1, l_pos -1) else create Result.make_empty end ensure dirname_not_void: Result /= Void end basename (a_filespec: STRING) : STRING -- the filename (filespec less path); empty if filespec ends with path delimiter require filespec_exists: a_filespec /= Void local l_pos : INTEGER unfinished: INTEGER do l_pos := basename_index (a_filespec, 1) if l_pos = 0 then Result := a_filespec.twin elseif l_pos > a_filespec.count then create Result.make_empty else Result := a_filespec.substring (l_pos, a_filespec.count) end ensure basename_exists: Result /= Void end basename_index (a_filespec : STRING; start_pos: INTEGER) : INTEGER -- the position (index) of the basename (filename part) in the (any platform syntax) file path. -- may be start_pos if no directory delimiters found, -- may be > a_filespec.count (a_filespec.count + 1) if no filename is present (ie. the last character is a path delimiter) require filespec_exists: a_filespec /= Void start_large_enough: start_pos >= 1 local l_delim, l_pos : INTEGER do if a_filespec.is_empty then Result := start_pos else -- find the last directory delimiter at or after start_pos -- if none, then simply return start_pos from Result := start_pos l_delim := 1 until l_delim > path_delimiters.count loop l_pos := a_filespec.last_index_of (path_delimiters @ l_delim, a_filespec.count) if l_pos >= start_pos and then l_pos >= Result then Result := l_pos + 1 end l_delim := l_delim + 1 end -- loop end ensure correct_place: Result >= start_pos and Result <= a_filespec.count + 1 end -- basename_index extension (a_filespec: STRING): STRING -- extension from `a_filespec;' blank if none; includes leading '.' -- ".a" is not considered an extension (filenames may begin with ".") require filespec_not_void: a_filespec /= Void local l_base, l_ext: INTEGER -- index of start of file (basename), extension do --create Result.make_empty if not a_filespec.is_empty then l_base := basename_index (a_filespec, 1) if l_base <= a_filespec.count then l_ext := a_filespec.last_index_of ('.', a_filespec.count) if l_ext > l_base then Result := a_filespec.substring (l_ext, a_filespec.count) end end end if Result = Void then Result := "" end ensure result_not_void: Result /= Void end has_extension (a_filespec, a_other: STRING): BOOLEAN -- does `a_filespec' contain extension `a_other?' require filespec_not_void: a_filespec /= Void other_not_void: a_other /= Void other_is_extension: a_other.count >= 1 and then a_other @ 1 = '.' do Result := a_filespec.count > a_other.count and then a_other.is_case_insensitive_equal (a_filespec.substring (a_filespec.count - a_other.count +1, a_filespec.count)) end --feature -- Output -- makefile_put (a_strs: ARRAY[STRING]) -- -- write elements of `a_strs' to `output_makefile' terminated by newline -- require -- makefile_not_void: out_makefile /= Void -- makefile_open_write: out_makefile.is_open_write or else out_makefile.is_open_append -- string_array_not_void: a_strs /= Void -- do -- --file_put_line (out_makefile, a_strs) -- out_makefile.put_line (a_strs) -- end -- file_put_line (a_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE; a_strs: ARRAY[STRING]) -- -- write elements of `a_strs' to `a_file' terminated by newline -- obsolete "use {ES5SH_TEXT_FILE}.put_line" -- require -- file_not_void: a_file /= Void -- file_open_write: a_file.is_open_write or else a_file.is_open_append -- string_array_not_void: a_strs /= Void -- local -- l_big: STRING -- do -- create l_big.make (1000) -- a_strs.do_all (agent append_item_agent (?, l_big)) -- a_file.put_string (l_big) -- a_file.new_line -- end feature -- Print print_undefined_symbol_warning (a_sym: STRING) -- print a warning that an undefined symbol referenced do print_makefile_warning ("undefined symbol referenced: " + a_sym) end print_error_message (a_msg: STRING) require message_not_void: a_msg /= Void do print_output_message (<< "Error: ", a_msg >>) end -- print_error_message print_warning_message (msg: STRING) do print_output_message (<< "Warning: " + msg >>) end -- print_warning_message print_makefile_warning (a_msg: STRING) do print_makefile_message ("Warning", a_msg) end print_makefile_error (a_msg: STRING) do print_makefile_message ("Error", a_msg ) end