note description: "set of objects, traversable, indexable, linear" author: "David Schwartz" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" archive: "$Archive: $" class ES5SH_SET [G] inherit ARRAYED_SET [G] rename make as make_set export {NONE} all --, changeable_comparison_criterion, arrayed_set_make {ANY} --compare_objects, index, item, count, is_empty, has, off, after, before, start, finish, forth, back, first, last, put, extend --, prune redefine make_from_array, default_create end create make, make_empty, make_from_array feature {NONE} -- Initialization make, make_empty, default_create do make_set (0) compare_objects end make_from_array (a: ARRAY[G]) do make_set (0) compare_objects -- can only be called on empty set Precursor (a) end end -- class ES5SH_SET