indexing description: "Application that explains C declarations in plain (err HTML) English" copyright: "Copyright (c) 1999, Andreas Leitner and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class DRC inherit EWG_SHARED_C_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end KL_IMPORTED_STRING_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end EPX_CGI rename make as make_epx_cgi end create make feature make is -- Create new EWG command line tool local drc_xhtml_writer: DRC_XHTML_WRITER do create error_handler.make create drc_xhtml_writer.make (Current) create drc_processor.make (drc_xhtml_writer) c_system.set_declaration_processor (drc_processor) create c_parser.make (error_handler) create log_handler.make (log_system_name) create logger.make (log_handler, log_system_name) source_code := default_source_code make_epx_cgi end execute is do read_submitted_values if is_msc_extension_enabled then c_parser.enable_msc_extensions end logger.log_single_field (logger.Usage, log_sub_system_name, "c-source-code-to-explain", source_code) execute_source_code_validator execute_preprocessor content_text_html doctype b_html generate_header generate_body e_html end read_submitted_values is do assert_key_value_pairs_created if has_key (source_code_text_area_name) then source_code := raw_value (source_code_text_area_name) end if has_key (msc_extension_check_box_name) then is_msc_extension_enabled := STRING_.same_string (value(msc_extension_check_box_name), enabled_name) end end generate_header is do b_head title ("Doctor C") style_sheet (style_sheet_url, Void, Void) new_line start_tag ("script") set_attribute ("type", "text/javascript") set_attribute ("src", explain_javascript_url) puts (" ") stop_tag new_line e_head end generate_body is do b_body generate_lead_in_explanation generate_form generate_validity_warning generate_lead_out generate_explanation e_body end generate_lead_in_explanation is do h1 ("Doctor C") b_p puts ("Doctor C can help you understand C code (to be precise: C declarations). ") puts ("Just type the C code you want to have explained into the") puts ("text area below and hit ") b_b puts ("submit") e_b puts (".") puts ("For more information please consider the following link:") e_p b_ul b_li a ("/drc/documentation.html", "Documentation") e_li e_ul end generate_lead_out is do b_p puts ("If you find any bugs please report them to ") a ("", "") puts (" (Andreas Leitner).") br puts ("Doctor C is a simple tool that has been written in ") a ("", "Eiffel") puts (" using ") a ("", "EWG") puts (". The source for Doctor C is included in ") a ("", "EWG") puts (".") e_p end generate_form is do b_form_post (drc_url) b_table set_attribute ("border", "0") set_attribute ("cellpadding", "0") set_attribute ("cellspacing", "4") -- first row b_tr b_td puts ("Enter the C source code (") b_i puts ("declarations only!") e_i puts (") that you would like to get explained here:") e_td e_tr -- second row b_tr b_td b_textarea (source_code_text_area_name) set_attribute ("cols", "60") set_attribute ("rows", "5") puts (source_code) e_textarea e_td e_tr -- third row b_tr b_td b_checkbox (msc_extension_check_box_name, enabled_name) if is_msc_extension_enabled then set_attribute ("checked", "checked") end puts ("Enable Microsoft C extensions") e_checkbox e_td e_tr -- fourth row b_tr b_td button_submit ("submit", "Submit") nbsp button_reset e_td e_tr e_table e_form end execute_source_code_validator is local validator: DRC_C_CODE_VALIDATOR source_code_with_new_line: STRING do source_code_with_new_line := clone (source_code) source_code_with_new_line.append_string ("%R%N") source_code_validty_error_message := STRING_.make_empty create validator.make_from_string (source_code_with_new_line, source_code_validty_error_message) validator.run_process if source_code_validty_error_message.count > 0 then logger.log_message (logger.Usage, log_sub_system_name, "GCC had issues with the source") end end execute_preprocessor is local cpp: DRC_PREPROCESSOR do preprocesed_soure_code := STRING_.make_empty create cpp.make_from_string (source_code, preprocesed_soure_code) cpp.run_process end generate_validity_warning is require source_code_validty_error_message_not_void: source_code_validty_error_message /= Void do if source_code_validty_error_message.count > 0 then h2 ("Warning: gcc had to say the following about the above source code:") b_pre puts (source_code_validty_error_message) e_pre end end generate_explanation is require c_parser_not_void: c_parser /= Void local input: KL_STRING_INPUT_STREAM do create input.make (preprocesed_soure_code) error_handler.start_task ("parsing") error_handler.set_current_task_total_ticks (9999) h2 ("Here is what Doctor C has to say about the above matter:") c_parser.parse_buffer (input) error_handler.stop_task if c_parser.syntax_error then h2 ("Doctor C found syntax errors while parsing the source code!") logger.log_message (logger.Usage, log_sub_system_name, "EWG found syntax errors") end end feature error_handler: EWG_ERROR_HANDLER -- Error handler c_parser: EWG_C_PARSER -- c header parser drc_processor: DRC_PROCESSOR -- Vistor Pattern style processor that outputs English description of C AST source_code: STRING preprocesed_soure_code: STRING is_msc_extension_enabled: BOOLEAN logger: ULM_LOGGING log_handler: EPX_LOG_HANDLER source_code_validty_error_message: STRING feature {NONE} log_sub_system_name: STRING is "ewg" log_system_name: STRING is "ewg" style_sheet_url: STRING is "/drc/styles/stylesheet.css" explain_javascript_url: STRING is "/drc/explain.js" drc_url: STRING is "/cgi-bin/drc" source_code_text_area_name: STRING is "source_code" default_source_code: STRING is "typedef void* foobar;" msc_extension_check_box_name: STRING is "is_msc_extension_enabled" enabled_name: STRING is "true" end