note description: "Summary description for {WRAPC_PARSER}." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class WRAPC_MACRO_PARSER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_path: PATH) do path := a_path create last_line.make_empty create last_file_path.make_empty create constants.make_equal_caseless (10) end feature -- Access constants: STRING_TABLE [LIST [TUPLE [constant:STRING; type: STRING; value: STRING]]] -- String table with header name and a list of tuples (contant and type) feature -- Parser reset do error_description := Void end parse_macro do initialize if not has_error and then has_next_line then from next_line until has_error or else end_of_file loop parse_line if has_next_line then next_line end end end finalize end feature {NONE} -- Parser Implementation initialize local l_file: like file do create {PLAIN_TEXT_FILE} l_file.make_with_path (path) if l_file.exists and then l_file.is_readable then l_file.open_read file := l_file else create error_description.make_from_string ("File is not readable or does not exist at path: " + path.out) end end finalize do if attached file as l_file then l_file.close end end parse_line -- Example -- #line 1 "C:\\home\\projects\\dev\\WrapC_dev\\wrap_libgit2\\library\\C\\include\\git2.h" local parser: WRAPC_MACRO_HEADER_PARSER do if not last_line.is_empty then skip_white_spaces if (cursor) = '#' then next if is_line then -- mark_define if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then next next next next end skip_white_spaces skip_values skip_white_spaces if (cursor) = '"' then create last_file_path.make_empty parse_file_path if not last_file_path.is_empty and then not constants.has_key (last_file_path) then create parser.make (create {PATH}.make_from_string (last_file_path)) parser.parse_macro if not parser.constants.is_empty then constants.force (parser.constants, last_file_path) end end end end end end end skip_white_spaces -- Remove white spaces local do from until ( (cursor) /= ' ' and (cursor) /= '%N' and (cursor) /= '%R' and (cursor) /= '%U' and (cursor) /= '%T') or not has_next loop next end end parse_file_path do from next until ( (cursor) = '"') or not has_next loop last_file_path.append_character ( (cursor)) next end end skip_values -- Remove values local do from until ( (cursor) = ' ' or (cursor) = '%N' or (cursor) = '%R' or (cursor) = '%U' or (cursor) = '%T') or not has_next loop next end end is_line: BOOLEAN -- Word at index represents define? do if {PLATFORM}.is_windows then Result := last_line.same_characters_general (line_id, 1, 4, cursor) -- 6 = line_id.count else Result := True end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation is_value_supported: BOOLEAN is_defined_supported: BOOLEAN last_line: STRING last_file_path: STRING cursor: INTEGER feature {NONE} -- File macro implementaetion next require has_next do if cursor < last_line.count then cursor := cursor + 1 end ensure limits: cursor <= last_line.count end has_next: BOOLEAN do Result := cursor < last_line.count end end_of_file: BOOLEAN do if not has_error and then attached file as l_file then Result := l_file.end_of_file else Result := True end end has_next_line: BOOLEAN do Result := not end_of_file end next_line require has_next_line: has_next_line not_has_error: not has_error do if attached file as l_file then l_file.read_line last_line := l_file.last_string.twin cursor := 1 else last_line := "" cursor := 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation path: PATH file: detachable FILE error_description: detachable STRING has_error: BOOLEAN do Result := attached error_description end feature {NONE} -- Constants line_id: STRING = "line" end