note original_author: "Mark Howard" description: "linear with count and index, from ROSE_LINEAR" keywords: "linear,iterator,agent" author: "$Author$" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" path: "$File: //rose/source/kernel/infrastructure/containers/rose_linear.e $" deferred class INDEXED_LINEAR[G] inherit LINEAR [G] rename search as ise_linear_search redefine there_exists, for_all end feature -- Access cursor : LINEAR_CURSOR -- New cursor for `Current' do create Result.make (index) ensure cursor_not_void: Result /= Void end has_reference (a_value: G): BOOLEAN -- Is 'a_value' referenced in this linear? local l_save_index: INTEGER do l_save_index := index from start until Result or else off loop Result := item = a_value forth end go_i_th (l_save_index) end has_value (a_value: G): BOOLEAN -- Is 'a_value' present in this linear? -- Warning: uses 'deep_equal' ! local l_save_index: INTEGER do l_save_index := index from start until Result or else off loop Result := deep_equal (item, a_value) forth end go_i_th (l_save_index) end index: INTEGER -- Position of cursor deferred ensure then non_negative_index: Result >= 0 end count: INTEGER -- Number of items in `Current' deferred ensure non_negative_count: Result >= 0 end feature -- Status report valid_cursor (a_cursor : like cursor) : BOOLEAN -- Is `a_cursor' valid for `Current'? require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void deferred end feature -- Cursor movement go_to (a_cursor : like cursor) -- Go to item pointed at by `a_cursor'. require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void valid_cursor: valid_cursor (a_cursor) do go_i_th (a_cursor.index) ensure correct_position: index = a_cursor.index end go_i_th (a_index: INTEGER) -- Go to item at `a_index'. require -- Can we add positive index requirement? (used in many places) deferred ensure -- likewise end feature -- Iteration there_exists (test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `test' true for at least one item? local l_cursor: like cursor l_args: TUPLE [G] do create l_args l_cursor := cursor from start until after or Result loop l_args.put (item, 1) Result := test.item (l_args) forth end go_to (l_cursor) end for_all (a_test: FUNCTION [G, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for all items? local l_cursor: like cursor l_args: TUPLE [G] do create l_args l_cursor := cursor from start Result := True until after or not Result loop l_args.put (item, 1) Result := a_test.item (l_args) forth end go_to (l_cursor) end for_all_with_index (a_test: FUNCTION [G, INTEGER, BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for all items? require a_test_not_void: a_test /= Void local l_cursor: like cursor l_args: TUPLE [G, INTEGER] do create l_args l_cursor := cursor from start Result := True until after or not Result loop l_args.put (item, 1) l_args.put (index, 2) Result := a_test.item (l_args) forth end go_to (l_cursor) end do_all_with_index2 (a_action: PROCEDURE [G, INTEGER]) -- Apply `a_action' to every item. -- `a_action' receives item and it's index. -- Semantics not guaranteed if `a_action' changes the structure; -- in such a case, apply iterator to clone of structure instead. obsolete "Use do_all_with_index" require a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void local l_args: TUPLE [G, INTEGER] l_cursor: like cursor do l_cursor := cursor create l_args from start until after loop l_args.put (item, 1) l_args.put (index, 2) (l_args) forth end go_to (l_cursor) end do_all_intervals (a_action: PROCEDURE [G, G]) -- Apply `a_action' to every pair of (item, following item) in the container. -- For instance for the list << 1,2,3,4 >>, call the action 3 times on [1,2], [2,3] and [3,4]. require a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void local l_first_done: CELL [BOOLEAN] l_previous: CELL [G] l_g : G do if count > 1 then create l_first_done.put (False) create l_previous.put(l_g) do_all (agent do_all_intervals_item (a_action, l_first_done, l_previous, ?)) end end do_all_product (a_other: INDEXED_LINEAR [G]; a_action: PROCEDURE [G, G]) -- Call `a_action' on items of the product of `Current' by `a_other'. -- for example -- Current := << 1, 2 >> and a_other := << 101, 102, 103 >> -- will call the action with -- [1, 101] [1, 102] [1, 103] [2, 101] [2, 102] [2, 103] require a_other_not_void: a_other /= Void a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void do do_all (agent do_all_product_item (a_action, a_other, ?)) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation do_all_intervals_item (a_action: PROCEDURE [G, G]; a_first_done: CELL [BOOLEAN]; a_previous: CELL [G]; a_item: G) -- Implementation for `do_all_intervals'. require a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void a_previous_not_void: a_previous /= Void a_first_done_not_void: a_first_done /= Void do if a_first_done.item then ([a_previous.item, a_item]) else a_first_done.put (True) end a_previous.put (a_item) ensure first_done: a_first_done.item end do_all_product_item (a_action: PROCEDURE [G, G]; a_other: INDEXED_LINEAR [G]; a_item: G) -- Implementation for `do_all_product'. require a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void a_other_not_void: a_other /= Void do a_other.do_all (agent do_all_product_item_agent (a_action, a_item, ?)) end do_all_product_item_agent (a_action: PROCEDURE [G, G]; a_item: G; a_other_item: G) -- Leaf implementation for `do_all_product'. require a_action_not_void: a_action /= Void do ([a_item, a_other_item]) end end