note title: "Kernal EWG Ops" description: "Shared features between command line and UI version" purpose: "[ To capture common ancestor features useful to both the command line WrapC application and the Vision2 UI application. ]" WARNINGS: "[ Some common routines found here will have implementations, which are completely over-ridden in the descendant. Others will utilize the implementations found here, but add code before or after by way of the placement of the Precursor call. Finally, some routines (like make) will include mid-way routine calls, where needed. Examine to the code to discern why. ]" to_dos: "[ 1. Dying or Stopping: In the GUI, we do not yet know if we need a mechanism for dying or stopping processing for whatever reason. At this point, we don't see a need, but that could change! ]" deferred class EWG_KERNEL inherit ANY KL_SHARED_EXCEPTIONS export {NONE} all end EWG_SHARED_C_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end KL_IMPORTED_STRING_ROUTINES export {NONE} all end KL_SHARED_OPERATING_SYSTEM export {NONE} all end SHARED_PROCESS_MISC feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Create new EWG tool. note design_modification: "[ The call to `mid_make_process' is for the sake of the {WUI_EWG} descendant version. In the {EWG} version, this routine is a `do_nothing'. ]" do create error_handler.make process_arguments parse_config_file run end feature -- Basic Ops: Primary parse_config_file -- Parse Configuration file (e.g. config.xml) local parser: EWG_CONFIG_PARSER file: KL_TEXT_INPUT_FILE rule: EWG_CONFIG_RULE matching_clause: EWG_CONFIG_MATCHING_CLAUSE do if attached config_file_name as l_config_file_name then create parser.make (error_handler) create file.make (l_config_file_name) file.open_read if file.is_open_read then parser.parse_file (file, config_system) file.close else report_cannot_read_error (l_config_file_name) exceptions_die end else create matching_clause.make create rule.make (matching_clause, create {EWG_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WRAPPER_CLAUSE}.make) config_system.append_rule (rule) end if error_handler.has_error and then attached config_file_name as l_config_file_name then report_quitting_because_of_config_file_errors_error (l_config_file_name) exceptions_die end ensure has_directory_structure: attached config_system.directory_structure as al_dir_structure end run -- Run WrapC core logic. note design_note: "[ This routine will most likely remain unchanged in the descendants because all of the nuance differences between the CLI and GUI have to do with how the "options" are set up. Once we arrive here, the options have either been parsed from the CLI options or set in the GUI objects. ]" local l_c_parser: like c_parser l_c_macro_parser: like c_macro_parser do create l_c_parser.make (error_handler) if is_msc_extension_enabled then l_c_parser.enable_msc_extensions end create post_parser_processor.make (error_handler) create eiffel_wrapper_builder.make (error_handler, config_system.directory_structure, config_system.header_file_name, config_system.eiffel_wrapper_set, config_system) create ewg_generator.make (config_system.header_file_name, error_handler, config_system.directory_structure, config_system.eiffel_wrapper_set) debug ("EWG_EXPENSIVE_PHASE_2_ASSERTIONS") report_info_message ("expensive phase 2 assertions enabled") end if attached cpp_header_file_name as l_cpp_header_file_name then preprocess_file -- parsing (creates C AST) l_c_parser.parse_file (l_cpp_header_file_name) l_c_parser.print_summary l_c_parser := Void -- parsing C macro header create l_c_macro_parser.make (create {PATH}.make_from_string (l_cpp_header_file_name)) l_c_macro_parser.parse_macro -- post process C AST post_parser_processor.post_process -- build Eiffel AST from post processed C AST print_eiffel_wrapper_summary eiffel_wrapper_builder.build_macros (l_c_macro_parser.constants) -- generating ewg_generator.generate -- Post processing execute_post_process end end feature -- Basic Ops: Supporting preprocess_file -- note design_note: "[ Again--there are no anticipated changes to this routine in either the CLI or GUI descendants because this routine has to do with file processing based on CLI options or GUI control settings already set. ]" local file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE l_data: STRING regex: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION regex2: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION count: INTEGER do if attached cpp_header_file_name as l_cpp_header_file_name then create file.make_open_read_write (l_cpp_header_file_name) if file.exists then file.read_stream (file.count) l_data := file.last_string create regex.make regex.compile ("\t*__pragma.