print_makefile_message (a_severity, a_msg: STRING) -- print a message related to the current makefile, with line number do print_file_message (in_makefile, in_makefile.line_count, a_severity, a_msg + ":%N%T%"" + in_makefile.last_string + "%"%N") end print_file_message (a_file: ES5SH_TEXT_FILE; a_line_number: INTEGER; a_severity: STRING; a_msg: STRING) -- print a file-related message, with line number do print_output_message (<< a_severity, ": ",, " line ", a_line_number.out, ": ", a_msg >>) end print_output_prefix: STRING once Result := pretty_name.as_upper end print_output_message (a_msg: ARRAY[STRING]) -- write `a_msg' to stdout, prefixed by facility (program) name with newline require message_not_void: a_msg /= Void local l_msg: STRING do create l_msg.make (1000) l_msg.append (print_output_prefix) l_msg.append (": ") l_msg.append (array_as_string (a_msg)) l_msg.append_character ('%N') print (l_msg) end printable_value (a_val: STRING): STRING -- printable value of string; "" if non-existent, "blank" if empty do if a_val = Void then Result := "" elseif a_val.is_empty then Result := "" else Result := a_val end ensure result_nonblank: Result /= Void and then not Result.is_empty end print_usage -- print Usage: message. Use pretty_name to avoid full VMS path in command_name. once print (array_as_string (<< "Usage: ", pretty_name, " [ ] [ ] %N", "[ is path of [..F_code or [..W_code] directory to process is one or more of: -h, -help output this message (inhibit other processing) -m make system (compile/link generated code) -c (default: ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$ISE_PLATFORM]config.eif) -l generate object libraries (.OLB) in subdirectories (obsolete) -o generate object files (.OBJ) in subdirectories (default) -s concatenate source file contents (default: generate #include directives) -t test (suppress Makefile generation and make) -v display version (inhigit other processing) -y, -verbose generate verbose output -z bypass big_file (concatenated source file) generation nb: -l and -o are mutually exclusive; the default is -o (generate object files). ]", "%N%N" >>)) end -- print_usage print_help local l_pretty: STRING once l_pretty := pretty_name + " " print_usage print (array_as_string (<< l_pretty, "[ is an Eiffel utility that helps to build an Eiffel system. It runs as part of the FINISH_FREEZING process, which builds the intermediate (C) code generated by the Eiffel compiler when freezing freezing or finalizing, and creates an executable image. ]", "%N%N", l_pretty, "[ is normally invoked by the FINISH_FREEZING.COM (DCL command procedure), which is invoked by the Eiffel compiler after generating intermediate code, to build the system. ]", "%N%N" + l_pretty, "[ generates Makefiles from the Makefile.SH (shell script) files produced by the Eiffel compiler, concatenates the generated intermediate files in each subdirectory into a single file, then makes (builds) the system. By default (no arguments or options), ]", l_pretty, "[ will generate Makefiles in the current working directory, using the configuration file ISE_EIFFEL:[studio.config.$(ISE_PLATFORM)]config.eif and then build the system. ]", "%N" >>)) end -- print_help feature {NONE} -- Implementation array_as_string (a_ray: ARRAY[STRING]): STRING -- items of `a_ray' concatenated together require array_not_void: a_ray /= Void do create Result.make (1000) -- Texas-sized, ma'am --a_ray.do_all (agent append_item_agent (?, Result)) a_ray.do_all (agent (a_item, a_other: STRING) -- inline agent: append `a_item' to `a_other' require other_not_void: a_other /= Void do if a_item /= Void then a_other.append (a_item) end ensure item_appended: a_item /= Void implies --a_other.count = old a_other.count + a_item.count and then a_other.substring (old a_other.count + 1, a_other.count).is_equal (a_item) end (?, Result)) ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void end -- append_item_agent (a_item, a_other: STRING) -- -- append `a_item' to `a_other' -- require -- other_not_ovid: a_other /= Void -- do -- if a_item /= Void then -- a_other.append (a_item) -- end -- ensure -- other_not_smaller: a_other.count >= old a_other.count -- end end -- class ES5SH_COMMON