*") regex.match (l_data) count := regex.match_count l_data := regex.replace_all ("") create regex2.make regex2.compile (";\n\s*;") regex2.match (l_data) count := regex2.match_count l_data := regex2.replace_all (";") file.close file.wipe_out file.open_write file.put_string (l_data) file.flush file.close end end end process_arguments -- `process_arguments'. note design_note: "[ The GUI descendant version has no need of version or verbose at this time. The GUI has an output section, which reveals what the software is doing as it processes. Only the {EWG} version will have code added for version and verbose. ]" do show_intellectual_property process_msc_extension_options process_c_compiler_options process_extension_scripts_options process_other_arguments execute_pre_process preprocess_c_header end feature -- Basic Ops: Sub-supporting process_msc_extension_options -- note design_note: "[ Both CLI and GUI need this as-is. ]" do if operating_system.is_windows and then attached {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.item ("ISE_C_COMPILER") as l_compiler and then l_compiler.has_substring ("msc") then is_msc_extension_enabled := True end end process_c_compiler_options -- `process_c_compiler_options'. note design_note: "Full-implementation needed in both CLI and GUI" deferred end process_extension_scripts_options -- `process_extension_scripts_options'. note design_note: "Full-implementation needed in both CLI and GUI" deferred end process_other_arguments -- `process_other_arguments'. note design_note: "Full-implementation needed in both CLI and GUI" deferred end preprocess_c_header -- note design_note: "[ Another instance of full-implementation held here in this class, with nothing added or removed in the CLI or GUI descendants. ]" local l_cmd: STRING l_path: PATH l_name, l_error_message: STRING l_index: INTEGER l_file: RAW_FILE l_directory_name: STRING l_directory: DIRECTORY l_env: EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT do if attached full_header_file_name as l_full_header_file_name then -- gcc -E ${wrap_c.c_compile.options.default} ${wrap_c.c_compile.options} ${wrap_c.full_header_name} > ${wrap_c.cpp_header_name} -- cl /nologo /E ${wrap_c.c_compile.options.default} ${wrap_c.c_compile.options} ${wrap_c.full_header_name} > ${wrap_c.cpp_header_name} if attached output_directory_name as l_output_directory_name then l_directory_name := l_output_directory_name config_system.set_output_directory_name (l_output_directory_name) else l_directory_name := config_system.directory_structure.default_output_directory config_system.set_output_directory_name (config_system.directory_structure.default_output_directory) end create l_directory.make_with_name (config_system.output_directory_name) if not l_directory.exists then l_directory.create_dir end create l_path.make_from_string (l_directory_name) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows and then attached {EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT}.item ("ISE_C_COMPILER") as l_platform and then l_platform.has_substring ("msc") then create l_cmd.make_from_string ("cl /nologo /E ") else create l_cmd.make_from_string ("gcc -E ") end l_cmd.append (" ") if attached compiler_options as l_compiler_options then l_cmd.append_string (l_compiler_options) end l_cmd.append (" ") l_cmd.append_string (l_full_header_file_name) if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then if attached process_misc.output_of_command (l_cmd, l_path) as l_result then if l_result.exit_code = 0 then error_handler.report_info_message ("[Preprocess C header]") error_handler.report_info_message (l_cmd) -- To be updated. l_index := l_result.error_output.index_of ('.', 1) - 1 -- TODO check if to_string_8 is the right way to replace -- obsolete feature call `as_string_8` l_name := l_result.error_output.substring (1, l_index).to_string_8 l_name.append_string ("_cpp.h") cpp_header_file_name := l_name.twin create l_file.make_create_read_write (l_name) l_file.put_string (l_result.output) l_file.flush l_file.close else -- Error l_error_message := l_result.error_output.out l_error_message.replace_substring_all ("%N", "") l_error_message.replace_substring_all ("%B", "") report_info_message (l_error_message) end else error_handler.report_info_message ("Command not found " + l_cmd ) end else -- Linux workaround Base Process doesn't work as expected create l_env l_env.change_working_path (l_path.parent) l_index := config_system.header_file_name.index_of ('.', 1) - 1 l_name := config_system.header_file_name.substring (1, l_index) l_name.append_string ("_cpp.h") cpp_header_file_name := l_name.twin l_env.system (l_cmd + " > " + l_name.twin) end end end print_eiffel_wrapper_summary -- -- Print summary about Eiffel wrappers. note design_note: "[ Note the use of `report_info_message', which is deferred in this class, but implemented in the CLI or GUI versions. See the last feature group for more of these deferred features. They represent two very different ways of telling the user what is happening--either in the CLI window or in the GUI output {EV_RICH_TEXT} control. ]" local eiffel_wrapper_set: EWG_EIFFEL_WRAPPER_SET do eiffel_wrapper_set := config_system.eiffel_wrapper_set report_info_message (" found:") report_info_message (" . " + eiffel_wrapper_set.enum_wrapper_count.out + " enum wrappers") report_info_message (" . " + eiffel_wrapper_set.struct_wrapper_count.out + " struct wrappers") report_info_message (" . " + eiffel_wrapper_set.union_wrapper_count.out + " union wrappers") report_info_message (" . " + eiffel_wrapper_set.function_wrapper_count.out + " function wrappers") report_info_message (" . " + eiffel_wrapper_set.callback_wrapper_count.out + " callback wrappers") end feature -- Execute Plugin scripts execute_pre_process -- -- Execute pre process script, if any. do if attached script_pre_process as l_script then if attached process_misc.output_of_command (l_script, Void) as l_result then if l_result.exit_code = 0 then report_info_message ("[Execute pre process script]") else -- Error -- TODO check if to_string_8 is the right way to replace -- obsolete feature call `as_string_8` report_info_message (l_result.error_output.to_string_8) end else report_info_message ("Script not found " + l_script ) end end end execute_post_process -- -- Execute post process script, if any. do if attached script_post_process as l_script then if attached process_misc.output_of_command (l_script, Void) as l_result then if l_result.exit_code = 0 then report_info_message ("[Execute post process script]") else -- Error -- TODO check if to_string_8 is the right way to replace -- obsolete feature call `as_string_8` report_info_message (l_result.error_output.to_string_8) end else report_info_message ("Script not found " + l_script ) end end end feature -- Access error_handler: EWG_ERROR_HANDLER -- Error handler c_parser: detachable EWG_C_PARSER -- C header parser --| Check if it really need as a feature of the class. eiffel_wrapper_builder: EWG_EIFFEL_WRAPPER_BUILDER -- Builds Eiffel wrappers from C AST post_parser_processor: EWG_POST_PARSER_PROCESSOR -- Post Parser Processor ewg_generator: EWG_GENERATOR -- Generator for Eiffel wrappers config_system: EWG_CONFIG_SYSTEM config_file_name: detachable STRING -- EWG configuration file name is_msc_extension_enabled: BOOLEAN cpp_header_file_name: detachable STRING -- Already C preprocessed header file (with full path name); -- This is the file ewg will open and parse. It is a good -- idea to preprocess the header with the same (preprocessor) -- options you use to compile an application that uses this -- header. Note: "cpp" does not stand for C++, it stands for -- "C-Pre-Processed". full_header_file_name: STRING -- C header file (with full path name) -- This is the file that will be preprocessed and -- saved as `cpp_header_file_name`. compiler_options: detachable STRING -- Optional compiler options to apply during C headerp -- preprocessing. output_directory_name: detachable STRING -- Optional dir path for output of `run'. c_macro_parser: detachable WRAPC_MACRO_PARSER -- C header macro parser --| Check if it really need as a feature of the class. feature {NONE} -- Implementation: Error Reporting report_cannot_read_error (a_message: STRING) -- Report cannot read config file. note design: "[ Generally speaking, ALL of the routines in this feature group are deferred because the CLI and GUI versions have their own way of telling the user what is happening. ]" deferred end report_missing_command_line_parameter_error (a_message: STRING) -- Report a missing command line paramter. deferred end report_missing_command_line_parameter_value_error (a_message: STRING) -- Report a missing command line parameter value (parm=?) deferred end report_usage_error -- Report a general usage error (user got options wrong) deferred end exceptions_die -- Let the application die, if needed. note design: "[ Dying differs in both how and why between the CLI and the GUI versions. In the CLI, we die generally because we are missing a CLI parm option value. In the GUI, we don't "die", because we don't have a need--we either have the option values or we do not. If we do not, then we simply do not process them (e.g. C-compile option or scripts for pre- or post-processing). ]" deferred end report_quitting_because_of_config_file_errors_error (a_message: STRING) -- Report quitting because of config file errors. deferred end report_info_message (a_message: STRING) -- Report a general information message. deferred end show_intellectual_property do report_info_message ({STRING_8}"Intellectual property status of WrapC-generated code") report_info_message ({STRING_8}"====================================================") report_info_message ({STRING_8}"Code generated by WrapC includes two kinds of element:") report_info_message ({STRING_8}" - Code generated by WrapC.") report_info_message ({STRING_8}" - Code resulting, directly or indirectly, from the library being wrapped.") report_info_message ({STRING_8}"For type-1 elements, [EFL] (the Eiffel Forum License) applies. For type-2 elements, the licensing terms of the original library apply.") report_info_message ({STRING_8}"By using WrapC you agree to acquaint yourself of those terms and to conform to them.") report_info_message (" ") end feature {NONE} -- Implementation script_pre_process: detachable STRING script_post_process: detachable STRING end